{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} -- | Haskell bindings to trailDB library. -- -- Minimal program that lists a TrailDB: -- -- @ -- import qualified Data.ByteString as B -- import System.TrailDB -- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- tdb <- openTrailDB "wikipedia-history-small.tdb" -- forEachTrailID tdb $ \tid -> print =<< getTrailBytestring tdb tid -- @ -- -- Example program that reads a TrailDB using low-level (faster) cursor API: -- -- @ -- import qualified Data.ByteString as B -- import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V -- import System.TrailDB -- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- tdb <- openTrailDB "some-trail-db" -- number_of_trails <- getNumTrails tdb -- -- let arbitrarily_chosen_trail_id = 12345 \`mod\` number_of_trails -- -- cursor <- makeCursor tdb -- setCursor cursor arbitrarily_chosen_trail_id -- -- -- Read the first event in the arbitrary chosen trail -- crumb <- stepCursor cursor -- case crumb of -- Nothing -> putStrLn "Cannot find this particular trail." -- Just (timestamp, features) -> -- V.forM_ features $ \feature -> do -- field_name <- getFieldName tdb (feature^.field) -- putStr "Field: " -- B.putStr field_name -- putStr " contains value " -- value <- getValue tdb feature -- B.putStrLn value -- -- @ -- -- Another example program that writes a TrailDB: -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-} -- -- import System.TrailDB -- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- cons <- newTrailDBCons "some-trail-db" (["currency", "order_amount", "item"] :: [String]) -- addTrail cons ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaa00") -- UUIDs are 16 bytes in length -- 1457049455 -- This is timestamp -- [\"USD\", "10.14", "Bacon & Cheese" :: String] -- addTrail cons ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaa00") -- Same UUID as above, same customer ordered more -- 1457051221 -- [\"USD\", "8.90", "Avocado Sandwich" :: String] -- addTrail cons ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaa02") -- 1457031239 -- [\"JPY\", "2900", "Sun Lotion" :: String] -- closeTrailDBCons cons -- -- -- TrailDB has been written to 'some-trail-db' -- @ -- module System.TrailDB ( -- * Constructing new TrailDBs newTrailDBCons , closeTrailDBCons , withTrailDBCons , addTrail , appendTdbToTdbCons , finalizeTrailDBCons -- ** Supplying values to construction , ToTdbRow(..) , ToTdbRowField(..) , TdbConsRow(..) , TdbShowable(..) , pattern TShow -- * Opening existing TrailDBs , openTrailDB , closeTrailDB , getTdbVersion , dontneedTrailDB , willneedTrailDB , withTrailDB -- * Accessing TrailDBs -- ** High-level, slow, access , FromTrail(..) , getTrail , getTrailBytestring -- ** Lowerish-level, fast, access , makeCursor , stepCursor , setCursor -- ** Iterating over TrailDB , forEachTrailID , forEachTrailIDUUID , traverseEachTrailID , traverseEachTrailIDUUID , foldTrailDB , foldTrailDBUUID -- ** Basic querying , getNumTrails , getNumEvents , getNumFields , getMinTimestamp , getMaxTimestamp -- ** UUID handling , getUUID , getTrailID -- ** Fields , getFieldName , getFieldID , getItemByField , getValue , getItem -- * Time handling , utcTimeToUnixTime , posixSecondsToUnixTime , dayToUnixTime -- * C interop , withRawTdb , getRawTdb , touchTdb , withRawTdbCons , getRawTdbCons , touchTdbCons , TdbRaw , TdbConsRaw -- ** Taking apart `Feature` , field , value , (^.) -- * Data types , UUID , TrailID , FieldID , Crumb , Feature() , TdbField , TdbVal , TdbVersion , FieldName , FieldNameLike(..) , featureWord , featureTdbVal , Cursor() , TdbCons() , Tdb() -- ** Time , UnixTime , getUnixTime -- * Exceptions , TrailDBException(..) -- * Multiple TrailDBs -- -- | Operations in this section are conveniences that may be useful if you -- have many TrailDB directories you want to query. , findTrailDBs , filterTrailDBDirectories ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Lens hiding ( coerce ) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Primitive import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Coerce import Data.Foldable ( for_, foldlM ) import Data.Data import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import qualified Data.Vector as VS import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM import Data.Traversable ( for ) import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import GHC.Generics import System.Directory import System.IO.Error import System.Posix.Files.ByteString import System.TrailDB.Error import System.TrailDB.Internal -- Raw types (tdb_types.h) type TdbField = Word32 -- | `FieldID` is indexes a field number. type FieldID = TdbField type TdbVal = Word64 type TdbItem = Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_error_str :: CInt -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cons_init :: IO (Ptr TdbConsRaw) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cons_open :: Ptr TdbConsRaw -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Word64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cons_close :: Ptr TdbConsRaw -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cons_add :: Ptr TdbConsRaw -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Ptr Word64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall safe tdb_cons_finalize :: Ptr TdbConsRaw -> Word64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall safe tdb_cons_append :: Ptr TdbConsRaw -> Ptr TdbRaw -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_dontneed :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_willneed :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_init :: IO (Ptr TdbRaw) foreign import ccall safe tdb_open :: Ptr TdbRaw -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt foreign import ccall safe tdb_close :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_trail_id :: Ptr TdbRaw -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_uuid :: Ptr TdbRaw -> Word64 -> IO (Ptr Word8) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_num_trails :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_num_events :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_num_fields :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_min_timestamp :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_max_timestamp :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_version :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_field :: Ptr TdbRaw -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr TdbField -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_field_name :: Ptr TdbRaw -> TdbField -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_item_value :: Ptr TdbRaw -> TdbItem -> Ptr Word64 -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_item :: Ptr TdbRaw -> TdbField -> Ptr CChar -> Word64 -> IO TdbItem foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_get_trail :: Ptr TdbCursorRaw -> Word64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cursor_new :: Ptr TdbRaw -> IO (Ptr TdbCursorRaw) foreign import ccall unsafe tdb_cursor_free :: Ptr TdbCursorRaw -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe shim_tdb_cursor_next :: Ptr TdbCursorRaw -> IO (Ptr TdbEventRaw) foreign import ccall unsafe shim_tdb_item_to_field :: Word64 -> Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe shim_tdb_item_to_val :: Word64 -> Word64 foreign import ccall unsafe shim_tdb_field_val_to_item :: Word32 -> Word64 -> Word64 data TdbCursorRaw data TdbEventRaw -- | UUIDs should be 16 bytes in size. It can be converted to `TrailID` within a traildb. type UUID = B.ByteString -- | Fields names are bytestring and can contain nulls. type FieldName = B.ByteString -- | The type of time used in traildbs. type UnixTime = Word64 -- | `TrailID` indexes a trail in a traildb. It can be converted to and back to -- `UUID` within a traildb. type TrailID = Word64 -- | TrailDB version type TdbVersion = Word64 -- | A single crumb is some event at certain time. -- -- The vector always has length as told by `getNumFields`. type Crumb = (UnixTime, V.Vector Feature) -- | `Feature` is a value in traildb. `getValue` can turn it into a -- human-readable value within a traildb. newtype Feature = Feature TdbItem deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic, Storable ) featureWord :: Iso' Feature Word64 featureWord = iso (\(Feature w) -> w) (\w -> Feature w) {-# INLINE featureWord #-} featureTdbVal :: Iso' Feature TdbVal featureTdbVal = featureWord {-# INLINE featureTdbVal #-} newtype instance V.Vector Feature = V_Feature (V.Vector Word64) newtype instance VM.MVector s Feature = VM_Feature (VM.MVector s Word64) instance VGM.MVector VM.MVector Feature where {-# INLINE basicLength #-} basicLength (VM_Feature w64) = VGM.basicLength w64 {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-} basicUnsafeSlice a b (VM_Feature w64) = coerce $ VGM.basicUnsafeSlice a b w64 {-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-} basicOverlaps (VM_Feature w1) (VM_Feature w2) = VGM.basicOverlaps w1 w2 {-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-} basicUnsafeNew sz = do result <- VGM.basicUnsafeNew sz return $ VM_Feature result {-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-} basicUnsafeRead (VM_Feature w64) i = coerce <$> VGM.basicUnsafeRead w64 i {-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-} basicUnsafeWrite (VM_Feature w64) i v = VGM.basicUnsafeWrite w64 i (coerce v) instance VG.Vector V.Vector Feature where {-# INLINE basicLength #-} basicLength (V_Feature w64) = VG.basicLength w64 {-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-} basicUnsafeFreeze (VM_Feature w64) = do result <- VG.basicUnsafeFreeze w64 return $ coerce (result :: V.Vector Word64) {-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-} basicUnsafeThaw (V_Feature w64) = do result <- VG.basicUnsafeThaw w64 return $ coerce result {-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-} basicUnsafeIndexM (V_Feature w64) idx = fmap coerce $ VG.basicUnsafeIndexM w64 idx {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-} basicUnsafeSlice i1 i2 (V_Feature w64) = coerce $ VG.basicUnsafeSlice i1 i2 w64 -- | `Feature` is isomorphic to `Word64` so it's safe to coerce between them. (see `featureWord`). instance V.Unbox Feature -- | A helper function to get the current unix time. -- -- May be useful when building TrailDBs if you don't have timestamps already. getUnixTime :: MonadIO m => m UnixTime getUnixTime = liftIO $ do now <- getPOSIXTime let t = floor now return t {-# LANGUAGE getUnixTime #-} -- | Converts `UTCTime` to `UnixTime` utcTimeToUnixTime :: UTCTime -> UnixTime utcTimeToUnixTime utc = floor $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds utc -- | Converts `POSIXTime` to `UnixTime` posixSecondsToUnixTime :: POSIXTime -> UnixTime posixSecondsToUnixTime = floor -- | Converts `Day` to `UnixTime`. -- -- The time will be the first second of the `Day`. dayToUnixTime :: Day -> UnixTime dayToUnixTime day = utcTimeToUnixTime (UTCTime day 0) field :: Lens' Feature FieldID field = lens get_it set_it where get_it (Feature f) = shim_tdb_item_to_field f set_it original new = Feature $ shim_tdb_field_val_to_item new (original^.value) {-# INLINE field #-} value :: Lens' Feature TdbVal value = lens get_it set_it where get_it (Feature f) = shim_tdb_item_to_val f set_it original new = Feature $ shim_tdb_field_val_to_item (original^.field) new {-# INLINE value #-} -- | Class of things that can be used as a field name. -- -- The strict bytestring is the native type. Other types are converted, -- encoding with UTF-8. class FieldNameLike a where encodeToFieldName :: a -> B.ByteString instance FieldNameLike String where encodeToFieldName = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack instance FieldNameLike B.ByteString where encodeToFieldName = id {-# INLINE encodeToFieldName #-} instance FieldNameLike BL.ByteString where encodeToFieldName = BL.toStrict instance FieldNameLike T.Text where encodeToFieldName = T.encodeUtf8 instance FieldNameLike TL.Text where encodeToFieldName = T.encodeUtf8 . TL.toStrict newtype TdbCons = TdbCons (MVar (Maybe (Ptr TdbConsRaw))) deriving ( Typeable, Generic ) tdbThrowIfError :: MonadIO m => m CInt -> m () tdbThrowIfError action = do result <- action if result == 0 then return () else liftIO $ do err_string <- peekCString =<< tdb_error_str result throwM $ TrailDBError result err_string -- | Create a new TrailDB and return TrailDB construction handle. -- -- Close it with `closeTrailDBCons`. Garbage collector will close it eventually -- if you didn't do it yourself. You won't be receiving `FinalizationFailure` -- exception though if that fails when using the garbage collector. newTrailDBCons :: (FieldNameLike a, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [a] -> m TdbCons newTrailDBCons filepath fields' = liftIO $ mask_ $ withCString filepath $ \root -> withBytestrings fields $ \fields_ptr -> do tdb_cons <- tdb_cons_init when (tdb_cons == nullPtr) $ throwM CannotAllocateTrailDBCons flip onException (tdb_cons_close tdb_cons) $ do tdbThrowIfError $ tdb_cons_open tdb_cons root fields_ptr (fromIntegral $ length fields) -- MVar will protect the handle from being used in multiple threads -- simultaneously. mvar <- newMVar (Just tdb_cons) -- Make garbage collector close it if it wasn't already. void $ mkWeakMVar mvar $ modifyMVar_ mvar $ \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just ptr -> do void $ tdb_cons_finalize ptr 0 tdb_cons_close ptr return Nothing return $ TdbCons mvar where fields = fmap encodeToFieldName fields' -- | Runs an `IO` action with an opened `TdbCons`. The `TdbCons` is closed -- after the action has been executed. withTrailDBCons :: (FieldNameLike a, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> [a] -> (TdbCons -> m b) -> m b withTrailDBCons filepath fields action = mask $ \restore -> do cons <- newTrailDBCons filepath fields finally (restore $ action cons) (closeTrailDBCons cons) withBytestrings :: forall a. [B.ByteString] -> (Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> IO a) -> IO a withBytestrings [] action = action nullPtr withBytestrings listing action = allocaArray (length listing) $ \bs_ptr -> loop_it bs_ptr listing 0 where loop_it :: Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> [B.ByteString] -> Int -> IO a loop_it bs_ptr (bs:rest) idx = do B.useAsCString bs $ \string_ptr -> do pokeElemOff bs_ptr idx string_ptr loop_it bs_ptr rest (idx+1) loop_it bs_ptr [] _ = action bs_ptr -- | Class of things that can be turned into rows and added with `addTrail`. -- -- The native type inside traildb is the `ByteString`. The use of this -- typeclass can eliminate some noise when converting values to `ByteString`. class ToTdbRow r where toTdbRow :: r -> [B.ByteString] -- | Class of things that can be turned into a field in a TrailDB. class ToTdbRowField f where toTdbField :: f -> B.ByteString instance (ToTdbRowField f1, ToTdbRowField f2) => ToTdbRow (f1, f2) where toTdbRow (f1, f2) = toTdbRow [toTdbField f1, toTdbField f2] instance (ToTdbRowField f1, ToTdbRowField f2, ToTdbRowField f3) => ToTdbRow (f1, f2, f3) where toTdbRow (f1, f2, f3) = toTdbRow [toTdbField f1, toTdbField f2, toTdbField f3] instance (ToTdbRowField f1, ToTdbRowField f2, ToTdbRowField f3, ToTdbRowField f4) => ToTdbRow (f1, f2, f3, f4) where toTdbRow (f1, f2, f3, f4) = toTdbRow [toTdbField f1, toTdbField f2, toTdbField f3, toTdbField f4] instance (ToTdbRowField f1, ToTdbRowField f2, ToTdbRowField f3, ToTdbRowField f4, ToTdbRowField f5) => ToTdbRow (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) where toTdbRow (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) = toTdbRow [toTdbField f1, toTdbField f2, toTdbField f3, toTdbField f4, toTdbField f5] instance ToTdbRowField B.ByteString where toTdbField = id {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} instance ToTdbRowField BL.ByteString where toTdbField = BL.toStrict {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} instance ToTdbRowField String where toTdbField = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} instance ToTdbRowField T.Text where toTdbField = T.encodeUtf8 {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} instance ToTdbRowField TL.Text where toTdbField = T.encodeUtf8 . TL.toStrict {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} instance ToTdbRowField f => ToTdbRow [f] where toTdbRow = fmap toTdbField {-# INLINE toTdbRow #-} -- | Convenience type that lets you arbitrarily make heterogenous list of -- things that implement `ToTdbRowField` and subsequently `ToTdbRow`. Use this -- if plain lists are not suitable (because they are monotyped) or your tuples -- are too long to implement `ToTdbRow`. data TdbConsRow a b = (:.) a b infixr 7 :. instance (ToTdbRowField a, ToTdbRow b) => ToTdbRow (TdbConsRow a b) where toTdbRow (a :. b) = toTdbField a:toTdbRow b {-# INLINE toTdbRow #-} -- | Convenience newtype to put things that you can `Show` in TrailDB. It -- implements `ToTdbRowField`. newtype TdbShowable a = TdbShowable a deriving ( Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable, Generic, Eq, Ord, Show, Read ) -- | Short-cut pattern synonym for `TdbShowable` pattern TShow a = TdbShowable a instance Show a => ToTdbRowField (TdbShowable a) where toTdbField (TdbShowable thing) = toTdbField $ show thing {-# INLINE toTdbField #-} -- | Add a cookie with timestamp and values to `TdbCons`. addTrail :: (MonadIO m, ToTdbRow r) => TdbCons -> UUID -> UnixTime -> r -> m () addTrail _ cookie _ _ | B.length cookie /= 16 = error "addTrail: cookie must be 16 bytes in length." addTrail (TdbCons mvar) cookie epoch (toTdbRow -> values) = liftIO $ withMVar mvar $ \case Nothing -> error "addTrail: tdb_cons is closed." Just ptr -> B.unsafeUseAsCString cookie $ \cookie_ptr -> withBytestrings values $ \values_ptr -> do withArray (fmap (fromIntegral . B.length) values) $ \values_length_ptr -> tdbThrowIfError $ tdb_cons_add ptr (castPtr cookie_ptr) epoch values_ptr values_length_ptr {-# INLINE addTrail #-} -- | Finalizes a `TdbCons`. -- -- You usually don't need to call this manually because this is called -- automatically by `closeTrailDBCons` before actually closing `TdbCons`. finalizeTrailDBCons :: MonadIO m => TdbCons -> m () finalizeTrailDBCons (TdbCons mvar) = liftIO $ withMVar mvar $ \case Nothing -> error "finalizeTrailDBCons: tdb_cons is closed." Just ptr -> do result <- tdb_cons_finalize ptr 0 unless (result == 0) $ throwM FinalizationFailure -- | Close a `TdbCons` -- -- Does nothing if it's closed already. closeTrailDBCons :: MonadIO m => TdbCons -> m () closeTrailDBCons (TdbCons mvar) = liftIO $ mask_ $ modifyMVar_ mvar $ \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just ptr -> do result <- tdb_cons_finalize ptr 0 unless (result == 0) $ throwM FinalizationFailure tdb_cons_close ptr >> return Nothing -- | Appends a `Tdb` to an open `TdbCons`. appendTdbToTdbCons :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> TdbCons -> m () appendTdbToTdbCons (Tdb mvar_tdb) (TdbCons mvar_tdb_cons) = liftIO $ withMVar mvar_tdb_cons $ \case Nothing -> error "appendTdbToTdbCons: tdb_cons is closed." Just tdb_cons_ptr -> withCVar mvar_tdb $ \case Nothing -> error "appendTdbToTdbCons: tdb is closed." Just (tdbPtr -> tdb_ptr) -> do result <- tdb_cons_append tdb_cons_ptr tdb_ptr unless (result == 0) $ error "appendTdbToTdbCons: tdb_cons_append() failed." -- | Opens an existing TrailDB. -- -- It can open file TrailDBs and also directory TrailDBs. -- -- In case of files you can use format \"traildb.tdb\" or just \"traildb\". openTrailDB :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Tdb openTrailDB root = liftIO $ mask_ $ withCString root $ \root_str -> do tdb <- tdb_init flip onException (when (tdb /= nullPtr) $ tdb_close tdb) $ do when (tdb == nullPtr) $ throwM CannotAllocateTrailDB tdbThrowIfError $ tdb_open tdb root_str buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray 1 -- Protect concurrent access and attach a tdb_close to garbage collector mvar <- newCVar (Just TdbState { tdbPtr = tdb , decodeBuffer = buf , decodeBufferSize = 1 }) void $ mkWeakCVar mvar $ modifyCVar_ mvar $ \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (tdbPtr -> ptr) -> tdb_close ptr >> return Nothing return $ Tdb mvar -- | Hints that `Tdb` will not be accessed in near future. -- -- Internally may invoke system call \'madvise\' behind the scenes to operating system. -- -- This has no effect on semantics, only performance. dontneedTrailDB :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m () dontneedTrailDB tdb = withTdb tdb "dontneedTrailDB" tdb_dontneed -- | Hints that `Tdb` will be walked over in near future. -- -- Internally may invoke system call \'madvise\' behind the scenes to operating system. -- -- This has no effect on semantics, only performance. willneedTrailDB :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m () willneedTrailDB tdb = withTdb tdb "willneedTrailDB" tdb_willneed -- | Closes a TrailDB. -- -- Does nothing if `Tdb` is already closed. closeTrailDB :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m () closeTrailDB (Tdb mvar) = liftIO $ mask_ $ modifyCVar_ mvar $ \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just (tdbPtr -> ptr) -> tdb_close ptr >> return Nothing data Cursor = Cursor !(Ptr TdbCursorRaw) !(IORef ()) !(MVar (Maybe TdbState)) deriving ( Eq, Typeable, Generic ) -- | Creates a cursor to a trailDB. makeCursor :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m Cursor makeCursor (Tdb mvar) = liftIO $ withCVar mvar $ \case Nothing -> error "makeCursor: tdb is closed." Just (tdbPtr -> tdb_ptr) -> mask_ $ do cursor <- tdb_cursor_new tdb_ptr cursor_fin <- newIORef () void $ mkWeakIORef cursor_fin $ tdb_cursor_free cursor return $ Cursor cursor cursor_fin mvar {-# NOINLINE makeCursor #-} -- | Class of things that can be result from `getTrail`. class FromTrail a where -- | Makes a result from a list of trails. -- -- One crumb of a trail has timestamp and associative list of fields. -- -- @ -- [(timestamp, [(fieldname1, value1), (fieldname2, value2), ...] -- , ... ] -- @ fromBytestringList :: [(UnixTime, [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)])] -> a instance FromTrail [(UnixTime, [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)])] where fromBytestringList = id {-# INLINE fromBytestringList #-} -- | Throws away timestamps. instance FromTrail [M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString] where fromBytestringList = fmap (M.fromList . snd) -- | Throws away timestamps and field names. instance FromTrail [[B.ByteString]] where fromBytestringList = fmap (fmap snd . snd) -- | `Vector` version. instance FromTrail (VS.Vector (M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString)) where fromBytestringList = VS.fromList . fmap (M.fromList . snd) -- | Set of all values that appear in the trail. instance FromTrail (S.Set B.ByteString) where fromBytestringList = S.fromList . concat . fmap (fmap snd . snd) -- | Convenience function that runs a function for each `TrailID` in TrailDB. forEachTrailID :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> (TrailID -> m ()) -> m () forEachTrailID tdb action = do num_trails <- getNumTrails tdb for_ [0..num_trails-1] $ \tid -> action tid {-# INLINEABLE forEachTrailID #-} -- | Same as `forEachTrailID` but passes UUID as well. forEachTrailIDUUID :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> (TrailID -> UUID -> m ()) -> m () forEachTrailIDUUID tdb action = do num_trails <- getNumTrails tdb for_ [0..num_trails-1] $ \tid -> do uuid <- getUUID tdb tid action tid uuid -- | Same as `forEachTrailID` but arguments flipped. traverseEachTrailID :: MonadIO m => (TrailID -> m ()) -> Tdb -> m () traverseEachTrailID action tdb = forEachTrailID tdb action {-# INLINE traverseEachTrailID #-} -- | Same as `traverseEachTrailID` but passes UUID as well. traverseEachTrailIDUUID :: MonadIO m => (TrailID -> UUID -> m ()) -> Tdb -> m () traverseEachTrailIDUUID action tdb = forEachTrailIDUUID tdb action {-# INLINE traverseEachTrailIDUUID #-} -- | Fold TrailDB for each `TrailID`. -- -- This is like `traverseEachTrailID` but lets you carry a folding value. foldTrailDB :: MonadIO m => (a -> TrailID -> m a) -> a -> Tdb -> m a foldTrailDB action initial tdb = do num_trails <- getNumTrails tdb foldlM action initial [0..num_trails-1] {-# INLINEABLE foldTrailDB #-} -- | Same as `foldTrailDB` but passes UUID as well. foldTrailDBUUID :: MonadIO m => (a -> TrailID -> UUID -> m a) -> a -> Tdb -> m a foldTrailDBUUID action initial tdb = do num_trails <- getNumTrails tdb foldlM (\accum tid -> do uuid <- getUUID tdb tid action accum tid uuid) initial [0..num_trails-1] {-# INLINEABLE foldTrailDBUUID #-} -- | Convenience function that returns a full trail in human-readable format. -- -- This is quite a bit slower than using a cursor (`makeCursor`, `setCursor`, -- `stepCursor`) but is simpler. If you don't need to go through bazillions of -- data really fast you might want to use this one. -- -- See `FromTrail` for things that can be taken as a result. getTrail :: (FromTrail a, MonadIO m) => Tdb -> TrailID -> m a getTrail tdb tid = liftIO $ do cursor <- makeCursor tdb setCursor cursor tid fromBytestringList <$> exhaustCursor cursor where exhaustCursor :: Cursor -> IO [(UnixTime, [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)])] exhaustCursor cursor = do stepCursor cursor >>= \case Nothing -> return [] Just (unixtime, V.toList -> features) -> do let field_ids = features <&> (^.field) fieldnames <- for field_ids $ getFieldName tdb valuenames <- for features $ getValue tdb fmap ((unixtime, zip fieldnames valuenames):) $ exhaustCursor cursor {-# INLINEABLE getTrail #-} -- | Same as `getTrail` but not polymorphic in output. -- -- Meant to be used for very quick throw-away programs where you don't want to -- spell out the type to be used (e.g. if you all you do is `print` the trail). getTrailBytestring :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> TrailID -> m [(UnixTime, [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)])] getTrailBytestring = getTrail {-# INLINE getTrailBytestring #-} -- | Steps cursor forward in its trail. -- -- Returns `Nothing` if there are no more crumbs in the trail. stepCursor :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> m (Maybe Crumb) stepCursor (Cursor cursor mvar finalizer) = liftIO $ do event_ptr <- shim_tdb_cursor_next cursor if event_ptr /= nullPtr then do let word64_ptr = castPtr event_ptr :: Ptr Word64 timestamp <- peekElemOff word64_ptr 0 num_items <- peekElemOff word64_ptr 1 let items = plusPtr word64_ptr (2*sizeOf (undefined :: Word64)) vec <- V.generateM (fromIntegral num_items) $ peekElemOff items touch mvar touch finalizer return $ Just (timestamp, vec) else return Nothing {-# INLINE stepCursor #-} -- | Puts cursor at the start of some trail. setCursor :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> TrailID -> m () setCursor (Cursor cursor mvar finalizer) trail_id = liftIO $ do tdbThrowIfError $ tdb_get_trail cursor trail_id touch mvar touch finalizer {-# INLINE setCursor #-} withTdb :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> String -> (Ptr TdbRaw -> IO a) -> m a withTdb (Tdb mvar) errstring action = liftIO $ withCVar mvar $ \case Nothing -> error $ errstring <> ": tdb is closed." Just (tdbPtr -> ptr) -> action ptr {-# INLINE withTdb #-} -- | Finds a uuid by trail ID. getUUID :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> TrailID -> m UUID getUUID tdb cid = withTdb tdb "getUUID" $ \ptr -> do cptr <- tdb_get_uuid ptr cid when (cptr == nullPtr) $ throwM NoSuchTrailID B.packCStringLen (castPtr cptr, 16) {-# INLINE getUUID #-} -- | Finds a trail ID by uuid. getTrailID :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> UUID -> m TrailID getTrailID _ cookie | B.length cookie /= 16 = error "getTrailID: cookie must be 16 bytes in length." getTrailID tdb cookie = withTdb tdb "getTrailID" $ \ptr -> B.unsafeUseAsCString cookie $ \cookie_str -> alloca $ \result_ptr -> do result <- tdb_get_trail_id ptr (castPtr cookie_str) result_ptr if result == 0 then peek result_ptr else throwM NoSuchUUID {-# INLINE getTrailID #-} -- | Returns the number of cookies in `Tdb` getNumTrails :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m Word64 getNumTrails tdb = withTdb tdb "getNumTrails" tdb_num_trails -- | Returns the number of events in `Tdb` getNumEvents :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m Word64 getNumEvents tdb = withTdb tdb "getNumEvents" tdb_num_events -- | Returns the number of fields in `Tdb` getNumFields :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m Word64 getNumFields tdb = withTdb tdb "getNumFields" tdb_num_fields -- | Returns the minimum timestamp in `Tdb` getMinTimestamp :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m UnixTime getMinTimestamp tdb = withTdb tdb "getMinTimestamp" tdb_min_timestamp -- | Returns the maximum timestamp in `Tdb` getMaxTimestamp :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m UnixTime getMaxTimestamp tdb = withTdb tdb "getMaxTimestamp" tdb_max_timestamp -- | Given a field ID, returns its human-readable field name. getFieldName :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> FieldID -> m FieldName getFieldName tdb fid = withTdb tdb "getFieldName" $ \ptr -> do result <- tdb_get_field_name ptr fid when (result == nullPtr) $ throwM NoSuchFieldID B.packCString result -- | Given a field name, returns its `FieldID`. getFieldID :: (FieldNameLike a, MonadIO m) => Tdb -> a -> m FieldID getFieldID tdb (encodeToFieldName -> field_name) = withTdb tdb "getFieldID" $ \ptr -> B.useAsCString field_name $ \field_name_cstr -> do alloca $ \field_ptr -> do tdbThrowIfError $ tdb_get_field ptr field_name_cstr field_ptr result <- peek field_ptr return $ fromIntegral $ result-1 -- | Given a `Feature`, returns a string that describes it. -- -- Values in a TrailDB are integers which need to be mapped back to strings to -- be human-readable. getValue :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> Feature -> m B.ByteString getValue tdb (Feature ft) = withTdb tdb "getValue" $ \ptr -> do alloca $ \len_ptr -> do cstr <- tdb_get_item_value ptr ft len_ptr when (cstr == nullPtr) $ throwM NoSuchValue len <- peek len_ptr B.packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral len) {-# INLINE getValue #-} -- | Given a field ID and a human-readable value, turn it into `Feature` for that field ID. getItem :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> FieldID -> B.ByteString -> m Feature getItem tdb fid bs = withTdb tdb "getItem" $ \ptr -> do B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(cstr, len) -> do ft <- tdb_get_item ptr (fid+1) cstr (fromIntegral len) if ft == 0 then throwM NoSuchFeature else return $ Feature ft -- | Same as `getItem` but uses a resolved field name rather than raw `FieldID`. -- -- This is implemented in terms of `getFieldID` and `getItem` inside. getItemByField :: (FieldNameLike a, MonadIO m) => Tdb -> a -> B.ByteString -> m Feature getItemByField tdb (encodeToFieldName -> fid) bs = liftIO $ do fid <- getFieldID tdb fid getItem tdb fid bs -- | Returns the raw pointer to a TrailDB. -- -- You can pass this pointer to C code and use the C API of TrailDB to use it. -- -- You become responsible for ensuring Haskell doesn't clean up and close the -- managed `Tdb` handle. You can use `touchTdb` or `withRawTdb` to deal with this. getRawTdb :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m (Ptr TdbRaw) getRawTdb (Tdb cvar) = liftIO $ withCVar cvar $ \case Nothing -> error "getRawTdb: tdb is closed." Just tdbstate -> return (tdbPtr tdbstate) -- | Returns the raw pointer to a TrailDB construction handle. -- -- Just as with `getRawTdb`, this pointer can be passed to C and used with the -- TrailDB C API. -- -- Use `touchTdbCons` or `withRawTdbCons` to ensure the pointer is not garbage -- collected while you are using it. getRawTdbCons :: MonadIO m => TdbCons -> m (Ptr TdbConsRaw) getRawTdbCons (TdbCons cvar) = liftIO $ withCVar cvar $ \case Nothing -> error "getRawTdbCons: tdb_cons is closed." Just raw_ptr -> return raw_ptr -- | Touch a `TdbCons`. -- -- Ensures that `TdbCons` has not been garbage collected at the point -- `touchTdbCons` is invoked. Has no other effect. touchTdbCons :: MonadIO m => TdbCons -> m () touchTdbCons (TdbCons cvar) = liftIO $ withCVar cvar $ \case Nothing -> return () Just raw_ptr -> touch raw_ptr -- | Run an action with a raw pointer to `TdbCons`. -- -- The `TdbCons` is guaranteed not to be garbage collected while the given -- action is running. withRawTdbCons :: MonadIO m => TdbCons -> (Ptr TdbConsRaw -> IO a) -> m a withRawTdbCons tdb_cons action = do ptr <- getRawTdbCons tdb_cons liftIO $ finally (action ptr) (touch ptr) -- | Touch a `Tdb`. -- -- Ensures that `Tdb` has not been garbage collected at the point `touchTdb` is -- invoked. Has no other effect. touchTdb :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m () touchTdb (Tdb cvar) = liftIO $ void $ withCVar cvar $ \case Nothing -> return () Just tdbstate -> touch (tdbPtr tdbstate) -- | Run an action with a raw pointer to `Tdb`. -- -- The `Tdb` is guaranteed not to be garbage collected while the given action is running. withRawTdb :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> (Ptr TdbRaw -> IO a) -> m a withRawTdb tdb action = do ptr <- getRawTdb tdb liftIO $ finally (action ptr) (touchTdb tdb) -- | Opens a `Tdb` and then closes it after action is over. withTrailDB :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> (Tdb -> m a) -> m a withTrailDB fpath action = mask $ \restore -> do tdb <- openTrailDB fpath finally (restore $ action tdb) (closeTrailDB tdb) {-# INLINE withTrailDB #-} -- | Given a directory, find all valid TrailDB paths inside it, recursively. findTrailDBs :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> Bool -- ^ Follow symbolic links? -> m [FilePath] findTrailDBs filepath follow_symbolic_links = do contents <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents filepath dirs <- execStateT (filterChildDirectories filepath contents) [filepath] filterTrailDBDirectories dirs where filterChildDirectories :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> StateT [FilePath] m () filterChildDirectories prefix (".":rest) = filterChildDirectories prefix rest filterChildDirectories prefix ("..":rest) = filterChildDirectories prefix rest filterChildDirectories prefix (dir_raw:rest) = do let dir = prefix <> "/" <> dir_raw is_dir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir is_symbolic_link_maybe <- liftIO $ tryIOError $ getFileStatus (T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack dir) case is_symbolic_link_maybe of Left exc | isDoesNotExistError exc -> filterChildDirectories prefix rest Left exc -> throwM exc Right is_symbolic_link -> if is_dir then (if (isSymbolicLink is_symbolic_link && follow_symbolic_links) || (not $ isSymbolicLink is_symbolic_link) then modify (dir:) >> recurse dir >> filterChildDirectories prefix rest else filterChildDirectories prefix rest) else filterChildDirectories prefix rest filterChildDirectories _ [] = return () recurse dir = do contents <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents dir filterChildDirectories dir contents -- | Given a list of directories, filters it, returning only directories that -- are valid TrailDB directories. -- -- Used internally by `findTrailDBs` but can be useful in general so we export it. filterTrailDBDirectories :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => [FilePath] -> m [FilePath] filterTrailDBDirectories = filterM $ \dir -> do result <- try $ openTrailDB dir case result of Left CannotAllocateTrailDB -> return False Left exc -> throwM exc Right ok -> closeTrailDB ok >> return True getTdbVersion :: MonadIO m => Tdb -> m TdbVersion getTdbVersion tdb = withTdb tdb "getTdbVersion" tdb_version