HUnut test suite of example recurrences lifted from RFC 5545 section > module Main where > import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) > import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit > import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) There are various dates used during these tests, some as start dates and some as end dates. The examples are actually all in the America/New_York time zone, but since a local time instance has not been created yet, all the dates are converted into UTC. > import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat) > import Data.Time > import Data.Maybe (fromJust) > import Prelude hiding (until) > import Control.Monad ((>=>)) > import Data.Time.Recurrence We are certain of the validity of the dates used, and so fromJust is safe to use. > parse822Time :: String -> UTCTime > parse822Time = zonedTimeToUTC > . fromJust > . parseTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat > date1 = parse822Time "Tue, 02 Sep 1997 09:00:00 -0400" > date2 = parse822Time "Wed, 24 Dec 1997 00:00:00 -0400" > date3 = parse822Time "Thu, 01 Jan 1998 09:00:00 -0400" > date4 = parse822Time "Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:00:00 -0400" > main :: IO () > main = defaultMain tests > until :: (Moment a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> [a] > until m = takeWhile (<= m) > tests :: [Test] > tests = > [ testGroup "RFC5445 Examples" $ zipWith (testCase . show) [1::Int ..] > [ assertEqual ("Test Daily from "++ show date1 ++". 10 Occurrences") > (take 10 $ recur daily `begin` date1) > (take 10 $ recur monthly `starting` date1 $ enumDays [2 .. 11]) > , assertEqual ("Test Daily from "++ show date1 ++". Until "++ show date2) > (until date2 $ recur daily `begin` date1) > (until date2 $ recur monthly `starting` date1 $ enumWeekDaysInMonth [Monday .. Sunday]) > , assertBool ("Test every other day from "++ show date1 ++". Cap at 10000") > (checkDayDist 2 $ take 10000 $ recur daily `by` 2 `begin` date1) > , assertEqual ("Test every 10 days from "++ show date1 ++". 5 Occurrences") > (take 5 $ recur daily `by` 10 `begin` date1) > (take 5 $ recur yearly `starting` date1 $ enumMonths [September, October] >=> enumDays [2,12,22]) > , assertEqual "Test every day in Jan. for 3 years" > (until date4 $ recur yearly `starting` date3 $ enumMonths [January] >=> enumWeekDaysInMonth [Monday .. Sunday]) > (until date4 $ recur daily `starting` date3 $ filterMonths [January]) > ] > ] This is the assertion function for testing the number of days between moments. It will be used in a couple of tests, and requires at least two moments to operate correctly. > dayDist :: [UTCTime] -> [Integer] > dayDist [] = [] > dayDist (_:[]) = [] > dayDist (x:xs) = fst $ foldl go ([], utcDay x) xs > where > go acc x = let d = utcDay x in (abs (diffDays d (snd acc)):fst acc, d) > utcDay (UTCTime d _) = d > checkDayDist :: Integer -> [UTCTime] -> Bool > checkDayDist d = all (== d) . dayDist