;;; tidal.el --- Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2012 alex@slab.org ;; Copyright (C) 2006-2008 rohan drape (hsc3.el) ;; Author: alex@slab.org ;; Homepage: https://github.com/tidalcycles/Tidal ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Keywords: tools ;; Package-Requires: ((haskell-mode "16") (emacs "25.1")) ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; notes from hsc3: ;; This mode is implemented as a derivation of `haskell' mode, ;; indentation and font locking is courtesy that mode. The ;; inter-process communication is courtesy `comint'. The symbol at ;; point acquisition is courtesy `thingatpt'. The directory search ;; facilities are courtesy `find-lisp'. ;;; Code: (require 'scheme) (require 'comint) (require 'thingatpt) (require 'find-lisp) (require 'pulse) (require 'haskell-mode) (require 'subr-x) (defvar tidal-buffer "*tidal*" "*The name of the tidal process buffer (default=*tidal*).") (defvar tidal-interpreter "ghci" "*The haskell interpeter to use (default=ghci).") (defvar tidal-interpreter-version (substring (shell-command-to-string (concat tidal-interpreter " --numeric-version")) 0 -1) "*The version of tidal interpreter as a string.") (defvar tidal-interpreter-arguments () "*Arguments to the haskell interpreter (default=none).") (defvar tidal-boot-script-path (let ((filepath (cond ((string-equal system-type "windows-nt") '(("path" . "echo off && for /f %a in ('ghc-pkg latest tidal') do (for /f \"tokens=2\" %i in ('ghc-pkg describe %a ^| findstr data-dir') do (echo %i))") ("separator" . "\\"))) ((or (string-equal system-type "darwin") (string-equal system-type "gnu/linux")) '(("path" . "echo -n data-dir: && ghc -e 'import Paths_tidal' -e 'getDataDir>>=putStr' 2>/dev/null") ("separator" . "/") ))))) (concat (string-trim (cadr (split-string (shell-command-to-string (cdr (assoc "path" filepath))) ":"))) (cdr (assoc "separator" filepath)) "BootTidal.hs")) "*Full path to BootTidal.hs (inferred by introspecting ghc-pkg package db).") (defvar tidal-literate-p t "*Flag to indicate if we are in literate mode (default=t).") (defvar tidal-modules nil "Additional module imports. See `tidal-run-region'.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'tidal-literate-p) (defun tidal-unlit (s) "Remove bird literate markup in S." (replace-regexp-in-string "^> " "" s)) (defun tidal-intersperse (e l) "Insert E between every element of list L." (when l (cons e (cons (car l) (tidal-intersperse e (cdr l)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun tidal-start-haskell () "Start haskell." (interactive) (save-window-excursion (if (comint-check-proc tidal-buffer) (when (yes-or-no-p "A tidal process is already running. Do you want to restart it? ") (tidal-restart-haskell)) (apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "tidal" tidal-buffer tidal-interpreter nil tidal-interpreter-arguments) (tidal-see-output) (tidal-send-string (concat ":script " tidal-boot-script-path)))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window tidal-buffer)) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'run-tidal #'tidal-start-haskell "Start tidal in the haskell interpreter.") (defun tidal-see-output () "Show haskell output." (interactive) (when (comint-check-proc tidal-buffer) (delete-other-windows) (with-current-buffer tidal-buffer (let ((window (display-buffer (current-buffer)))) (goto-char (point-max)) (save-selected-window (set-window-point window (point-max))))))) (defun tidal-quit-haskell () "Quit haskell." (interactive) (kill-buffer tidal-buffer) (delete-other-windows)) (defun tidal-restart-haskell () "Restart haskell." (interactive) (let ((kill-buffer-query-functions nil)) (tidal-quit-haskell)) (tidal-start-haskell)) (defun tidal-chunk-string (n s) "Split a string S into chunks of N characters." (let* ((l (length s)) (m (min l n)) (c (substring s 0 m))) (if (<= l n) (list c) (cons c (tidal-chunk-string n (substring s n)))))) (defun tidal-send-string (s) "Send string S to tidal." (if (comint-check-proc tidal-buffer) (let ((cs (tidal-chunk-string 64 (concat s "\n")))) (mapcar (lambda (c) (comint-send-string tidal-buffer c)) cs)) (error "No tidal process running?"))) (defun tidal-transform-and-store (f s) "Transform text into compilable form (Using file F and string S)." (with-temp-file f (mapc (lambda (module) (insert (concat module "\n"))) tidal-modules) (insert "main = do\n") (insert (if tidal-literate-p (tidal-unlit s) s)))) (defun tidal-get-now () "Store the current cycle position in a tidal variable called `now'." (interactive) (tidal-send-string "now' <- getNow") (tidal-send-string "let now = nextSam now'") (tidal-send-string "let retrig = (now `rotR`)") (tidal-send-string "let fadeOut n = spread' (_degradeBy) (retrig $ slow n $ envL)") (tidal-send-string "let fadeIn n = spread' (_degradeBy) (retrig $ slow n $ (1-) <$> envL)")) (defun tidal-run-line () "Send the current line to the interpreter." (interactive) ;;(tidal-get-now) (let* ((s (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))) (s* (if tidal-literate-p (tidal-unlit s) s))) (tidal-send-string s*)) (pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line (point)) (forward-line)) (defun tidal-eval-multiple-lines () "Eval the current region in the interpreter as a single line." ;;(tidal-get-now) (mark-paragraph) (let* ((s (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))) (s* (if tidal-literate-p (tidal-unlit s) s))) (tidal-send-string ":{") (tidal-send-string s*) (tidal-send-string ":}") (mark-paragraph) (pulse-momentary-highlight-region (mark) (point)))) (defun tidal-run-multiple-lines () "Send the current region to the interpreter as a single line." (interactive) (if (>= emacs-major-version 25) (save-mark-and-excursion (tidal-eval-multiple-lines)) (save-excursion (tidal-eval-multiple-lines)))) (defmacro tidal-create-runner-run (name) "Macro to generate `d1' style pattern runners with NAME." (let ((run-fname (intern (concat "tidal-run-" name)))) `(defun ,run-fname () ,(format "Send the %s interpreter as a single line." name) (interactive) (goto-char 0) (search-forward ,name nil nil 1) (tidal-run-multiple-lines)))) (defmacro tidal-create-runner-stop (name) "Macro to generate `d1' style pattern runners with NAME." (let ((stop-fname (intern (concat "tidal-stop-" name)))) `(defun ,stop-fname () ,(format "Send %s $ silence as a single line." name) (interactive) (tidal-send-string ":{") (tidal-send-string " mapM_ ($ silence) [,name]") (tidal-send-string ":}")))) (defun tidal-create-runner (name) "Generate `d1' style pattern runners with NAME. Two functions will be created, `tidal-run-NAME' and `tidal-stop-NAME'" (eval `(tidal-create-runner-run ,name)) (eval `(tidal-create-runner-stop ,name))) ;; Generate the functions `tidal-run-d1' and `tidal-stop-d1' (tidal-create-runner "d1") ;; This generates tidal-run-* and tidal-stop-* functions for d1 to d9. (mapc #'tidal-create-runner '("d1" "d2" "d3" "d4" "d5" "d6" "d7" "d8" "d9")) (defun tidal-run-region () "Place the region in a do block and compile." (interactive) (tidal-transform-and-store "/tmp/tidal.hs" (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))) (tidal-send-string ":load \"/tmp/tidal.hs\"") (tidal-send-string "main")) (defun tidal-load-buffer () "Load the current buffer." (interactive) (save-buffer) (tidal-send-string (format ":load \"%s\"" buffer-file-name))) (defun tidal-run-main () "Run current main." (interactive) (tidal-send-string "main")) (defun tidal-interrupt-haskell () "Interrupt running process." (interactive) (if (comint-check-proc tidal-buffer) (with-current-buffer tidal-buffer (interrupt-process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))) (error "No tidal process running?"))) (defvar tidal-mode-map nil "Tidal keymap.") (defun tidal-mode-keybindings (map) "Haskell Tidal keybindings MAP." (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-s] 'tidal-start-haskell) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-v] 'tidal-see-output) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-q] 'tidal-quit-haskell) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-c] 'tidal-run-line) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-e] 'tidal-run-multiple-lines) (define-key map (kbd "") 'tidal-run-multiple-lines) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-r] 'tidal-run-region) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-l] 'tidal-load-buffer) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-i] 'tidal-interrupt-haskell) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-m] 'tidal-run-main) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-1] 'tidal-run-d1) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-2] 'tidal-run-d2) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-3] 'tidal-run-d3) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-4] 'tidal-run-d4) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-5] 'tidal-run-d5) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-6] 'tidal-run-d6) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-7] 'tidal-run-d7) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-8] 'tidal-run-d8) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-9] 'tidal-run-d9) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-1] 'tidal-stop-d1) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-2] 'tidal-stop-d2) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-3] 'tidal-stop-d3) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-4] 'tidal-stop-d4) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-5] 'tidal-stop-d5) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-6] 'tidal-stop-d6) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-7] 'tidal-stop-d7) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-8] 'tidal-stop-d8) (define-key map [?\C-v ?\C-9] 'tidal-stop-d9)) (defun tidal-turn-on-keybindings () "Haskell Tidal keybindings in the local map." (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-s] 'tidal-start-haskell) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-v] 'tidal-see-output) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-q] 'tidal-quit-haskell) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-c] 'tidal-run-line) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-e] 'tidal-run-multiple-lines) (local-set-key (kbd "") 'tidal-run-multiple-lines) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-r] 'tidal-run-region) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-l] 'tidal-load-buffer) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-i] 'tidal-interrupt-haskell) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-m] 'tidal-run-main) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-1] 'tidal-run-d1) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-2] 'tidal-run-d2) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-3] 'tidal-run-d3) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-4] 'tidal-run-d4) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-5] 'tidal-run-d5) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-6] 'tidal-run-d6) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-7] 'tidal-run-d7) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-8] 'tidal-run-d8) (local-set-key [?\C-c ?\C-9] 'tidal-run-d9) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-1] 'tidal-stop-d1) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-2] 'tidal-stop-d2) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-3] 'tidal-stop-d3) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-4] 'tidal-stop-d4) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-5] 'tidal-stop-d5) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-6] 'tidal-stop-d6) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-7] 'tidal-stop-d7) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-8] 'tidal-stop-d8) (local-set-key [?\C-v ?\C-9] 'tidal-stop-d9)) (defun tidal-mode-menu (map) "Haskell Tidal menu MAP." (define-key map [menu-bar tidal] (cons "Haskell-Tidal" (make-sparse-keymap "Haskell-Tidal"))) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal help] (cons "Help" (make-sparse-keymap "Help"))) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression] (cons "Expression" (make-sparse-keymap "Expression"))) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression load-buffer] '("Load buffer" . tidal-load-buffer)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression run-main] '("Run main" . tidal-run-main)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression run-region] '("Run region" . tidal-run-region)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression run-multiple-lines] '("Run multiple lines" . tidal-run-multiple-lines)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal expression run-line] '("Run line" . tidal-run-line)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal haskell] (cons "Haskell" (make-sparse-keymap "Haskell"))) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal haskell quit-haskell] '("Quit haskell" . tidal-quit-haskell)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal haskell see-output] '("See output" . tidal-see-output)) (define-key map [menu-bar tidal haskell start-haskell] '("Start haskell" . tidal-start-haskell))) (unless tidal-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Haskell-Tidal"))) (tidal-mode-keybindings map) (tidal-mode-menu map) (setq tidal-mode-map map))) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode literate-tidal-mode tidal-mode "Literate Haskell Tidal" "Major mode for interacting with an inferior haskell process." (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "\f\\|[ \t]*$") (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "[ \t\f]*$") (setq tidal-literate-p t) (setq haskell-literate 'bird) (turn-on-font-lock)) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ltidal\\'" . literate-tidal-mode)) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode tidal-mode haskell-mode "Haskell Tidal" "Major mode for interacting with an inferior haskell process." (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "\f\\|[ \t]*$") (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "[ \t\f]*$") (setq tidal-literate-p nil) (turn-on-font-lock)) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tidal\\'" . tidal-mode)) (provide 'tidal) ;;; tidal.el ends here