# 1.1 - Reverse dependency with `aeson`. - The `QuickCheck` instances are moved into `quickcheck-instances` - The `semigroupoids` instances are gone for now. # 1.0.1 - add `partitionEithersNE :: NonEmpty (Either a b) -> These (NonEmpty a) (NonEmpty b)` # 1 This is major package reogranisation. Old `these` were split into - `these` providing only `These` type and some combinators - `these-lens` providing *lens* combinators - `semialign` providing `Semialign`, `Align`, `Zip`, `Unalign` and `Unzip` classes - `semialign-indexed` providing `SemialignWithIndex` (`izipWith` and `ialignWith` members). - `monad-chronicle` providing `ChronicleT` and `MonadChronicle` Also noticeable change is `unalign :: f (These a b) -> (f a, f b)`. For the old `f (These a b) -> (f (Maybe a), f (Maybe b))` use `unzipWith (unalign . Just)`. - Many instances are added. - Since annotations are removed for all but `these` package. # 0.8.1 - Add `Semialign` `Tree`, `Tagged`, `(->) e`; `Align` `Compose` and `Proxy` instances - Allow `semigroups-0.19` and `hashable-1.3` # 0.8.0 - Split `align` and `alignWith` into own class: `Semialign`. - `ialign` has default implementation - Add `Semialign` `NonEmpty` and `Identity` instances - Add `Swap` and `Assoc` instances (type classes from `assoc` package) - Move optics into `Data.These.Lens` module, and and some combinators `Data.These.Combinators`. Also some combinators are renamed, so naming is now consistent. As the result `Data.These` has very minimal exports. - Change type of `partitionThese` (nested pairs to triple) - Add `partitionHereThere :: [These a b] -> ([a],[b])` # 0.7.6 - Tigthen lower bounds - Add dependency on `lens` - Add `assoc`, `reassoc`, `swap` and `Swapped` instance - Add since annotations for things added in 0.7.x - Add `AlignWithKey ZipList` instance - Add `Data.Align.Indexed` module. - Add `Data.Functor.These` with `These1` data type. - Add associativity law - Add `toList` property to enforce "align"-feel. - `Map` and `IntMap` `Align` instances implemented using merge combinators (when available) # 0.7.5 - Add `Compose` and `(,)` `Crosswalk` instances - Add `bitraverseThese` - GHC-8.6 support # 0.7.4 - `QuickCheck-2.10` support: `Arbitrary1/2` instances - GHC-8.2 support # 0.7.3 - Add `salign :: (Align f, Semigroup a) => f a -> f a -> f a` # 0.7.2 - Support `aeson-1`: add `FromJSON1`, `FromJSON2` `ToJSON1`, and `ToJSON2` `These` instances. # 0.7.1 - Add `AlignWithKey` in `Data.Align.Key` (added dependency `keys`) - Add `These` instances for - `binary`: `Binary` - `aeson`: `FromJSON`, `ToJSON` - `QuickCheck`: `Arbitrary`, `CoArbitrary`, `Function` - `deepseq`: `NFData` # 0.7 - Breaking change: Generalized `Monad`, `Applicative` instances of `These` and `Chronicle` to require only a `Semigroup` constraint - More efficient `Align Seq` implementation - Add `Crosswalk Seq` and `Vector` instances # - Support quickcheck-instances-0.3.12 (tests) # - Add support to bifunctors-5.1