-- | Term rewriting.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, RecordWildCards, BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Twee.Rule where

import Twee.Base
import Twee.Constraints hiding (funs)
import qualified Twee.Index as Index
import Twee.Index(Index)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Twee.Utils
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Twee.Term as Term
import Data.Ord
import Twee.Equation
import qualified Twee.Proof as Proof
import Twee.Proof(Derivation, Lemma(..))
import Data.Tuple

-- * Rewrite rules.

-- | A rewrite rule.
data Rule f =
  Rule {
    -- | Information about whether and how the rule is oriented.
    orientation :: !(Orientation f),
    -- Invariant:
    -- For oriented rules: vars rhs `isSubsetOf` vars lhs
    -- For unoriented rules: vars lhs == vars rhs

    -- | The left-hand side of the rule.
    lhs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Term f),
    -- | The right-hand side of the rule.
    rhs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Term f) }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type RuleOf a = Rule (ConstantOf a)

-- | A rule's orientation.
-- 'Oriented' and 'WeaklyOriented' rules are used only left-to-right.
-- 'Permutative' and 'Unoriented' rules are used bidirectionally.
data Orientation f =
    -- | An oriented rule.
    -- | A weakly oriented rule.
    -- The first argument is the minimal constant, the second argument is a list
    -- of terms which are weakly oriented in the rule.
    -- A rule with orientation @'WeaklyOriented' k ts@ can be used unless
    -- all terms in @ts@ are equal to @k@.
  | WeaklyOriented {-# UNPACK #-} !(Fun f) [Term f]
    -- | A permutative rule.
    -- A rule with orientation @'Permutative' ts@ can be used if
    -- @map fst ts@ is lexicographically greater than @map snd ts@.
  | Permutative [(Term f, Term f)]
    -- | An unoriented rule.
  | Unoriented
  deriving Show

instance Eq (Orientation f) where _ == _ = True
instance Ord (Orientation f) where compare _ _ = EQ

-- | Is a rule oriented or weakly oriented?
oriented :: Orientation f -> Bool
oriented Oriented{} = True
oriented WeaklyOriented{} = True
oriented _ = False

-- | Is a rule weakly oriented?
weaklyOriented :: Orientation f -> Bool
weaklyOriented WeaklyOriented{} = True
weaklyOriented _ = False

instance Symbolic (Rule f) where
  type ConstantOf (Rule f) = f
  termsDL (Rule or t u) = termsDL or `mplus` termsDL t `mplus` termsDL u
  subst_ sub (Rule or t u) = Rule (subst_ sub or) (subst_ sub t) (subst_ sub u)

instance f ~ g => Has (Rule f) (Term g) where
  the = lhs

instance Symbolic (Orientation f) where
  type ConstantOf (Orientation f) = f

  termsDL Oriented = mzero
  termsDL (WeaklyOriented _ ts) = termsDL ts
  termsDL (Permutative ts) = termsDL ts
  termsDL Unoriented = mzero

  subst_ _   Oriented = Oriented
  subst_ sub (WeaklyOriented min ts) = WeaklyOriented min (subst_ sub ts)
  subst_ sub (Permutative ts) = Permutative (subst_ sub ts)
  subst_ _   Unoriented = Unoriented

instance PrettyTerm f => Pretty (Rule f) where
  pPrint (Rule or l r) =
    pPrint l <+> text (showOrientation or) <+> pPrint r
      showOrientation Oriented = "->"
      showOrientation WeaklyOriented{} = "~>"
      showOrientation Permutative{} = "<->"
      showOrientation Unoriented = "="

-- | Turn a rule into an equation.
unorient :: Rule f -> Equation f
unorient (Rule _ l r) = l :=: r

-- | Turn an equation t :=: u into a rule t -> u by computing the
-- orientation info (e.g. oriented, permutative or unoriented).
-- Crashes if t -> u is not a valid rule, for example if there is
-- a variable in @u@ which is not in @t@. To prevent this happening,
-- combine with 'Twee.CP.split'.
orient :: Function f => Equation f -> Rule f
orient (t :=: u) = Rule o t u
    o | lessEq u t =
        case unify t u of
          Nothing -> Oriented
          Just sub
            | allSubst (\_ (Cons t Empty) -> isMinimal t) sub ->
              WeaklyOriented minimal (map (build . var . fst) (substToList sub))
            | otherwise -> Unoriented
      | lessEq t u = error "wrongly-oriented rule"
      | not (null (usort (vars u) \\ usort (vars t))) =
        error "unbound variables in rule"
      | Just ts <- evalStateT (makePermutative t u) [],
        permutativeOK t u ts =
        Permutative ts
      | otherwise = Unoriented

    permutativeOK _ _ [] = True
    permutativeOK t u ((Var x, Var y):xs) =
      lessIn model u t == Just Strict &&
      permutativeOK t' u' xs
        model = modelFromOrder [Variable y, Variable x]
        sub x' = if x == x' then var y else var x'
        t' = subst sub t
        u' = subst sub u

    makePermutative t u = do
      msub <- gets listToSubst
      sub  <- lift msub
      aux (subst sub t) (subst sub u)
          aux (Var x) (Var y)
            | x == y = return []
            | otherwise = do
              modify ((x, build $ var y):)
              return [(build $ var x, build $ var y)]

          aux (App f ts) (App g us)
            | f == g =
              fmap concat (zipWithM makePermutative (unpack ts) (unpack us))

          aux _ _ = mzero

-- | Flip an unoriented rule so that it goes right-to-left.
backwards :: Rule f -> Rule f
backwards (Rule or t u) = Rule (back or) u t
    back (Permutative xs) = Permutative (map swap xs)
    back Unoriented = Unoriented
    back _ = error "Can't turn oriented rule backwards"

-- * Extra-fast rewriting, without proof output or unorientable rules.

-- | Compute the normal form of a term wrt only oriented rules.
{-# INLINEABLE simplify #-}
simplify :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> Term f -> Term f
simplify !idx !t = {-# SCC simplify #-} simplify1 idx t

{-# INLINEABLE simplify1 #-}
simplify1 :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> Term f -> Term f
simplify1 idx t
  | t == u = t
  | otherwise = simplify idx u
    u = build (simp (singleton t))

    simp Empty = mempty
    simp (Cons (Var x) t) = var x `mappend` simp t
    simp (Cons t u)
      | Just (rule, sub) <- simpleRewrite idx t =
        Term.subst sub (rhs rule) `mappend` simp u
    simp (Cons (App f ts) us) =
      app f (simp ts) `mappend` simp us

-- | Check if a term can be simplified.
{-# INLINEABLE canSimplify #-}
canSimplify :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> Term f -> Bool
canSimplify idx t = canSimplifyList idx (singleton t)

{-# INLINEABLE canSimplifyList #-}
canSimplifyList :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> TermList f -> Bool
canSimplifyList idx t =
  {-# SCC canSimplifyList #-}
  any (isJust . simpleRewrite idx) (filter isApp (subtermsList t))

-- | Find a simplification step that applies to a term.
{-# INLINEABLE simpleRewrite #-}
simpleRewrite :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> Term f -> Maybe (Rule f, Subst f)
simpleRewrite idx t =
  -- Use instead of maybeToList to make fusion work
  foldr (\x _ -> Just x) Nothing $ do
    rule <- the <$> Index.approxMatches t idx
    guard (oriented (orientation rule))
    sub <- maybeToList (match (lhs rule) t)
    guard (reducesOriented rule sub)
    return (rule, sub)

-- * Rewriting, with proof output.

-- | A strategy gives a set of possible reductions for a term.
type Strategy f = Term f -> [Reduction f]

-- | A multi-step rewrite proof @t ->* u@
data Reduction f =
    -- | Apply a single rewrite rule to the root of a term
    Step {-# UNPACK #-} !(Lemma f) !(Rule f) !(Subst f)
    -- | Reflexivity
  | Refl {-# UNPACK #-} !(Term f)
    -- | Transivitity
  | Trans !(Reduction f) !(Reduction f)
    -- | Congruence
  | Cong {-# UNPACK #-} !(Fun f) ![Reduction f]
  deriving Show

instance Symbolic (Reduction f) where
  type ConstantOf (Reduction f) = f
  termsDL (Step _ _ sub) = termsDL sub
  termsDL (Refl t) = termsDL t
  termsDL (Trans p q) = termsDL p `mplus` termsDL q
  termsDL (Cong _ ps) = termsDL ps

  subst_ sub (Step lemma rule s) = Step lemma rule (subst_ sub s)
  subst_ sub (Refl t) = Refl (subst_ sub t)
  subst_ sub (Trans p q) = Trans (subst_ sub p) (subst_ sub q)
  subst_ sub (Cong f ps) = Cong f (subst_ sub ps)

instance Function f => Pretty (Reduction f) where
  pPrint = pPrint . reductionProof

-- | A smart constructor for Trans which simplifies Refl.
trans :: Reduction f -> Reduction f -> Reduction f
trans Refl{} p = p
trans p Refl{} = p
-- Make right-associative to improve performance of 'result'
trans p (Trans q r) = Trans (Trans p q) r
trans p q = Trans p q

-- | A smart constructor for Cong which simplifies Refl.
cong :: Fun f -> [Reduction f] -> Reduction f
cong f ps
  | all isRefl ps = Refl (result (reduce (Cong f ps)))
  | otherwise = Cong f ps
    isRefl Refl{} = True
    isRefl _ = False

-- | The list of all rewrite rules used in a rewrite proof.
steps :: Reduction f -> [Reduction f]
steps r = aux r []
    aux step@Step{} = (step:)
    aux (Refl _) = id
    aux (Trans p q) = aux p . aux q
    aux (Cong _ ps) = foldr (.) id (map aux ps)

-- | Turn a reduction into a proof.
reductionProof :: Reduction f -> Derivation f
reductionProof (Step lemma _ sub) =
  Proof.lemma lemma sub
reductionProof (Refl t) = Proof.Refl t
reductionProof (Trans p q) =
  Proof.trans (reductionProof p) (reductionProof q)
reductionProof (Cong f ps) = Proof.cong f (map reductionProof ps)

-- | Construct a basic rewrite step.
{-# INLINE step #-}
step :: (Has a (Rule f), Has a (Lemma f)) => a -> Subst f -> Reduction f
step x sub = Step (the x) (the x) sub

-- | A rewrite proof with the final term attached.
-- Has an @Ord@ instance which compares the final term.

data Resulting f =
  Resulting {
    result :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Term f),
    reduction :: !(Reduction f) }
  deriving Show

instance Eq (Resulting f) where x == y = compare x y == EQ
instance Ord (Resulting f) where compare = comparing result

instance Symbolic (Resulting f) where
  type ConstantOf (Resulting f) = f
  termsDL (Resulting t red) =
    termsDL t `mplus` termsDL red
  subst_ sub (Resulting t red) =
    Resulting (subst_ sub t) (subst_ sub red)

instance Function f => Pretty (Resulting f) where
  pPrint = pPrint . reduction

-- | Construct a 'Resulting' from a 'Reduction'.
reduce :: Reduction f -> Resulting f
reduce p =
  Resulting (res p) p
    res (Trans _ q) = res q
    res (Refl t) = t
    res p = {-# SCC res_emitRes #-} build (emitResult p)

    emitResult (Step _ r sub) = Term.subst sub (rhs r)
    emitResult (Refl t) = builder t
    emitResult (Trans _ q) = emitResult q
    emitResult (Cong f ps) = app f (map emitResult ps)

-- * Strategy combinators.

-- | Normalise a term wrt a particular strategy.
{-# INLINE normaliseWith #-}
normaliseWith :: Function f => (Term f -> Bool) -> Strategy f -> Term f -> Resulting f
normaliseWith ok strat t = {-# SCC normaliseWith #-} res
    res = aux 0 (Refl t) t
    aux 1000 p _ =
      error $
        "Possibly nonterminating rewrite:\n" ++ prettyShow p
    aux n p t =
      case parallel strat t of
        (q:_) | u <- result (reduce q), ok u ->
          aux (n+1) (p `trans` q) u
        _ -> Resulting t p

-- | Compute all normal forms of a set of terms wrt a particular strategy.
normalForms :: Function f => Strategy f -> Set (Resulting f) -> Set (Resulting f)
normalForms strat ps = snd (successorsAndNormalForms strat ps)

-- | Compute all successors of a set of terms (a successor of a term @t@
-- is a term @u@ such that @t ->* u@).
successors :: Function f => Strategy f -> Set (Resulting f) -> Set (Resulting f)
successors strat ps =
  Set.union qs rs
    (qs, rs) = successorsAndNormalForms strat ps

{-# INLINEABLE successorsAndNormalForms #-}
successorsAndNormalForms :: Function f => Strategy f -> Set (Resulting f) ->
  (Set (Resulting f), Set (Resulting f))
successorsAndNormalForms strat ps =
  {-# SCC successorsAndNormalForms #-} go Set.empty Set.empty ps
    go dead norm ps =
      case Set.minView ps of
        Nothing -> (dead, norm)
        Just (p, ps)
          | p `Set.member` dead -> go dead norm ps
          | p `Set.member` norm -> go dead norm ps
          | null qs -> go dead (Set.insert p norm) ps
          | otherwise ->
            go (Set.insert p dead) norm (Set.fromList qs `Set.union` ps)
            qs =
              [ reduce (reduction p `trans` q)
              | q <- anywhere strat (result p) ]

-- | Apply a strategy anywhere in a term.
anywhere :: Strategy f -> Strategy f
anywhere strat t = strat t ++ nested (anywhere strat) t

-- | Apply a strategy to some child of the root function.
nested :: Strategy f -> Strategy f
nested _ Var{} = []
nested strat (App f ts) =
  cong f <$> inner [] ts
    inner _ Empty = []
    inner before (Cons t u) =
      [ reverse before ++ [p] ++ map Refl (unpack u)
      | p <- strat t ] ++
      inner (Refl t:before) u

-- | Apply a strategy in parallel in as many places as possible.
-- Takes only the first rewrite of each strategy.
{-# INLINE parallel #-}
parallel :: PrettyTerm f => Strategy f -> Strategy f
parallel strat t =
  case par t of
    Refl{} -> []
    p -> [p]
    par t | p:_ <- strat t = p
    par (App f ts) = cong f (inner [] ts)
    par t = Refl t

    inner before Empty = reverse before
    inner before (Cons t u) = inner (par t:before) u

-- * Basic strategies. These only apply at the root of the term.

-- | A strategy which rewrites using an index.
{-# INLINE rewrite #-}
rewrite :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f), Has a (Lemma f)) => (Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool) -> Index f a -> Strategy f
rewrite p rules t = do
  rule <- Index.approxMatches t rules
  tryRule p rule t

-- | A strategy which applies one rule only.
{-# INLINEABLE tryRule #-}
tryRule :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f), Has a (Lemma f)) => (Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool) -> a -> Strategy f
tryRule p rule t = do
  sub <- maybeToList (match (lhs (the rule)) t)
  guard (p (the rule) sub)
  return (step rule sub)

-- | Check if a rule can be applied, given an ordering <= on terms.
{-# INLINEABLE reducesWith #-}
reducesWith :: Function f => (Term f -> Term f -> Bool) -> Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool
reducesWith _ (Rule Oriented _ _) _ = True
reducesWith _ (Rule (WeaklyOriented min ts) _ _) sub =
  -- Be a bit careful here not to build new terms
  -- (reducesWith is used in simplify).
  -- This is the same as:
  --   any (not . isMinimal) (subst sub ts)
  any (not . isMinimal . expand) ts
    expand t@(Var x) = fromMaybe t (Term.lookup x sub)
    expand t = t

    isMinimal (App f Empty) = f == min
    isMinimal _ = False
reducesWith p (Rule (Permutative ts) _ _) sub =
  aux ts
    aux [] = False
    aux ((t, u):ts)
      | t' == u' = aux ts
      | otherwise = p u' t'
        t' = subst sub t
        u' = subst sub u
reducesWith p (Rule Unoriented t u) sub =
  p u' t' && u' /= t'
    t' = subst sub t
    u' = subst sub u

-- | Check if a rule can be applied normally.
{-# INLINEABLE reduces #-}
reduces :: Function f => Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool
reduces rule sub = reducesWith lessEq rule sub

-- | Check if a rule can be applied and is oriented.
{-# INLINEABLE reducesOriented #-}
reducesOriented :: Function f => Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool
reducesOriented rule sub =
  oriented (orientation rule) && reducesWith undefined rule sub

-- | Check if a rule can be applied in a particular model.
{-# INLINEABLE reducesInModel #-}
reducesInModel :: Function f => Model f -> Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool
reducesInModel cond rule sub =
  reducesWith (\t u -> isJust (lessIn cond t u)) rule sub

-- | Check if a rule can be applied to the Skolemised version of a term.
{-# INLINEABLE reducesSkolem #-}
reducesSkolem :: Function f => Rule f -> Subst f -> Bool
reducesSkolem rule sub =
  reducesWith (\t u -> lessEq (subst skolemise t) (subst skolemise u)) rule sub
    skolemise (V x) = con (skolem (V (x + k)))
    V k = maximum (V 0:map succ (catMaybes (map getSkolem (funs rule))))