{- Tests for the th-desugar package (c) Richard Eisenberg 2013 eir@cis.upenn.edu -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, MultiWayIf, ParallelListComp, CPP, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, ImpredicativeTypes, DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Test.Splices where import Data.List import GHC.Exts import GHC.TypeLits import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Sweeten import Data.Generics #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 data Proxy a = Proxy #endif dsSplice :: Q Exp -> Q Exp dsSplice expq = expq >>= dsExp >>= (return . expToTH) dsDecSplice :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] dsDecSplice decsQ = decsQ >>= dsDecs >>= (return . decsToTH) testDecSplice :: Int -> Q Exp testDecSplice n = do let dsName = mkName $ "Test.DsDec.Dec" ++ show n regName = mkName $ "Test.Dec.Dec" ++ show n infoDs <- reify dsName infoReg <- reify regName #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 eqTHSplice infoDs infoReg #else rolesDs <- reifyRoles dsName rolesReg <- reifyRoles regName eqTHSplice (infoDs, rolesDs) (infoReg, rolesReg) #endif unqualify :: Data a => a -> a unqualify = everywhere (mkT (mkName . nameBase)) eqTH :: (Data a, Show a) => a -> a -> Bool eqTH a b = show (unqualify a) == show (unqualify b) eqTHSplice :: (Data a, Show a) => a -> a -> Q Exp eqTHSplice a b = if a `eqTH` b then [| True |] else [| False |] test1_sections = [| map ((* 3) . (4 +) . (\x -> x * x)) [10, 11, 12] |] test2_lampats = [| (\(Just x) (Left z) -> x + z) (Just 5) (Left 10) |] test3_lamcase = [| foldr (-) 0 (map (\case { Just x -> x ; Nothing -> (-3) }) [Just 1, Nothing, Just 19, Nothing]) |] test4_tuples = [| (\(a, _) (# b, _ #) -> a + b) (1,2) (# 3, 4 #) |] test5_ifs = [| if (5 > 7) then "foo" else if | Nothing <- Just "bar", True -> "blargh" | otherwise -> "bum" |] test6_ifs2 = [| if | Nothing <- Nothing, False -> 3 | Just _ <- Just "foo" -> 5 |] test7_let = [| let { x :: Double; x = 5; f :: Double -> Double; f x = x + 1 } in f (x * 2) + x |] test8_case = [| case Just False of { Just True -> 1 ; Just _ -> 2 ; Nothing -> 3 } |] test9_do = [| show $ do { foo <- Just "foo" ; let fool = foo ++ "l" ; elemIndex 'o' fool ; x <- elemIndex 'l' fool ; return (x + 10) } |] test10_comp = [| [ (x, x+1) | x <- [1..10], x `mod` 2 == 0 ] |] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707 test11_parcomp = [| [ (x,y) | x <- [1..10], x `mod` 2 == 0 | y <- [2,5..20] ] |] test12_parcomp2 = [| [ (x,y,z) | x <- [1..10], z <- [3..100], x + z `mod` 2 == 0 | y <- [2,5..20] ] |] #endif test13_sig = [| show (read "[10, 11, 12]" :: [Int]) |] data Record = MkRecord1 { field1 :: Bool, field2 :: Int } | MkRecord2 { field2 :: Int, field3 :: Char } test14_record = [| let r1 = [MkRecord1 { field2 = 5, field1 = False }, MkRecord2 { field2 = 6, field3 = 'q' }] r2 = map (\r -> r { field2 = 18 }) r1 r3 = (head r2) { field1 = True } in map (\case MkRecord1 { field2 = some_int, field1 = some_bool } -> show some_int ++ show some_bool MkRecord2 { field2 = some_int, field3 = some_char } -> show some_int ++ show some_char) (r3 : r2) |] test15_litp = [| map (\case { 5 -> True ; _ -> False }) [5,6] |] test16_tupp = [| map (\(x,y,z) -> x + y + z) [(1,2,3),(4,5,6)] |] data InfixType = Int :+: Bool deriving (Show, Eq) test17_infixp = [| map (\(x :+: y) -> if y then x + 1 else x - 1) [5 :+: True, 10 :+: False] |] test18_tildep = [| map (\ ~() -> Nothing :: Maybe Int) [undefined, ()] |] test19_bangp = [| map (\ !() -> 5) [()] |] test20_asp = [| map (\ a@(b :+: c) -> (if c then b + 1 else b - 1, a)) [5 :+: True, 10 :+: False] |] test21_wildp = [| zipWith (\_ _ -> 10) [1,2,3] ['a','b','c'] |] test22_listp = [| map (\ [a,b,c] -> a + b + c) [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] |] -- type signatures in patterns not yet handled by Template Haskell -- test23_sigp = [| map (\ (a :: Int) -> a + a) [5, 10] |] test24_fun = [| let f (Just x) = x f Nothing = Nothing in f (Just (Just 10)) |] test25_fun2 = [| let f (Just x) | x > 0 = x | x < 0 = x + 10 f Nothing = 0 f _ = 18 in map f [Just (-5), Just 5, Just 10, Nothing, Just 0] |] test26_forall = [| let f :: Num a => a -> a f x = x + 10 in (f 5, f 3.0) |] test27_kisig = [| let f :: Proxy (a :: Bool) -> () f _ = () in (f (Proxy :: Proxy False), f (Proxy :: Proxy True)) |] test28_tupt = [| let f :: (a,b) -> a f (a,_) = a in map f [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] |] test29_listt = [| let f :: [[a]] -> a f = head . head in map f [ [[1]], [[2]] ] |] test30_promoted = [| let f :: Proxy '() -> Proxy '[Int, Bool] -> () f _ _ = () in f Proxy Proxy |] test31_constraint = [| let f :: Proxy (c :: * -> Constraint) -> () f _ = () in [f (Proxy :: Proxy Eq), f (Proxy :: Proxy Show)] |] test32_tylit = [| let f :: Proxy (a :: Symbol) -> Proxy (b :: Nat) -> () f _ _ = () in f (Proxy :: Proxy "Hi there!") (Proxy :: Proxy 10) |] test33_tvbs = [| let f :: forall a (b :: * -> *). Monad b => a -> b a f = return in [f 1, f 2] :: [Maybe Int] |] test34_let_as = [| let a@(Just x) = Just 5 in show x ++ show a |] type Pair a = (a, a) test35_expand = [| let f :: Pair a -> a f = fst in f |] type Const a b = b test36_expand = [| let f :: Const Int (,) Bool Char -> Char f = snd in f |] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709 test37_pred = [| let f :: (Read a, (Show a, Num a)) => a -> a f x = read (show x) + x in (f 3, f 4.5) |] test38_pred2 = [| let f :: a b => Proxy a -> b -> b f _ x = x in (f (Proxy :: Proxy Show) False, f (Proxy :: Proxy Num) (3 :: Int)) |] test39_eq = [| let f :: (a ~ b) => a -> b f x = x in (f ()) |] #endif #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 dec_test_nums = [1..9] :: [Int] #else dec_test_nums = [1..10] :: [Int] #endif dectest1 = [d| data Dec1 = Foo | Bar Int |] dectest2 = [d| data Dec2 a = forall b. (Show b, Eq a) => MkDec2 a b Bool |] dectest3 = [d| data Dec3 a = forall b. MkDec3 { foo :: a, bar :: b } #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707 type role Dec3 nominal #endif |] dectest4 = [d| newtype Dec4 a = MkDec4 (a, Int) |] dectest5 = [d| type Dec5 a b = (a b, Maybe b) |] dectest6 = [d| class (Monad m1, Monad m2) => Dec6 (m1 :: * -> *) m2 | m1 -> m2 where lift :: forall a. m1 a -> m2 a type M2 m1 :: * -> * |] dectest7 = [d| type family Dec7 a (b :: *) (c :: Bool) :: * -> * |] dectest8 = [d| type family Dec8 a |] dectest9 = [d| data family Dec9 a (b :: * -> *) :: * -> * |] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 ds_dectest10 = DClosedTypeFamilyD (mkName "Dec10") [DPlainTV (mkName "a")] (Just (DArrowK DStarK DStarK)) [ DTySynEqn [DConT ''Int] (DConT ''Maybe) , DTySynEqn [DConT ''Bool] (DConT ''[]) ] dectest10 = [d| type family Dec10 a :: * -> * type instance Dec10 Int = Maybe type instance Dec10 Bool = [] |] ds_role_test = DRoleAnnotD (mkName "Dec3") [NominalR] role_test = [] #else dectest10 = [d| type family Dec10 a :: * -> * where Dec10 Int = Maybe Dec10 Bool = [] |] #endif instance_test = [d| instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (a -> b) where show _ = "function" |] class Dec6 a b where { lift :: a x -> b x; type M2 a } imp_inst_test1 = [d| instance Dec6 Maybe (Either ()) where lift Nothing = Left () lift (Just x) = Right x type M2 Maybe = Either () |] data family Dec9 a (b :: * -> *) :: * -> * imp_inst_test2 = [d| data instance Dec9 Int Maybe a = MkIMB [a] | forall b. MkIMB2 (b a) |] imp_inst_test3 = [d| newtype instance Dec9 Bool m x = MkBMX (m x) |] type family Dec8 a imp_inst_test4 = [d| type instance Dec8 Int = Bool |] -- used for bug8884 test type family Poly (a :: k) :: * type instance Poly x = Int flatten_dvald_test = [| let (a,b,c) = ("foo", 4, False) in show a ++ show b ++ show c |] rec_sel_test = [d| data RecordSel a = forall b. (Show a, Eq b) => MkRecord { recsel1 :: (Int, a) , recsel_naughty :: (a, b) , recsel2 :: (forall b. b -> a) , recsel3 :: Bool } | MkRecord2 { recsel4 :: (a, a) } |] rec_sel_test_num_sels = 4 :: Int -- exclude naughty one testRecSelTypes :: Int -> Q Exp testRecSelTypes n = do VarI _ ty1 _ _ <- reify (mkName ("Test.DsDec.recsel" ++ show n)) VarI _ ty2 _ _ <- reify (mkName ("Test.Dec.recsel" ++ show n)) let ty1' = return $ unqualify ty1 ty2' = return $ unqualify ty2 [| let x :: $ty1' x = undefined y :: $ty2' y = undefined in $(return $ VarE $ mkName "hasSameType") x y |]