{- Tidal REPL - mimicking ghci Copyright (C) 2021 Johannes Waldmann and contributors Forked from: https://github.com/jwaldmann/safe-tidal-cli/ This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library. If not, see . -} {-# language PatternSignatures, LambdaCase #-} import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as I import qualified Sound.Tidal.Safe.Context as C import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Exception (throw) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(liftIO) ) import Control.Monad.Catch ( SomeException, MonadCatch(catch), catches, Handler(Handler) ) -- import qualified Mueval.Resources as MR import System.Timeout ( timeout ) import System.IO ( hFlush, stderr, stdout, hPutStrLn, Handle ) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) main :: IO() main = do -- from BootTidal.hs: tidal <- C.startTidal (C.superdirtTarget { C.oLatency = 0.1, C.oAddress = "" , C.oPort = 57120}) (C.defaultConfig {C.cFrameTimespan = 1/20}) void $ I.runInterpreter $ catch (core tidal) $ \ (e :: SomeException) -> message stderr $ show e core :: C.Stream -> I.InterpreterT IO () core tidal = do message stdout "[tidal] starting..." -- more settings at -- https://github.com/tidalcycles/tidali/blob/master/src/Main.hs I.set [ I.languageExtensions I.:= [ I.OverloadedStrings ] , I.installedModulesInScope I.:= False ] I.setImports [ "Prelude" , "Sound.Tidal.Safe.Context" , "Sound.Tidal.Safe.Boot" ] -- FIXME: replace lazy IO by some streaming mechanism? message stdout "[tidal] modules loaded..." input <- liftIO getContents message stdout "[tidal] ready" mapM_ (work tidal . unlines) $ blocks $ lines input message stdout "safe-tidal-cli is done" second :: Int second = 10^6 :: Int -- | will show at most 10 lines, at most 80 chars per line, -- and run (evaluation and print) for at most 1 second message :: Handle -> String -> I.InterpreterT IO () message h s = do let safe = unlines . safe_list 20 ["..."] . map (safe_list 120 "...") . lines liftIO $ void $ timeout (1 * second) $ do hPutStrLn h (safe s) ; hFlush h -- | if `length xs <= c`, then `xs`, else `xs <> msg` safe_list :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] safe_list n msg xs = let (pre,post) = splitAt n xs in if null post then pre else pre <> msg work :: C.Stream -> String -> I.InterpreterT IO () work tidal contents = ( if take 2 contents `elem` [ ":t", ":i", ":d", ":s" ] then do -- https://github.com/haskell-hint/hint/issues/101 message stderr $ "not implemented " <> contents else I.typeChecksWithDetails contents >>= \ case Left errs -> throw $ I.WontCompile errs Right s -> if s == "Op ()" then do -- execute, print nothing -- TODO: need timeout for evaluation of pattern: x <- I.interpret contents (I.as :: C.Op ()) -- have timeout for execution of pattern: liftIO $ void $ timeout (1 * second) $ C.exec tidal x else do -- print type and value message stdout $ "type : " <> s if isPrefixOf "IO" s then do message stderr "cannot show value, will not execute action" else do v <- I.eval contents message stdout $ "value: " <> v ) `catches` [ Handler $ \ (e :: I.InterpreterError) -> message stderr $ unlines $ case e of I.UnknownError s -> [ "UnknownError", s ] I.WontCompile gs -> "WontCompile" : map I.errMsg gs I.NotAllowed s -> [ "NotAllowed", s ] I.GhcException s -> [ "GhcException", s ] , Handler $ \ (e :: SomeException) -> message stderr $ show e ] -- | Mimicking ghci, where a block is wrapped in `:{` and `:}`, on otherwise empty lines. blocks :: [String] -> [[String]] blocks [] = [] blocks (":{":ls) = b:(blocks ls') where (b, ls') = block ls blocks (l:ls) = [l]:(blocks ls) block :: [String] -> ([String], [String]) block [] = ([],[]) block (":}":ls) = ([],ls) block (l:ls) = (l:b, ls') where (b, ls') = block ls