Version 1.3.0 ------------- * Update to work with `type Pred = Type` in GHC 7.9. This changed the `DPred` type for all GHC versions, though. Version 1.2.0 ------------- * Generalized interface to allow any member of the `Qausi` class, instead of just `Q`. Version 1.1.1 ------------- * Made compatible with HEAD after change in role annotation syntax. Version 1.1 ----------- * Added module `Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Expand`, which allows for expansion of type synonyms in desugared types. * Added `Show`, `Typeable`, and `Data` instances to desugared types. * Fixed bug where an as-pattern in a `let` statement was scoped incorrectly. * Changed signature of `dsPat` to be more specific to as-patterns; this allowed for fixing the `let` scoping bug. * Created new functions `dsPatOverExp` and `dsPatsOverExp` to allow for easy desugaring of patterns. * Changed signature of `dsLetDec` to return a list of `DLetDec`s. * Added `dsLetDecs` for convenience. Now, instead of using `mapM dsLetDec`, you should use `dsLetDecs`. Version 1.0 ----------- * Initial release