Name: terminfo Cabal-Version: >=1.4 Version: x-revision: 1 Category: User Interfaces License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: (c) Judah Jacobson Author: Judah Jacobson Maintainer: Judah Jacobson Category: User Interfaces Synopsis: Haskell bindings to the terminfo library. Description: This library provides an interface to the terminfo database (via bindings to the curses library). Terminfo allows POSIX systems to interact with a variety of terminals using a standard set of capabilities. Homepage: Stability: Experimental Build-type: Configure Build-depends: base >=1.0 && <4.8, extensible-exceptions >= && < 0.2 extra-source-files: configure extra-tmp-files: config.log config.status autom4te.cache terminfo.buildinfo Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, DeriveDataTypeable, EmptyDataDecls, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances ghc-options: -Wall Exposed-Modules: System.Console.Terminfo System.Console.Terminfo.Base System.Console.Terminfo.Cursor System.Console.Terminfo.Color System.Console.Terminfo.Edit System.Console.Terminfo.Effects System.Console.Terminfo.Keys