-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.SAT.MUS.CAMUS
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2012-2014
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- In this module, we assume each soft constraint /C_i/ is represented as a literal.
-- If a constraint /C_i/ is not a literal, we can represent it as a fresh variable /v/
-- together with a hard constraint /v ⇒ C_i/.
-- References:
-- * [CAMUS] M. Liffiton and K. Sakallah, Algorithms for computing minimal
--   unsatisfiable subsets of constraints, Journal of Automated Reasoning,
--   vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1-33, Jan. 2008. 
--   <http://sun.iwu.edu/~mliffito/publications/jar_liffiton_CAMUS.pdf>
-- * [HYCAM] A. Gregoire, B. Mazure, and C. Piette, Boosting a complete
--   technique to find MSS and MUS: thanks to a local search oracle, in
--   Proceedings of the 20th international joint conference on Artifical
--   intelligence, ser. IJCAI'07. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann
--   Publishers Inc., 2007, pp. 2300-2305.
--   <http://ijcai.org/papers07/Papers/IJCAI07-370.pdf>
module ToySolver.SAT.MUS.CAMUS
  ( module ToySolver.SAT.MUS.Types
  , Options (..)
  , defaultOptions
  , allMCSAssumptions
  , allMUSAssumptions
  , enumMCSAssumptions
  , camus
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified ToySolver.Combinatorial.HittingSet.Simple as HittingSet
import qualified ToySolver.SAT as SAT
import ToySolver.SAT.Types
import ToySolver.SAT.MUS.Types

-- | Options for 'enumMCSAssumptions', 'allMCSAssumptions', 'allMUSAssumptions'
data Options
  = Options
  { optLogger     :: String -> IO ()
  , optOnMCSFound :: MCS -> IO ()
  , optOnMUSFound :: MUS -> IO ()
  , optKnownMCSes :: [MCS]
  , optKnownMUSes :: [MUS]
  , optKnownCSes  :: [CS]
    -- ^ MCS candidates (see HYCAM paper for details).
    -- A MCS candidate must be a superset of a real MCS.

instance Default Options where
  def = defaultOptions

-- | default 'Options' value
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
  { optLogger     = \_ -> return ()
  , optOnMCSFound = \_ -> return ()
  , optOnMUSFound = \_ -> return ()
  , optKnownMCSes = []
  , optKnownMUSes = []
  , optKnownCSes = []

enumMCSAssumptions :: SAT.Solver -> [Lit] -> Options -> IO ()
enumMCSAssumptions solver sels opt = do
  candRef <- newIORef [(IS.size cs, cs) | cs <- optKnownCSes opt]
  loop candRef 1

    log :: String -> IO ()
    log = optLogger opt

    mcsFound :: MCS -> IO ()
    mcsFound mcs = do
      optOnMCSFound opt mcs
      SAT.addClause solver (IS.toList mcs)

    loop :: IORef [(Int, LitSet)] -> Int -> IO ()
    loop candRef k = do
      log $ "CAMUS: k = " ++ show k
      cand <- readIORef candRef

      ret <- if not (null cand) then return True else SAT.solve solver
      when ret $ do
        forM_ cand $ \(size,cs) -> do
          when (size == k) $ do
            -- If a candidate MCS is not superset of already obtained MCS,
            -- we are sure that it is actually an MCS.
            mcsFound cs
        writeIORef candRef [(size,cs) | (size,cs) <- cand, size /= k]

        vk <- SAT.newVar solver
        SAT.addPBAtMostSoft solver vk [(1,-sel) | sel <- sels] (fromIntegral k)
        let loop2 = do
              ret2 <- SAT.solveWith solver [vk]
              when ret2 $ do
                m <- SAT.getModel solver
                let mcs = IS.fromList [sel | sel <- sels, not (evalLit m sel)]
                mcsFound mcs
                modifyIORef candRef (filter (\(_,cs) -> not (mcs `IS.isSubsetOf` cs)))
        SAT.addClause solver [-vk]
        loop candRef (k+1)

allMCSAssumptions :: SAT.Solver -> [Lit] -> Options -> IO [MCS]
allMCSAssumptions solver sels opt = do
  ref <- newIORef []  
  let opt2 =
        { optOnMCSFound = \mcs -> do
            modifyIORef ref (mcs:)
            optOnMCSFound opt mcs
  enumMCSAssumptions solver sels opt2
  readIORef ref

allMUSAssumptions :: SAT.Solver -> [Lit] -> Options -> IO [MUS]
allMUSAssumptions solver sels opt = do
  (muses, _mcses) <- camus solver sels opt
  return $ muses

camus :: SAT.Solver -> [Lit] -> Options -> IO ([MUS], [MCS])
camus solver sels opt = do
  log "CAMUS: MCS enumeration begins"
  mcses <- allMCSAssumptions solver sels opt
  log "CAMUS: MCS enumeration done"
  let muses = HittingSet.enumMinimalHittingSets $ Set.fromList mcses
  mapM_ (optOnMUSFound opt) muses
  return (muses, mcses)
    log :: String -> IO ()
    log = optLogger opt