{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

-- | <https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/agocorona/the-hardworking-programmer-ii-practical-backtracking-to-undo-actions>

module Transient.Backtrack (onUndo, undo, retry, undoCut,registerUndo,

-- * generalized versions of backtracking with an extra parameter that gives the reason for going back.
-- Different kinds of backtracking with different reasons can be managed in the same program
onBack, back, forward, backCut,registerBack,

-- * finalization primitives
finish, onFinish, onFinish' ,initFinish , noFinish,checkFinalize , FinishReason
) where

import Transient.Internals

import Data.Typeable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Unsafe.Coerce
import System.Mem.StableName
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (retry)
import Data.Maybe
--data Backtrack b= Show b =>Backtrack{backtracking :: Maybe b
--                                    ,backStack :: [EventF] }
--                                    deriving Typeable
---- | assures that backtracking will not go further back
--backCut :: (Typeable reason, Show reason) => reason -> TransientIO ()
--backCut reason= Transient $ do
--     delData $ Backtrack (Just reason)  []
--     return $ Just ()
--undoCut ::  TransientIO ()
--undoCut = backCut ()
---- | the second parameter will be executed when backtracking
--{-# NOINLINE onBack #-}
--onBack :: (Typeable b, Show b) => TransientIO a -> ( b -> TransientIO a) -> TransientIO a
--onBack ac  bac= registerBack (typeof bac) $ Transient $ do
--     Backtrack mreason _  <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf (typeof bac)
--     runTrans $ case mreason of
--                  Nothing     -> ac
--                  Just reason -> bac reason
--     where
--     typeof :: (b -> TransIO a) -> b
--     typeof = undefined
--onUndo ::  TransientIO a -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
--onUndo x y= onBack x (\() -> y)
---- | register an action that will be executed when backtracking
--{-# NOINLINE registerUndo #-}
--registerBack :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
--registerBack witness f  = Transient $ do
--   cont@(EventF _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)  <- get   -- !!> "backregister"
--   md <- getData `asTypeOf` (Just <$> backStateOf witness)
--   case md of
--            Just (bss@(Backtrack b (bs@((EventF _ _ x'  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _):_)))) ->
--               when (isNothing b) $ do
--                   addrx  <- addr x
--                   addrx' <- addr x'         -- to avoid duplicate backtracking points
--                   setData $ if addrx == addrx' then bss else  Backtrack mwit (cont:bs)
--            Nothing ->  setData $ Backtrack mwit [cont]
--   runTrans f
--   where
--   mwit= Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just witness)
--   addr x = liftIO $ return . hashStableName =<< (makeStableName $! x)
--registerUndo :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
--registerUndo f= registerBack ()  f
---- | restart the flow forward from this point on
--forward :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransIO ()
--forward reason= Transient $ do
--    Backtrack _ stack <- getData `onNothing`  (backStateOf reason)
--    setData $ Backtrack(Nothing `asTypeOf` Just reason)  stack
--    return $ Just ()
--retry= forward ()
--noFinish= forward (FinishReason Nothing)
---- | execute backtracking. It execute the registered actions in reverse order.
---- If the backtracking flag is changed the flow proceed  forward from that point on.
---- If the backtrack stack is finished or undoCut executed, `undo` will stop.
--back :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransientIO a
--back reason = Transient $ do
--  bs <- getData  `onNothing`  backStateOf  reason           -- !!>"GOBACK"
--  goBackt  bs
--  where
--  goBackt (Backtrack _ [] )= return Nothing                      -- !!> "END"
--  goBackt (Backtrack b (stack@(first : bs)) )= do
--        (setData $ Backtrack (Just reason) stack)
--        mr <-  runClosure first                                  -- !> "RUNCLOSURE"
--        Backtrack back _ <- getData `onNothing`  backStateOf  reason
--                                                                 -- !> "END RUNCLOSURE"
--        case back of
--           Nothing -> case mr of
--                   Nothing ->  return empty                      -- !> "FORWARD END"
--                   Just x  ->  runContinuation first x           -- !> "FORWARD EXEC"
--           justreason -> goBackt $ Backtrack justreason bs       -- !> ("BACK AGAIN",back)
--backStateOf :: (Monad m, Show a, Typeable a) => a -> m (Backtrack a)
--backStateOf reason= return $ Backtrack (Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just reason)) []
--undo ::  TransIO a
--undo= back ()
-------- finalization
--newtype FinishReason= FinishReason (Maybe SomeException) deriving (Typeable, Show)
---- | initialize the event variable for finalization.
---- all the following computations in different threads will share it
---- it also isolate this event from other branches that may have his own finish variable
--initFinish= backCut (FinishReason Nothing)
---- | set a computation to be called when the finish event happens
--onFinish :: ((Maybe SomeException) ->TransIO ()) -> TransIO ()
--onFinish f= onFinish' (return ()) f
---- | set a computation to be called when the finish event happens this only apply for
--onFinish' ::TransIO a ->((Maybe SomeException) ->TransIO a) -> TransIO a
--onFinish' proc f= proc `onBack`   \(FinishReason reason) ->
--    f reason
---- | trigger the event, so this closes all the resources
--finish :: Maybe SomeException -> TransIO a
--finish reason= back (FinishReason reason)
---- | kill all the processes generated by the parameter when finish event occurs
--killOnFinish comp= do
--   chs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
--   onFinish $ const $ liftIO $ killChildren chs   -- !> "killOnFinish event"
--   r <- comp
--   modify $ \ s -> s{children= chs}
--   return r
---- | trigger finish when the stream of data ends
--checkFinalize v=
--           case v of
--              SDone ->  finish Nothing >> stop
--              SLast x ->  return x
--              SError e -> liftIO ( print e) >> finish  Nothing >> stop
--              SMore x -> return x