{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Arith.Cooper.Base
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011-2014
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances)
-- Naive implementation of Cooper's algorithm
-- Reference:
-- * <http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/staff/hagiya/kougiroku/ronri/5.txt>
-- * <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~emc/spring06/home1_files/Presburger%20Arithmetic.ppt>
-- See also:
-- * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/presburger>
module ToySolver.Arith.Cooper.Base
    -- * Language of presburger arithmetics
    , Lit (..)
    , evalLit
    , QFFormula
    , fromLAAtom
    , (.|.)
    , evalQFFormula
    , Model

    -- * Projection
    , project
    , projectN
    , projectCases
    , projectCasesN

    -- * Constraint solving
    , solve
    , solveQFFormula
    , solveQFLIRAConj
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.VectorSpace hiding (project)

import ToySolver.Data.ArithRel
import ToySolver.Data.Boolean
import ToySolver.Data.BoolExpr (BoolExpr (..))
import qualified ToySolver.Data.BoolExpr as BoolExpr
import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var
import qualified ToySolver.Arith.FourierMotzkin as FM

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Linear arithmetic expression over integers.
type ExprZ = LA.Expr Integer

fromLAAtom :: LA.Atom Rational -> QFFormula
fromLAAtom (ArithRel a op b) = arithRel op a' b'
    (e1,c1) = toRat a
    (e2,c2) = toRat b
    a' = c2 *^ e1
    b' = c1 *^ e2

-- | (t,c) represents t/c, and c must be >0.
type Rat = (ExprZ, Integer)

toRat :: LA.Expr Rational -> Rat
toRat e = seq m $ (LA.mapCoeff f e, m)
    f x = numerator (fromInteger m * x)
    m = foldl' lcm 1 [denominator c | (c,_) <- LA.terms e]

leZ, ltZ, geZ, gtZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> Lit
leZ e1 e2 = e1 `ltZ` (e2 ^+^ LA.constant 1)
ltZ e1 e2 = IsPos $ (e2 ^-^ e1)
geZ = flip leZ
gtZ = flip ltZ

eqZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> QFFormula
eqZ e1 e2 = Atom (e1 `leZ` e2) .&&. Atom (e1 `geZ` e2)

-- | Literals of Presburger arithmetic.
data Lit
    = IsPos ExprZ
    -- ^ @IsPos e@ means @e > 0@
    | Divisible Bool Integer ExprZ
    -- ^
    -- * @Divisible True d e@ means @e@ can be divided by @d@ (i.e. @d | e@)
    -- * @Divisible False d e@ means @e@ can not be divided by @d@ (i.e. @¬(d | e)@)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Variables Lit where
  vars (IsPos t) = vars t
  vars (Divisible _ _ t) = vars t

instance Complement Lit where
  notB (IsPos e) = e `leZ` LA.constant 0
  notB (Divisible b c e) = Divisible (not b) c e

-- | Quantifier-free formula of Presburger arithmetic.
type QFFormula = BoolExpr Lit

instance IsArithRel (LA.Expr Integer) QFFormula where
  arithRel op lhs rhs =
    case op of
      Le  -> Atom $ leZ lhs rhs
      Ge  -> Atom $ geZ lhs rhs
      Lt  -> Atom $ ltZ lhs rhs
      Gt  -> Atom $ gtZ lhs rhs
      Eql -> eqZ lhs rhs
      NEq -> notB $ arithRel Eql lhs rhs

-- | @d | e@ means @e@ can be divided by @d@.
(.|.) :: Integer -> ExprZ -> QFFormula
n .|. e = Atom $ Divisible True n e

subst1 :: Var -> ExprZ -> QFFormula -> QFFormula
subst1 x e = fmap f
    f (Divisible b c e1) = Divisible b c $ LA.applySubst1 x e e1
    f (IsPos e1) = IsPos $ LA.applySubst1 x e e1

simplify :: QFFormula -> QFFormula
simplify = BoolExpr.simplify . BoolExpr.fold simplifyLit

simplifyLit :: Lit -> QFFormula
simplifyLit (IsPos e) =
  case LA.asConst e of
    Just c -> if c > 0 then true else false
    Nothing ->
      -- e > 0  <=>  e - 1 >= 0
      -- <=>  LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) (e - 1) >= 0
      -- <=>  LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) (e - 1) + 1 > 0
      Atom $ IsPos $ LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e1 ^+^ LA.constant 1
    e1 = e ^-^ LA.constant 1
    d  = if null cs then 1 else abs $ foldl1' gcd cs
    cs = [c | (c,x) <- LA.terms e1, x /= LA.unitVar]
simplifyLit lit@(Divisible b c e)
  | LA.coeff LA.unitVar e2 `mod` d /= 0 = if b then false else true
  | c' == 1   = if b then true else false
  | d  == 1   = Atom lit
  | otherwise = Atom $ Divisible b c' e'
    e2 = LA.mapCoeff (`mod` c) e
    d  = abs $ foldl' gcd c [c2 | (c2,x) <- LA.terms e2, x /= LA.unitVar]
    c' = c `checkedDiv` d
    e' = LA.mapCoeff (`checkedDiv` d) e2

-- | @'evalQFFormula' M φ@ returns whether @M ⊧_LIA φ@ or not.
evalQFFormula :: Model Integer -> QFFormula -> Bool
evalQFFormula m = BoolExpr.fold (evalLit m)

evalLit :: Model Integer -> Lit -> Bool
evalLit m (IsPos e) = LA.evalExpr m e > 0
evalLit m (Divisible True n e)  = LA.evalExpr m e `mod` n == 0
evalLit m (Divisible False n e) = LA.evalExpr m e `mod` n /= 0

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

data Witness = WCase1 Integer ExprZ | WCase2 Integer Integer Integer (Set ExprZ)
  deriving (Show)

evalWitness :: Model Integer -> Witness -> Integer
evalWitness model (WCase1 c e) = LA.evalExpr model e `checkedDiv` c
evalWitness model (WCase2 c j delta us)
  | Set.null us' = j `checkedDiv` c
  | otherwise = (j + (((u - delta - 1) `div` delta) * delta)) `checkedDiv` c
    us' = Set.map (LA.evalExpr model) us
    u = Set.findMin us'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

{-| @'project' x φ@ returns @(ψ, lift)@ such that:

* @⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x. φ) ↔ ψ@ where @{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \\ {x}@, and

* if @M ⊧_LIA ψ@ then @lift M ⊧_LIA φ@.
project :: Var -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
project x formula = (formula', mt)
    xs = projectCases x formula
    formula' = orB' [phi | (phi,_) <- xs]
    mt m = head $ do
      (phi, mt') <- xs
      guard $ evalQFFormula m phi
      return $ mt' m
    orB' = orB . concatMap f
        f (Or xs) = concatMap f xs
        f x = [x]

{-| @'projectN' {x1,…,xm} φ@ returns @(ψ, lift)@ such that:

* @⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x1, …, xm. φ) ↔ ψ@ where @{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \\ {x1,…,xm}@, and

* if @M ⊧_LIA ψ@ then @lift M ⊧_LIA φ@.
projectN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
projectN vs2 = f (IS.toList vs2)
    f :: [Var] -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
    f [] formula     = (formula, id)
    f (v:vs) formula = (formula3, mt1 . mt2)
        (formula2, mt1) = project v formula
        (formula3, mt2) = f vs formula2

{-| @'projectCases' x φ@ returns @[(ψ_1, lift_1), …, (ψ_m, lift_m)]@ such that:

* @⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x. φ) ↔ (ψ_1 ∨ … ∨ φ_m)@ where @{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \\ {x}@, and

* if @M ⊧_LIA ψ_i@ then @lift_i M ⊧_LIA φ@.
projectCases :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
projectCases x formula = do
  (phi, wit) <- projectCases' x formula
  return (phi, \m -> IM.insert x (evalWitness m wit) m)

projectCases' :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Witness)]
projectCases' x formula = [(phi', w) | (phi,w) <- case1 ++ case2, let phi' = simplify phi, phi' /= false]
    -- eliminate Not, Imply and Equiv.
    formula0 :: QFFormula
    formula0 = pos formula
        pos (Atom a) = Atom a
        pos (And xs) = And (map pos xs)
        pos (Or xs) = Or (map pos xs)
        pos (Not x) = neg x
        pos (Imply x y) = neg x .||. pos y
        pos (Equiv x y) = pos ((x .=>. y) .&&. (y .=>. x))

        neg (Atom a) = Atom (notB a)
        neg (And xs) = Or (map neg xs)
        neg (Or xs) = And (map neg xs)
        neg (Not x) = pos x
        neg (Imply x y) = pos x .&&. neg y
        neg (Equiv x y) = neg ((x .=>. y) .&&. (y .=>. x))

    -- xの係数の最小公倍数
    c :: Integer
    c = getLCM $ Foldable.foldMap f formula0
         f (IsPos e) = LCM $ fromMaybe 1 (LA.lookupCoeff x e)
         f (Divisible _ _ e) = LCM $ fromMaybe 1 (LA.lookupCoeff x e)

    -- 式をスケールしてxの係数の絶対値をcへと変換し、その後cxをxで置き換え、
    -- xがcで割り切れるという制約を追加した論理式
    formula1 :: QFFormula
    formula1 = simplify $ fmap f formula0 .&&. (c .|. LA.var x)
        f lit@(IsPos e) =
          case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
            Nothing -> lit
            Just a ->
              let s = abs (c `checkedDiv` a)
              in IsPos $ g s e
        f lit@(Divisible b d e) =
          case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
            Nothing -> lit
            Just a ->
              let s = abs (c `checkedDiv` a)
              in Divisible b (s*d) $ g s e

        g :: Integer -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
        g s = LA.mapCoeffWithVar (\c' x' -> if x==x' then signum c' else s*c')

    -- d|x+t という形の論理式の d の最小公倍数
    delta :: Integer
    delta = getLCM $ Foldable.foldMap f formula1
        f (Divisible _ d _) = LCM d
        f (IsPos _) = LCM 1

    -- ts = {t | t < x は formula1 に現れる原子論理式}
    ts :: Set ExprZ
    ts = Foldable.foldMap f formula1
        f (Divisible _ _ _) = Set.empty
        f (IsPos e) =
          case LA.extractMaybe x e of
            Nothing -> Set.empty
            Just (1, e') -> Set.singleton (negateV e') -- IsPos e <=> (x + e' > 0) <=> (-e' < x)
            Just (-1, _) -> Set.empty -- IsPos e <=> (-x + e' > 0) <=> (x < e')
            _ -> error "should not happen"

    -- formula1を真にする最小のxが存在する場合
    case1 :: [(QFFormula, Witness)]
    case1 = [ (subst1 x e formula1, WCase1 c e)
            | j <- [1..delta], t <- Set.toList ts, let e = t ^+^ LA.constant j ]

    -- formula1のなかの x < t を真に t < x を偽に置き換えた論理式
    formula2 :: QFFormula
    formula2 = simplify $ BoolExpr.fold f formula1
        f lit@(IsPos e) =
          case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
            Nothing -> Atom lit
            Just 1    -> false -- IsPos e <=> ( x + e' > 0) <=> -e' < x
            Just (-1) -> true  -- IsPos e <=> (-x + e' > 0) <=>  x  < e'
            _ -> error "should not happen"
        f lit@(Divisible _ _ _) = Atom lit

    -- us = {u | x < u は formula1 に現れる原子論理式}
    us :: Set ExprZ
    us = Foldable.foldMap f formula1
        f (IsPos e) =
          case LA.extractMaybe x e of
            Nothing -> Set.empty
            Just (1, _)   -> Set.empty -- IsPos e <=> (x + e' > 0) <=> -e' < x
            Just (-1, e') -> Set.singleton e' -- IsPos e <=> (-x + e' > 0) <=>  x  < e'
            _ -> error "should not happen"
        f (Divisible _ _ _) = Set.empty

    -- formula1を真にする最小のxが存在しない場合
    case2 :: [(QFFormula, Witness)]
    case2 = [(subst1 x (LA.constant j) formula2, WCase2 c j delta us) | j <- [1..delta]]

{-| @'projectCasesN' {x1,…,xm} φ@ returns @[(ψ_1, lift_1), …, (ψ_n, lift_n)]@ such that:

* @⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yp. (∃x. φ) ↔ (ψ_1 ∨ … ∨ φ_n)@ where @{y1, …, yp} = FV(φ) \\ {x1,…,xm}@, and

* if @M ⊧_LIA ψ_i@ then @lift_i M ⊧_LIA φ@.
projectCasesN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
projectCasesN vs2 = f (IS.toList vs2)
    f :: [Var] -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
    f [] formula = return (formula, id)
    f (v:vs) formula = do
      (formula2, mt1) <- projectCases v formula
      (formula3, mt2) <- f vs formula2
      return (formula3, mt1 . mt2)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype LCM a = LCM{ getLCM :: a }

instance Integral a => Monoid (LCM a) where
  mempty = LCM 1
  LCM a `mappend` LCM b = LCM $ lcm a b

checkedDiv :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
checkedDiv a b =
  case a `divMod` b of
    (q,0) -> q
    _ -> error "ToySolver.Cooper.checkedDiv: should not happen"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | @'solveQFFormula' {x1,…,xn} φ@ returns @Just M@ that @M ⊧_LIA φ@ when
-- such @M@ exists, returns @Nothing@ otherwise.
-- @FV(φ)@ must be a subset of @{x1,…,xn}@.
solveQFFormula :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solveQFFormula vs formula = listToMaybe $ do
  (formula2, mt) <- projectCasesN vs formula
  let m = IM.empty
  guard $ evalQFFormula m formula2
  return $ mt m

-- | @'solve' {x1,…,xn} φ@ returns @Just M@ that @M ⊧_LIA φ@ when
-- such @M@ exists, returns @Nothing@ otherwise.
-- @FV(φ)@ must be a subset of @{x1,…,xn}@.
solve :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solve vs cs = solveQFFormula vs $ andB $ map fromLAAtom cs

-- | @'solveQFLIRAConj' {x1,…,xn} φ I@ returns @Just M@ that @M ⊧_LIRA φ@ when
-- such @M@ exists, returns @Nothing@ otherwise.
-- * @FV(φ)@ must be a subset of @{x1,…,xn}@.
-- * @I@ is a set of integer variables and must be a subset of @{x1,…,xn}@.
solveQFLIRAConj :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> VarSet -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solveQFLIRAConj vs cs ivs = listToMaybe $ do
  (cs2, mt) <- FM.projectN rvs cs
  m <- maybeToList $ solve ivs cs2
  return $ mt $ IM.map fromInteger m
    rvs = vs `IS.difference` ivs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

testHagiya :: QFFormula
testHagiya = fst $ project 1 $ andB [c1, c2, c3]
    [x,y,z] = map LA.var [1..3]
    c1 = x .<. (y ^+^ y)
    c2 = z .<. x
    c3 = 3 .|. x

∃ x. x < y+y ∧ z<x ∧ 3|x
(2y>z+1 ∧ 3|z+1) ∨ (2y>z+2 ∧ 3|z+2) ∨ (2y>z+3 ∧ 3|z+3)

test3 :: QFFormula
test3 = fst $ project 1 $ andB [p1,p2,p3,p4]
    x = LA.var 0
    y = LA.var 1
    p1 = LA.constant 0 .<. y
    p2 = 2 *^ x .<. y
    p3 = y .<. x ^+^ LA.constant 2
    p4 = 2 .|. y

∃ y. 0 < y ∧ 2x<y ∧ y < x+2 ∧ 2|y
(2x < 2 ∧ 0 < x) ∨ (0 < 2x+2 ∧ x < 0)

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