Îõ³h&:56g      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ(c) 2020-2021 Tim EmiolaBSD30Tim Emiola  Safe-Inferred)*01ÁÂÃÄÅÌÙÚÜïÊtmp-proc Used internally by @SortSymbols.tmp-proc Used internally by @SortSymbols.tmp-procSort a list of type-level symbols using merge sort.Examples):kind! SortSymbols '["xyz", "def", "abc"].SortSymbols '["xyz", "def", "abc"] :: [Symbol]= '["abc", "def", "xyz"]‘tmp-proc Implements .tmp-proc"Computes the midpoint of a number.ÚN.B: maximum value that this works for depends on the reduction limit of the type-checker.Examples:kind! CmpNat 49 (HalfOf 99)!CmpNat 49 (HalfOf 99) :: Ordering= 'EQ:kind! CmpNat 50 (HalfOf 100)"CmpNat 50 (HalfOf 100) :: Ordering= 'EQtmp-proc#Counts a list, 1 element at a time.Examples(:kind! CmpNat 4 (LengthOf '[1, 2, 3, 4])-CmpNat 4 (LengthOf '[1, 2, 3, 4]) :: Ordering= 'EQtmp-procÂDrops 1 element at a time until the the dropped target is reached.Examples#:kind! Drop '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2(Drop '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2 :: [Symbol] = '["c", "d"]:kind! Drop '["a"] 2Drop '["a"] 2 :: [Symbol]= '[]tmp-procÊTakes 1 element at a time from a list until the desired length is reached.Examples#:kind! Take '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2(Take '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2 :: [Symbol] = '["a", "b"](c) 2020-2021 Tim EmiolaBSD30Tim Emiola  Safe-Inferred ")*/01ÁÂÃÄÅÌÙÚÜïºtmp-procGenerate proof instances of ’.’tmp-proc2Proves a type is present in a list of other types.tmp-procAllows reordering of similar s.ExamplesÐhReorder @_ @'[Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)True &: 3 &: HNilØhReorder @_ @'[Double, Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)3.1 &: True &: 3 &: HNiltmp-procGenerate proof instances of “.“tmp-proc8Proves that symbols with corresponding types occur as a  in a list of  typesNote - both the list symbols and  types need to be sorted, with  types sorted by key. TODO:? is there an easy way to incorporate this rule into the proof ? tmp-procGenerate proof instances of  . tmp-proc9Proves a symbol and its type occur as entry in a list of  types.tmp-procËA constraint that confirms that a type is not present in a type-level list.tmp-procUse a type-level symbol as key type that indexes a value type.tmp-procDefines a Heterogenous list.tmp-procObtain the first element of a .tmp-procGet an item in an  given its type.tmp-procAn infix alias for .tmp-procConstruct a two-item HList.tmp-procAn infix alias for .tmp-procConstruct a singleton HListtmp-procSelect an item from an  of s by key.N.BÉ Returns the first item. It assumes the keys in the KV HList are unique. TODO:& enforce this rule using a constraint.ExamplesÚselect @"d" @Double @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &: V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)3.1tmp-proc)Select items with specified keys from an  of s by key.N.B.# this this is an internal function.€The keys must be provided in the same order as they occur in the HList, any other order will likely result in an compiler error.ExamplesáselectMany @'["b"] @'[Bool] @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &: V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil) True &: HNil    5566(c) 2020-2021 Tim EmiolaBSD30Tim Emiola  Safe-Inferred "')*/012ÁÂÃÄÅÇÌ×ÙÚÜãï+pÌ”tmp-procSort lists of T types.•tmp-procñUsed to support type classes that prove a list of types is constrained to unique instances of another type class.–tmp-procConvert list of F types to corresponding G types.+tmp-proc4Declares a proof that a list of types only contains Fs.—tmp-proc,Used to prove a list of types just contains =s.˜tmp-proc,Used to prove a list of types just contains Ts.,tmp-proc4Declares a proof that a list of types only contains =s.™tmp-procConvert list of T types to corresponding  types.štmp-procConverts list of = the corresponding ? symbols.-tmp-proc A list of T2 values with the docker network of their processes.tmp-proc A list of T values./tmp-proc,Converts list of types to the corresponding T types.›tmp-proc*Specifies how to obtain the service URI a T at an index in a list.0tmp-procÑObtains the service URI of the handle whose index is specified by the proxy type.œtmp-procSpecifies how to ping a T at an index in a list.1tmp-proctmp-proc)The image name of the docker image, e.g,  postgres:10.6?tmp-procÊA label used to refer to running process created from this image, e.g,  a-postgres-db@tmp-procÆAdditional arguments to the docker command that launches the tmp proc.Atmp-proc;Determines the service URI of the process, when applicable.Btmp-proc(Resets some state in a tmp proc service.Ctmp-proc"Checks if the tmp proc started ok.Dtmp-proc2Maximum number of pings to perform during startup.Etmp-proc%Number of milliseconds between pings.Ftmp-proc)Specifies how to a get a connection to a =.Gtmp-procThe connection type.Htmp-proc%Get a connection to the Proc via its T.Itmp-procClose a connection to a =.Jtmp-proc:Allow customization of the docker command that launches a =&The full command is `docker run -d  optional-args= --name $(name a) $(imageText a)` Specify a new instance of ToRunCmd to control optional-args There is an  Overlappable& fallback instance that works for any =0, so this typeclass need only be specified for =, that need extra args in the docker commandLtmp-proc Prepare resources for use by a =Preparation occurs before the Proc's Õdocker container is a launched, and resources generated are made accessible via the prepared data type.Usually, it will be used by K7 to provide additional arguments to the docker command There is an  Overlappable& fallback instance that works for any =0, so this typeclass need only be specified for = that require some setupThe M method is given a list of N that represent preceding tmp-procà managed containers, to allow preparation to establish links to these containers when necessaryNtmp-proc*Provides an untyped view of the data in a TTtmp-procProvides access to a = that has been started.Ztmp-proc.Determines if the docker daemon is accessible.[tmp-proc Set up some =s4, run an action that uses them, then terminate them.\tmp-proc Obtain the N.]tmp-procStart up processes for each = type.^tmp-procLike ]< but creates a new docker network and that the processes use_tmp-procStart up processes for each = type.`tmp-proc&Terminate all processes owned by some Ts.atmp-procLike `?, but also removes the docker network connecting the processes. tmp-proc!Terminate the process owned by a Ts.btmp-procName of a process.ctmp-procSimplifies use of @.¡tmp-procSimplifies use of D.¢tmp-procSimplifies use of E.dtmp-procSimplifies use of A.£tmp-procThe full args of a  docker run command for starting up a =.etmp-proc Starts a =.It uses C to determine if the =Å started up ok, and will fail by throwing an exception if it did not. Returns the T used to control the = once a ping has succeeded.ftmp-proc6Use an action that might throw an exception as a ping.¤tmp-procPing a T several times.gtmp-procRun an action on a F handle as a callback on its Ghtmp-procSelect the named Ts from an  of T.itmp-proc Builds on 3 ; gives the G of the T to a callback.¥tmp-proc Create a  of s from a  of Ts.¦tmp-proc Convert a T to a .jtmp-proc Open all the F types to corresponding G types.ktmp-proc Close some F types.ltmp-proc9Open some connections, use them in an action; close them.mtmp-proc>Open all known connections; use them in an action; close them.ntmp-proc>Open the named connections; use them in an action; close them.otmp-procgenerate a random network nameÝ +,-./0123456789:;<=?>B@ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoÝ=?>B@ACDE9:;<,befdcJKLM]_`a^[TUVWXYNOPQRS/65\3210.-ho4FGHI+gijklmnZ87 (c) 2020-2021 Tim EmiolaBSD30Tim Emiola  Safe-Inferred'Âã5=§tmp-proc&Simplifies creation of a ready action.‚tmp-proc.Represents a started Warp application and any , dependencies.ƒtmp-procRuns an ¨ with  ProcHandle dependencies on a free port.„tmp-procLike ƒ; with an additional ready* that determines if the server is ready.'.…tmp-procLike ƒ; the port is secured with ©.†tmp-procLike „; the port is secured with ©.ªtmp-procUsed to implement „‡tmp-procShuts down the ‚ server and its tmp proc dependencies.ˆtmp-procThe ‚s  ProcHandles.‰tmp-procThe « on which the ‚s server is running.Štmp-proc Set up some  ProcHandles then run an ¨" that uses them on a free port.-Allows the app to configure itself using the  tmp procs6, then provides a callback with access to the handles.The  tmp procs1 are shut down when the application is shut down.‹tmp-procLike Š6, but the port is secured using a 'Warp.TLSSettings. 'Œtmp-proc Set up some  ProcHandles then run an ¨" that uses them on a free port.-Allows the app to configure itself using the  tmp procs6, then provides a callback with access to the handles. Also runs a ready? action that to determine if the application started correctly.The  tmp procs1 are shut down when the application is shut down.tmp-procLike Œ; the port is secured with ©.Žtmp-proc-Simplifies writing the health checks used by ready variants of this module.¬tmp-procA ­ configured with a ready action.9The ready action is used to check if a server is healthy.®tmp-procA ­ configured with a ready action.9The ready action is used to check if a server is healthy.¯tmp-proc&Simplifies creation of a ready action.°tmp-proc*Gap between service pings in milliseconds.±tmp-procLike ². , but the port is secured using the provided ©.³tmp-procÒLike "Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.openFreePort" but closes the socket before exiting.´tmp-procImproves readability... ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ ŠŒ‹‚‰ˆ‡ƒ„…†Ž(c) 2020-2021 Tim EmiolaBSD30Tim Emiola  Safe-Inferred5èí +,-./0123456789<:;=EDCA@B?>>?FIGHGJKLMNSRQOPTYXWUVZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmno‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽµ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTTUVWXYYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶³·¸¹º»¼³½¾¿ÀÁtmp-proc- SortSymbolsHalfOfLengthOfDropTake IsInProofReorderHhReorder ManyMemberKV manyProofMemberKV lookupProofLookupKVAtHead OtherKeysIsAbsentKVVHListHNilHConshHeadhOf&:both&:&onlyselect selectMany $fEqHList $fEqHList0 $fShowHList $fShowHList0 $fMemberKVkt:$fMemberKVkt:0$fMemberKVkt:1$fManyMemberKVksts:$fManyMemberKV:::$fManyMemberKV:::0$fReorderHxs[] $fIsInProoft:$fIsInProoft:0 $fReorderHxs: ConnectablesAreProcsNetworkHandlesOf HandlesOf Proc2HandleixUriOfixPingixResethandleOfSomeNamedHandlesHasNamedHandle HasHandleSvcURI HostIpAddressPingedOKNotOK PingFailedProcImageNamerunArgsuriOfresetping pingCountpingGap ConnectableConnopenConn closeConnToRunCmdtoRunCmdPreparerprepare SlimHandleshName shIpAddressshPidshUri ProcHandlehProchPidhUrihAddr hasDocker withTmpProcsslim startupAllnetwStartupAll startupAll' terminateAllnetwTerminateAllnameOfrunArgs'uriOf'startuptoPinged withTmpConn manyNamed withConnOfopenAllcloseAll withConnswithKnownConnswithNamedConnsgenNetworkName $fToRunCmdaa' $fPrepareraa' $fAreProcs: $fAreProcs[]$fIxUriOfSymbolnameprocs$fIxPingSymbolnameprocs$fIxResetSymbolnameprocs$fHandleOfSymbolnameprocsp$fIxUriOfTYPEpprocs$fIxPingTYPEpprocs$fIxResetTYPEpprocs$fHandleOfTYPEpprocsp$fConnectables:$fConnectables[]$fEqSlimHandle$fShowSlimHandle $fEqPinged $fShowPinged ServerHandle runServerrunReadyServer runTLSServerrunReadyTLSServershutdownhandles serverPorttestWithApplicationtestWithTLSApplicationtestWithReadyApplicationtestWithReadyTLSApplication checkHealth MergeSymbolsSortSymbolsStep HalfOfImplIsIn LookupMany SortHandlesUniquelyConnsOf SomeProcs SomeHandles Handle2KV Proc2NameIxUriOfIxPingIxResetHandleOfProcPlus terminate pingCount'pingGap' dockerCmdArgsnPingstoKVstoKV PortWaiter wai-3.2.4-2pbEu9Yk5hGBvNQRSu6RK8 Network.Wai Application$warp-tls-3.4.4-6uD11ShcAj1PuhTwn4WvX$Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS.Internal TLSSettingsrunReadyServer'"warp-3.3.31-56iwn8ptWpT9OMio7ntinvNetwork.Wai.Handler.Warp.TypesPort readySettings!Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.SettingsSettingswaiterSettingsmkWaiter pingPeriodwithTLSApplicationSettings(Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.WithApplicationtestWithApplicationSettings withFreePort doNothing