Changelog for tidal-1.7

TidalCycles log of changes


* Added drum aliases from GM2 percussion spec to `drum` function @lvm
* `getcps` helper function now in BootTidal.hs @yaxu
* `getnow` helper function back in BootTidal.hs (returns current cycle) @bgold-cosmos
* Developments towards tidal api, @yaxu et al
* `coarse` parameter is now floating point @lwlsn
* `irand` parameter now patternable @ndr-brt
* `note` now produces its own type to avoid conflicts between parsing note names and duration shorthands  @ndr-brt
* Numerous tidal-parse improvements and additions @dktr0 et al
* `grain` function for combining begin and end (in terms of begin and duration) @khoparzi
* Added missing pB and pR functions @thgrund
* Emacs plugin bugfixes @jwaldmann
* `binaryN` parameters now fully patternable @ndr-brt
* `press` and `pressBy` functions for syncopation @yaxu
* `bite`'s first parameter is now patternable @ndr-brt
* Most SuperDirt control/effect parameters can now be modified while a sound is playing, using 'bus' functions. @telefon + @yaxu
* Sound.Tidal.Params is now generated by a script in bin/generate-params.hs @yaxu
* `qtrigger` is now an alias for `ctrigger`, which now quantises to the _next_ cycle (via ceiling) @thgund / @yaxu
* There is now also `ftrigger` and `rtrigger` for floor (previous) and round (nearest) cycle
* `whenmod`'s first two parameters are now rationals, and patternable. @th-four / @yaxu
    * `brand` and `brandBy` for continuous patterns of boolean values @yaxu
    * Two-way protocol between Tidal and SuperDirt, initially to receive available busses @telefon / @yaxu
    * bipolar waveforms - sine2, square2, tri2, saw2, cosine2 @yaxu

1.6.1 - We are not DJs

* Patternise first parameter of chunk @lwlsn
* Patternise fit parameter @bgold-cosmos
* Increase upper bounds of random @yaxu
* Switch travis to ubuntu bionic @yaxu

1.6.0 - Keep live coding live

* Rollback to previous pattern on parse error @jwaldmann
* Increased strictness to catch parse errors earlier @jwaldmann @yaxu
* Support for superdirt 'panic' @yaxu
* Increase hosc upper bounds to admin 0.18
* New function 'splat' @yaxu
* `quantise` now uses round, add qfloor, qceiling variants and qround alis @lwlsn
* Add ghc 8.8.3 to travis @jwaldmann
* Switch `substruct` to use binary pattern @yaxu

1.5.2 - Rivelin

    * Fix streamAll

1.5.1 - Blacka Moor

* Bugfix splice

1.5.0 - Active travel

* Export drawLineSz @mxmxyz
* tidal-parse additions (bite, splice, pickF, select, squeeze; fixed slice) @dktr0
* New, more efficient pseudorandom number generator @dktr0
* Pattern first someCyclesBy param @bgold-cosmos
* Refactored, more flexible OSC targetting @yaxu
* Simplify tidal-boot-script in tidal.el @jamagin
* Support state substitution in mininotation #530 @yaxu
* Pattern first parameter of splice #656 @yaxu
* Pattern first parameter of chew @yaxu
* add 'x' fraction alias for 1/6 @yaxu
* add dfb alias for delayfeedback param, dt for delaytime @yaxu
* add unmuteAll and only to BootTidal.hs @yaxu

1.4.9 - Housebound spirit

* Simplify 'show'ing of patterns @yaxu
* New `draw` function for drawing a pattern of single characters as a text-based diagram,
  with friends `drawLine` and `drawLineSz` for drawing multiple cycles @yaxu
* Fixes and expansions of ratio aliases - s should be a sixteenth @mxmxyz, w is now 1, f is now 0.2
* Simplify definition of `accumulate` using scanl @benjwadams
* The first parameter of `someCyclesBy` is now patternable @bgold-cosmos

1.4.8 - Limerick

    * Add ratio shorthand to floating point patterns @yaxu
    * Support fractional scales, add Arabic scales @quakehead
    * Additions to tidal-parse including support from overgain, overshape adn rot @dktr0
    * Move prompt-cont setting to end of BootTidal.hs (older versions of Haskell crash out at this point) @ndr-brt

1.4.7 - Bleep

* Fix BootTidal.hs - make loadable in atom @bgold-cosmos
* More additions to tidal-parse @dktr0

1.4.6 - Megatron

* Experimental ratio shorthand ref #573 @yaxu
* Store mininotation source location(s) in events ref #245 @yaxu
* Add more things to tidal-parse @dktr0 @yaxu
* Separate out haskell parser from tidal-parse into new hackage module called 'haskellish' @dktr0
* Support patterning polyrhythmic % steps in mininotation @yaxu
* Fixes to emacs plugin (tidal.el) @xmacex
* New parameters for freq, overgain, overshape, and missing midi params including the new nrpn ones @yaxu

1.4.5 - Porter Brook

1.4.4 - Chee Dale

1.4.3 - Stanage Edge

1.4.2 - Higger Tor

1.4.1 - Carl Wark

1.4.0 - Padley Gorge

1.3.0 - rolled back to 1.1.2

1.2.0 - Hunters Bar

1.1.2 - Eccy Road

1.1.1 - Chelsea Park

1.1.0 - Brincliffe Edge

1.0.14 - IICON

1.0.13 - 🐝⌛️🦋 #2

1.0.12 - 🐝⌛️🦋

1.0.11 - Cros Bríde

2019-04-17 Alex McLean * Add bite function for slicing patterns (rather than samples) * Tweak tidal.el to attempt to infer location of default BootTidal.hs * Skip time (forward or backward) if the reference clock jumps suddenly * Fix fit - @bgold-cosmos * Remove 'asap' * Add cB for boolean control input * pickF for choosing between functions with a pattern of integers * select for choosing between list of patterns with a floating point pattern * squeeze for choosing between list of patterns with a pattern of integers, where patterns are squeezed into the integer event duration * splice for choosing between slices of a pattern, where the slices are squeezed into event duration * Ord and Eq instances for value type @bgold-cosmos * trigger - support for resetting envelopes on evaluation * Support for rational event values * Tweak how *> and <* deal with analog patterns * Caribiner link bridge support

1.0.10 - This machine also kills fascists

1.0.9 - This machine kills fascists

1.0.8 (trying to get back to doing these,

see also

for earlier stuff)

0.9.10 (and earlier missing versions from this log)










