{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.Factorization.FiniteField
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2012-2013
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances)
-- Factoriation of polynomial over a finite field.
-- References:
-- * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factorization_of_polynomials_over_a_finite_field_and_irreducibility_tests>
-- * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlekamp%27s_algorithm>
-- * Martin Kreuzer and Lorenzo Robbiano. Computational Commutative Algebra 1. Springer Verlag, 2000.
module ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.Factorization.FiniteField
  ( factor
  , sqfree
  , berlekamp
  , basisOfBerlekampSubalgebra
  ) where

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.FiniteField
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified TypeLevel.Number.Nat as TL

import ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.Base (Polynomial, UPolynomial, X (..))
import qualified ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.Base as P
import qualified ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.GroebnerBasis as GB

instance TL.Nat p => P.Factor (UPolynomial (PrimeField p)) where
  factor = factor

instance TL.Nat p => P.SQFree (UPolynomial (PrimeField p)) where
  sqfree = sqfree

factor :: forall k. (Ord k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> [(UPolynomial k, Integer)]
factor f = do
  (g,n) <- sqfree f
  if P.deg g > 0
    then do
      h <- berlekamp g
      return (h,n)
    else do
      return (g,n)

-- | Square-free decomposition of univariate polynomials over a finite field.
sqfree :: forall k. (Eq k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> [(UPolynomial k, Integer)]
sqfree f
  | c == 1    = sqfree' f
  | otherwise = (P.constant c, 1) : sqfree' (P.mapCoeff (/c) f)
    c = P.lc P.nat f

sqfree' :: forall k. (Eq k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> [(UPolynomial k, Integer)]
sqfree' 0 = []
sqfree' f
  | g == 0    = [(h, n*p) | (h,n) <- sqfree' (polyPthRoot f)]
  | otherwise = go 1 c0 w0 []
    p = char (undefined :: k)
    g = P.deriv f X
    c0 = P.gcd f g
    w0 = P.div f c0
    go !i c w !result
      | w == 1    =
          if c == 1
          then result
          else result ++ [(h, n*p) | (h,n) <- sqfree' (polyPthRoot c)]
      | otherwise = go (i+1) c' w' result'
            y  = P.gcd w c
            z  = w `P.div` y            
            c' = c `P.div` y
            w' = y
            result' = [(z,i) | z /= 1] ++ result

polyPthRoot :: forall k. (Eq k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> UPolynomial k
polyPthRoot f = assert (P.deriv f X == 0) $
  P.fromTerms [(pthRoot c, g mm) | (c,mm) <- P.terms f]
    p = char (undefined :: k)
    g mm = P.var X `P.mpow` (P.deg mm `div` p)

-- | Berlekamp algorithm for polynomial factorization.
-- Input polynomial is assumed to be monic and square-free.
berlekamp :: forall k. (Eq k, Ord k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> [UPolynomial k]
berlekamp f = go (Set.singleton f) basis
    go :: Set (UPolynomial k) -> [UPolynomial k] -> [UPolynomial k]
    go _ [] = error $ "ToySolver.Data.Polynomial.Factorization.FiniteField.berlekamp: should not happen"
    go fs (b:bs)
      | Set.size fs == r = Set.toList fs
      | otherwise = go (Set.unions [func fi | fi <- Set.toList fs]) bs
          func fi = Set.fromList $ hs2 ++ hs1
              hs1 = [h | k <- allValues, let h = P.gcd fi (b - P.constant k), P.deg h > 0]
              hs2 = if P.deg g > 0 then [g] else []
                  g = fi `P.div` product hs1
    basis = basisOfBerlekampSubalgebra f
    r     = length basis

basisOfBerlekampSubalgebra :: forall k. (Ord k, FiniteField k) => UPolynomial k -> [UPolynomial k]
basisOfBerlekampSubalgebra f =
  sortBy (flip compare `on` P.deg) $
    map (P.toMonic P.nat) $
    q    = order (undefined :: k)
    d    = P.deg f
    x    = P.var X

    qs :: [UPolynomial k]
    qs = [(x^(q*i)) `P.mod` f | i <- [0 .. d - 1]]

    gb :: [Polynomial k Int]
    gb = GB.basis P.grlex [p3 | (p3,_) <- P.terms p2]

    p1 :: Polynomial k Int
    p1 = sum [P.var i * (P.subst qi (\X -> P.var (-1)) - (P.var (-1) ^ i)) | (i, qi) <- zip [0..] qs]
    p2 :: UPolynomial (Polynomial k Int)
    p2 = P.toUPolynomialOf p1 (-1)

    es  = [(i, P.reduce P.grlex (P.var i) gb) | i <- [0 .. fromIntegral d - 1]]
    vs1 = [i           | (i, gi_def) <- es, gi_def == P.var i]
    vs2 = [(i, gi_def) | (i, gi_def) <- es, gi_def /= P.var i]

    basis :: [UPolynomial k]
    basis = [ x^i + sum [P.constant (P.eval (delta i) gj_def) * x^j | (j, gj_def) <- vs2] | i <- vs1 ]
        delta i k
          | k==i      = 1
          | otherwise = 0