{- Tests for the th-desugar package (c) Richard Eisenberg 2013 eir@cis.upenn.edu -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, UnboxedTuples, ParallelListComp, CPP, RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, ConstraintKinds, PolyKinds #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fno-warn-unused-matches -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} module Test.Run where import Prelude hiding ( exp ) import Test.HUnit import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.HUnit import Test.Splices import qualified Test.DsDec import qualified Test.Dec import Test.Dec ( RecordSel ) import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Expand import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Sweeten import Language.Haskell.TH import Control.Monad #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707 import Data.Proxy #endif tests :: Test tests = test [ "sections" ~: $test1_sections @=? $(dsSplice test1_sections) , "lampats" ~: $test2_lampats @=? $(dsSplice test2_lampats) , "lamcase" ~: $test3_lamcase @=? $(dsSplice test3_lamcase) -- Must fix nested pattern-matching for this to work. Argh. -- , "tuples" ~: $test4_tuples @=? $(dsSplice test4_tuples) , "ifs" ~: $test5_ifs @=? $(dsSplice test5_ifs) , "ifs2" ~: $test6_ifs2 @=? $(dsSplice test6_ifs2) , "let" ~: $test7_let @=? $(dsSplice test7_let) , "case" ~: $test8_case @=? $(dsSplice test8_case) , "do" ~: $test9_do @=? $(dsSplice test9_do) , "comp" ~: $test10_comp @=? $(dsSplice test10_comp) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707 , "parcomp" ~: $test11_parcomp @=? $(dsSplice test11_parcomp) , "parcomp2" ~: $test12_parcomp2 @=? $(dsSplice test12_parcomp2) #endif , "sig" ~: $test13_sig @=? $(dsSplice test13_sig) , "record" ~: $test14_record @=? $(dsSplice test14_record) , "litp" ~: $test15_litp @=? $(dsSplice test15_litp) , "tupp" ~: $test16_tupp @=? $(dsSplice test16_tupp) , "infixp" ~: $test17_infixp @=? $(dsSplice test17_infixp) , "tildep" ~: $test18_tildep @=? $(dsSplice test18_tildep) , "bangp" ~: $test19_bangp @=? $(dsSplice test19_bangp) , "asp" ~: $test20_asp @=? $(dsSplice test20_asp) , "wildp" ~: $test21_wildp @=? $(dsSplice test21_wildp) , "listp" ~: $test22_listp @=? $(dsSplice test22_listp) -- type signatures in patterns not yet handled by Template Haskell -- , "sigp" ~: $test23_sigp @=? $(dsSplice test23_sigp) , "fun" ~: $test24_fun @=? $(dsSplice test24_fun) , "fun2" ~: $test25_fun2 @=? $(dsSplice test25_fun2) , "forall" ~: $test26_forall @=? $(dsSplice test26_forall) , "kisig" ~: $test27_kisig @=? $(dsSplice test27_kisig) , "tupt" ~: $test28_tupt @=? $(dsSplice test28_tupt) , "listt" ~: $test29_listt @=? $(dsSplice test29_listt) , "promoted" ~: $test30_promoted @=? $(dsSplice test30_promoted) , "constraint" ~: $test31_constraint @=? $(dsSplice test31_constraint) , "tylit" ~: $test32_tylit @=? $(dsSplice test32_tylit) , "tvbs" ~: $test33_tvbs @=? $(dsSplice test33_tvbs) , "let_as" ~: $test34_let_as @=? $(dsSplice test34_let_as) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709 , "pred" ~: $test37_pred @=? $(dsSplice test37_pred) , "pred2" ~: $test38_pred2 @=? $(dsSplice test38_pred2) , "eq" ~: $test39_eq @=? $(dsSplice test39_eq) #endif ] test35a = $test35_expand test35b = $(test35_expand >>= dsExp >>= expand >>= return . expToTH) test36a = $test36_expand test36b = $(test36_expand >>= dsExp >>= expand >>= return . expToTH) hasSameType :: a -> a -> Bool hasSameType _ _ = True test_expand :: Bool test_expand = and [ hasSameType test35a test35b , hasSameType test36a test36b] test_dec :: [Bool] test_dec = $(do bools <- mapM testDecSplice dec_test_nums return $ ListE bools) $( do fuzzType <- mkTypeName "Fuzz" fuzzData <- mkDataName "Fuzz" let tySynDecs = TySynD (mkName "FuzzSyn") [] (ConT fuzzType) dataSynDecs = TySynD (mkName "FuzzDataSyn") [] (ConT fuzzData) fuzzDecs <- [d| data Fuzz = Fuzz |] return $ tySynDecs : dataSynDecs : fuzzDecs ) test_mkName :: Bool test_mkName = and [ hasSameType (Proxy :: Proxy FuzzSyn) (Proxy :: Proxy Fuzz) , hasSameType (Proxy :: Proxy FuzzDataSyn) (Proxy :: Proxy 'Fuzz) ] test_bug8884 :: Bool test_bug8884 = $(do info <- reify ''Poly dinfo@(DTyConI (DFamilyD TypeFam _name _tvbs (Just resK)) (Just [DTySynInstD _name2 (DTySynEqn lhs _rhs)])) <- dsInfo info case (resK, lhs) of (DStarK, [DVarT _]) -> [| True |] _ -> do runIO $ do putStrLn "Failed bug8884 test:" putStrLn $ show dinfo [| False |] ) flatten_dvald :: Bool flatten_dvald = let s1 = $(flatten_dvald_test) s2 = $(do exp <- flatten_dvald_test DLetE ddecs dexp <- dsExp exp flattened <- fmap concat $ mapM flattenDValD ddecs return $ expToTH $ DLetE flattened dexp ) in s1 == s2 test_rec_sels :: Bool test_rec_sels = and $(do bools <- mapM testRecSelTypes [1..rec_sel_test_num_sels] return $ ListE bools) main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "th-desugar library" $ do it "compiles" $ True it "expands" $ test_expand zipWithM (\num success -> it ("passes dec test " ++ show num) success) dec_test_nums test_dec -- instance test 1 is part of dectest 6. it "passes instance test" $ $(do ty <- [t| Int -> Bool |] [inst1, inst2] <- reifyInstances ''Show [ty] inst1 `eqTHSplice` inst2) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707 it "passes roles test" $ (decsToTH [ds_role_test]) `eqTH` role_test #endif it "makes type names" $ test_mkName it "fixes bug 8884" $ test_bug8884 it "flattens DValDs" $ flatten_dvald it "extract record selectors" $ test_rec_sels fromHUnitTest tests