{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.SAT.TseitinEncoder
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2012
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Tseitin encoding
-- TODO:
-- * reduce variables.
-- References:
-- * [Tse83] G. Tseitin. On the complexity of derivation in propositional
--   calculus. Automation of Reasoning: Classical Papers in Computational
--   Logic, 2:466-483, 1983. Springer-Verlag. 
-- * [For60] R. Fortet. Application de l'algèbre de Boole en rechercheop
--   opérationelle. Revue Française de Recherche Opérationelle, 4:17-26,
--   1960. 
-- * [BM84a] E. Balas and J. B. Mazzola. Nonlinear 0-1 programming:
--   I. Linearization techniques. Mathematical Programming, 30(1):1-21,
--   1984.
-- * [BM84b] E. Balas and J. B. Mazzola. Nonlinear 0-1 programming:
--   II. Dominance relations and algorithms. Mathematical Programming,
--   30(1):22-45, 1984.
-- * [PG86] D. Plaisted and S. Greenbaum. A Structure-preserving
--    Clause Form Translation. In Journal on Symbolic Computation,
--    volume 2, 1986.
-- * [ES06] N . Eéen and N. Sörensson. Translating Pseudo-Boolean
--   Constraints into SAT. JSAT 2:1–26, 2006.
module ToySolver.SAT.TseitinEncoder
  -- * The @Encoder@ type
  , newEncoder
  , setUsePB
  , encSolver

  -- * Polarity
  , Polarity (..)
  , negatePolarity
  , polarityPos
  , polarityNeg
  , polarityBoth
  , polarityNone

  -- * Boolean formula type
  , Formula
  , evalFormula

  -- * Encoding of boolean formulas
  , addFormula
  , encodeConj
  , encodeConjWithPolarity
  , encodeDisj
  , encodeDisjWithPolarity
  , encodeITE
  , encodeITEWithPolarity

  -- * Retrieving definitions
  , getDefinitions
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import ToySolver.Data.Boolean
import ToySolver.Data.BoolExpr
import qualified ToySolver.SAT as SAT
import qualified ToySolver.SAT.Types as SAT

-- | Arbitrary formula not restricted to CNF
type Formula = BoolExpr SAT.Lit

evalFormula :: SAT.IModel m => m -> Formula -> Bool
evalFormula m = fold (SAT.evalLit m)

-- | Encoder instance
data Encoder =
  { encSolver    :: SAT.Solver
  , encUsePB     :: IORef Bool
  , encConjTable :: !(IORef (Map SAT.LitSet (SAT.Lit, Bool, Bool)))
  , encITETable  :: !(IORef (Map (SAT.Lit, SAT.Lit, SAT.Lit) (SAT.Lit, Bool, Bool)))

-- | Create a @Encoder@ instance.
newEncoder :: SAT.Solver -> IO Encoder
newEncoder solver = do
  usePBRef <- newIORef False
  table <- newIORef Map.empty
  table2 <- newIORef Map.empty
  return $
    { encSolver = solver
    , encUsePB  = usePBRef
    , encConjTable = table
    , encITETable = table2

-- | Use /pseudo boolean constraints/ or use only /clauses/.
setUsePB :: Encoder -> Bool -> IO ()
setUsePB encoder usePB = writeIORef (encUsePB encoder) usePB

-- | Assert a given formula to underlying SAT solver by using
-- Tseitin encoding.
addFormula :: Encoder -> Formula -> IO ()
addFormula encoder formula = do
  let solver = encSolver encoder
  case formula of
    And xs -> mapM_ (addFormula encoder) xs
    Equiv a b -> do
      lit1 <- encodeToLit encoder a
      lit2 <- encodeToLit encoder b
      SAT.addClause solver [SAT.litNot lit1, lit2] -- a→b
      SAT.addClause solver [SAT.litNot lit2, lit1] -- b→a
    Not (Not a)     -> addFormula encoder a
    Not (Or xs)     -> addFormula encoder (andB (map notB xs))
    Not (Imply a b) -> addFormula encoder (a .&&. notB b)
    Not (Equiv a b) -> do
      lit1 <- encodeToLit encoder a
      lit2 <- encodeToLit encoder b
      SAT.addClause solver [lit1, lit2] -- a ∨ b
      SAT.addClause solver [SAT.litNot lit1, SAT.litNot lit2] -- ¬a ∨ ¬b
    _ -> do
      c <- encodeToClause encoder formula
      SAT.addClause solver c

encodeToClause :: Encoder -> Formula -> IO SAT.Clause
encodeToClause encoder formula =
  case formula of
    And [x] -> encodeToClause encoder x
    Or xs -> do
      cs <- mapM (encodeToClause encoder) xs
      return $ concat cs
    Not (Not x)  -> encodeToClause encoder x
    Not (And xs) -> do
      encodeToClause encoder (orB (map notB xs))
    Imply a b -> do
      encodeToClause encoder (notB a .||. b)
    _ -> do
      l <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder polarityPos formula
      return [l]

encodeToLit :: Encoder -> Formula -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeToLit encoder = encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth

encodeToLitWithPolarity :: Encoder -> Polarity -> Formula -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p formula = do
  case formula of
    Atom l -> return l
    And xs -> encodeConjWithPolarity encoder p =<< mapM (encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p) xs
    Or xs  -> encodeDisjWithPolarity encoder p =<< mapM (encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p) xs
    Not x -> liftM SAT.litNot $ encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder (negatePolarity p) x
    Imply x y -> do
      encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p (notB x .||. y)
    Equiv x y -> do
      lit1 <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth x
      lit2 <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth y
      encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p $
        (Atom lit1 .=>. Atom lit2) .&&. (Atom lit2 .=>. Atom lit1)
    ITE c t e -> do
      c' <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth c
      t' <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p t
      e' <- encodeToLitWithPolarity encoder p e
      encodeITEWithPolarity encoder p c' t' e'

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given conjunction.
-- @
--   encodeConj encoder = 'encodeConjWithPolarity' encoder 'polarityBoth'
-- @
encodeConj :: Encoder -> [SAT.Lit] -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeConj encoder = encodeConjWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given conjunction which occurs only in specified polarity.
encodeConjWithPolarity :: Encoder -> Polarity -> [SAT.Lit] -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeConjWithPolarity _ _ [l] =  return l
encodeConjWithPolarity encoder (Polarity pos neg) ls = do
  let ls2 = IntSet.fromList ls
  let solver = encSolver encoder
  usePB <- readIORef (encUsePB encoder)
  table <- readIORef (encConjTable encoder)

  let -- If F is monotone, F(A ∧ B) ⇔ ∃x. F(x) ∧ (x → A∧B)
      definePos :: SAT.Lit -> IO ()
      definePos l = do
        if usePB then do
          -- ∀i.(l → li) ⇔ Σli >= n*l ⇔ Σli - n*l >= 0
          let n = IntSet.size ls2
          SAT.addPBAtLeast solver ((- fromIntegral n, l) : [(1,li) | li <- IntSet.toList ls2]) 0
        else do
          forM_ (IntSet.toList ls2) $ \li -> do
            -- (l → li)  ⇔  (¬l ∨ li)
            SAT.addClause solver [SAT.litNot l, li]

      -- If F is anti-monotone, F(A ∧ B) ⇔ ∃x. F(x) ∧ (x ← A∧B) ⇔ ∃x. F(x) ∧ (x∨¬A∨¬B).
      defineNeg :: SAT.Lit -> IO ()
      defineNeg l = do
        let solver = encSolver encoder
        -- ((l1 ∧ l2 ∧ … ∧ ln) → l)  ⇔  (¬l1 ∨ ¬l2 ∨ … ∨ ¬ln ∨ l)
        SAT.addClause solver (l : map SAT.litNot (IntSet.toList ls2))

  case Map.lookup ls2 table of
    Just (l, posDefined, negDefined) -> do
      when (pos && not posDefined) $ definePos l
      when (neg && not negDefined) $ defineNeg l
      when (posDefined < pos || negDefined < neg) $
        modifyIORef (encConjTable encoder) (Map.insert ls2 (l, (max posDefined pos), (max negDefined neg)))
      return l
    Nothing -> do
      let sat = encSolver encoder
      l <- SAT.newVar sat
      when pos $ definePos l
      when neg $ defineNeg l
      modifyIORef (encConjTable encoder) (Map.insert ls2 (l, pos, neg))
      return l

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given disjunction.
-- @
--   encodeDisj encoder = 'encodeDisjWithPolarity' encoder 'polarityBoth'
-- @
encodeDisj :: Encoder -> [SAT.Lit] -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeDisj encoder = encodeDisjWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given disjunction which occurs only in specified polarity.
encodeDisjWithPolarity :: Encoder -> Polarity -> [SAT.Lit] -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeDisjWithPolarity _ _ [l] =  return l
encodeDisjWithPolarity encoder p ls = do
  -- ¬l ⇔ ¬(¬l1 ∧ … ∧ ¬ln) ⇔ (l1 ∨ … ∨ ln)
  l <- encodeConjWithPolarity encoder (negatePolarity p) [SAT.litNot li | li <- ls]
  return $ SAT.litNot l

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given if-then-else.
-- @
--   encodeITE encoder = 'encodeITEWithPolarity' encoder 'polarityBoth'
-- @
encodeITE :: Encoder -> SAT.Lit -> SAT.Lit -> SAT.Lit -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeITE encoder = encodeITEWithPolarity encoder polarityBoth

-- | Return an literal which is equivalent to a given if-then-else which occurs only in specified polarity.
encodeITEWithPolarity :: Encoder -> Polarity -> SAT.Lit -> SAT.Lit -> SAT.Lit -> IO SAT.Lit
encodeITEWithPolarity encoder p c t e | c < 0 =
  encodeITEWithPolarity encoder p (- c) e t
encodeITEWithPolarity encoder (Polarity pos neg) c t e = do
  let solver = encSolver encoder
  table <- readIORef (encITETable encoder)

  let definePos :: SAT.Lit -> IO ()
      definePos x = do
        -- x → ite(c,t,e)
        -- ⇔ x → (c∧t ∨ ¬c∧e)
        -- ⇔ (x∧c → t) ∧ (x∧¬c → e)
        -- ⇔ (¬x∨¬c∨t) ∧ (¬x∨c∨e)
        SAT.addClause solver [-x, -c, t]
        SAT.addClause solver [-x, c, e]
        SAT.addClause solver [t, e, -x] -- redundant, but will increase the strength of unit propagation.
      defineNeg :: SAT.Lit -> IO ()
      defineNeg x = do
        -- ite(c,t,e) → x
        -- ⇔ (c∧t ∨ ¬c∧e) → x
        -- ⇔ (c∧t → x) ∨ (¬c∧e →x)
        -- ⇔ (¬c∨¬t∨x) ∨ (c∧¬e∨x)
        SAT.addClause solver [-c, -t, x]
        SAT.addClause solver [c, -e, x]
        SAT.addClause solver [-t, -e, x] -- redundant, but will increase the strength of unit propagation.

  case Map.lookup (c,t,e) table of
    Just (l, posDefined, negDefined) -> do
      when (pos && not posDefined) $ definePos l
      when (neg && not negDefined) $ defineNeg l
      when (posDefined < pos || negDefined < neg) $
        modifyIORef (encITETable encoder) (Map.insert (c,t,e) (l, (max posDefined pos), (max negDefined neg)))
      return l
    Nothing -> do
      l <- SAT.newVar solver
      when pos $ definePos l
      when neg $ defineNeg l
      modifyIORef (encITETable encoder) (Map.insert (c,t,e) (l, pos, neg))
      return l

getDefinitions :: Encoder -> IO [(SAT.Lit, Formula)]
getDefinitions encoder = do
  t <- readIORef (encConjTable encoder)
  return $ [(l, andB [Atom l1 | l1 <- IntSet.toList ls]) | (ls, (l, _, _)) <- Map.toList t]

data Polarity
  = Polarity
  { polarityPosOccurs :: Bool
  , polarityNegOccurs :: Bool
  deriving (Eq, Show)

negatePolarity :: Polarity -> Polarity
negatePolarity (Polarity pos neg) = (Polarity neg pos)

polarityPos :: Polarity
polarityPos = Polarity True False

polarityNeg :: Polarity
polarityNeg = Polarity False True

polarityBoth :: Polarity
polarityBoth = Polarity True True

polarityNone :: Polarity
polarityNone = Polarity False False