# CHANGELOG ## [v0.0.5.1] - 04/11/2023 * Allow bytestring 0.12 (for GHC 9.8) [#58](https://github.com/haskell-text/text-display/pull/58) ## [v0.0.5.0] - 16/05/2023 * Add Generic machinery (GDisplay1) and RecordInstance newtype for deriving via (https://github.com/haskell-text/text-display/pull/52) ## [v0.0.4.0] - 21/03/2023 * Fix `displayList` by making it lazier (https://github.com/haskell-text/text-display/pull/27) * Add Display instance for `Void` (https://github.com/haskell-text/text-display/pull/28) ## [v0.0.3.0] - 21/08/2022 This is an experimental release. * Support for text-2.0 * Support for GHC 9.4 ## [v0.0.2.0] – 13/03/2022 This is an experimental release. * Typo corrections, documentation improvements * Fix the String instance (https://github.com/haskell-text/text-display/pull/17) * Bump dependencies ## [v0.0.1.0] – 2/11/2021 This is an experimental release. * Initial release [Unreleased]: https://github.com/kleidukos/text-display/compare/v0.0.1.0...HEAD [v0.0.1.0]: https://github.com/kleidukos/text-display/releases/tag/v0.0.1.0 [v0.0.2.0]: https://github.com/kleidukos/text-display/releases/tag/v0.0.2.0 [v0.0.3.0]: https://github.com/kleidukos/text-display/releases/tag/v0.0.3.0