tpdb-0.8.3: Data Type for Rewriting Systems

Safe HaskellNone




original author: Malcolm Wallace, license: LGPL http:hackage.haskell.orgpackagesarchiveHaXml1.23.3dochtml/Text-XML-HaXml-Pretty.html

modified by Johannes Waldmann to use a different pretty-printer back-end.

This is a pretty-printer for turning the internal representation of generic structured XML documents into the Doc type (which can later be rendered using Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.render). Essentially there is one pp function for each type in Text.Xml.HaXml.Types, so you can pretty-print as much or as little of the document as you wish.


Pretty-print a whole document

Just one content

Just one tagged element

Pretty-print just a DTD

The prolog

A content particle description