{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} module Network.Tox.EncodingSpec ( spec , binarySpec , binaryGetPutSpec , bitEncodingSpec , readShowSpec , rpcSpec , expectDecoded , expectDecoderFail ) where import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack) import Test.Hspec import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary) import Data.Binary (Binary) import qualified Data.Binary as Binary (get, put) import qualified Data.Binary.Bits.Get as Bits (BitGet, runBitGet) import qualified Data.Binary.Bits.Put as Bits (BitPut, runBitPut) import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Binary (Decoder (..), Get, pushChunk, runGet, runGetIncremental) import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Binary (Put, runPut) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word64, Word8) import qualified Network.Tox.Binary as Binary import Network.Tox.Encoding (BitEncoding, bitGet, bitPut) spec :: Spec spec = rpcSpec (Proxy :: Proxy Word64) -- | Limit the number of tests we do with the encoders/decoders. -- -- These are fairly expensive, and running very large tests for them is probably -- not very valuable. property :: QC.Testable prop => prop -> QC.Property property = QC.withMaxSuccess 50 . QC.property expectDecoded :: (Binary a, Eq a, Show a) => [Word8] -> a -> Expectation expectDecoded bytes expected = Binary.runGet Binary.get (LazyByteString.pack bytes) `shouldBe` expected expectDecoderFail :: Binary.Get a -> [Word8] -> String -> Expectation expectDecoderFail getA bytes expectedMessage = let decoder = Binary.runGetIncremental getA in case Binary.pushChunk decoder $ ByteString.pack bytes of Binary.Fail _ _ msg -> msg `shouldContain` expectedMessage Binary.Partial _ -> expectationFailure "Not enough input to reach failure" Binary.Done {} -> expectationFailure "Input unexpectedly yielded a valid value" binaryEncodeAndDecode :: (Eq a, Show a) => Binary.Get a -> (a -> Binary.Put) -> a -> Expectation binaryEncodeAndDecode getA putA expected = let bytes = LazyByteString.toStrict $ Binary.runPut $ putA expected in finish $ Binary.pushChunk (Binary.runGetIncremental getA) bytes where finish = \case Binary.Fail _ _ msg -> expectationFailure msg Binary.Partial next -> finish $ next Nothing Binary.Done remaining _ output -> do remaining `shouldBe` ByteString.empty output `shouldBe` expected binaryGetPutSpec :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a) => String -> Binary.Get a -> (a -> Binary.Put) -> Spec binaryGetPutSpec name getA putA = describe name $ do it "decodes encoded protocols correctly" $ property $ binaryEncodeAndDecode getA putA it "handles arbitrary input" $ property $ \bytes -> let finish = \case Binary.Fail {} -> return () Binary.Partial f -> finish $ f Nothing Binary.Done _ _ output -> binaryEncodeAndDecode getA putA output in finish $ Binary.pushChunk (Binary.runGetIncremental getA) $ ByteString.pack bytes it "should have a non-nullable packet grammar" $ let bytes = [] decoder = Binary.runGetIncremental getA in case Binary.pushChunk decoder $ ByteString.pack bytes of Binary.Fail _ _ msg -> expectationFailure msg Binary.Partial _ -> return () Binary.Done {} -> expectationFailure "Done with empty input; packet grammar appears to be nullable" binarySpec :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, Binary a) => proxy a -> Spec binarySpec (_ :: proxy a) = binaryGetPutSpec "Binary.{get,put}" (Binary.get :: Binary.Get a) (Binary.put :: a -> Binary.Put) bitEncodingSpec :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, BitEncoding a) => proxy a -> Spec bitEncodingSpec (_ :: proxy a) = let bitGetA = (bitGet :: Bits.BitGet a) bitPutA = (bitPut :: a -> Bits.BitPut ()) in binaryGetPutSpec "BitEncoding.bit{Get,Put}" (Bits.runBitGet bitGetA) (Bits.runBitPut . bitPutA) readShowSpec :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, Read a) => proxy a -> Spec readShowSpec (_ :: proxy a) = let showA = show :: a -> String readA = read :: String -> a in describe "Read/Show" $ it "encodes and decodes correctly" $ property $ \expected -> let output = readA $ showA expected in output `shouldBe` expected rpcSpec :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, Typeable a, Binary a, MessagePack a) => proxy a -> Spec rpcSpec (_ :: proxy a) = describe "MessagePack" $ it "encodes and decodes correctly" $ property $ \x -> decodeA (encodeA x) `shouldBe` Just x where encodeA = Binary.encode :: a -> ByteString.ByteString decodeA = Binary.decode :: ByteString.ByteString -> Maybe a