## 0.1.5 * Add the function of changing environment-variables and working-directory with register-function-arguments. ## 0.1.4 * Allow '.' and '-' for valid procsss name ## * Replace nc with runhaskell ## 0.1.3 * Fix build failure with directory- which exposes findExecutables ## 0.1.2 * Add MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1) for Control.Monad.Except ## 0.1.1 * Fix bugs of both isBindable and sendToPort : I was mistaken about PortNum. * Support for ghc 7.8.4 ## 0.1.0 * Change "return value" of both getPort and setPort from PortNumber-type to Port(Int)-type * Add Capture*WithFile to data Capture ## * Fix bug that throw error even if exit code is ExitSuccess