{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : TwitchAPI.PubSub Copyright : (c) Christina Wuest 2021 License : BSD-style Maintainer : tina@wuest.me Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Messages sent over Twitch's PubSub interface. -} module Web.TwitchAPI.PubSub where import Prelude import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Time.RFC3339 as Time ( parseTimeRFC3339 ) import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time ( posixSecondsToUTCTime ) import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON(..), (.:), (.:?), withObject, withText, withEmbeddedJSON , ToJSON(..), (.=), object , Object ) import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import Control.Monad ( mzero ) import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON.Types data Topic = BitsV1 { channelId :: Integer } | BitsV2 { channelId :: Integer } | BitsBadge { channelId :: Integer } | ChannelPoints { channelId :: Integer } | ChannelSubscriptions { channelId :: Integer } | ChatModeratorActions { channelId :: Integer, userId :: Integer } | Whispers { userId :: Integer } deriving ( Eq, Show ) toRequest :: Topic -> String toRequest BitsV1{..} = ("channel-bits-events-v1." ++) $ show channelId toRequest BitsV2{..} = ("channel-bits-events-v2." ++) $ show channelId toRequest BitsBadge{..} = ("channel-bits-badge-unlocks." ++) $ show channelId toRequest ChannelPoints{..} = ("channel-points-channel-v1." ++) $ show channelId toRequest ChannelSubscriptions{..} = ("channel-subscribe-events-v1." ++) $ show channelId toRequest ChatModeratorActions{..} = "chat_moderator_actions." ++ (show userId) ++ "." ++ (show channelId) toRequest Whispers{..} = ("whispers." ++) $ show userId scope :: Topic -> String scope BitsV1{} = "bits:read" scope BitsV2{} = "bits:read" scope BitsBadge{} = "bits:read" scope ChannelPoints{} = "channel:read:redemptions" scope ChannelSubscriptions{} = "channel:read:subscriptions" scope ChatModeratorActions{} = "channel:moderate" scope Whispers{} = "whispers:read" data RequestType = Listen | Unlisten deriving ( Eq ) instance Show RequestType where show Listen = "LISTEN" show Unlisten = "UNLISTEN" data Request = Request { requestType :: RequestType , nonce :: Maybe String , topics :: [Topic] , authToken :: String } deriving ( Eq, Show ) instance ToJSON Request where toJSON Request{..} = object [ "type" .= (show requestType) , "nonce" .= nonce , "data" .= object [ "topics" .= (toRequest <$> topics) , "auth_token" .= authToken ] ] data RequestError = BadMessage | BadAuth | ServerFail | BadTopic | None deriving ( Eq, Show ) instance Read RequestError where readsPrec _ "ERR_BADMESSAGE" = [(BadMessage, "")] readsPrec _ "ERR_BADAUTH" = [(BadAuth, "")] readsPrec _ "ERR_SERVER" = [(ServerFail, "")] readsPrec _ "ERR_BADTOPIC" = [(BadTopic, "")] readsPrec _ _ = [(None, "")] data Response = Response { nonce :: Maybe String , errorReported :: RequestError } deriving ( Show, Eq ) instance FromJSON Response where parseJSON = withObject "Response" $ \o -> o .: "type" >>= \(reportedType :: String) -> -- This value is required per Twitch or else any response is invalid if reportedType == "RESPONSE" then do nonce <- o .: "nonce" err <- o .: "error" let errorReported = read err :: RequestError return Response{..} else mzero -- Used for Channel Points rewards data RewardImages = RewardImages { tiny :: Maybe String , large :: Maybe String , huge :: Maybe String } deriving ( Show, Eq, Generic ) instance FromJSON RewardImages where parseJSON = withObject "RewardImages" $ \o -> do tiny <- o .: "url_1x" large <- o .: "url_2x" huge <- o .: "url_4x" return RewardImages{..} data UserInfo = UserInfo { userId :: Integer , userName :: String , displayName :: Maybe String } deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance FromJSON UserInfo where parseJSON = withObject "UserInfo" $ \o -> do userId' <- o .: "id" let userId = read userId' :: Integer userName <- o .: "login" displayName <- o .: "display_name" return UserInfo{..} data RewardStatus = Fulfilled | Unfulfilled deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance Read RewardStatus where readsPrec _ "FULFILLED" = [(Fulfilled, "")] readsPrec _ _ = [(Unfulfilled, "")] data BadgeUnlock = BadgeUnlock { newVersion :: Integer , previousVersion :: Integer } deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance FromJSON BadgeUnlock where parseJSON = withObject "BadgeUnlock" $ \o -> do newVersion <- o .: "new_version" previousVersion <- o .: "previous_version" return BadgeUnlock{..} data SubscriptionTier = Prime | Tier1 | Tier2 | Tier3 deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance FromJSON SubscriptionTier where parseJSON = withText "SubscriptionTier" $ \o -> case o of "1000" -> return Tier1 "2000" -> return Tier2 "3000" -> return Tier3 "Prime" -> return Prime _ -> mzero data EmoteSpec = EmoteSpec { emoteStart :: Integer , emoteLength :: Integer , emoteId :: Integer } deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance FromJSON EmoteSpec where parseJSON = withObject "EmoteSpec" $ \o -> do emoteStart <- o .: "start" emoteEnd :: Integer <- o .: "end" emoteId' :: Maybe String <- o .:? "id" let emoteLength = 1 + emoteEnd - emoteStart case emoteId' of Just emoteId'' -> let emoteId = read emoteId'' :: Integer in return EmoteSpec{..} Nothing -> do altEmoteId :: String <- o .: "emote_id" let emoteId = read altEmoteId :: Integer return EmoteSpec{..} data SubscriptionMessage = SubscriptionMessage { messageBody :: String , emotes :: [EmoteSpec] } deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance FromJSON SubscriptionMessage where parseJSON = withObject "SubscriptionMessage" $ \o -> do messageBody <- o .: "message" emotes' <- o .:? "emotes" let emotes = case emotes' of Nothing -> [] Just xs -> xs return SubscriptionMessage{..} data Message = BitsV2Message { badge :: Maybe BadgeUnlock , bits :: Integer , channelId :: Integer , chatMessage :: Maybe String , context :: String , messageId :: String , messageType :: String , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , userTotal :: Integer , userId :: Maybe Integer , userName :: Maybe String , version :: String } | BitsV2AnonymousMessage { bits :: Integer , channelId :: Integer , chatMessage :: Maybe String , context :: String , messageId :: String , messageType :: String , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , version :: String } | BitsV1Message { badge :: Maybe BadgeUnlock , bits :: Integer , channelId :: Integer , channelName :: String , chatMessage :: Maybe String , context :: String , messageId :: String , messageType :: String , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , userTotal :: Integer , userId :: Maybe Integer , userName :: Maybe String , version :: String } | BitsBadgeMessage { userId :: Maybe Integer , userName :: Maybe String , channelId :: Integer , channelName :: String , bitsTier :: Integer , chatMessage :: Maybe String , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime } | ChannelPointsMessage { serverTime :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , redeemedTime :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , user :: UserInfo , rewardId :: String , channelId :: Integer , title :: String , prompt :: Maybe String , cost :: Integer , userInput :: Maybe String , subOnly :: Bool , image :: Maybe RewardImages , defaultImage :: RewardImages , backgroundColor :: String , enabled :: Bool , paused :: Bool , inStock :: Bool , maxPerStream :: Maybe Integer , autoFulfilled :: Bool , status :: RewardStatus } | ChannelSubscriptionMessage { user :: UserInfo , channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , subMessage :: SubscriptionMessage } | ChannelResubscriptionMessage { user :: UserInfo , channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , totalMonths :: Integer , streakMonths :: Maybe Integer , subMessage :: SubscriptionMessage } | ChannelExtendSubscriptionMessage { user :: UserInfo , channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , totalMonths :: Integer , streakMonths :: Maybe Integer , endMonth :: Integer , subMessage :: SubscriptionMessage } | ChannelSubscriptionGiftMessage { user :: UserInfo , channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , recipient :: UserInfo } | ChannelMultiMonthSubscriptionGiftMessage { user :: UserInfo , channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , recipient :: UserInfo , months :: Integer } | ChannelAnonymousSubscriptionGiftMessage { channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , recipient :: UserInfo } | ChannelAnonymousMultiMonthSubscriptionGiftMessage { channelName :: String , channelId :: Integer , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , subTier :: SubscriptionTier , subPlanName :: String , recipient :: UserInfo , months :: Integer } | WhisperMessage { messageId :: String , threadId :: String , time :: Maybe Time.UTCTime , messageBody :: String , emotes :: [EmoteSpec] , user :: UserInfo , userColor :: String , recipient :: UserInfo } | SuccessMessage { nonce :: Maybe String } | ErrorMessage { nonce :: Maybe String , errorString :: String } deriving ( Eq, Show, Generic ) instance JSON.ToJSON EmoteSpec instance JSON.ToJSON SubscriptionMessage instance JSON.ToJSON SubscriptionTier instance JSON.ToJSON RewardStatus instance JSON.ToJSON RewardImages instance JSON.ToJSON UserInfo instance JSON.ToJSON BadgeUnlock instance JSON.ToJSON Message type MessageParser = Object -> JSON.Types.Parser Message parseChannelSubscribeEvent :: MessageParser parseChannelSubscribeEvent o = do uid :: String <- o .: "user_id" userName <- o .: "user_name" displayName <- o .: "display_name" let userId = read uid :: Integer user = UserInfo userId userName displayName channelName <- o .: "channel_name" channel <- o .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t subTier <- o .: "sub_plan" subPlanName <- o .: "sub_plan_name" subMessage <- o .: "sub_message" return ChannelSubscriptionMessage{..} parseChannelResubscribeEvent :: MessageParser parseChannelResubscribeEvent o = do uid :: String <- o .: "user_id" userName <- o .: "user_name" displayName <- o .: "display_name" let userId = read uid :: Integer user = UserInfo userId userName displayName channelName <- o .: "channel_name" channel <- o .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t subTier <- o .: "sub_plan" subPlanName <- o .: "sub_plan_name" totalMonths <- o .: "cumulative_months" streakMonths <- o .:? "streak_months" subMessage <- o .: "sub_message" return ChannelResubscriptionMessage{..} parseChannelExtendSubEvent :: MessageParser parseChannelExtendSubEvent o = do uid :: String <- o .: "user_id" userName <- o .: "user_name" displayName <- o .: "display_name" let userId = read uid :: Integer user = UserInfo userId userName displayName channelName <- o .: "channel_name" channel <- o .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t subTier <- o .: "sub_plan" subPlanName <- o .: "sub_plan_name" totalMonths <- o .: "cumulative_months" endMonth <- o .: "benefit_end_month" streakMonths <- o .:? "streak_months" subMessage <- o .: "sub_message" return ChannelExtendSubscriptionMessage{..} parseChannelSubGiftEvent :: MessageParser parseChannelSubGiftEvent o = do uid :: String <- o .: "user_id" userName <- o .: "user_name" displayName <- o .: "display_name" let userId = read uid :: Integer user = UserInfo userId userName displayName rid :: String <- o .: "recipient_id" rUserName <- o .: "recipient_user_name" rDisplayName <- o .: "recipient_display_name" let rUserId = read rid :: Integer recipient = UserInfo rUserId rUserName rDisplayName channelName <- o .: "channel_name" channel <- o .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t subTier <- o .: "sub_plan" subPlanName <- o .: "sub_plan_name" duration :: Maybe Integer <- o .: "multi_month_duration" case duration of Nothing -> return ChannelSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} Just 1 -> return ChannelSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} Just months -> return ChannelMultiMonthSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} parseChannelAnonSubGiftEvent :: MessageParser parseChannelAnonSubGiftEvent o = do rid :: String <- o .: "recipient_id" rUserName <- o .: "recipient_user_name" rDisplayName <- o .: "recipient_display_name" let rUserId = read rid :: Integer recipient = UserInfo rUserId rUserName rDisplayName channelName <- o .: "channel_name" channel <- o .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t subTier <- o .: "sub_plan" subPlanName <- o .: "sub_plan_name" duration :: Maybe Integer <- o .: "multi_month_duration" case duration of Nothing -> return ChannelAnonymousSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} Just 1 -> return ChannelAnonymousSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} Just months -> return ChannelAnonymousMultiMonthSubscriptionGiftMessage{..} parseChannelSubscribeMessage :: MessageParser parseChannelSubscribeMessage o = do context :: String <- o .: "context" case context of "sub" -> parseChannelSubscribeEvent o "resub" -> parseChannelResubscribeEvent o "extendsub" -> parseChannelExtendSubEvent o "subgift" -> parseChannelSubGiftEvent o "resubgift" -> parseChannelSubGiftEvent o "anonsubgift" -> parseChannelAnonSubGiftEvent o "anonresubgift" -> parseChannelAnonSubGiftEvent o _ -> mzero parseBitsV2Message :: MessageParser parseBitsV2Message o = do dat <- o .: "data" anonymous :: Maybe Bool <- o .:? "is_anonymous" case anonymous of Nothing -> parseBitsV2 o dat (Just False) -> parseBitsV2 o dat (Just True) -> parseBitsV2Anonymous o dat parseBitsV2 :: Object -> MessageParser parseBitsV2 o dat = do badge <- dat .: "badge_entitlement" bits <- dat .: "bits_used" chatMessage <- dat .: "chat_message" context <- dat .: "context" messageId <- o .: "message_id" messageType <- o .: "message_type" -- Always bits_event? No other examples given in API docs userTotal <- dat .: "total_bits_used" userName <- dat .: "user_name" version <- o .: "version" channel :: String <- dat .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer uid :: Maybe String <- dat .: "user_id" let userId = fmap (read :: String -> Integer) uid t :: String <- dat .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t return BitsV2Message{..} parseBitsV2Anonymous :: Object -> MessageParser parseBitsV2Anonymous o dat = do bits <- dat .: "bits_used" chatMessage <- dat .: "chat_message" context <- dat .: "context" messageId <- o .: "message_id" messageType <- o .: "message_type" -- Always bits_event? No other examples given in API docs version <- o .: "version" channel :: String <- dat .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- dat .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t return BitsV2AnonymousMessage{..} parseBitsV1Message :: MessageParser parseBitsV1Message o = do dat <- o .: "data" badge <- dat .: "badge_entitlement" bits <- dat .: "bits_used" channelName <- dat .: "channel_name" chatMessage <- dat .: "chat_message" context <- dat .: "context" messageId <- o .: "message_id" messageType <- o .: "message_type" -- Always bits_event? No other examples given in API docs userTotal <- dat .: "total_bits_used" userName <- dat .: "user_name" version <- o .: "version" uid :: Maybe String <- dat .: "user_id" let userId = fmap (read :: String -> Integer) uid channel :: String <- dat .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer t :: String <- dat .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t return BitsV1Message{..} parseBitsBadgeMessage :: MessageParser parseBitsBadgeMessage o = do userId <- o .: "user_id" userName <- o .: "user_name" channelName <- o .: "channel_name" bitsTier <- o .: "badge_tier" chatMessage <- o .: "chat_message" channel :: String <- o .: "channel_id" t :: String <- o .: "time" let time = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 t channelId = read channel :: Integer return BitsBadgeMessage{..} parseRewardMessage :: MessageParser parseRewardMessage o = do dat <- o .: "data" redemption <- dat .: "redemption" reward <- redemption .: "reward" user <- redemption .: "user" rewardId <- reward .: "id" title <- reward .: "title" prompt <- reward .: "prompt" cost <- reward .: "cost" subOnly <- reward .: "is_sub_only" image <- reward .: "image" defaultImage <- reward .: "default_image" backgroundColor <- reward .: "background_color" enabled <- reward .: "is_enabled" paused <- reward .: "is_paused" inStock <- reward .: "is_in_stock" autoFulfilled <- reward .: "should_redemptions_skip_request_queue" channel :: String <- redemption .: "channel_id" let channelId = read channel :: Integer sTime :: String <- dat .: "timestamp" rTime :: String <- redemption .: "redeemed_at" let serverTime = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 sTime redeemedTime = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> Time.parseTimeRFC3339 rTime promptAnswer <- redemption .:? "user_input" promptEnabled :: Bool <- reward .: "is_user_input_required" let userInput = if promptEnabled then promptAnswer else Nothing maxObject <- reward .: "max_per_stream" maxEnabled :: Bool <- maxObject .: "is_enabled" maxCount <- maxObject .: "max_per_stream" let maxPerStream = if maxEnabled then Just maxCount else Nothing status' <- redemption .: "status" let status = read status' :: RewardStatus return ChannelPointsMessage{..} parseWhisperMessage :: MessageParser parseWhisperMessage o = do dat <- o .: "data_object" messageId <- dat .: "message_id" threadId <- dat .: "thread_id" messageBody <- dat .: "body" tags <- dat .: "tags" emotes <- tags .: "emotes" userColor <- tags .: "color" userId <- dat .: "from_id" userName <- tags .: "login" displayName <- tags .: "display_name" let user = UserInfo userId userName displayName recipientData <- dat .: "recipient" rUserId <- recipientData .: "id" rUserName <- recipientData .: "username" rDisplayName <- recipientData .: "display_name" let recipient = UserInfo rUserId rUserName rDisplayName timestamp :: Integer <- dat .: "sent_ts" let time = Just . Time.posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac timestamp return WhisperMessage{..} parseServerResponse :: MessageParser parseServerResponse o = do errorString <- o .: "error" nonce <- o .: "nonce" if null errorString then return SuccessMessage{..} else return ErrorMessage{..} instance FromJSON Message where parseJSON = withObject "Received" $ \o -> do o .: "type" >>= \(reportedType :: String) -> case reportedType of "RESPONSE" -> parseServerResponse o "MESSAGE" -> do d <- o .: "data" m <- d .: "message" m' <- withEmbeddedJSON "Message" parseJSON (JSON.String m) m' .:? "type" >>= \(message :: Maybe String) -> case message of Just "reward-redeemed" -> parseRewardMessage m' _ -> d .: "topic" >>= \(topic :: String) -> case takeWhile (/= '.') topic of "channel-bits-badge-unlocks" -> parseBitsBadgeMessage m' "channel-bits-events-v1" -> parseBitsV1Message m' "channel-bits-events-v2" -> parseBitsV2Message m' "channel-subscribe-events-v1" -> parseChannelSubscribeMessage m' "whispers" -> parseWhisperMessage m' _ -> mzero _ -> mzero --data ChatModeratorActionsMessage --data WhispersMessage