{- Language/Haskell/TH/Desugar/Core.hs

(c) Richard Eisenberg 2013

Desugars full Template Haskell syntax into a smaller core syntax for further
processing. The desugared types and constructors are prefixed with a D.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Core where

import Prelude hiding (mapM, foldl, foldr, all, elem, exp, concatMap, and)

import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (match, clause, cxt)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (lift)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (mapM)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)

import qualified Data.Set as S
import GHC.Exts

import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Util
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Reify

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Exp@ type. Note that @DLamE@ takes names, not patterns.
data DExp = DVarE Name
          | DConE Name
          | DLitE Lit
          | DAppE DExp DExp
          | DLamE [Name] DExp
          | DCaseE DExp [DMatch]
          | DLetE [DLetDec] DExp
          | DSigE DExp DType
          | DStaticE DExp
          deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Pat@ type.
data DPat = DLitPa Lit
          | DVarPa Name
          | DConPa Name [DPat]
          | DTildePa DPat
          | DBangPa DPat
          | DWildPa
          deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Type@ type.
data DType = DForallT [DTyVarBndr] DCxt DType
           | DAppT DType DType
           | DSigT DType DKind
           | DVarT Name
           | DConT Name
           | DArrowT
           | DLitT TyLit
           deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Kind@ type, which is a synonym for @Type@. 'DKind', though,
--   only contains constructors that make sense for kinds.
data DKind = DForallK [Name] DKind
           | DVarK Name
           | DConK Name [DKind]
           | DArrowK DKind DKind
           | DStarK
           deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Cxt@
type DCxt = [DPred]

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Pred@
data DPred = DAppPr DPred DType
           | DSigPr DPred DKind
           | DVarPr Name
           | DConPr Name
           deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @TyVarBndr@. Note that @PlainTV x@ and @KindedTV x StarT@ are
--   distinct, so we retain that distinction here.
data DTyVarBndr = DPlainTV Name
                | DKindedTV Name DKind
                deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Match@ type.
data DMatch = DMatch DPat DExp
  deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Clause@ type.
data DClause = DClause [DPat] DExp
  deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Declarations as used in a @let@ statement.
data DLetDec = DFunD Name [DClause]
             | DValD DPat DExp
             | DSigD Name DType
             | DInfixD Fixity Name
             deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Is it a @newtype@ or a @data@ type?
data NewOrData = Newtype
               | Data
               deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Dec@ type.
data DDec = DLetDec DLetDec
          | DDataD NewOrData DCxt Name [DTyVarBndr] [DCon] [Name]
          | DTySynD Name [DTyVarBndr] DType
          | DClassD DCxt Name [DTyVarBndr] [FunDep] [DDec]
          | DInstanceD DCxt DType [DDec]
          | DForeignD DForeign
          | DPragmaD DPragma
          | DFamilyD FamFlavour Name [DTyVarBndr] (Maybe DKind)
          | DDataInstD NewOrData DCxt Name [DType] [DCon] [Name]
          | DTySynInstD Name DTySynEqn
          | DClosedTypeFamilyD Name [DTyVarBndr] (Maybe DKind) [DTySynEqn]
          | DRoleAnnotD Name [Role]
          | DStandaloneDerivD DCxt DType
          | DDefaultSigD Name DType
          deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Con@ type.
data DCon = DCon [DTyVarBndr] DCxt Name DConFields
          deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | A list of fields either for a standard data constructor or a record
-- data constructor.
data DConFields = DNormalC [DStrictType]
                | DRecC [DVarStrictType]
                deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @StrictType@ type.
type DStrictType = (Strict, DType)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @VarStrictType@ type.
type DVarStrictType = (Name, Strict, DType)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Foreign@ type.
data DForeign = DImportF Callconv Safety String Name DType
              | DExportF Callconv String Name DType
              deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Pragma@ type.
data DPragma = DInlineP Name Inline RuleMatch Phases
             | DSpecialiseP Name DType (Maybe Inline) Phases
             | DSpecialiseInstP DType
             | DRuleP String [DRuleBndr] DExp DExp Phases
             | DAnnP AnnTarget DExp
             | DLineP Int String
             deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @RuleBndr@ type.
data DRuleBndr = DRuleVar Name
               | DTypedRuleVar Name DType
               deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @TySynEqn@ type (to store type family equations).
data DTySynEqn = DTySynEqn [DType] DType
               deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
-- | Same as @Role@ from TH; defined here for GHC 7.6.3 compatibility.
data Role = NominalR | RepresentationalR | PhantomR | InferR
          deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Same as @AnnTarget@ from TH; defined here for GHC 7.6.3 compatibility.
data AnnTarget = ModuleAnnotation
               | TypeAnnotation Name
               | ValueAnnotation Name
               deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Corresponds to TH's @Info@ type.
data DInfo = DTyConI DDec (Maybe [DInstanceDec])
           | DVarI Name DType (Maybe Name) Fixity
               -- ^ The @Maybe Name@ stores the name of the enclosing definition
               -- (datatype, for a data constructor; class, for a method),
               -- if any
           | DTyVarI Name DKind
           | DPrimTyConI Name Int Bool
               -- ^ The @Int@ is the arity; the @Bool@ is whether this tycon
               -- is unlifted.
           deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

type DInstanceDec = DDec -- ^ Guaranteed to be an instance declaration

-- | Desugar an expression
dsExp :: DsMonad q => Exp -> q DExp
dsExp (VarE n) = return $ DVarE n
dsExp (ConE n) = return $ DConE n
dsExp (LitE lit) = return $ DLitE lit
dsExp (AppE e1 e2) = DAppE <$> dsExp e1 <*> dsExp e2
dsExp (InfixE Nothing op Nothing) = dsExp op
dsExp (InfixE (Just lhs) op Nothing) = DAppE <$> (dsExp op) <*> (dsExp lhs)
dsExp (InfixE Nothing op (Just rhs)) = do
  lhsName <- newUniqueName "lhs"
  op' <- dsExp op
  rhs' <- dsExp rhs
  return $ DLamE [lhsName] (foldl DAppE op' [DVarE lhsName, rhs'])
dsExp (InfixE (Just lhs) op (Just rhs)) =
  DAppE <$> (DAppE <$> dsExp op <*> dsExp lhs) <*> dsExp rhs
dsExp (UInfixE _ _ _) =
  fail "Cannot desugar unresolved infix operators."
dsExp (ParensE exp) = dsExp exp
dsExp (LamE pats exp) = dsLam pats =<< dsExp exp
dsExp (LamCaseE matches) = do
  x <- newUniqueName "x"
  matches' <- dsMatches x matches
  return $ DLamE [x] (DCaseE (DVarE x) matches')
dsExp (TupE exps) = do
  exps' <- mapM dsExp exps
  return $ foldl DAppE (DConE $ tupleDataName (length exps)) exps'
dsExp (UnboxedTupE exps) =
  foldl DAppE (DConE $ unboxedTupleDataName (length exps)) <$> mapM dsExp exps
dsExp (CondE e1 e2 e3) =
  dsExp (CaseE e1 [ Match (ConP 'True [])  (NormalB e2) []
                  , Match (ConP 'False []) (NormalB e3) [] ])
dsExp (MultiIfE guarded_exps) =
  let failure = DAppE (DVarE 'error) (DLitE (StringL "Non-exhaustive guards in multi-way if")) in
  dsGuards guarded_exps failure
dsExp (LetE decs exp) = DLetE <$> dsLetDecs decs <*> dsExp exp
    -- the following special case avoids creating a new "let" when it's not
    -- necessary. See #34.
dsExp (CaseE (VarE scrutinee) matches) = do
  matches' <- dsMatches scrutinee matches
  return $ DCaseE (DVarE scrutinee) matches'
dsExp (CaseE exp matches) = do
  scrutinee <- newUniqueName "scrutinee"
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  matches' <- dsMatches scrutinee matches
  return $ DLetE [DValD (DVarPa scrutinee) exp'] $
           DCaseE (DVarE scrutinee) matches'
dsExp (DoE stmts) = dsDoStmts stmts
dsExp (CompE stmts) = dsComp stmts
dsExp (ArithSeqE (FromR exp)) = DAppE (DVarE 'enumFrom) <$> dsExp exp
dsExp (ArithSeqE (FromThenR exp1 exp2)) =
  DAppE <$> (DAppE (DVarE 'enumFromThen) <$> dsExp exp1) <*> dsExp exp2
dsExp (ArithSeqE (FromToR exp1 exp2)) =
  DAppE <$> (DAppE (DVarE 'enumFromTo) <$> dsExp exp1) <*> dsExp exp2
dsExp (ArithSeqE (FromThenToR e1 e2 e3)) =
  DAppE <$> (DAppE <$> (DAppE (DVarE 'enumFromThenTo) <$> dsExp e1) <*>
                               dsExp e2) <*>
            dsExp e3
dsExp (ListE exps) = go exps
  where go [] = return $ DConE '[]
        go (h : t) = DAppE <$> (DAppE (DConE '(:)) <$> dsExp h) <*> go t
dsExp (SigE exp ty) = DSigE <$> dsExp exp <*> dsType ty
dsExp (RecConE con_name field_exps) = do
  con <- dataConNameToCon con_name
  reordered <- case con of
                 RecC _name fields -> reorderFields fields field_exps
                                                    (repeat $ DVarE 'undefined)
                 _ -> impossible $ "Record syntax used with non-record constructor "
                                   ++ (show con_name) ++ "."
  return $ foldl DAppE (DConE con_name) reordered
dsExp (RecUpdE exp field_exps) = do
  -- here, we need to use one of the field names to find the tycon, somewhat dodgily
  first_name <- case field_exps of
                  ((name, _) : _) -> return name
                  _ -> impossible "Record update with no fields listed."
  info <- reifyWithLocals first_name
  applied_type <- case info of
                    VarI _name ty _m_dec _fixity -> extract_first_arg ty
                    _ -> impossible "Record update with an invalid field name."
  type_name <- extract_type_name applied_type
  (_, cons) <- getDataD "This seems to be an error in GHC." type_name
  let filtered_cons = filter_cons_with_names cons (map fst field_exps)
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  matches <- mapM con_to_dmatch filtered_cons
  let all_matches
        | length filtered_cons == length cons = matches
        | otherwise                           = matches ++ [error_match]
  return $ DCaseE exp' all_matches
    extract_first_arg :: DsMonad q => Type -> q Type
    extract_first_arg (AppT (AppT ArrowT arg) _) = return arg
    extract_first_arg (ForallT _ _ t) = extract_first_arg t
    extract_first_arg (SigT t _) = extract_first_arg t
    extract_first_arg _ = impossible "Record selector not a function."

    extract_type_name :: DsMonad q => Type -> q Name
    extract_type_name (AppT t1 _) = extract_type_name t1
    extract_type_name (SigT t _) = extract_type_name t
    extract_type_name (ConT n) = return n
    extract_type_name _ = impossible "Record selector domain not a datatype."

    filter_cons_with_names cons field_names =
      filter has_names cons
        has_names (RecC _con_name args) =
          let con_field_names = map fst_of_3 args in
          all (`elem` con_field_names) field_names
        has_names (ForallC _ _ c) = has_names c
        has_names _               = False

    con_to_dmatch :: DsMonad q => Con -> q DMatch
    con_to_dmatch (RecC con_name args) = do
      let con_field_names = map fst_of_3 args
      field_var_names <- mapM (newUniqueName . nameBase) con_field_names
      DMatch (DConPa con_name (map DVarPa field_var_names)) <$>
             (foldl DAppE (DConE con_name) <$>
                    (reorderFields args field_exps (map DVarE field_var_names)))
    con_to_dmatch (ForallC _ _ c) = con_to_dmatch c
    con_to_dmatch _ = impossible "Internal error within th-desugar."

    error_match = DMatch DWildPa (DAppE (DVarE 'error)
                   (DLitE (StringL "Non-exhaustive patterns in record update")))

    fst_of_3 (x, _, _) = x
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
dsExp (StaticE exp) = DStaticE <$> dsExp exp

-- | Desugar a lambda expression, where the body has already been desugared
dsLam :: DsMonad q => [Pat] -> DExp -> q DExp
dsLam pats exp
  | Just names <- mapM stripVarP_maybe pats
  = return $ DLamE names exp
  | otherwise
  = do arg_names <- replicateM (length pats) (newUniqueName "arg")
       let scrutinee = mkTupleDExp (map DVarE arg_names)
       (pats', exp') <- dsPatsOverExp pats exp
       let match = DMatch (mkTupleDPat pats') exp'
       return $ DLamE arg_names (DCaseE scrutinee [match])

-- | Desugar a list of matches for a @case@ statement
dsMatches :: DsMonad q
          => Name     -- ^ Name of the scrutinee, which must be a bare var
          -> [Match]  -- ^ Matches of the @case@ statement
          -> q [DMatch]
dsMatches scr = go
    go :: DsMonad q => [Match] -> q [DMatch]
    go [] = return []
    go (Match pat body where_decs : rest) = do
      rest' <- go rest
      let failure = DCaseE (DVarE scr) rest'  -- this might be an empty case.
      exp' <- dsBody body where_decs failure
      (pat', exp'') <- dsPatOverExp pat exp'
      uni_pattern <- isUniversalPattern pat' -- incomplete attempt at #6
      if uni_pattern
      then return [DMatch pat' exp'']
      else return (DMatch pat' exp'' : rest')

-- | Desugar a @Body@
dsBody :: DsMonad q
       => Body      -- ^ body to desugar
       -> [Dec]     -- ^ "where" declarations
       -> DExp      -- ^ what to do if the guards don't match
       -> q DExp
dsBody (NormalB exp) decs _ =
  maybeDLetE <$> dsLetDecs decs <*> dsExp exp
dsBody (GuardedB guarded_exps) decs failure =
  maybeDLetE <$> dsLetDecs decs <*> dsGuards guarded_exps failure

-- | If decs is non-empty, delcare them in a let:
maybeDLetE :: [DLetDec] -> DExp -> DExp
maybeDLetE [] exp   = exp
maybeDLetE decs exp = DLetE decs exp

-- | If matches is non-empty, make a case statement; otherwise make an error statement
maybeDCaseE :: String -> DExp -> [DMatch] -> DExp
maybeDCaseE err _     []      = DAppE (DVarE 'error) (DLitE (StringL err))
maybeDCaseE _   scrut matches = DCaseE scrut matches

-- | Desugar guarded expressions
dsGuards :: DsMonad q
         => [(Guard, Exp)]  -- ^ Guarded expressions
         -> DExp            -- ^ What to do if none of the guards match
         -> q DExp
dsGuards [] thing_inside = return thing_inside
dsGuards ((NormalG gd, exp) : rest) thing_inside =
  dsGuards ((PatG [NoBindS gd], exp) : rest) thing_inside
dsGuards ((PatG stmts, exp) : rest) thing_inside = do
  success <- dsExp exp
  failure <- dsGuards rest thing_inside
  dsGuardStmts stmts success failure

-- | Desugar the @Stmt@s in a guard
dsGuardStmts :: DsMonad q
             => [Stmt]  -- ^ The @Stmt@s to desugar
             -> DExp    -- ^ What to do if the @Stmt@s yield success
             -> DExp    -- ^ What to do if the @Stmt@s yield failure
             -> q DExp
dsGuardStmts [] success _failure = return success
dsGuardStmts (BindS pat exp : rest) success failure = do
  success' <- dsGuardStmts rest success failure
  (pat', success'') <- dsPatOverExp pat success'
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  return $ DCaseE exp' [DMatch pat' success'', DMatch DWildPa failure]
dsGuardStmts (LetS decs : rest) success failure = do
  decs' <- dsLetDecs decs
  success' <- dsGuardStmts rest success failure
  return $ DLetE decs' success'
  -- special-case a final pattern containing "otherwise" or "True"
  -- note that GHC does this special-casing, too, in DsGRHSs.isTrueLHsExpr
dsGuardStmts [NoBindS exp] success _failure
  | VarE name <- exp
  , name == 'otherwise
  = return success

  | ConE name <- exp
  , name == 'True
  = return success
dsGuardStmts (NoBindS exp : rest) success failure = do
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  success' <- dsGuardStmts rest success failure
  return $ DCaseE exp' [ DMatch (DConPa 'True []) success'
                       , DMatch (DConPa 'False []) failure ]
dsGuardStmts (ParS _ : _) _ _ = impossible "Parallel comprehension in a pattern guard."

-- | Desugar the @Stmt@s in a @do@ expression
dsDoStmts :: DsMonad q => [Stmt] -> q DExp
dsDoStmts [] = impossible "do-expression ended with something other than bare statement."
dsDoStmts [NoBindS exp] = dsExp exp
dsDoStmts (BindS pat exp : rest) = do
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  rest' <- dsDoStmts rest
  DAppE (DAppE (DVarE '(>>=)) exp') <$> dsLam [pat] rest'
dsDoStmts (LetS decs : rest) = DLetE <$> dsLetDecs decs <*> dsDoStmts rest
dsDoStmts (NoBindS exp : rest) = do
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  rest' <- dsDoStmts rest
  return $ DAppE (DAppE (DVarE '(>>)) exp') rest'
dsDoStmts (ParS _ : _) = impossible "Parallel comprehension in a do-statement."

-- | Desugar the @Stmt@s in a list or monad comprehension
dsComp :: DsMonad q => [Stmt] -> q DExp
dsComp [] = impossible "List/monad comprehension ended with something other than a bare statement."
dsComp [NoBindS exp] = DAppE (DVarE 'return) <$> dsExp exp
dsComp (BindS pat exp : rest) = do
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  rest' <- dsComp rest
  DAppE (DAppE (DVarE '(>>=)) exp') <$> dsLam [pat] rest'
dsComp (LetS decs : rest) = DLetE <$> dsLetDecs decs <*> dsComp rest
dsComp (NoBindS exp : rest) = do
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  rest' <- dsComp rest
  return $ DAppE (DAppE (DVarE '(>>)) (DAppE (DVarE 'guard) exp')) rest'
dsComp (ParS stmtss : rest) = do
  (pat, exp) <- dsParComp stmtss
  rest' <- dsComp rest
  DAppE (DAppE (DVarE '(>>=)) exp) <$> dsLam [pat] rest'

-- | Desugar the contents of a parallel comprehension.
--   Returns a @Pat@ containing a tuple of all bound variables and an expression
--   to produce the values for those variables
dsParComp :: DsMonad q => [[Stmt]] -> q (Pat, DExp)
dsParComp [] = impossible "Empty list of parallel comprehension statements."
dsParComp [r] = do
  let rv = foldMap extractBoundNamesStmt r
  dsR <- dsComp (r ++ [mk_tuple_stmt rv])
  return (mk_tuple_pat rv, dsR)
dsParComp (q : rest) = do
  let qv = foldMap extractBoundNamesStmt q
  (rest_pat, rest_exp) <- dsParComp rest
  dsQ <- dsComp (q ++ [mk_tuple_stmt qv])
  let zipped = DAppE (DAppE (DVarE 'mzip) dsQ) rest_exp
  return (ConP (tupleDataName 2) [mk_tuple_pat qv, rest_pat], zipped)

-- helper function for dsParComp
mk_tuple_stmt :: S.Set Name -> Stmt
mk_tuple_stmt name_set =
  NoBindS (mkTupleExp (S.foldr ((:) . VarE) [] name_set))

-- helper function for dsParComp
mk_tuple_pat :: S.Set Name -> Pat
mk_tuple_pat name_set =
  mkTuplePat (S.foldr ((:) . VarP) [] name_set)

-- | Desugar a pattern, along with processing a (desugared) expression that
-- is the entire scope of the variables bound in the pattern.
dsPatOverExp :: DsMonad q => Pat -> DExp -> q (DPat, DExp)
dsPatOverExp pat exp = do
  (pat', vars) <- runWriterT $ dsPat pat
  let name_decs = uncurry (zipWith (DValD . DVarPa)) $ unzip vars
  return (pat', maybeDLetE name_decs exp)

-- | Desugar multiple patterns. Like 'dsPatOverExp'.
dsPatsOverExp :: DsMonad q => [Pat] -> DExp -> q ([DPat], DExp)
dsPatsOverExp pats exp = do
  (pats', vars) <- runWriterT $ mapM dsPat pats
  let name_decs = uncurry (zipWith (DValD . DVarPa)) $ unzip vars
  return (pats', maybeDLetE name_decs exp)

-- | Desugar a pattern, returning a list of (Name, DExp) pairs of extra
-- variables that must be bound within the scope of the pattern
dsPatX :: DsMonad q => Pat -> q (DPat, [(Name, DExp)])
dsPatX = runWriterT . dsPat

-- | Desugaring a pattern also returns the list of variables bound in as-patterns
-- and the values they should be bound to. This variables must be brought into
-- scope in the "body" of the pattern.
type PatM q = WriterT [(Name, DExp)] q

-- | Desugar a pattern.
dsPat :: DsMonad q => Pat -> PatM q DPat
dsPat (LitP lit) = return $ DLitPa lit
dsPat (VarP n) = return $ DVarPa n
dsPat (TupP pats) = DConPa (tupleDataName (length pats)) <$> mapM dsPat pats
dsPat (UnboxedTupP pats) = DConPa (unboxedTupleDataName (length pats)) <$>
                           mapM dsPat pats
dsPat (ConP name pats) = DConPa name <$> mapM dsPat pats
dsPat (InfixP p1 name p2) = DConPa name <$> mapM dsPat [p1, p2]
dsPat (UInfixP _ _ _) =
  fail "Cannot desugar unresolved infix operators."
dsPat (ParensP pat) = dsPat pat
dsPat (TildeP pat) = DTildePa <$> dsPat pat
dsPat (BangP pat) = DBangPa <$> dsPat pat
dsPat (AsP name pat) = do
  pat' <- dsPat pat
  pat'' <- lift $ removeWilds pat'
  tell [(name, dPatToDExp pat'')]
  return pat''
dsPat WildP = return DWildPa
dsPat (RecP con_name field_pats) = do
  con <- lift $ dataConNameToCon con_name
  reordered <- case con of
    RecC _name fields -> reorderFieldsPat fields field_pats
    _ -> lift $ impossible $ "Record syntax used with non-record constructor "
                             ++ (show con_name) ++ "."
  return $ DConPa con_name reordered
dsPat (ListP pats) = go pats
  where go [] = return $ DConPa '[] []
        go (h : t) = do
          h' <- dsPat h
          t' <- go t
          return $ DConPa '(:) [h', t']
dsPat (SigP _ _) =
  lift $ impossible
             ("At last check (Aug 2013), type patterns in signatures are not\n" ++
              "supported in GHC. They are not supported in th-desugar either.")
dsPat (ViewP _ _) =
  fail "View patterns are not supported in th-desugar. Use pattern guards instead."

-- | Convert a 'DPat' to a 'DExp'. Fails on 'DWildP'.
dPatToDExp :: DPat -> DExp
dPatToDExp (DLitPa lit) = DLitE lit
dPatToDExp (DVarPa name) = DVarE name
dPatToDExp (DConPa name pats) = foldl DAppE (DConE name) (map dPatToDExp pats)
dPatToDExp (DTildePa pat) = dPatToDExp pat
dPatToDExp (DBangPa pat) = dPatToDExp pat
dPatToDExp DWildPa = error "Internal error in th-desugar: wildcard in rhs of as-pattern"

-- | Remove all wildcards from a pattern, replacing any wildcard with a fresh
--   variable
removeWilds :: DsMonad q => DPat -> q DPat
removeWilds p@(DLitPa _) = return p
removeWilds p@(DVarPa _) = return p
removeWilds (DConPa con_name pats) = DConPa con_name <$> mapM removeWilds pats
removeWilds (DTildePa pat) = DTildePa <$> removeWilds pat
removeWilds (DBangPa pat) = DBangPa <$> removeWilds pat
removeWilds DWildPa = DVarPa <$> newUniqueName "wild"

-- | Desugar @Info@
dsInfo :: DsMonad q => Info -> q DInfo
dsInfo (ClassI dec instances) = do
  [ddec]     <- dsDec dec
  dinstances <- dsDecs instances
  return $ DTyConI ddec (Just dinstances)
dsInfo (ClassOpI name ty parent fixity) =
  DVarI name <$> dsType ty <*> pure (Just parent) <*> pure fixity
dsInfo (TyConI dec) = do
  [ddec] <- dsDec dec
  return $ DTyConI ddec Nothing
dsInfo (FamilyI dec instances) = do
  [ddec]     <- dsDec dec
  dinstances <- dsDecs instances
  (ddec', num_args) <- fixBug8884ForFamilies ddec
  let dinstances' = map (fixBug8884ForInstances num_args) dinstances
  return $ DTyConI ddec' (Just dinstances')
dsInfo (PrimTyConI name arity unlifted) =
  return $ DPrimTyConI name arity unlifted
dsInfo (DataConI name ty parent fixity) =
  DVarI name <$> dsType ty <*> pure (Just parent) <*> pure fixity
dsInfo (VarI name ty Nothing fixity) =
  DVarI name <$> dsType ty <*> pure Nothing <*> pure fixity
dsInfo (VarI name _ (Just _) _) =
  impossible $ "Declaration supplied with variable: " ++ show name
dsInfo (TyVarI name ty) = DTyVarI name <$> dsKind ty

fixBug8884ForFamilies :: DsMonad q => DDec -> q (DDec, Int)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
fixBug8884ForFamilies (DFamilyD flav name tvbs m_kind) = do
  let num_args = length tvbs
  m_kind' <- mapM (remove_arrows num_args) m_kind
  return (DFamilyD flav name tvbs m_kind', num_args)
fixBug8884ForFamilies (DClosedTypeFamilyD name tvbs m_kind eqns) = do
  let num_args = length tvbs
      eqns' = map (fixBug8884ForEqn num_args) eqns
  m_kind' <- mapM (remove_arrows num_args) m_kind
  return (DClosedTypeFamilyD name tvbs m_kind' eqns', num_args)
fixBug8884ForFamilies dec =
  impossible $ "Reifying yielded a FamilyI with a non-family Dec: " ++ show dec

remove_arrows :: DsMonad q => Int -> DKind -> q DKind
remove_arrows 0 k = return k
remove_arrows n (DArrowK _ k) = remove_arrows (n-1) k
remove_arrows _ _ =
  impossible "Internal error: Fix for bug 8884 ran out of arrows."

fixBug8884ForFamilies dec = return (dec, 0)   -- return value ignored

fixBug8884ForInstances :: Int -> DDec -> DDec
fixBug8884ForInstances num_args (DTySynInstD name eqn) =
  DTySynInstD name (fixBug8884ForEqn num_args eqn)
fixBug8884ForInstances _ dec = dec

fixBug8884ForEqn :: Int -> DTySynEqn -> DTySynEqn
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
fixBug8884ForEqn num_args (DTySynEqn lhs rhs) =
  let lhs' = drop (length lhs - num_args) lhs in
  DTySynEqn lhs' rhs
fixBug8884ForEqn _ = id

-- | Desugar arbitrary @Dec@s
dsDecs :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> q [DDec]
dsDecs = concatMapM dsDec

-- | Desugar a single @Dec@, perhaps producing multiple 'DDec's
dsDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DDec]
dsDec d@(FunD {}) = (fmap . map) DLetDec $ dsLetDec d
dsDec d@(ValD {}) = (fmap . map) DLetDec $ dsLetDec d
dsDec (DataD cxt n tvbs cons derivings) =
  (:[]) <$> (DDataD Data <$> dsCxt cxt <*> pure n
                         <*> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> mapM dsCon cons
                         <*> pure derivings)
dsDec (NewtypeD cxt n tvbs con derivings) =
  (:[]) <$> (DDataD Newtype <$> dsCxt cxt <*> pure n
                            <*> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> ((:[]) <$> dsCon con)
                            <*> pure derivings)
dsDec (TySynD n tvbs ty) =
  (:[]) <$> (DTySynD n <$> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> dsType ty)
dsDec (ClassD cxt n tvbs fds decs) =
  (:[]) <$> (DClassD <$> dsCxt cxt <*> pure n <*> mapM dsTvb tvbs
                     <*> pure fds <*> dsDecs decs)
dsDec (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
  (:[]) <$> (DInstanceD <$> dsCxt cxt <*> dsType ty <*> dsDecs decs)
dsDec d@(SigD {}) = (fmap . map) DLetDec $ dsLetDec d
dsDec (ForeignD f) = (:[]) <$> (DForeignD <$> dsForeign f)
dsDec d@(InfixD {}) = (fmap . map) DLetDec $ dsLetDec d
dsDec (PragmaD prag) = (:[]) <$> (DPragmaD <$> dsPragma prag)
dsDec (FamilyD flav n tvbs m_k) =
  (:[]) <$> (DFamilyD flav n <$> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> mapM dsKind m_k)
dsDec (DataInstD cxt n tys cons derivings) =
  (:[]) <$> (DDataInstD Data <$> dsCxt cxt <*> pure n <*> mapM dsType tys
                             <*> mapM dsCon cons <*> pure derivings)
dsDec (NewtypeInstD cxt n tys con derivings) =
  (:[]) <$> (DDataInstD Newtype <$> dsCxt cxt <*> pure n <*> mapM dsType tys
                                <*> ((:[]) <$> dsCon con) <*> pure derivings)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
dsDec (TySynInstD n lhs rhs) = (:[]) <$> (DTySynInstD n <$>
                                          (DTySynEqn <$> mapM dsType lhs
                                                     <*> dsType rhs))
dsDec (TySynInstD n eqn) = (:[]) <$> (DTySynInstD n <$> dsTySynEqn eqn)
dsDec (ClosedTypeFamilyD n tvbs m_k eqns) =
  (:[]) <$> (DClosedTypeFamilyD n <$> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> mapM dsKind m_k
                                  <*> mapM dsTySynEqn eqns)
dsDec (RoleAnnotD n roles) = return [DRoleAnnotD n roles]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
dsDec (StandaloneDerivD cxt ty) = (:[]) <$> (DStandaloneDerivD <$> dsCxt cxt
                                                               <*> dsType ty)
dsDec (DefaultSigD n ty) = (:[]) <$> (DDefaultSigD n <$> dsType ty)

-- | Desugar @Dec@s that can appear in a let expression
dsLetDecs :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> q [DLetDec]
dsLetDecs = concatMapM dsLetDec

-- | Desugar a single @Dec@, perhaps producing multiple 'DLetDec's
dsLetDec :: DsMonad q => Dec -> q [DLetDec]
dsLetDec (FunD name clauses) = do
  clauses' <- dsClauses name clauses
  return [DFunD name clauses']
dsLetDec (ValD pat body where_decs) = do
  (pat', vars) <- dsPatX pat
  body' <- dsBody body where_decs error_exp
  let extras = uncurry (zipWith (DValD . DVarPa)) $ unzip vars
  return $ DValD pat' body' : extras
    error_exp = DAppE (DVarE 'error) (DLitE
                       (StringL $ "Non-exhaustive patterns for " ++ pprint pat))
dsLetDec (SigD name ty) = do
  ty' <- dsType ty
  return [DSigD name ty']
dsLetDec (InfixD fixity name) = return [DInfixD fixity name]
dsLetDec _dec = impossible "Illegal declaration in let expression."

-- | Desugar a single @Con@.
dsCon :: DsMonad q => Con -> q DCon
dsCon (NormalC n stys) = DCon [] [] n <$> (DNormalC <$> mapM (liftSndM dsType) stys)
dsCon (RecC n vstys) = DCon [] [] n <$> (DRecC <$> mapM (liftThdOf3M dsType) vstys)
dsCon (InfixC (s1, ty1) n (s2, ty2)) = do
  dty1 <- dsType ty1
  dty2 <- dsType ty2
  return $ DCon [] [] n (DNormalC [(s1, dty1), (s2, dty2)])
dsCon (ForallC tvbs cxt con) = do
  dtvbs <- mapM dsTvb tvbs
  dcxt <- dsCxt cxt
  DCon dtvbs' dcxt' n fields <- dsCon con
  return $ DCon (dtvbs ++ dtvbs') (dcxt ++ dcxt') n fields

-- | Desugar a @Foreign@.
dsForeign :: DsMonad q => Foreign -> q DForeign
dsForeign (ImportF cc safety str n ty) = DImportF cc safety str n <$> dsType ty
dsForeign (ExportF cc str n ty)        = DExportF cc str n <$> dsType ty

-- | Desugar a @Pragma@.
dsPragma :: DsMonad q => Pragma -> q DPragma
dsPragma (InlineP n inl rm phases)       = return $ DInlineP n inl rm phases
dsPragma (SpecialiseP n ty m_inl phases) = DSpecialiseP n <$> dsType ty
                                                          <*> pure m_inl
                                                          <*> pure phases
dsPragma (SpecialiseInstP ty)            = DSpecialiseInstP <$> dsType ty
dsPragma (RuleP str rbs lhs rhs phases)  = DRuleP str <$> mapM dsRuleBndr rbs
                                                      <*> dsExp lhs
                                                      <*> dsExp rhs
                                                      <*> pure phases
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
dsPragma (AnnP target exp)               = DAnnP target <$> dsExp exp
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
dsPragma (LineP n str)                   = return $ DLineP n str

-- | Desugar a @RuleBndr@.
dsRuleBndr :: DsMonad q => RuleBndr -> q DRuleBndr
dsRuleBndr (RuleVar n)         = return $ DRuleVar n
dsRuleBndr (TypedRuleVar n ty) = DTypedRuleVar n <$> dsType ty

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
-- | Desugar a @TySynEqn@. (Available only with GHC 7.8+)
dsTySynEqn :: DsMonad q => TySynEqn -> q DTySynEqn
dsTySynEqn (TySynEqn lhs rhs) = DTySynEqn <$> mapM dsType lhs <*> dsType rhs

-- | Desugar clauses to a function definition
dsClauses :: DsMonad q
          => Name         -- ^ Name of the function
          -> [Clause]     -- ^ Clauses to desugar
          -> q [DClause]
dsClauses _ [] = return []
dsClauses n (Clause pats (NormalB exp) where_decs : rest) = do
  -- this case is necessary to maintain the roundtrip property.
  rest' <- dsClauses n rest
  exp' <- dsExp exp
  where_decs' <- dsLetDecs where_decs
  let exp_with_wheres = maybeDLetE where_decs' exp'
  (pats', exp'') <- dsPatsOverExp pats exp_with_wheres
  return $ DClause pats' exp'' : rest'
dsClauses n clauses@(Clause outer_pats _ _ : _) = do
  arg_names <- replicateM (length outer_pats) (newUniqueName "arg")
  let scrutinee = mkTupleDExp (map DVarE arg_names)
  clause <- DClause (map DVarPa arg_names) <$>
              (DCaseE scrutinee <$> foldrM (clause_to_dmatch scrutinee) [] clauses)
  return [clause]
    clause_to_dmatch :: DsMonad q => DExp -> Clause -> [DMatch] -> q [DMatch]
    clause_to_dmatch scrutinee (Clause pats body where_decs) failure_matches = do
      let failure_exp = maybeDCaseE ("Non-exhaustive patterns in " ++ (show n))
                                    scrutinee failure_matches
      exp <- dsBody body where_decs failure_exp
      (pats', exp') <- dsPatsOverExp pats exp
      uni_pats <- fmap getAll $ concatMapM (fmap All . isUniversalPattern) pats'
      let match = DMatch (mkTupleDPat pats') exp'
      if uni_pats
      then return [match]
      else return (match : failure_matches)

-- | Desugar a type
dsType :: DsMonad q => Type -> q DType
dsType (ForallT tvbs preds ty) = DForallT <$> mapM dsTvb tvbs <*> dsCxt preds <*> dsType ty
dsType (AppT t1 t2) = DAppT <$> dsType t1 <*> dsType t2
dsType (SigT ty ki) = DSigT <$> dsType ty <*> dsKind ki
dsType (VarT name) = return $ DVarT name
dsType (ConT name) = return $ DConT name
  -- the only difference between ConT and PromotedT is the name lookup. Here, we assume
  -- that the TH quote mechanism figured out the right name. Note that lookupDataName name
  -- does not necessarily work, because `name` has its original module attached, which
  -- may not be in scope.
dsType (PromotedT name) = return $ DConT name
dsType (TupleT n) = return $ DConT (tupleTypeName n)
dsType (UnboxedTupleT n) = return $ DConT (unboxedTupleTypeName n)
dsType ArrowT = return DArrowT
dsType ListT = return $ DConT ''[]
dsType (PromotedTupleT n) = return $ DConT (tupleDataName n)
dsType PromotedNilT = return $ DConT '[]
dsType PromotedConsT = return $ DConT '(:)
dsType StarT = impossible "The kind * seen in a type."
dsType ConstraintT = impossible "The kind `Constraint' seen in a type."
dsType (LitT lit) = return $ DLitT lit
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
dsType EqualityT = return $ DConT ''(~)

-- | Desugar a @TyVarBndr@
dsTvb :: DsMonad q => TyVarBndr -> q DTyVarBndr
dsTvb (PlainTV n) = return $ DPlainTV n
dsTvb (KindedTV n k) = DKindedTV n <$> dsKind k

-- | Desugar a @Cxt@
dsCxt :: DsMonad q => Cxt -> q DCxt
dsCxt = concatMapM dsPred

-- | Desugar a @Pred@, flattening any internal tuples
dsPred :: DsMonad q => Pred -> q DCxt
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
dsPred (ClassP n tys) = do
  ts' <- mapM dsType tys
  return [foldl DAppPr (DConPr n) ts']
dsPred (EqualP t1 t2) = do
  ts' <- mapM dsType [t1, t2]
  return [foldl DAppPr (DConPr ''(~)) ts']
dsPred t
  | Just ts <- splitTuple_maybe t
  = concatMapM dsPred ts
dsPred t@(ForallT _ _ _) = impossible $ "Forall seen in constraint: " ++ show t
dsPred (AppT t1 t2) = do
  [p1] <- dsPred t1   -- tuples can't be applied!
  (:[]) <$> DAppPr p1 <$> dsType t2
dsPred (SigT ty ki) = do
  preds <- dsPred ty
  case preds of
    [p]   -> (:[]) <$> DSigPr p <$> dsKind ki
    other -> return other   -- just drop the kind signature on a tuple.
dsPred (VarT n) = return [DVarPr n]
dsPred (ConT n) = return [DConPr n]
dsPred t@(PromotedT _) =
  impossible $ "Promoted type seen as head of constraint: " ++ show t
dsPred (TupleT 0) = return [DConPr (tupleTypeName 0)]
dsPred (TupleT _) =
  impossible "Internal error in th-desugar in detecting tuple constraints."
dsPred t@(UnboxedTupleT _) =
  impossible $ "Unboxed tuple seen as head of constraint: " ++ show t
dsPred ArrowT = impossible "Arrow seen as head of constraint."
dsPred ListT  = impossible "List seen as head of constraint."
dsPred (PromotedTupleT _) =
  impossible "Promoted tuple seen as head of constraint."
dsPred PromotedNilT  = impossible "Promoted nil seen as head of constraint."
dsPred PromotedConsT = impossible "Promoted cons seen as head of constraint."
dsPred StarT         = impossible "* seen as head of constraint."
dsPred ConstraintT =
  impossible "The kind `Constraint' seen as head of constraint."
dsPred t@(LitT _) =
  impossible $ "Type literal seen as head of constraint: " ++ show t
dsPred EqualityT = return [DConPr ''(~)]

-- | Desugar a kind
dsKind :: DsMonad q => Kind -> q DKind
dsKind (ForallT tvbs cxt ki)
  | [] <- cxt
  , Just names <- mapM stripPlainTV_maybe tvbs
  = DForallK names <$> dsKind ki

  | otherwise
  = impossible "Annotations of kind variables or kind constraints."
dsKind (AppT (AppT ArrowT k1) k2) = DArrowK <$> dsKind k1 <*> dsKind k2
dsKind (AppT k1 k2) = do
  k1' <- dsKind k1
  (con_name, args) <- case k1' of
                        DConK n as -> return (n, as)
                        _ -> impossible "Illegal kind application."
  k2' <- dsKind k2
  return $ DConK con_name (args ++ [k2'])
dsKind k@(SigT _ _) = impossible $ "Super-kind signature in kind " ++ (pprint k)
dsKind (VarT name) = return $ DVarK name
dsKind (ConT name) = return $ DConK name []
dsKind (PromotedT name) = impossible $ "Promoted data constructor " ++ show name ++ " in kind."
dsKind (TupleT n) = return $ DConK (tupleTypeName n) []
dsKind (UnboxedTupleT _) = impossible "Unboxed tuple kind."
dsKind ArrowT = impossible "Unsaturated (->) in kind."
dsKind ListT = return $ DConK ''[] []
dsKind (PromotedTupleT _) = impossible "Promoted tuple used as a kind."
dsKind PromotedNilT = impossible "Promoted [] used as a kind."
dsKind PromotedConsT = impossible "Promoted (:) used as a kind."
dsKind StarT = return DStarK
dsKind ConstraintT = return $ DConK ''Constraint []
dsKind (LitT _) = impossible "Literal used in a kind."
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
dsKind EqualityT = impossible "(~) used in a kind."

-- | Like 'reify', but safer and desugared. Uses local declarations where
-- available.
dsReify :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (Maybe DInfo)
dsReify = traverse dsInfo <=< reifyWithLocals_maybe

-- create a list of expressions in the same order as the fields in the first argument
-- but with the values as given in the second argument
-- if a field is missing from the second argument, use the corresponding expression
-- from the third argument
reorderFields :: DsMonad q => [VarStrictType] -> [FieldExp] -> [DExp] -> q [DExp]
reorderFields = reorderFields' dsExp

reorderFieldsPat :: DsMonad q => [VarStrictType] -> [FieldPat] -> PatM q [DPat]
reorderFieldsPat field_decs field_pats =
  reorderFields' dsPat field_decs field_pats (repeat DWildPa)

reorderFields' :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
               => (a -> m da)
               -> [VarStrictType] -> [(Name, a)]
               -> [da] -> m [da]
reorderFields' _ [] _ _ = return []
reorderFields' ds_thing ((field_name, _, _) : rest)
               field_things (deflt : rest_deflt) = do
  rest' <- reorderFields' ds_thing rest field_things rest_deflt
  case find (\(thing_name, _) -> thing_name == field_name) field_things of
    Just (_, thing) -> (: rest') <$> ds_thing thing
    Nothing -> return $ deflt : rest'
reorderFields' _ (_ : _) _ [] = error "Internal error in th-desugar."

-- | Make a tuple 'DExp' from a list of 'DExp's. Avoids using a 1-tuple.
mkTupleDExp :: [DExp] -> DExp
mkTupleDExp [exp] = exp
mkTupleDExp exps = foldl DAppE (DConE $ tupleDataName (length exps)) exps

-- | Make a tuple 'Exp' from a list of 'Exp's. Avoids using a 1-tuple.
mkTupleExp :: [Exp] -> Exp
mkTupleExp [exp] = exp
mkTupleExp exps = foldl AppE (ConE $ tupleDataName (length exps)) exps

-- | Make a tuple 'DPat' from a list of 'DPat's. Avoids using a 1-tuple.
mkTupleDPat :: [DPat] -> DPat
mkTupleDPat [pat] = pat
mkTupleDPat pats = DConPa (tupleDataName (length pats)) pats

-- | Make a tuple 'Pat' from a list of 'Pat's. Avoids using a 1-tuple.
mkTuplePat :: [Pat] -> Pat
mkTuplePat [pat] = pat
mkTuplePat pats = ConP (tupleDataName (length pats)) pats

-- | Is this pattern guaranteed to match?
isUniversalPattern :: DsMonad q => DPat -> q Bool
isUniversalPattern (DLitPa {}) = return False
isUniversalPattern (DVarPa {}) = return True
isUniversalPattern (DConPa con_name pats) = do
  data_name <- dataConNameToDataName con_name
  (_tvbs, cons) <- getDataD "Internal error." data_name
  if length cons == 1
  then fmap and $ mapM isUniversalPattern pats
  else return False
isUniversalPattern (DTildePa {}) = return True
isUniversalPattern (DBangPa pat) = isUniversalPattern pat
isUniversalPattern DWildPa       = return True

-- | Apply one 'DExp' to a list of arguments
applyDExp :: DExp -> [DExp] -> DExp
applyDExp = foldl DAppE

-- | Apply one 'DType' to a list of arguments
applyDType :: DType -> [DType] -> DType
applyDType = foldl DAppT