# TimezoneDetect ![build](https://github.com/lfborjas/timezone-detect/workflows/Haskell%20CI/badge.svg) Haskell bindings to the excellent [ZoneDetect](https://github.com/BertoldVdb/ZoneDetect) library, plus additional UNIX-aware facilities to determine the UTC time of a given local time in a latitude and longitude. ## Usage You'll need timezone database files to work with this library, see instructions [in the original repository](https://github.com/BertoldVdb/ZoneDetect/tree/master/database). Once you have those files in hand, you'll be able to get a timezone from a given latitude and longitude: ```haskell >>> lookupTimeZoneName "./test/tz_db/timezone21.bin" 40.7831 (-73.9712) :: Maybe TimeZoneName Just "America/New_York" ``` Additionally, we now depend on the [timezone-series](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/timezone-series) and [timezone-olson](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/timezone-olson) packages to add awareness of `tz database` information. With that, you can look up the UTC time at a point in time and space: ```haskell >>> import Data.Time >>> localWinter <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d %T" "2019-12-25 00:30:00" >>> utcTime <- timeAtPointToUTC "./test/tz_db/timezone21.bin" 40.7831 (-73.9712) localWinter 2019-12-25 05:30:00 UTC >>> localSummer <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d %T" "2019-07-25 00:30:00" >>> utcTime <- timeAtPointToUTC "./test/tz_db/timezone21.bin" 40.7831 (-73.9712) localWinter 2019-07-25 04:30:00 UTC ``` You can also opt to obtain the timezone name separately (if you wanted to isolate that as a failure scenario,) and, once in possession of it, use `timeInTimeZoneToUTC`: ```haskell >>> localSummer <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d %T" "2019-07-25 00:30:00" >>> utcTime <- timeInTimeZoneToUTC "America/New_York" localSummer 2019-07-25 04:30:00 UTC ```