module TextBuilderDev ( -- * -- TextBuilder, -- * Accessors buildText, length, null, -- ** Output IO putToStdOut, putToStdErr, putLnToStdOut, putLnToStdErr, -- * Constructors -- ** Builder manipulators force, intercalate, intercalateMap, padFromLeft, padFromRight, -- ** Textual text, lazyText, string, asciiByteString, hexData, -- ** Character char, -- *** Low-level character unicodeCodePoint, utf16CodeUnits1, utf16CodeUnits2, utf8CodeUnits1, utf8CodeUnits2, utf8CodeUnits3, utf8CodeUnits4, -- ** Integers -- *** Decimal decimal, unsignedDecimal, thousandSeparatedDecimal, thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal, dataSizeInBytesInDecimal, -- *** Binary unsignedBinary, unsignedPaddedBinary, -- *** Hexadecimal hexadecimal, unsignedHexadecimal, -- ** Digits decimalDigit, hexadecimalDigit, -- ** Real fixedDouble, doublePercent, -- ** Time utcTimestampInIso8601, intervalInSeconds, -- * Classes IsomorphicToTextBuilder (..), ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.List.Split as Split import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Array as B import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as E import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Data.Text.Internal as C import qualified DeferredFolds.Unfoldr as Unfoldr import TextBuilderDev.Prelude hiding (intercalate, length, null) #if MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0) import qualified TextBuilderDev.UTF8 as D #else import qualified TextBuilderDev.UTF16 as D #endif import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TextLazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TextLazyBuilder -- * -- -- | -- Evidence that there exists an unambiguous way to convert -- a type to and from "TextBuilder". -- -- Unlike conversion classes from other libs this class is lawful. -- The law is: -- -- @'fromTextBuilder' . 'toTextBuilder' = 'id'@ -- -- This class does not provide implicit rendering, -- such as from integer to its decimal representation. -- There are multiple ways of representing an integer -- as text (e.g., hexadecimal, binary). -- The non-ambiguity is further enforced by the presence of -- the inverse conversion. -- In the integer case there is no way to read it -- from a textual form without a possibility of failing -- (e.g., when the input string cannot be parsed as an integer). -- -- If you're looking for such conversion classes, -- this library is not a place for them, -- since there can be infinite amount of flavours of -- conversions. They are context-dependent and as such -- should be defined as part of the domain. class IsomorphicToTextBuilder a where toTextBuilder :: a -> TextBuilder fromTextBuilder :: TextBuilder -> a instance IsomorphicToTextBuilder TextBuilder where toTextBuilder = id fromTextBuilder = id instance IsomorphicToTextBuilder Text where toTextBuilder = text fromTextBuilder = buildText instance IsomorphicToTextBuilder String where toTextBuilder = fromString fromTextBuilder = Text.unpack . buildText instance IsomorphicToTextBuilder TextLazy.Text where toTextBuilder = lazyText fromTextBuilder = TextLazy.fromStrict . buildText instance IsomorphicToTextBuilder TextLazyBuilder.Builder where toTextBuilder = text . TextLazy.toStrict . TextLazyBuilder.toLazyText fromTextBuilder = TextLazyBuilder.fromText . buildText -- * -- -- | -- Specification of how to efficiently construct strict 'Text'. -- Provides instances of 'Semigroup' and 'Monoid', which have complexity of /O(1)/. data TextBuilder = TextBuilder !Action !Int !Int newtype Action = Action (forall s. B.MArray s -> Int -> ST s ()) instance Semigroup TextBuilder where (<>) (TextBuilder (Action action1) arraySize1 charsAmount1) (TextBuilder (Action action2) arraySize2 charsAmount2) = TextBuilder action arraySize charsAmount where action = Action $ \array offset -> do action1 array offset action2 array (offset + arraySize1) arraySize = arraySize1 + arraySize2 charsAmount = charsAmount1 + charsAmount2 instance Monoid TextBuilder where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = TextBuilder (Action (\_ _ -> return ())) 0 0 instance IsString TextBuilder where fromString = string instance Show TextBuilder where show = Text.unpack . buildText instance Eq TextBuilder where (==) = on (==) buildText -- * Accessors -- | Get the amount of characters {-# INLINE length #-} length :: TextBuilder -> Int length (TextBuilder _ _ x) = x -- | Check whether the builder is empty {-# INLINE null #-} null :: TextBuilder -> Bool null = (== 0) . length -- | Execute a builder producing a strict text buildText :: TextBuilder -> Text buildText (TextBuilder (Action action) arraySize _) = C.text array 0 arraySize where array = runST $ do array <- arraySize action array 0 B.unsafeFreeze array -- ** Output IO -- | Put builder, to stdout putToStdOut :: TextBuilder -> IO () putToStdOut = Text.hPutStr stdout . buildText -- | Put builder, to stderr putToStdErr :: TextBuilder -> IO () putToStdErr = Text.hPutStr stderr . buildText -- | Put builder, followed by a line, to stdout putLnToStdOut :: TextBuilder -> IO () putLnToStdOut = Text.hPutStrLn stdout . buildText -- | Put builder, followed by a line, to stderr putLnToStdErr :: TextBuilder -> IO () putLnToStdErr = Text.hPutStrLn stderr . buildText -- * Constructors -- | -- Run the builder and pack the produced text into a new builder. -- -- Useful to have around builders that you reuse, -- because a forced builder is much faster, -- since it's virtually a single call @memcopy@. {-# INLINE force #-} force :: TextBuilder -> TextBuilder force = text . buildText -- | Unicode character {-# INLINE char #-} char :: Char -> TextBuilder char x = unicodeCodePoint (ord x) #if MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0) -- | Unicode code point {-# INLINE unicodeCodePoint #-} unicodeCodePoint :: Int -> TextBuilder unicodeCodePoint x = D.unicodeCodePoint x utf8CodeUnits1 utf8CodeUnits2 utf8CodeUnits3 utf8CodeUnits4 {-# INLINEABLE utf8CodeUnits1 #-} utf8CodeUnits1 :: Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits1 unit1 = TextBuilder action 1 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> B.unsafeWrite array offset unit1 {-# INLINEABLE utf8CodeUnits2 #-} utf8CodeUnits2 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits2 unit1 unit2 = TextBuilder action 2 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> do B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 0) unit1 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 1) unit2 {-# INLINEABLE utf8CodeUnits3 #-} utf8CodeUnits3 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits3 unit1 unit2 unit3 = TextBuilder action 3 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> do B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 0) unit1 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 1) unit2 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 2) unit3 {-# INLINEABLE utf8CodeUnits4 #-} utf8CodeUnits4 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits4 unit1 unit2 unit3 unit4 = TextBuilder action 4 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> do B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 0) unit1 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 1) unit2 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 2) unit3 B.unsafeWrite array (offset + 3) unit4 {-# INLINE utf16CodeUnits1 #-} utf16CodeUnits1 :: Word16 -> TextBuilder utf16CodeUnits1 = unicodeCodePoint . fromIntegral {-# INLINE utf16CodeUnits2 #-} utf16CodeUnits2 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> TextBuilder utf16CodeUnits2 unit1 unit2 = unicodeCodePoint cp where cp = (((fromIntegral unit1 .&. 0x3FF) `shiftL` 10) .|. (fromIntegral unit2 .&. 0x3FF)) + 0x10000 #else -- | Unicode code point {-# INLINE unicodeCodePoint #-} unicodeCodePoint :: Int -> TextBuilder unicodeCodePoint x = D.unicodeCodePoint x utf16CodeUnits1 utf16CodeUnits2 -- | Single code-unit UTF-16 character {-# INLINEABLE utf16CodeUnits1 #-} utf16CodeUnits1 :: Word16 -> TextBuilder utf16CodeUnits1 unit = TextBuilder action 1 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> B.unsafeWrite array offset unit -- | Double code-unit UTF-16 character {-# INLINEABLE utf16CodeUnits2 #-} utf16CodeUnits2 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> TextBuilder utf16CodeUnits2 unit1 unit2 = TextBuilder action 2 1 where action = Action $ \array offset -> do B.unsafeWrite array offset unit1 B.unsafeWrite array (succ offset) unit2 -- | Single code-unit UTF-8 character {-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits1 #-} utf8CodeUnits1 :: Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits1 unit1 = D.utf8CodeUnits1 unit1 utf16CodeUnits1 utf16CodeUnits2 -- | Double code-unit UTF-8 character {-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits2 #-} utf8CodeUnits2 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits2 unit1 unit2 = D.utf8CodeUnits2 unit1 unit2 utf16CodeUnits1 utf16CodeUnits2 -- | Triple code-unit UTF-8 character {-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits3 #-} utf8CodeUnits3 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits3 unit1 unit2 unit3 = D.utf8CodeUnits3 unit1 unit2 unit3 utf16CodeUnits1 utf16CodeUnits2 -- | UTF-8 character out of 4 code units {-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits4 #-} utf8CodeUnits4 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> TextBuilder utf8CodeUnits4 unit1 unit2 unit3 unit4 = D.utf8CodeUnits4 unit1 unit2 unit3 unit4 utf16CodeUnits1 utf16CodeUnits2 #endif -- | ASCII byte string {-# INLINEABLE asciiByteString #-} asciiByteString :: ByteString -> TextBuilder asciiByteString byteString = TextBuilder action length length where length = ByteString.length byteString action = Action $ \array -> let step byte next index = do B.unsafeWrite array index (fromIntegral byte) next (succ index) in ByteString.foldr step (const (return ())) byteString -- | Strict text {-# INLINEABLE text #-} text :: Text -> TextBuilder text text@(C.Text array offset length) = TextBuilder action length (Text.length text) where action = Action $ \builderArray builderOffset -> do #if MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0) B.copyI length builderArray builderOffset array offset #else B.copyI builderArray builderOffset array offset (builderOffset + length) #endif -- | Lazy text {-# INLINE lazyText #-} lazyText :: TextLazy.Text -> TextBuilder lazyText = TextLazy.foldrChunks (mappend . text) mempty -- | String {-# INLINE string #-} string :: String -> TextBuilder string = foldMap char -- | Decimal representation of an integral value {-# INLINEABLE decimal #-} decimal :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder decimal i = if i >= 0 then unsignedDecimal i else unicodeCodePoint 45 <> unsignedDecimal (negate i) -- | Decimal representation of an unsigned integral value {-# INLINEABLE unsignedDecimal #-} unsignedDecimal :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder unsignedDecimal = foldMap decimalDigit . Unfoldr.decimalDigits -- | Decimal representation of an integral value with thousands separated by the specified character {-# INLINEABLE thousandSeparatedDecimal #-} thousandSeparatedDecimal :: Integral a => Char -> a -> TextBuilder thousandSeparatedDecimal separatorChar a = if a >= 0 then thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal separatorChar a else unicodeCodePoint 45 <> thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal separatorChar (negate a) -- | Decimal representation of an unsigned integral value with thousands separated by the specified character {-# INLINEABLE thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal #-} thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal :: Integral a => Char -> a -> TextBuilder thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal separatorChar a = fold $ do (index, digit) <- Unfoldr.zipWithReverseIndex $ Unfoldr.decimalDigits a if mod index 3 == 0 && index /= 0 then return (decimalDigit digit <> char separatorChar) else return (decimalDigit digit) -- | Data size in decimal notation over amount of bytes. {-# INLINEABLE dataSizeInBytesInDecimal #-} dataSizeInBytesInDecimal :: Integral a => Char -> a -> TextBuilder dataSizeInBytesInDecimal separatorChar amount = if amount < 1000 then unsignedDecimal amount <> "B" else if amount < 1000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100 amount <> "kB" else if amount < 1000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000 amount <> "MB" else if amount < 1000000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000 amount <> "GB" else if amount < 1000000000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000000 amount <> "TB" else if amount < 1000000000000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000000000 amount <> "PB" else if amount < 1000000000000000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000000000000 amount <> "EB" else if amount < 1000000000000000000000000 then dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000000000000000 amount <> "ZB" else dividedDecimal separatorChar 100000000000000000000000 amount <> "YB" dividedDecimal :: Integral a => Char -> a -> a -> TextBuilder dividedDecimal separatorChar divisor n = let byDivisor = div n divisor byExtraTen = div byDivisor 10 remainder = byDivisor - byExtraTen * 10 in if remainder == 0 || byExtraTen >= 10 then thousandSeparatedDecimal separatorChar byExtraTen else thousandSeparatedDecimal separatorChar byExtraTen <> "." <> decimalDigit remainder -- | Unsigned binary number {-# INLINE unsignedBinary #-} unsignedBinary :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder unsignedBinary = foldMap decimalDigit . Unfoldr.binaryDigits -- | Unsigned binary number {-# INLINE unsignedPaddedBinary #-} unsignedPaddedBinary :: (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => a -> TextBuilder unsignedPaddedBinary a = padFromLeft (finiteBitSize a) '0' $ foldMap decimalDigit $ Unfoldr.binaryDigits a -- | Hexadecimal representation of an integral value {-# INLINE hexadecimal #-} hexadecimal :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder hexadecimal i = if i >= 0 then unsignedHexadecimal i else unicodeCodePoint 45 <> unsignedHexadecimal (negate i) -- | Unsigned hexadecimal representation of an integral value {-# INLINE unsignedHexadecimal #-} unsignedHexadecimal :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder unsignedHexadecimal = foldMap hexadecimalDigit . Unfoldr.hexadecimalDigits -- | Decimal digit {-# INLINE decimalDigit #-} decimalDigit :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder decimalDigit n = unicodeCodePoint (fromIntegral n + 48) -- | Hexadecimal digit {-# INLINE hexadecimalDigit #-} hexadecimalDigit :: Integral a => a -> TextBuilder hexadecimalDigit n = if n <= 9 then unicodeCodePoint (fromIntegral n + 48) else unicodeCodePoint (fromIntegral n + 87) -- | Intercalate builders {-# INLINE intercalate #-} intercalate :: Foldable f => TextBuilder -> f TextBuilder -> TextBuilder intercalate separator = extract . foldl' step init where init = Product2 False mempty step (Product2 isNotFirst builder) element = Product2 True $ if isNotFirst then builder <> separator <> element else element extract (Product2 _ builder) = builder -- | Intercalate projecting values to builder {-# INLINE intercalateMap #-} intercalateMap :: Foldable f => TextBuilder -> (a -> TextBuilder) -> f a -> TextBuilder intercalateMap separator mapper = extract . foldl' step init where init = Nothing step acc element = Just $ case acc of Nothing -> mapper element Just acc -> acc <> separator <> mapper element extract = fromMaybe mempty -- | Pad a builder from the left side to the specified length with the specified character {-# INLINEABLE padFromLeft #-} padFromLeft :: Int -> Char -> TextBuilder -> TextBuilder padFromLeft paddedLength paddingChar builder = let builderLength = length builder in if paddedLength <= builderLength then builder else foldMap char (replicate (paddedLength - builderLength) paddingChar) <> builder -- | Pad a builder from the right side to the specified length with the specified character {-# INLINEABLE padFromRight #-} padFromRight :: Int -> Char -> TextBuilder -> TextBuilder padFromRight paddedLength paddingChar builder = let builderLength = length builder in if paddedLength <= builderLength then builder else builder <> foldMap char (replicate (paddedLength - builderLength) paddingChar) -- | -- General template for formatting date values according to the ISO8601 standard. -- The format is the following: -- -- > 2021-11-24T12:11:02Z -- -- Integrations with various time-libraries can be easily derived from that. utcTimestampInIso8601 :: -- | Year. Int -> -- | Month. Int -> -- | Day. Int -> -- | Hour. Int -> -- | Minute. Int -> -- | Second. Int -> TextBuilder utcTimestampInIso8601 y mo d h mi s = mconcat [ padFromLeft 4 '0' $ decimal y, "-", padFromLeft 2 '0' $ decimal mo, "-", padFromLeft 2 '0' $ decimal d, "T", padFromLeft 2 '0' $ decimal h, ":", padFromLeft 2 '0' $ decimal mi, ":", padFromLeft 2 '0' $ decimal s, "Z" ] -- | -- Time interval in seconds. -- Directly applicable to 'DiffTime' and 'NominalDiffTime'. {-# INLINEABLE intervalInSeconds #-} intervalInSeconds :: RealFrac seconds => seconds -> TextBuilder intervalInSeconds interval = flip evalState (round interval) $ do seconds <- state (swap . flip divMod 60) minutes <- state (swap . flip divMod 60) hours <- state (swap . flip divMod 24) days <- get return $ padFromLeft 2 '0' (decimal days) <> ":" <> padFromLeft 2 '0' (decimal hours) <> ":" <> padFromLeft 2 '0' (decimal minutes) <> ":" <> padFromLeft 2 '0' (decimal seconds) -- | Double with a fixed number of decimal places. {-# INLINE fixedDouble #-} fixedDouble :: -- | Amount of decimals after point. Int -> Double -> TextBuilder fixedDouble decimalPlaces = fromString . printf ("%." ++ show decimalPlaces ++ "f") -- | Double multiplied by 100 with a fixed number of decimal places applied and followed by a percent-sign. {-# INLINE doublePercent #-} doublePercent :: -- | Amount of decimals after point. Int -> Double -> TextBuilder doublePercent decimalPlaces x = fixedDouble decimalPlaces (x * 100) <> "%" -- | Hexadecimal readable representation of binary data. {-# INLINE hexData #-} hexData :: ByteString -> TextBuilder hexData = intercalate " " . fmap mconcat . Split.chunksOf 2 . fmap byte . ByteString.unpack where byte = padFromLeft 2 '0' . unsignedHexadecimal