{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | 512 bit Threefish.
module Crypto.Threefish.Threefish512 where
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Crypto.Threefish.Mix
import Crypto.Threefish.Common
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Serialize
import Control.Applicative
import Crypto.Classes
import Data.Tagged
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.List (foldl1')

-- | 512 bit Threefish block cipher.
data Threefish512 = Threefish512 !Tweak !Key512

data Block512 = Block512 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                         {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
                deriving Eq

type Key512 = Block512

instance Show Block512 where
  show (Block512 a b c d e f g h) =
    showBytes a ++ showBytes b ++ showBytes c ++ showBytes d ++
    showBytes e ++ showBytes f ++ showBytes g ++ showBytes h

instance Serialize Block512 where
  put (Block512 a b c d e f g h) = do
    putWord64le a >> putWord64le b >> putWord64le c >> putWord64le d
    putWord64le e >> putWord64le f >> putWord64le g >> putWord64le h
  get =
    Block512 <$> getWord64le <*> getWord64le <*> getWord64le <*> getWord64le
             <*> getWord64le <*> getWord64le <*> getWord64le <*> getWord64le

instance Serialize Threefish512 where
  put (Threefish512 tweak key) = put tweak >> put key
  get = Threefish512 <$> get <*> get

-- | Rotational constants for TF512
rot :: UArray Word64 Int
rot = listArray (0,32) [46,36,19,37,33,27,14,42,17,49,36,39,44,9,54,56,

-- | Encrypt a 512 bit Threefish block. Tweak may have any value without
--   compromising security.
{-# INLINE encrypt512 #-}
encrypt512 :: Key512 -> Tweak -> Block512 -> Block512
encrypt512 (Block512 k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7) (Tweak t0 t1) !blockin =
    case rounds 0 blockin of
      Block512 a b c d e f g h ->
        Block512 (a+k0) (b+k1) (c+k2) (d+k3)
                 (e+k4) (f+k5+t0) (g+k6+t1) (h+k7+18)
    k8 = foldl1' xor [k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,keyConst]
    ks :: UArray Word64 Word64
    !ks = listArray (0, 8) [k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8]
    ts :: UArray Word64 Word64
    !ts = listArray (0, 2) [t0, t1, t0 `xor` t1]
    rounds 18 input   = input
    rounds !n !input = rounds (n+1) (fourRounds input n (n*16))
    {-# INLINE fourRounds #-}
    fourRounds (Block512 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0 g0 h0) keyOff r =
        Block512 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
        {-# INLINE key #-}
        key n = ks ! ((keyOff + n) `rem` 9)
        {-# INLINE t #-}
        t n = ts ! ((keyOff + n) `rem` 3)
        (a1, b1) = mixKey a0 b0 (rot ! (r .&. 31)) (key 0) (key 1)
        (c1, d1) = mixKey c0 d0 (rot ! ((r+1) .&. 31)) (key 2) (key 3)
        (e1, f1) = mixKey e0 f0 (rot ! ((r+2) .&. 31)) (key 4) (key 5 + t 0)
        (g1, h1) = mixKey g0 h0 (rot ! ((r+3) .&. 31)) (key 6 + t 1) (key 7+keyOff)
        (c2, b2) = mix c1 b1 (rot ! ((r+4) .&. 31))
        (e2, h2) = mix e1 h1 (rot ! ((r+5) .&. 31))
        (g2, f2) = mix g1 f1 (rot ! ((r+6) .&. 31))
        (a2, d2) = mix a1 d1 (rot ! ((r+7) .&. 31))
        (e3, b3) = mix e2 b2 (rot ! ((r+8) .&. 31))
        (g3, d3) = mix g2 d2 (rot ! ((r+9) .&. 31))
        (a3, f3) = mix a2 f2 (rot ! ((r+10) .&. 31))
        (c3, h3) = mix c2 h2 (rot ! ((r+11) .&. 31))
        (g4, b4) = mix g3 b3 (rot ! ((r+12) .&. 31))
        (a4, h4) = mix a3 h3 (rot ! ((r+13) .&. 31))
        (c4, f4) = mix c3 f3 (rot ! ((r+14) .&. 31))
        (e4, d4) = mix e3 d3 (rot ! ((r+15) .&. 31))

-- | Encrypt a 512 bit Threefish block.
{-# INLINE decrypt512 #-}
decrypt512 :: Key512 -> Tweak -> Block512 -> Block512
decrypt512 (Block512 k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7) (Tweak t0 t1) !blockin =
    case blockin of
      (Block512 a b c d e f g h) ->
        rounds 18 $ Block512 (a-k0) (b-k1) (c-k2) (d-k3)
                            (e-k4) (f-(k5+t0)) (g-(k6+t1)) (h-(k7+18))
    ks :: UArray Word64 Word64
    !ks = listArray (0, 8) [k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, keyConst]
    ts :: UArray Word64 Word64
    !ts = listArray (0, 2) [t0, t1, t0 `xor` t1]
    rounds 0 input   = input
    rounds !n !input = rounds (n-1) (fourRounds input (n-1) ((n-1)*16))
    {-# INLINE fourRounds #-}
    fourRounds (Block512 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0 g0 h0) keyOff r =
        Block512 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
        {-# INLINE key #-}
        key n = ks ! ((keyOff + n) `rem` 9)
        {-# INLINE t #-}
        t n = ts ! ((keyOff + n) `rem` 3)
        (g1, b1) = unmix g0 b0 (rot ! ((r+12) .&. 31))
        (a1, h1) = unmix a0 h0 (rot ! ((r+13) .&. 31))
        (c1, f1) = unmix c0 f0 (rot ! ((r+14) .&. 31))
        (e1, d1) = unmix e0 d0 (rot ! ((r+15) .&. 31))
        (e2, b2) = unmix e1 b1 (rot ! ((r+8) .&. 31))
        (g2, d2) = unmix g1 d1 (rot ! ((r+9) .&. 31))
        (a2, f2) = unmix a1 f1 (rot ! ((r+10) .&. 31))
        (c2, h2) = unmix c1 h1 (rot ! ((r+11) .&. 31))
        (c3, b3) = unmix c2 b2 (rot ! ((r+4) .&. 31))
        (e3, h3) = unmix e2 h2 (rot ! ((r+5) .&. 31))
        (g3, f3) = unmix g2 f2 (rot ! ((r+6) .&. 31))
        (a3, d3) = unmix a2 d2 (rot ! ((r+7) .&. 31))
        (a4, b4) = unmixKey a3 b3 (rot ! (r .&. 31)) (key 0) (key 1)
        (c4, d4) = unmixKey c3 d3 (rot ! ((r+1) .&. 31)) (key 2) (key 3)
        (e4, f4) = unmixKey e3 f3 (rot ! ((r+2) .&. 31)) (key 4) (key 5 + t 0)
        (g4, h4) = unmixKey g3 h3 (rot ! ((r+3) .&. 31)) (key 6 + t 1) (key 7+keyOff)

instance BlockCipher Threefish512 where
  blockSize = Tagged 512
  keyLength = Tagged 512
  encryptBlock (Threefish512 tweak key) block =
    case decode block of
      Right block' -> encode (encrypt512 key tweak block')
      Left e       -> error $ "Not a valid Threefish512 block: " ++ show e
  decryptBlock (Threefish512 tweak key) block =
    case decode block of
      Right block' -> encode (decrypt512 key tweak block')
      Left e       -> error $ "Not a valid Threefish512 block: " ++ show e
  buildKey bs | BS.length bs /= 64 = Nothing
              | otherwise          = e2m $ do
                key <- decode bs
                return $! Threefish512 defaultTweak key