{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} #include "thyme.h" module Data.Thyme.Calendar.Internal where import Prelude import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.AffineSpace import Data.Bits ((.&.)) import Data.Data import Data.Int import Data.Ix import Data.Thyme.Format.Internal import Data.Vector.Generic (Vector) import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable (MVector) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.Random import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) type Years = Int type Months = Int type Days = Int -- | The Modified Julian Day is a standard count of days, with zero being -- the day 1858-11-17. newtype Day = ModifiedJulianDay { toModifiedJulianDay :: Int } deriving (INSTANCES_NEWTYPE, CoArbitrary) instance AffineSpace Day where type Diff Day = Days {-# INLINE (.-.) #-} (.-.) = \ (ModifiedJulianDay a) (ModifiedJulianDay b) -> a - b {-# INLINE (.+^) #-} (.+^) = \ (ModifiedJulianDay a) d -> ModifiedJulianDay (a + d) {-# INLINE modifiedJulianDay #-} modifiedJulianDay :: Iso' Day Int modifiedJulianDay = iso toModifiedJulianDay ModifiedJulianDay {-# INLINE yearMonthDay #-} yearMonthDay :: Iso' OrdinalDate YearMonthDay yearMonthDay = iso fromOrdinal toOrdinal where {-# INLINEABLE fromOrdinal #-} fromOrdinal :: OrdinalDate -> YearMonthDay fromOrdinal (OrdinalDate y yd) = YearMonthDay y m d where MonthDay m d = yd ^. monthDay (isLeapYear y) {-# INLINEABLE toOrdinal #-} toOrdinal :: YearMonthDay -> OrdinalDate toOrdinal (YearMonthDay y m d) = OrdinalDate y $ monthDay (isLeapYear y) # MonthDay m d {-# INLINE gregorian #-} gregorian :: Iso' Day YearMonthDay gregorian = ordinalDate . yearMonthDay {-# INLINEABLE gregorianValid #-} gregorianValid :: YearMonthDay -> Maybe Day gregorianValid (YearMonthDay y m d) = review ordinalDate . OrdinalDate y <$> monthDayValid (isLeapYear y) (MonthDay m d) {-# INLINEABLE showGregorian #-} showGregorian :: Day -> String showGregorian (view gregorian -> YearMonthDay y m d) = showsYear y . (:) '-' . shows02 m . (:) '-' . shows02 d $ "" #if SHOW_INTERNAL deriving instance Show Day #else instance Show Day where show = showGregorian #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type Year = Int type Month = Int type DayOfMonth = Int data YearMonthDay = YearMonthDay { ymdYear :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Year , ymdMonth :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Month , ymdDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfMonth } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData YearMonthDay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Gregorian leap year? isLeapYear :: Year -> Bool isLeapYear y = y .&. 3 == 0 && (r100 /= 0 || q100 .&. 3 == 0) where (q100, r100) = y `quotRem` 100 type DayOfYear = Int data OrdinalDate = OrdinalDate { odYear :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Year , odDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfYear } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData OrdinalDate {-# INLINE ordinalDate #-} ordinalDate :: Iso' Day OrdinalDate ordinalDate = iso toOrd fromOrd where {-# INLINEABLE toOrd #-} toOrd :: Day -> OrdinalDate toOrd (ModifiedJulianDay mjd) = OrdinalDate year yd where -- pilfered a = mjd + 678575 (quadcent, b) = divMod a 146097 cent = min (div b 36524) 3 c = b - cent * 36524 (quad, d) = divMod c 1461 y = min (div d 365) 3 yd = d - y * 365 + 1 year = quadcent * 400 + cent * 100 + quad * 4 + y + 1 {-# INLINEABLE fromOrd #-} fromOrd :: OrdinalDate -> Day fromOrd (OrdinalDate year yd) = ModifiedJulianDay mjd where -- pilfered y = year - 1 mjd = 365 * y + div y 4 - div y 100 + div y 400 - 678576 + clip 1 (if isLeapYear year then 366 else 365) yd clip a b = max a . min b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Lookup tables for Data.Thyme.Calendar.MonthDay {-# NOINLINE monthLengths #-} {-# NOINLINE monthLengthsLeap #-} monthLengths, monthLengthsLeap :: VU.Vector Days monthLengths = VU.fromList [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] monthLengthsLeap = VU.fromList [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] -- J F M A M J J A S O N D {-# ANN monthDays "HLint: ignore Use fromMaybe" #-} {-# NOINLINE monthDays #-} monthDays :: VU.Vector ({-Month-}Int8, {-DayOfMonth-}Int8) monthDays = VU.generate 365 go where dom01 = VU.prescanl' (+) 0 monthLengths go yd = (fromIntegral m, fromIntegral d) where m = maybe 12 id $ VU.findIndex (yd <) dom01 d = succ yd - VU.unsafeIndex dom01 (pred m) {-# ANN monthDaysLeap "HLint: ignore Use fromMaybe" #-} {-# NOINLINE monthDaysLeap #-} monthDaysLeap :: VU.Vector ({-Month-}Int8, {-DayOfMonth-}Int8) monthDaysLeap = VU.generate 366 go where dom01 = VU.prescanl' (+) 0 monthLengthsLeap go yd = (fromIntegral m, fromIntegral d) where m = maybe 12 id $ VU.findIndex (yd <) dom01 d = succ yd - VU.unsafeIndex dom01 (pred m) -- | No good home for this within the current hierarchy. This will do. {-# INLINEABLE randomIsoR #-} randomIsoR :: (Random s, RandomGen g) => Iso' s a -> (a, a) -> g -> (a, g) randomIsoR l (x, y) = first (^. l) . randomR (l # x, l # y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data MonthDay = MonthDay { mdMonth :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Month , mdDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfMonth } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData MonthDay instance Bounded MonthDay where minBound = MonthDay 1 1 maxBound = MonthDay 12 31 instance Random MonthDay where randomR r g = randomIsoR (monthDay leap) r g' where (isLeapYear -> leap, g') = random g random = randomR (minBound, maxBound) instance Arbitrary MonthDay where arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound) shrink md = view (monthDay True) <$> shrink (monthDay True # md) instance CoArbitrary MonthDay where coarbitrary (MonthDay m d) = coarbitrary m . coarbitrary d -- | Convert between day of year in the Gregorian or Julian calendars, and -- month and day of month. First arg is leap year flag. {-# INLINE monthDay #-} monthDay :: Bool -> Iso' DayOfYear MonthDay monthDay leap = iso fromOrdinal toOrdinal where (lastDay, lengths, table, ok) = if leap then (365, monthLengthsLeap, monthDaysLeap, -1) else (364, monthLengths, monthDays, -2) {-# INLINE fromOrdinal #-} fromOrdinal :: DayOfYear -> MonthDay fromOrdinal (max 0 . min lastDay . pred -> i) = MonthDay m d where (fromIntegral -> m, fromIntegral -> d) = VU.unsafeIndex table i {-# INLINE toOrdinal #-} toOrdinal :: MonthDay -> DayOfYear toOrdinal (MonthDay month day) = div (367 * m - 362) 12 + k + d where m = max 1 . min 12 $ month l = VU.unsafeIndex lengths (pred m) d = max 1 . min l $ day k = if m <= 2 then 0 else ok {-# INLINEABLE monthDayValid #-} monthDayValid :: Bool -> MonthDay -> Maybe DayOfYear monthDayValid leap md@(MonthDay m d) = monthDay leap # md <$ guard (1 <= m && m <= 12 && 1 <= d && d <= monthLength leap m) {-# INLINEABLE monthLength #-} monthLength :: Bool -> Month -> Days monthLength leap = VU.unsafeIndex ls . max 0 . min 11 . pred where ls = if leap then monthLengthsLeap else monthLengths ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type WeekOfYear = Int type DayOfWeek = Int -- | Weeks numbered 01 to 53, where week 01 is the first week that has at -- least 4 days in the new year. Days before week 01 are considered to -- belong to the previous year. data WeekDate = WeekDate { wdYear :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Year , wdWeek :: {-# UNPACK #-}!WeekOfYear , wdDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfWeek } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData WeekDate {-# INLINE weekDate #-} weekDate :: Iso' Day WeekDate weekDate = iso toWeek fromWeek where {-# INLINEABLE toWeek #-} toWeek :: Day -> WeekDate toWeek = join (toWeekOrdinal . view ordinalDate) {-# INLINEABLE fromWeek #-} fromWeek :: WeekDate -> Day fromWeek wd@(WeekDate y _ _) = fromWeekLast (lastWeekOfYear y) wd {-# INLINE toWeekOrdinal #-} toWeekOrdinal :: OrdinalDate -> Day -> WeekDate toWeekOrdinal (OrdinalDate y0 yd) (ModifiedJulianDay mjd) = WeekDate y1 (w1 + 1) (d7mod + 1) where -- pilfered and refactored; no idea what foo and bar mean d = mjd + 2 (d7div, d7mod) = divMod d 7 foo :: Year -> {-WeekOfYear-1-}Int foo y = bar $ ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 6 bar :: Day -> {-WeekOfYear-1-}Int bar (ModifiedJulianDay k) = d7div - div k 7 w0 = bar $ ModifiedJulianDay (d - yd + 4) (y1, w1) = case w0 of -1 -> (y0 - 1, foo (y0 - 1)) 52 | foo (y0 + 1) == 0 -> (y0 + 1, 0) _ -> (y0, w0) {-# INLINE lastWeekOfYear #-} lastWeekOfYear :: Year -> WeekOfYear lastWeekOfYear y = if wdWeek wd == 53 then 53 else 52 where wd = OrdinalDate y 365 ^. from ordinalDate . weekDate {-# INLINE fromWeekLast #-} fromWeekLast :: WeekOfYear -> WeekDate -> Day fromWeekLast wMax (WeekDate y w d) = ModifiedJulianDay mjd where -- pilfered and refactored ModifiedJulianDay k = ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 6 mjd = k - mod k 7 - 10 + clip 1 7 d + clip 1 wMax w * 7 clip a b = max a . min b {-# INLINEABLE weekDateValid #-} weekDateValid :: WeekDate -> Maybe Day weekDateValid wd@(WeekDate (lastWeekOfYear -> wMax) w d) = fromWeekLast wMax wd <$ guard (1 <= d && d <= 7 && 1 <= w && w <= wMax) {-# INLINEABLE showWeekDate #-} showWeekDate :: Day -> String showWeekDate (view weekDate -> WeekDate y w d) = showsYear y . (++) "-W" . shows02 w . (:) '-' . shows d $ "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Weeks numbered from 0 to 53, starting with the first Sunday of the year -- as the first day of week 1. The last week of a given year and week 0 of -- the next both refer to the same week, but not all 'DayOfWeek' are valid. -- 'Year' coincides with that of 'gregorian'. data SundayWeek = SundayWeek { swYear :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Year , swWeek :: {-# UNPACK #-}!WeekOfYear , swDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfWeek } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData SundayWeek {-# INLINE sundayWeek #-} sundayWeek :: Iso' Day SundayWeek sundayWeek = iso toSunday fromSunday where {-# INLINEABLE toSunday #-} toSunday :: Day -> SundayWeek toSunday = join (toSundayOrdinal . view ordinalDate) {-# INLINEABLE fromSunday #-} fromSunday :: SundayWeek -> Day fromSunday (SundayWeek y w d) = ModifiedJulianDay (firstDay + yd) where ModifiedJulianDay firstDay = ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 1 -- following are all 0-based year days firstSunday = mod (4 - firstDay) 7 yd = firstSunday + 7 * (w - 1) + d {-# INLINE toSundayOrdinal #-} toSundayOrdinal :: OrdinalDate -> Day -> SundayWeek toSundayOrdinal (OrdinalDate y yd) (ModifiedJulianDay mjd) = SundayWeek y (d7div - div k 7) d7mod where d = mjd + 3 k = d - yd (d7div, d7mod) = divMod d 7 {-# INLINEABLE sundayWeekValid #-} sundayWeekValid :: SundayWeek -> Maybe Day sundayWeekValid (SundayWeek y w d) = ModifiedJulianDay (firstDay + yd) <$ guard (0 <= d && d <= 6 && 0 <= yd && yd <= lastDay) where ModifiedJulianDay firstDay = ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 1 -- following are all 0-based year days firstSunday = mod (4 - firstDay) 7 yd = firstSunday + 7 * (w - 1) + d lastDay = if isLeapYear y then 365 else 364 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Weeks numbered from 0 to 53, starting with the first Monday of the year -- as the first day of week 1. The last week of a given year and week 0 of -- the next both refer to the same week, but not all 'DayOfWeek' are valid. -- 'Year' coincides with that of 'gregorian'. data MondayWeek = MondayWeek { mwYear :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Year , mwWeek :: {-# UNPACK #-}!WeekOfYear , mwDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DayOfWeek } deriving (INSTANCES_USUAL, Show) instance NFData MondayWeek {-# INLINE mondayWeek #-} mondayWeek :: Iso' Day MondayWeek mondayWeek = iso toMonday fromMonday where {-# INLINEABLE toMonday #-} toMonday :: Day -> MondayWeek toMonday = join (toMondayOrdinal . view ordinalDate) {-# INLINEABLE fromMonday #-} fromMonday :: MondayWeek -> Day fromMonday (MondayWeek y w d) = ModifiedJulianDay (firstDay + yd) where ModifiedJulianDay firstDay = ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 1 -- following are all 0-based year days firstMonday = mod (5 - firstDay) 7 yd = firstMonday + 7 * (w - 1) + d - 1 {-# INLINE toMondayOrdinal #-} toMondayOrdinal :: OrdinalDate -> Day -> MondayWeek toMondayOrdinal (OrdinalDate y yd) (ModifiedJulianDay mjd) = MondayWeek y (d7div - div k 7) (d7mod + 1) where d = mjd + 2 k = d - yd (d7div, d7mod) = divMod d 7 {-# INLINEABLE mondayWeekValid #-} mondayWeekValid :: MondayWeek -> Maybe Day mondayWeekValid (MondayWeek y w d) = ModifiedJulianDay (firstDay + yd) <$ guard (1 <= d && d <= 7 && 0 <= yd && yd <= lastDay) where ModifiedJulianDay firstDay = ordinalDate # OrdinalDate y 1 -- following are all 0-based year days firstMonday = mod (5 - firstDay) 7 yd = firstMonday + 7 * (w - 1) + d - 1 lastDay = if isLeapYear y then 365 else 364