timeless-tutorials- Initial project template from stack

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main :: IO () Source #

Tutorial 1 -- Coinslot


This series of tutorial aims at its corresponding major version of Timeless. For example, a version number of 1.x.x.x means it should be compatible with Timeless version >= 1 and < 2.

As a project goal, this tutorial series will also aid the development and refactor of Timeless. Major breakage is unlikely if you don't use underlying Signals directly. However, if you do, good luck. And it is important that, if you have seen my timeless-0.9.x.x tutorials, they would probably still work with modifications. However, that version is way too primitive and messy to write, and doesn't really give any advantage of FRP, and gave me much more headache than writing using "normal" methods.

This series should hopefully guide you to be familiar with "my" way of FR. Of course, I do not have real serious UI experiences, so I am also learning. Again, expect radical changes, but the code should still work.

Feel free to skip this section if you don't want to read stories.

Now, why would I write Timeless?

Because I intuitively think FRP is the way to go. I have read Functional Reactive Programming, and I tried to learn Netwire because of the nice Arrow syntax.

And of course, Timeless is forked originally from Netwire 5 because it is unmaintained and incomplete. And Timeless is just a random name I gave it. As of version 1, Timeless is really, timeless, because I removed the Session(with time information) that feeds into every Signal, as inherited from Netwire. The reason is, I think this makes reasoning with purity much harder, and I'd rather explicitly put down an IO signal just to read the time. That should compose much better.

Timeless 1 imitates the primitives like Sodium as described in the book Functional Reactive Programming. Of course, since Timeless works on Arrows instead of end points, exact details are different, and will be shown in the tutorials.

Backstory nonsense is enough, and I will start to explain how to design a coinslot machine.


This program does one thing.

Current Coins: 0
>>> Hello
Current Coins: 0
>>> insert
Current Coins: 1
>>> insert
Current Coins: 2

That's it. There is only one command, insert, which increments the coin coint. Everything else be ignored. Now proceed to writing the program!

Program Structure

As described in the book I mentioned multiple times, any Timeless program have two types of primitive signals: Stream and Cell. Names are from the book directly. Stream represents a stream of events, which can arriveat any time, and only contains value when it is fired. Cell represents continuous value in time, therefore always has a value. In a program, Cells are used to store state, while Streams model interaction. Detailed usage of primitives will be explained on the go.

Also notice that most primitives are transparent or atomic, which means the output value is immediately available. Except for the delay primitive, which delays the information for an infinitesimal amount of time. For those have worked with state machines on FPGA, it should be obvious that if all primitives give delay, nasty timing design must be considered. This defeats the reason to use FRP at all, and makes programming as hard as designing hardware.

The atomic property follows that, nothing should ever block, or ever cause any side effects inside a Stream or Cell. Description of performing side effects will be shown in next section. In addition, anything that blocks, or takes significant time should be forked to another thread, and use MVar or alike to communicate. Detailed explanation is in the next section.


To make the program easier to test, the first part to complete is IO. Let's do the simpler first: printing.

We are not using any fancy ANSI terminal things, just a good old command line. Therefore, the simple putStr function is enough, which updates every time Enter is pressed. Of course, getLine will echo input, so that part is automatically solved.

Since this is a simple terminal, we should not print information continuously, or garbage will quickly flood the console. This gives the decision to make this output a Stream, as it is discrete. In this series, I will always prepend s to the name of a Stream.

sPutStrSink = sinkS $ \s -> putStr s >> hFlush stdout

Time for some explanation. StreamSink can be seen as a black box which devours value and spits nothing out. Perfect for performing side effects, because the effects will never be known to the rest of the program! Think IO (). And in fact, Timeless provides:

sinkS :: (a -> IO ()) -> StreamSink a

Therefore, the output is very straightforward. Notice that stdout should be flushed, or the last line will not show up in terminal.

Next, the input is slightly more complicated. To easily get a command, getLine is the most straightforward way. However, it blocks!

Now there is a good news. Haskell threads are virtually free, so use as many as you can! Since we are communicating using an MVar, we need:

sMVarSource mvar = sourceS $ tryTakeMVar mvar

This Stream fires when a value is present in the MVar. How does that work? Look at the timeless provided constructor:

sourceS :: IO (Maybe b) -> StreamSource b

As you might guess, when the IO action returns Just b, the Stream fires with value b. tryTakeMVar is a perfect function to fit.

Of course, we need to get that MVar from somewhere, which means a thread must be spawned before the network is constructed and ran.

initPrint = do
  mvar <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO $ loop mvar
  return mvar
      loop mvar = do
        s <- getLine
        putMVar mvar s
        loop mvar

This action will spawn the thread needed, and returns the MVar. It is possible to do the initialization with just timeless(as I did in my previous versions), but it involves using Signals directly, and adds quite some complexity to the final network. For now, use this simpler way.

Now there is input and output. Let's test it!

testBox mvar = proc () -> do
  str <- sMVarSource mvar -< ()
  sPutStrSink -< str

Box is my name for a network of signals which is totally opaque. The box driver just keeps updating the box, and only cares whether it is shut down. In this tutorial, the "shut down" part is ignored.

If you have seen the Arrow syntax before, the flow should be straightforward. If you have not, just remember that 'proc' is like lambda, and the '()' is the single input that will be fed into the Arrow. Here, since testBox is a black box, the only input is '()', which is "no information except for its presence". Another important fact is that, the part between <- and -< are the Arrows themselves, while the outer part are their inputs and outputs. The Arrow network is static on compile time, and the "inner" and "outer" part have different scope, so do not try to reference variables between the two parts. One last note is that Arrow does not have currying. Unfortunately, currying is a special property of functions, not the more generic Arrows. If you need more than one input, use a tuple or some ADT.

To explain the box, the source is driven by the input (). This is mandatory since every arrow needs an input. It outputs to str, which is fed into the sink arrow. The box is driven as follows:

main = do
  mvar <- initPrint
  runBox $ testBox mvar

Initialization is performed, and box is driven. Done!

The final result is a program that echos lines of input.


First, we need to parse the command. Since we don't have any fancy function except for incrementing, parsing the command to be a Stream of '()' is enough. This stream should fire whenever the command is "insert", so:

parse "insert" = Just ()
parse _ = Nothing

Bingo! Next, we need to store the current count of coins.

accumulator (_, coin) = coin + 1

The reason to do this is, Timeless gives a helper to construct a state:

state :: s -> ((a, s) -> s) -> StreamCell a s

StreamCell just means that it takes a Stream as input, and outputs as a Cell. The first parameter is the initial value, while the second is a function of state transition. Of course, s is the state, and a is the event. Here, accumulator will count up whenever the input is fired.

Next, we need to display the coin count, so we need a string.

display coin = "Current coins: " ++ (show coin) ++ "\n>>> "

This function gives the string to display current coin count, and the prompt.

FInally, we are coming to the point to print the screen. However, there is a problem.

Remember we said that display is updated when Enter is pressed?

What about when the program just started?

This problem is solved in two parts.

First, since we need a Stream to display, some sort of sampler is needed. This Signal will be used:

sample :: Signal IO (Maybe a, b) (Maybe b)

I havn't introduced Signal because using that directly will mess up the code. For now, just understand that sample takes two input, when Stream a fires, Cell b would be sampled and fired on the Stream output.

With this in mind, we need some trigger Stream that fires once on startup, and on every subsequent Enter keypress.

Nicely, Timeless has the following Stream which does exactly as advertised:

onceS :: b -> StreamSource b

The two triggers must be merged somehow. And here is the signal:

mergeSP :: Signal IO (Maybe a, Maybe a) (Maybe a)

It is easy to guess that this Signal takes two Streams as input, and outputs one Stream. More specifically, it prioritizes the first stream in case there is a simultaneous arrival.

With these tools we can finally construct the real box.

box mvar = proc () -> do
  sCommand <- sMVarSource mvar -< ()
  sTrigger <- arrS (const ()) -< sCommand
  sAccumTrig <- arr (>>=parse) -< sCommand
  cCoin <- state 0 accumulator -< sAccumTrig
  cDisplay <- arr display -< cCoin
  sInitTrig <- onceS () -< ()
  sDispTrig <- mergeSP -< (sInitTrig, sTrigger)
  sDisplay <- sample -< (sDispTrig, cDisplay)
  sPutStrSink -< sDisplay

There are quite a lot going on. The code just does what it looks like, but there are things to note. As before, the IO arrows are easy to find, with input stored in sCommand and final output in sDisplay. sTrigger simply converts each input event into the information-less '()', while sAccumTrig fires when coin is inserted. The display is triggered by sDispTrig, which merges sInitTrig and sTrigger. Of course, sInitTrig fires only once on startup.

Now, run the program!