# 0.5 * Fix build for GHC 7.10, old GHC versions, and Windows * Removed the `Text.Show.Text.Data.Containers` and `Text.Show.Text.Data.Time` modules. The modules for the data types in `containers` and `time` were migrated to a separate library, `text-show-instances`. * Removed the `-ftext-format` flag, as `text-show` no longer uses `text-format`. * A [serious bug](https://github.com/bos/text/issues/99) in the `text` package that caused segfaults when building large `Integer`s was fixed in `text-`. A flag (`-frecent-text`) was added that allows you to take advantage of this. * Fixed a bug that would cause the output of functions in the `Text.Show.Text.Data.Floating` module to not match `base` depending on what version of `base` is used. * The type signatures of lambda expressions generated by `mkShow` and related functions were loosened to allow them to be used to "manually" derive `Show` instances for data types with higher-kinded type parameters or type arguments with restricted `Show` instances. This should not be a breaking change; you can simply do more with `mkShow` et al. than you could before. For more information, see the documentation in `Text.Show.Text.TH`. * Loosened the `Show` instance of `Complex a` to only depend on `Show a` (previously required `RealFloat a`) if using base- or later * Moved `showbRatioPrec` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Ratio`, `showbComplexPrec` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Complex`, `showbProxy` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Proxy`, and `showbFingerprint` to `Text.Show.Text.GHC.Fingerprint` * Added `deriveShowPragmas` to `Text.Show.Text.TH` to allow users to specify `INLINE` or `SPECIALIZE instance` pragmas with `Show` instances. * Added `FromStringShow`, `showbSpace`, `showbUnary`, `showbUnary1`, and `showbBinary1` to `Text.Show.Text` * Added `mkShowList`, `mkShowListLazy`, and `mkShowbList` to `Text.Data.Text.TH` * For base- and above, added the `Text.Show.Text.Data.Functor.Identity`, `Text.Show.Text.Data.Void`, `Text.Show.Text.GHC.RTS.Flags`, `Text.Show.Text.GHC.StaticPtr`, and `Text.Show.Text.Numeric.Natural` modules. Also added `Show` instances for `AllocationLimitExceeded` in `Text.Show.Text.Control.Exception` and `Alt` in `Text.Show.Text.Data.Monoid`. Also fixed the `Show` instance for `Fixed` values. * Added the `Text.Show.Text.Data.GHC.Conc.Windows` module (Windows-only) * Added the `Text.Show.Text.Data.OldTypeable` module for base-4.7 * Added the `Text.Show.Text.GHC.TypeLits` module for base-4.6 and above * Added the `Text.Show.Text.Debug.Trace` and `Text.Show.Text.Debug.Trace.TH` modules as an analog to `Debug.Trace` * Added the `Show1` class and corresponding instances for unary type constructors. * Added `LitChar` and `LitString` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Char` * Exported `asciiTabB` in `Text.Show.Text.Data.Char` * Renamed `showbTextStrict` to 'showbText' (to keep with naming conventions in the `text` library) and added `showbBuilder` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Text`. ## 0.4.1 * Added the utility functions `toText` and `toString` for working with `Builder`s. # 0.4 * Due to [GHC bug #5289](http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5289), projects that depend on the `double-conversion` library (such as `text-format`, a dependency of `text-show`) may break due to GHC incorrectly linking against libstdc++. Therefore, `text-show` was changed so that it does not depend on `text-format` by default. This behavior can be changed by using the `-ftext-format` flag when using `cabal`. * Added `showbZonedTime` to `Text.Show.Text.Data.Time` (and corresponding `Show` instance for `ZonedTime`) * Exposed `showbMaskingState` (is was already there, I just forgot to export it) * If using GHC 7.6 or earlier, depend on tagged so that `Data.Proxy` (and thus `showbProxy` from `Text.Show.Text.Data.Typeable`) can be used * Refactored code to use Template Haskell derivations when possible ## * Added `showList` and `showListLazy` * Don't use `showbListDefault` to show `containers` data types * Added the ability to splice `show` functions for arbitrary data types (even if they aren't `Show` instances). These functions are `mkShow`, `mkShowLazy`, `mkShowPrec`, `mkShowPrecLazy`, `mkShowb`, `mkShowbPrec`, `mkPrint`, `mkPrintLazy`, `mkHPrint`, and `mkHPrintLazy`. # * Lots of bugfixes * `Show` instances for many other data types in `base`, `containers` and `time` * Exposed internal modules with monomorphic functions * `Text.Show.Text` now exports `Data.Text.Lazy.Builder` for convenience * Add `showLazy`, `showPrec`, `showPrecLazy`, `printLazy`, `hPrint`, `hPrintLazy`, `lengthB`, and `replicateB` * Template Haskell derivation of `Show` instances (doesn't support data families yet) # * Added `Show` instances for strict and lazy `Text` # * Initial commit