texmath (0.6.7) * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Unidecode - A module for approximating unicode characters in Ascii - Exports: getASCII :: Char -> String records :: [Record] The raw mapping table * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Shared - A module for shared lookup tables between the various readers and writers * New Module: Text.TeXMath.MathMLParser - A reader for MathML - Exports: readMathML :: String -> Either String [Exp] * New Module: Text.TeXMath.EntityMap - A conversion table from MathML entities to unicode characters - Exports: getUnicode :: String -> Maybe String * New Module: Text.TeXMath.UnicodeToLaTeX - A conversion table from unicode characters to LaTeX commands - Exports: getLaTeX :: String -> String Converts a string of unicode characters to a string of equivalent LaTeX commands * New Module: Text.TeXMath.LaTeX - A writer for TeXMath expressions - Exports: toTeXMath :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> String * New Module: Text.TeXMath.MMLDict - Implements a lookup table from operators to their default values as defined by the MML dictionary - Exports: getOperator :: Char -> FormType -> Operator * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Compat - This module maintains compatability with versions of mtl before 2.2.1 * Modified: Text.TeXMath - This module now also exports the primitive readers - New Exports - All primitive readers and writers (OMML (Writer only), MML, TeXMath) - mathMLTo{Writer} for all writers * Modified: Text.TeXMath.Types - Added additional record types for Text.TeXMath.MMLDict and Text.TeXMath.UnicodeToLaTeX - New Exports: Operator(..), Record(..) * Modified: Tests Interface - Rewrote to use cabal test and added significant number of tests * Improvements: - Added recognition of the LaTeX command \phantom texmath ( * Use combining tilde accent for \tilde. Closes pandoc #1324. texmath ( * Allow \left to be used with ), ], etc. Ditto with \right. Previously only (, [, etc. were allowed with \left. Closes pandoc #1319. texmath ( * Support \multline (previously it was mispelled "multiline") * Changed data-files to extra-source-files. texmath (0.6.6) * Insert braces around macro expansions to prevent breakage (#7). * Support \operatorname and \DeclareMathOperator (rekka) (#17). * Support \providecommand (#15). * Fixed spacing bugs in pandoc rendering (#24). * Ignore \hline at end of array row instead of failing (#19).