module Html.Type.Internal where
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Bool
data Element
| A
| Abbr
| Acronym
| Address
| Applet
| Area
| Article
| Aside
| Audio
| B
| Base
| Basefont
| Bdi
| Bdo
| Bgsound
| Big
| Blink
| Blockquote
| Body
| Br
| Button
| Canvas
| Caption
| Center
| Cite
| Code
| Col
| Colgroup
| Command
| Content
| Data
| Datalist
| Dd
| Del
| Details
| Dfn
| Dialog
| Dir
| Div
| Dl
| Dt
| Element
| Em
| Embed
| Fieldset
| Figcaption
| Figure
| Font
| Footer
| Form
| Frame
| Frameset
| H1
| H2
| H3
| H4
| H5
| H6
| Head
| Header
| Hgroup
| Hr
| Html
| I
| Iframe
| Image
| Img
| Input
| Ins
| Isindex
| Kbd
| Keygen
| Label
| Legend
| Li
| Link
| Listing
| Main
| Map
| Mark
| Marquee
| Math
| Menu
| Menuitem
| Meta
| Meter
| Multicol
| Nav
| Nextid
| Nobr
| Noembed
| Noframes
| Noscript
| Object
| Ol
| Optgroup
| Option
| Output
| P
| Param
| Picture
| Plaintext
| Pre
| Progress
| Q
| Rp
| Rt
| Rtc
| Ruby
| S
| Samp
| Script
| Section
| Select
| Shadow
| Slot
| Small
| Source
| Spacer
| Span
| Strike
| Strong
| Style
| Sub
| Summary
| Sup
| Svg
| Table
| Tbody
| Td
| Template
| Textarea
| Tfoot
| Th
| Thead
| Time
| Title
| Tr
| Track
| Tt
| U
| Ul
| Var
| Video
| Wbr
| Xmp
data Attribute
= AcceptA
| AcceptCharsetA
| AccesskeyA
| ActionA
| AlignA
| AltA
| AsyncA
| AutocompleteA
| AutofocusA
| AutoplayA
| AutosaveA
| BgcolorA
| BorderA
| BufferedA
| ChallengeA
| CharsetA
| CheckedA
| CiteA
| ClassA
| CodeA
| CodebaseA
| ColorA
| ColsA
| ColspanA
| ContentA
| ContenteditableA
| ContextmenuA
| ControlsA
| CoordsA
| CrossoriginA
| DataA
| DatetimeA
| DefaultA
| DeferA
| DirA
| DirnameA
| DisabledA
| DownloadA
| DraggableA
| DropzoneA
| EnctypeA
| ForA
| FormA
| FormactionA
| HeadersA
| HeightA
| HiddenA
| HighA
| HrefA
| HreflangA
| HttpEquivA
| IconA
| IdA
| IntegrityA
| IsmapA
| ItempropA
| KeytypeA
| KindA
| LabelA
| LangA
| LanguageA
| ListA
| LoopA
| LowA
| ManifestA
| MaxA
| MaxlengthA
| MinlengthA
| MediaA
| MethodA
| MinA
| MultipleA
| MutedA
| NameA
| NovalidateA
| OpenA
| OptimumA
| PatternA
| PingA
| PlaceholderA
| PosterA
| PreloadA
| RadiogroupA
| ReadonlyA
| RelA
| RequiredA
| ReversedA
| RowsA
| RowspanA
| SandboxA
| ScopeA
| ScopedA
| SeamlessA
| SelectedA
| ShapeA
| SizeA
| SizesA
| SlotA
| SpanA
| SpellcheckA
| SrcA
| SrcdocA
| SrclangA
| SrcsetA
| StartA
| StepA
| StyleA
| SummaryA
| TabindexA
| TargetA
| TitleA
| TypeA
| UsemapA
| ValueA
| WidthA
| WrapA
newtype (:=) (a :: Attribute) b = AT b
type family (a :: Element) ?> b :: Constraint where
a ?> (b # c) = (a ?> b, a ?> c)
a ?> (b :@: _) _ = MaybeTypeError a b (TestPaternity (SingleElement b) (GetInfo a) (GetInfo b))
a ?> Maybe b = a ?> b
a ?> Either b c = (a ?> b, a ?> c)
a ?> f ((b :@: c) d) = a ?> (b :@: c) d
a ?> f (b # c) = a ?> (b # c)
a ?> () = ()
a ?> (b -> c) = TypeError (Text "Html elements can't contain functions")
a ?> b = CheckString a b
type family (a :: Element) ??> b :: Constraint where
a ??> () = ()
a ??> (b # c) = (a ??> b, a ??> c)
a ??> (b := _) = If (Elem a (GetAttributeInfo b) || Null (GetAttributeInfo b))
(() :: Constraint)
(TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not a valid attribute of " :<>: ShowType a))
a ??> b = TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not an attribute.")
data (#) a b = (:#:) a b
(#) :: a -> b -> a # b
(#) = (:#:)
infixr 5 #
type (>) a b = (:@:) a () b
data (:@:) (a :: Element) b c where
WithAttributes :: (a ??> b, a ?> c) => b -> c -> (a :@: b) c
infixr 8 :@:
newtype Raw a = Raw a
type family Null xs where
Null '[] = True
Null _ = False
type family ShowElement e where
ShowElement DOCTYPE = "!DOCTYPE html"
ShowElement A = "a"
ShowElement Abbr = "abbr"
ShowElement Acronym = "acronym"
ShowElement Address = "address"
ShowElement Applet = "applet"
ShowElement Area = "area"
ShowElement Article = "article"
ShowElement Aside = "aside"
ShowElement Audio = "audio"
ShowElement B = "b"
ShowElement Base = "base"
ShowElement Basefont = "basefont"
ShowElement Bdi = "bdi"
ShowElement Bdo = "bdo"
ShowElement Bgsound = "bgsound"
ShowElement Big = "big"
ShowElement Blink = "blink"
ShowElement Blockquote = "blockquote"
ShowElement Body = "body"
ShowElement Br = "br"
ShowElement Button = "button"
ShowElement Canvas = "canvas"
ShowElement Caption = "caption"
ShowElement Center = "center"
ShowElement Cite = "cite"
ShowElement Code = "code"
ShowElement Col = "col"
ShowElement Colgroup = "colgroup"
ShowElement Command = "command"
ShowElement Content = "content"
ShowElement Data = "data"
ShowElement Datalist = "datalist"
ShowElement Dd = "dd"
ShowElement Del = "del"
ShowElement Details = "details"
ShowElement Dfn = "dfn"
ShowElement Dialog = "dialog"
ShowElement Dir = "dir"
ShowElement Div = "div"
ShowElement Dl = "dl"
ShowElement Dt = "dt"
ShowElement 'Element = "element"
ShowElement Em = "em"
ShowElement Embed = "embed"
ShowElement Fieldset = "fieldset"
ShowElement Figcaption = "figcaption"
ShowElement Figure = "figure"
ShowElement Font = "font"
ShowElement Footer = "footer"
ShowElement Form = "form"
ShowElement Frame = "frame"
ShowElement Frameset = "frameset"
ShowElement H1 = "h1"
ShowElement H2 = "h2"
ShowElement H3 = "h3"
ShowElement H4 = "h4"
ShowElement H5 = "h5"
ShowElement H6 = "h6"
ShowElement Head = "head"
ShowElement Header = "header"
ShowElement Hgroup = "hgroup"
ShowElement Hr = "hr"
ShowElement Html = "html"
ShowElement I = "i"
ShowElement Iframe = "iframe"
ShowElement Image = "image"
ShowElement Img = "img"
ShowElement Input = "input"
ShowElement Ins = "ins"
ShowElement Isindex = "isindex"
ShowElement Kbd = "kbd"
ShowElement Keygen = "keygen"
ShowElement Label = "label"
ShowElement Legend = "legend"
ShowElement Li = "li"
ShowElement Link = "link"
ShowElement Listing = "listing"
ShowElement Main = "main"
ShowElement Map = "map"
ShowElement Mark = "mark"
ShowElement Marquee = "marquee"
ShowElement Math = "math"
ShowElement Menu = "menu"
ShowElement Menuitem = "menuitem"
ShowElement Meta = "meta"
ShowElement Meter = "meter"
ShowElement Multicol = "multicol"
ShowElement Nav = "nav"
ShowElement Nextid = "nextid"
ShowElement Nobr = "nobr"
ShowElement Noembed = "noembed"
ShowElement Noframes = "noframes"
ShowElement Noscript = "noscript"
ShowElement Object = "object"
ShowElement Ol = "ol"
ShowElement Optgroup = "optgroup"
ShowElement Option = "option"
ShowElement Output = "output"
ShowElement P = "p"
ShowElement Param = "param"
ShowElement Picture = "picture"
ShowElement Plaintext = "plaintext"
ShowElement Pre = "pre"
ShowElement Progress = "progress"
ShowElement Q = "q"
ShowElement Rp = "rp"
ShowElement Rt = "rt"
ShowElement Rtc = "rtc"
ShowElement Ruby = "ruby"
ShowElement S = "s"
ShowElement Samp = "samp"
ShowElement Script = "script"
ShowElement Section = "section"
ShowElement Select = "select"
ShowElement Shadow = "shadow"
ShowElement Slot = "slot"
ShowElement Small = "small"
ShowElement Source = "source"
ShowElement Spacer = "spacer"
ShowElement Span = "span"
ShowElement Strike = "strike"
ShowElement Strong = "strong"
ShowElement Style = "style"
ShowElement Sub = "sub"
ShowElement Summary = "summary"
ShowElement Sup = "sup"
ShowElement Svg = "svg"
ShowElement Table = "table"
ShowElement Tbody = "tbody"
ShowElement Td = "td"
ShowElement Template = "template"
ShowElement Textarea = "textarea"
ShowElement Tfoot = "tfoot"
ShowElement Th = "th"
ShowElement Thead = "thead"
ShowElement Time = "time"
ShowElement Title = "title"
ShowElement Tr = "tr"
ShowElement Track = "track"
ShowElement Tt = "tt"
ShowElement U = "u"
ShowElement Ul = "ul"
ShowElement Var = "var"
ShowElement Video = "video"
ShowElement Wbr = "wbr"
ShowElement Xmp = "xmp"
type family ShowAttribute (x :: Attribute) where
ShowAttribute AcceptA = " accept=\""
ShowAttribute AcceptCharsetA = " accept-charset=\""
ShowAttribute AccesskeyA = " accesskey=\""
ShowAttribute ActionA = " action=\""
ShowAttribute AlignA = " align=\""
ShowAttribute AltA = " alt=\""
ShowAttribute AsyncA = " async=\""
ShowAttribute AutocompleteA = " autocomplete=\""
ShowAttribute AutofocusA = " autofocus=\""
ShowAttribute AutoplayA = " autoplay=\""
ShowAttribute AutosaveA = " autosave=\""
ShowAttribute BgcolorA = " bgcolor=\""
ShowAttribute BorderA = " border=\""
ShowAttribute BufferedA = " buffered=\""
ShowAttribute ChallengeA = " challenge=\""
ShowAttribute CharsetA = " charset=\""
ShowAttribute CheckedA = " checked=\""
ShowAttribute CiteA = " cite=\""
ShowAttribute ClassA = " class=\""
ShowAttribute CodeA = " code=\""
ShowAttribute CodebaseA = " codebase=\""
ShowAttribute ColorA = " color=\""
ShowAttribute ColsA = " cols=\""
ShowAttribute ColspanA = " colspan=\""
ShowAttribute ContentA = " content=\""
ShowAttribute ContenteditableA = " contenteditable=\""
ShowAttribute ContextmenuA = " contextmenu=\""
ShowAttribute ControlsA = " controls=\""
ShowAttribute CoordsA = " coords=\""
ShowAttribute CrossoriginA = " crossorigin=\""
ShowAttribute DataA = " data=\""
ShowAttribute DatetimeA = " datetime=\""
ShowAttribute DefaultA = " default=\""
ShowAttribute DeferA = " defer=\""
ShowAttribute DirA = " dir=\""
ShowAttribute DirnameA = " dirname=\""
ShowAttribute DisabledA = " disabled=\""
ShowAttribute DownloadA = " download=\""
ShowAttribute DraggableA = " draggable=\""
ShowAttribute DropzoneA = " dropzone=\""
ShowAttribute EnctypeA = " enctype=\""
ShowAttribute ForA = " for=\""
ShowAttribute FormA = " form=\""
ShowAttribute FormactionA = " formaction=\""
ShowAttribute HeadersA = " headers=\""
ShowAttribute HeightA = " height=\""
ShowAttribute HiddenA = " hidden=\""
ShowAttribute HighA = " high=\""
ShowAttribute HrefA = " href=\""
ShowAttribute HreflangA = " hreflang=\""
ShowAttribute HttpEquivA = " httpequiv=\""
ShowAttribute IconA = " icon=\""
ShowAttribute IdA = " id=\""
ShowAttribute IntegrityA = " integrity=\""
ShowAttribute IsmapA = " ismap=\""
ShowAttribute ItempropA = " itemprop=\""
ShowAttribute KeytypeA = " keytype=\""
ShowAttribute KindA = " kind=\""
ShowAttribute LabelA = " label=\""
ShowAttribute LangA = " lang=\""
ShowAttribute LanguageA = " language=\""
ShowAttribute ListA = " list=\""
ShowAttribute LoopA = " loop=\""
ShowAttribute LowA = " low=\""
ShowAttribute ManifestA = " manifest=\""
ShowAttribute MaxA = " max=\""
ShowAttribute MaxlengthA = " maxlength=\""
ShowAttribute MinlengthA = " minlength=\""
ShowAttribute MediaA = " media=\""
ShowAttribute MethodA = " method=\""
ShowAttribute MinA = " min=\""
ShowAttribute MultipleA = " multiple=\""
ShowAttribute MutedA = " muted=\""
ShowAttribute NameA = " name=\""
ShowAttribute NovalidateA = " novalidate=\""
ShowAttribute OpenA = " open=\""
ShowAttribute OptimumA = " optimum=\""
ShowAttribute PatternA = " pattern=\""
ShowAttribute PingA = " ping=\""
ShowAttribute PlaceholderA = " placeholder=\""
ShowAttribute PosterA = " poster=\""
ShowAttribute PreloadA = " preload=\""
ShowAttribute RadiogroupA = " radiogroup=\""
ShowAttribute ReadonlyA = " readonly=\""
ShowAttribute RelA = " rel=\""
ShowAttribute RequiredA = " required=\""
ShowAttribute ReversedA = " reversed=\""
ShowAttribute RowsA = " rows=\""
ShowAttribute RowspanA = " rowspan=\""
ShowAttribute SandboxA = " sandbox=\""
ShowAttribute ScopeA = " scope=\""
ShowAttribute ScopedA = " scoped=\""
ShowAttribute SeamlessA = " seamless=\""
ShowAttribute SelectedA = " selected=\""
ShowAttribute ShapeA = " shape=\""
ShowAttribute SizeA = " size=\""
ShowAttribute SizesA = " sizes=\""
ShowAttribute SlotA = " slot=\""
ShowAttribute SpanA = " span=\""
ShowAttribute SpellcheckA = " spellcheck=\""
ShowAttribute SrcA = " src=\""
ShowAttribute SrcdocA = " srcdoc=\""
ShowAttribute SrclangA = " srclang=\""
ShowAttribute SrcsetA = " srcset=\""
ShowAttribute StartA = " start=\""
ShowAttribute StepA = " step=\""
ShowAttribute StyleA = " style=\""
ShowAttribute SummaryA = " summary=\""
ShowAttribute TabindexA = " tabindex=\""
ShowAttribute TargetA = " target=\""
ShowAttribute TitleA = " title=\""
ShowAttribute TypeA = " type=\""
ShowAttribute UsemapA = " usemap=\""
ShowAttribute ValueA = " value=\""
ShowAttribute WidthA = " width=\""
ShowAttribute WrapA = " wrap=\""
type family CountContent c where
CountContent (a # b) = CountContent a + CountContent b
CountContent ((_ :@: b) c) = CountContent b + CountContent c
CountContent (_ := b) = CountContent b
CountContent () = 0
CountContent (Proxy _) = 0
CountContent _ = 1
type family HasContent a where
HasContent (ElementInfo _ NoContent) = False
HasContent _ = True
type family Append xs ys :: [k] where
Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': x33 ': x34 ': x35 ': x36 ': x37 ': x38 ': x39 ': x40 ': x41 ': x42 ': x43 ': x44 ': x45 ': x46 ': x47 ': x48 ': x49 ': x50 ': x51 ': x52 ': x53 ': x54 ': x55 ': x56 ': x57 ': x58 ': x59 ': x60 ': x61 ': x62 ': x63 ': x64 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': x33 ': x34 ': x35 ': x36 ': x37 ': x38 ': x39 ': x40 ': x41 ': x42 ': x43 ': x44 ': x45 ': x46 ': x47 ': x48 ': x49 ': x50 ': x51 ': x52 ': x53 ': x54 ': x55 ': x56 ': x57 ': x58 ': x59 ': x60 ': x61 ': x62 ': x63 ': x64 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': x2 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': x2 ': Append xs ys
Append (x1 ': xs) ys
= x1 ': Append xs ys
Append '[] ys
= ys
type family Drop n xs :: [k] where
Drop 0 xs = xs
Drop 1 (_ ': xs) = xs
Drop 2 (_ ': _ ': xs) = xs
Drop 3 (_ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs
Drop 4 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs
Drop n (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = Drop (n5) xs
type family Take n xs :: [k] where
Take 0 _ = '[]
Take 1 (x1 ': _) = '[x1]
Take 2 (x1 ': x2 ': _) = '[x1, x2]
Take 3 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3]
Take 4 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4]
Take n (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': xs) = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': Take (n5) xs
data ElementInfo
(contentCategories :: [ContentCategory])
(permittedContent :: ContentCategory)
type family TestPaternity a b c :: Bool where
TestPaternity a (ElementInfo _ ps) (ElementInfo cs _) = CheckContentCategory ps (a ': cs)
type family CheckContentCategory (a :: ContentCategory) (b :: [ContentCategory]) :: Bool where
CheckContentCategory (a :|: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c || CheckContentCategory b c
CheckContentCategory (a :&: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c && CheckContentCategory b c
CheckContentCategory (NOT a) c = Not (CheckContentCategory a c)
CheckContentCategory a c = Elem a c
type family CheckString (a :: Element) b where
CheckString a b = If (TestPaternity OnlyText (GetInfo a) (ElementInfo '[FlowContent, PhrasingContent] NoContent))
(() :: Constraint)
(TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " can't contain a " :<>: ShowType b))
data ContentCategory
= MetadataContent
| FlowContent
| SectioningContent
| HeadingContent
| PhrasingContent
| (:|:) ContentCategory ContentCategory
| (:&:) ContentCategory ContentCategory
| NOT ContentCategory
| NoContent
| OnlyText
| SingleElement Element
infixr 2 :|:
infixr 3 :&:
type family MaybeTypeError (a :: Element) (b :: Element) c where
MaybeTypeError a b c = If c (() :: Constraint)
(TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not a valid child of " :<>: ShowType a))
type family Elem (a :: k) (xs :: [k]) where
Elem a (a : xs) = True
Elem a (_ : xs) = Elem a xs
Elem a '[] = False
newtype Tagged (proxies :: k) target = Tagged target
type family GetAttributeInfo a where
GetAttributeInfo AcceptA = '[Form, Input]
GetAttributeInfo AcceptCharsetA = '[Form]
GetAttributeInfo AccesskeyA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo ActionA = '[Form]
GetAttributeInfo AlignA = '[Applet, Caption, Col, Colgroup, Hr, Iframe, Img, Table, Tbody, Td, Tfoot, Th, Thead, Tr]
GetAttributeInfo AltA = '[Applet, Area, Img, Input]
GetAttributeInfo AsyncA = '[Script]
GetAttributeInfo AutocompleteA = '[Form, Input]
GetAttributeInfo AutofocusA = '[Button, Input, Keygen, Select, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo AutoplayA = '[Audio, Video]
GetAttributeInfo AutosaveA = '[Input]
GetAttributeInfo BgcolorA = '[Body, Col, Colgroup, Marquee, Table, Tbody, Tfoot, Td, Th, Tr]
GetAttributeInfo BorderA = '[Img, Object, Table]
GetAttributeInfo BufferedA = '[Audio, Video]
GetAttributeInfo ChallengeA = '[Keygen]
GetAttributeInfo CharsetA = '[Meta, Script]
GetAttributeInfo CheckedA = '[Command, Input]
GetAttributeInfo CiteA = '[Blockquote, Del, Ins, Q]
GetAttributeInfo ClassA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo CodeA = '[Applet]
GetAttributeInfo CodebaseA = '[Applet]
GetAttributeInfo ColorA = '[Basefont, Font, Hr]
GetAttributeInfo ColsA = '[Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo ColspanA = '[Td, Th]
GetAttributeInfo ContentA = '[Meta]
GetAttributeInfo ContenteditableA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo ContextmenuA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo ControlsA = '[Audio, Video]
GetAttributeInfo CoordsA = '[Area]
GetAttributeInfo CrossoriginA = '[Audio, Img, Link, Script, Video]
GetAttributeInfo DataA = '[Object]
GetAttributeInfo DatetimeA = '[Del, Ins, Time]
GetAttributeInfo DefaultA = '[Track]
GetAttributeInfo DeferA = '[Script]
GetAttributeInfo DirA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo DirnameA = '[Input, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo DisabledA = '[Button, Command, Fieldset, Input, Keygen, Optgroup, Option, Select, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo DownloadA = '[A, Area]
GetAttributeInfo DraggableA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo DropzoneA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo EnctypeA = '[Form]
GetAttributeInfo ForA = '[Label, Output]
GetAttributeInfo FormA = '[Button, Fieldset, Input, Keygen, Label, Meter, Object, Output, Progress, Select, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo FormactionA = '[Input, Button]
GetAttributeInfo HeadersA = '[Td, Th]
GetAttributeInfo HeightA = '[Canvas, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Object, Video]
GetAttributeInfo HiddenA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo HighA = '[Meter]
GetAttributeInfo HrefA = '[A, Area, Base, Link]
GetAttributeInfo HreflangA = '[A, Area, Link]
GetAttributeInfo HttpEquivA = '[Meta]
GetAttributeInfo IconA = '[Command]
GetAttributeInfo IdA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo IntegrityA = '[Link, Script]
GetAttributeInfo IsmapA = '[Img]
GetAttributeInfo ItempropA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo KeytypeA = '[Keygen]
GetAttributeInfo KindA = '[Track]
GetAttributeInfo LabelA = '[Track]
GetAttributeInfo LangA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo LanguageA = '[Script]
GetAttributeInfo ListA = '[Input]
GetAttributeInfo LoopA = '[Audio, Bgsound, Marquee, Video]
GetAttributeInfo LowA = '[Meter]
GetAttributeInfo ManifestA = '[Html]
GetAttributeInfo MaxA = '[Input, Meter, Progress]
GetAttributeInfo MaxlengthA = '[Input, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo MinlengthA = '[Input, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo MediaA = '[A, Area, Link, Source, Style]
GetAttributeInfo MethodA = '[Form]
GetAttributeInfo MinA = '[Input, Meter]
GetAttributeInfo MultipleA = '[Input, Select]
GetAttributeInfo MutedA = '[Video]
GetAttributeInfo NameA = '[Button, Form, Fieldset, Iframe, Input, Keygen, Object, Output, Select, Textarea, Map, Meta, Param]
GetAttributeInfo NovalidateA = '[Form]
GetAttributeInfo OpenA = '[Details]
GetAttributeInfo OptimumA = '[Meter]
GetAttributeInfo PatternA = '[Input]
GetAttributeInfo PingA = '[A, Area]
GetAttributeInfo PlaceholderA = '[Input, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo PosterA = '[Video]
GetAttributeInfo PreloadA = '[Audio, Video]
GetAttributeInfo RadiogroupA = '[Command]
GetAttributeInfo ReadonlyA = '[Input, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo RelA = '[A, Area, Link]
GetAttributeInfo RequiredA = '[Input, Select, Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo ReversedA = '[Ol]
GetAttributeInfo RowsA = '[Textarea]
GetAttributeInfo RowspanA = '[Td, Th]
GetAttributeInfo SandboxA = '[Iframe]
GetAttributeInfo ScopeA = '[Th]
GetAttributeInfo ScopedA = '[Style]
GetAttributeInfo SeamlessA = '[Iframe]
GetAttributeInfo SelectedA = '[Option]
GetAttributeInfo ShapeA = '[A, Area]
GetAttributeInfo SizeA = '[Input, Select]
GetAttributeInfo SizesA = '[Link, Img, Source]
GetAttributeInfo SlotA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo SpanA = '[Col, Colgroup]
GetAttributeInfo SpellcheckA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo SrcA = '[Audio, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Script, Source, Track, Video]
GetAttributeInfo SrcdocA = '[Iframe]
GetAttributeInfo SrclangA = '[Track]
GetAttributeInfo SrcsetA = '[Img]
GetAttributeInfo StartA = '[Ol]
GetAttributeInfo StepA = '[Input]
GetAttributeInfo StyleA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo SummaryA = '[Table]
GetAttributeInfo TabindexA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo TargetA = '[A, Area, Base, Form]
GetAttributeInfo TitleA = '[]
GetAttributeInfo TypeA = '[Button, Input, Command, Embed, Object, Script, Source, Style, Menu]
GetAttributeInfo UsemapA = '[Img, Input, Object]
GetAttributeInfo ValueA = '[Button, Option, Input, Li, Meter, Progress, Param]
GetAttributeInfo WidthA = '[Canvas, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Object, Video]
GetAttributeInfo WrapA = '[Textarea]
type family GetInfo a where
GetInfo DOCTYPE = ElementInfo
GetInfo A = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Details) :|: PhrasingContent)
GetInfo Abbr = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Address = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :&: NOT (HeadingContent :|: SectioningContent :|: SingleElement Address :|: SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer))
GetInfo Area = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Article = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]
GetInfo Aside = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]
GetInfo Audio = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Track)
GetInfo B = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Base = ElementInfo
'[ MetadataContent ]
GetInfo Bdi = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Bdo = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Blockquote = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Body = ElementInfo
GetInfo Br = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Button = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Canvas = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement A :|: SingleElement Button :|: SingleElement Input)
GetInfo Caption = ElementInfo
GetInfo Cite = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Code = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Col = ElementInfo
GetInfo Colgroup = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Col)
GetInfo Data = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Datalist = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Option)
GetInfo Dd = ElementInfo
GetInfo Del = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Details = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
( FlowContent :|: SingleElement Summary)
GetInfo Dfn = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Dfn))
GetInfo Dialog = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Div = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :|: SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template)
GetInfo Dl = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement Div)
GetInfo Dt = ElementInfo
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent))
GetInfo Em = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Embed = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Fieldset = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :|: SingleElement Legend)
GetInfo Figcaption = ElementInfo
GetInfo Figure = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :|: SingleElement Figcaption)
GetInfo Footer = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Footer :|: SingleElement Header))
GetInfo Form = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Form))
GetInfo H1 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo H2 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo H3 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo H4 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo H5 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo H6 = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
GetInfo Head = ElementInfo
GetInfo Header = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer))
GetInfo Hgroup = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]
(SingleElement H1 :|: SingleElement H2 :|: SingleElement H3 :|: SingleElement H4 :|: SingleElement H5 :|: SingleElement H6)
GetInfo Hr = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Html = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Head :|: SingleElement Body)
GetInfo I = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Iframe = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Img = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Ins = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Kbd = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Label = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Label))
GetInfo Legend = ElementInfo
GetInfo Li = ElementInfo
GetInfo Link = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, MetadataContent ]
GetInfo Main = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Map = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Mark = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Menu = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(FlowContent :|: SingleElement Li :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement Menu :|: SingleElement Menuitem :|: SingleElement Hr)
GetInfo Menuitem = ElementInfo
GetInfo Meta = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Meter = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Meter))
GetInfo Nav = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]
GetInfo Noscript = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ]
(FlowContent :|: PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Link :|: SingleElement Style :|: SingleElement Meta)
GetInfo Object = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement Param)
GetInfo Ol = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(SingleElement Li)
GetInfo Optgroup = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Option)
GetInfo Option = ElementInfo
GetInfo Output = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo P = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Param = ElementInfo
GetInfo Picture = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Img)
GetInfo Pre = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
GetInfo Progress = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Progress))
GetInfo Q = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Rp = ElementInfo
GetInfo Rt = ElementInfo
GetInfo Rtc = ElementInfo
(PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Rt)
GetInfo Ruby = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo S = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Samp = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Script = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Section = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]
GetInfo Select = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement Option :|: SingleElement Optgroup)
GetInfo Slot = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Small = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Source = ElementInfo
GetInfo Span = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Strong = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Style = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, MetadataContent ]
GetInfo Sub = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Summary = ElementInfo
(PhrasingContent :|: HeadingContent)
GetInfo Sup = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Table = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Caption :|: SingleElement Colgroup :|: SingleElement Thead :|: SingleElement Tbody :|: SingleElement Tr :|: SingleElement Tfoot)
GetInfo Tbody = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Tr)
GetInfo Td = ElementInfo
GetInfo Template = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ]
(FlowContent :|: MetadataContent)
GetInfo Textarea = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Tfoot = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Tr)
GetInfo Th = ElementInfo
(FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent))
GetInfo Thead = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Tr)
GetInfo Time = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Title = ElementInfo
'[ MetadataContent ]
GetInfo Tr = ElementInfo
(SingleElement Td :|: SingleElement Th)
GetInfo Track = ElementInfo
GetInfo U = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Ul = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent ]
(SingleElement Li)
GetInfo Var = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo Video = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(SingleElement Track :|: SingleElement Source)
GetInfo Wbr = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
GetInfo _ = ElementInfo
'[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]
(FlowContent :|: PhrasingContent)