{- This file was auto-generated from tensorflow/core/util/test_log.proto by the proto-lens-protoc program. -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, PatternSynonyms, MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports#-} module Proto.Tensorflow.Core.Util.TestLog where import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Prelude as Prelude import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.Int as Data.Int import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.Word as Data.Word import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.ProtoLens as Data.ProtoLens import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum as Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Lens.Family2 as Lens.Family2 import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Lens.Family2.Unchecked as Lens.Family2.Unchecked import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.Default.Class as Data.Default.Class import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.Text as Data.Text import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.Map as Data.Map import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Data.ByteString as Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Reexport.Lens.Labels as Lens.Labels import qualified Proto.Google.Protobuf.Any data AvailableDeviceInfo = AvailableDeviceInfo{_AvailableDeviceInfo'name :: !Data.Text.Text, _AvailableDeviceInfo'type' :: !Data.Text.Text, _AvailableDeviceInfo'memoryLimit :: !Data.Int.Int64, _AvailableDeviceInfo'physicalDescription :: !Data.Text.Text} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "name" f AvailableDeviceInfo AvailableDeviceInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _AvailableDeviceInfo'name (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_AvailableDeviceInfo'name = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "type'" f AvailableDeviceInfo AvailableDeviceInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _AvailableDeviceInfo'type' (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_AvailableDeviceInfo'type' = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "memoryLimit" f AvailableDeviceInfo AvailableDeviceInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _AvailableDeviceInfo'memoryLimit (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_AvailableDeviceInfo'memoryLimit = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "physicalDescription" f AvailableDeviceInfo AvailableDeviceInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _AvailableDeviceInfo'physicalDescription (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_AvailableDeviceInfo'physicalDescription = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default AvailableDeviceInfo where def = AvailableDeviceInfo{_AvailableDeviceInfo'name = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _AvailableDeviceInfo'type' = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _AvailableDeviceInfo'memoryLimit = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _AvailableDeviceInfo'physicalDescription = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message AvailableDeviceInfo where descriptor = let name__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "name" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional name) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor AvailableDeviceInfo type'__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "type" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional type') :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor AvailableDeviceInfo memoryLimit__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "memory_limit" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional memoryLimit) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor AvailableDeviceInfo physicalDescription__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "physical_description" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional physicalDescription) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor AvailableDeviceInfo in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.AvailableDeviceInfo") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, name__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, type'__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, memoryLimit__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, physicalDescription__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("name", name__field_descriptor), ("type", type'__field_descriptor), ("memory_limit", memoryLimit__field_descriptor), ("physical_description", physicalDescription__field_descriptor)]) data BenchmarkEntries = BenchmarkEntries{_BenchmarkEntries'entry :: ![BenchmarkEntry]} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ [BenchmarkEntry], b ~ [BenchmarkEntry], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "entry" f BenchmarkEntries BenchmarkEntries a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntries'entry (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntries'entry = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default BenchmarkEntries where def = BenchmarkEntries{_BenchmarkEntries'entry = []} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message BenchmarkEntries where descriptor = let entry__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "entry" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor BenchmarkEntry) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked entry) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntries in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, entry__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("entry", entry__field_descriptor)]) data BenchmarkEntry = BenchmarkEntry{_BenchmarkEntry'name :: !Data.Text.Text, _BenchmarkEntry'iters :: !Data.Int.Int64, _BenchmarkEntry'cpuTime :: !Prelude.Double, _BenchmarkEntry'wallTime :: !Prelude.Double, _BenchmarkEntry'throughput :: !Prelude.Double, _BenchmarkEntry'extras :: !(Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text EntryValue)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "name" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'name (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'name = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "iters" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'iters (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'iters = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuTime" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'cpuTime (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'cpuTime = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "wallTime" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'wallTime (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'wallTime = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "throughput" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'throughput (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'throughput = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text EntryValue, b ~ Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text EntryValue, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "extras" f BenchmarkEntry BenchmarkEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'extras (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'extras = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default BenchmarkEntry where def = BenchmarkEntry{_BenchmarkEntry'name = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'iters = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'cpuTime = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'wallTime = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'throughput = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'extras = Data.Map.empty} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message BenchmarkEntry where descriptor = let name__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "name" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional name) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry iters__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "iters" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional iters) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry cpuTime__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cpu_time" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional cpuTime) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry wallTime__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "wall_time" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional wallTime) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry throughput__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "throughput" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional throughput) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry extras__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "extras" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry) (Data.ProtoLens.MapField key value extras) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.BenchmarkEntry") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, name__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, iters__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, cpuTime__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, wallTime__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 5, throughput__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 6, extras__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("name", name__field_descriptor), ("iters", iters__field_descriptor), ("cpu_time", cpuTime__field_descriptor), ("wall_time", wallTime__field_descriptor), ("throughput", throughput__field_descriptor), ("extras", extras__field_descriptor)]) data BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry = BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry{_BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'key :: !Data.Text.Text, _BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value :: !(Prelude.Maybe EntryValue)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "key" f BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'key (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'key = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ EntryValue, b ~ EntryValue, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "value" f BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe EntryValue, b ~ Prelude.Maybe EntryValue, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'value" f BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry where def = BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry{_BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'key = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry'value = Prelude.Nothing} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry where descriptor = let key__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "key" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional key) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry value__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "value" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor EntryValue) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'value) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BenchmarkEntry'ExtrasEntry in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.BenchmarkEntry.ExtrasEntry") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, key__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, value__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("key", key__field_descriptor), ("value", value__field_descriptor)]) data BuildConfiguration = BuildConfiguration{_BuildConfiguration'mode :: !Data.Text.Text, _BuildConfiguration'ccFlags :: ![Data.Text.Text], _BuildConfiguration'opts :: ![Data.Text.Text]} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "mode" f BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BuildConfiguration'mode (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BuildConfiguration'mode = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ [Data.Text.Text], b ~ [Data.Text.Text], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "ccFlags" f BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BuildConfiguration'ccFlags (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BuildConfiguration'ccFlags = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ [Data.Text.Text], b ~ [Data.Text.Text], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "opts" f BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _BuildConfiguration'opts (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_BuildConfiguration'opts = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default BuildConfiguration where def = BuildConfiguration{_BuildConfiguration'mode = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _BuildConfiguration'ccFlags = [], _BuildConfiguration'opts = []} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message BuildConfiguration where descriptor = let mode__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "mode" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional mode) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BuildConfiguration ccFlags__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cc_flags" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked ccFlags) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BuildConfiguration opts__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "opts" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked opts) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor BuildConfiguration in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.BuildConfiguration") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, mode__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, ccFlags__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, opts__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("mode", mode__field_descriptor), ("cc_flags", ccFlags__field_descriptor), ("opts", opts__field_descriptor)]) data CPUInfo = CPUInfo{_CPUInfo'numCores :: !Data.Int.Int64, _CPUInfo'numCoresAllowed :: !Data.Int.Int64, _CPUInfo'mhzPerCpu :: !Prelude.Double, _CPUInfo'cpuInfo :: !Data.Text.Text, _CPUInfo'cpuGovernor :: !Data.Text.Text, _CPUInfo'cacheSize :: !(Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text Data.Int.Int64)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "numCores" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'numCores (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'numCores = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "numCoresAllowed" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'numCoresAllowed (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'numCoresAllowed = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "mhzPerCpu" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'mhzPerCpu (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'mhzPerCpu = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuInfo" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'cpuInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'cpuInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuGovernor" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'cpuGovernor (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'cpuGovernor = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Map.Map Data.Text.Text Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "cacheSize" f CPUInfo CPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'cacheSize (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'cacheSize = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default CPUInfo where def = CPUInfo{_CPUInfo'numCores = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'numCoresAllowed = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'mhzPerCpu = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'cpuInfo = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'cpuGovernor = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'cacheSize = Data.Map.empty} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message CPUInfo where descriptor = let numCores__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "num_cores" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional numCores) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo numCoresAllowed__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "num_cores_allowed" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional numCoresAllowed) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo mhzPerCpu__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "mhz_per_cpu" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional mhzPerCpu) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo cpuInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cpu_info" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional cpuInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo cpuGovernor__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cpu_governor" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional cpuGovernor) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo cacheSize__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cache_size" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry) (Data.ProtoLens.MapField key value cacheSize) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.CPUInfo") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, numCores__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, numCoresAllowed__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, mhzPerCpu__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, cpuInfo__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 5, cpuGovernor__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 6, cacheSize__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("num_cores", numCores__field_descriptor), ("num_cores_allowed", numCoresAllowed__field_descriptor), ("mhz_per_cpu", mhzPerCpu__field_descriptor), ("cpu_info", cpuInfo__field_descriptor), ("cpu_governor", cpuGovernor__field_descriptor), ("cache_size", cacheSize__field_descriptor)]) data CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry = CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry{_CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'key :: !Data.Text.Text, _CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'value :: !Data.Int.Int64} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "key" f CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'key (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'key = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "value" f CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'value (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'value = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry where def = CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry{_CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'key = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry'value = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry where descriptor = let key__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "key" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional key) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry value__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "value" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional value) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CPUInfo'CacheSizeEntry in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.CPUInfo.CacheSizeEntry") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, key__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, value__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("key", key__field_descriptor), ("value", value__field_descriptor)]) data CommitId = CommitId{_CommitId'snapshot :: !Data.Text.Text, _CommitId'pendingChangelist :: !Data.Int.Int64, _CommitId'kind :: !(Prelude.Maybe CommitId'Kind)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) data CommitId'Kind = CommitId'Changelist !Data.Int.Int64 | CommitId'Hash !Data.Text.Text deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "snapshot" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'snapshot (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'snapshot = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "pendingChangelist" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'pendingChangelist (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'pendingChangelist = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe CommitId'Kind, b ~ Prelude.Maybe CommitId'Kind, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'kind" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'kind = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'changelist" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'kind = y__})) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (CommitId'Changelist x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap CommitId'Changelist y__)) instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "changelist" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'kind = y__})) ((Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (CommitId'Changelist x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap CommitId'Changelist y__)) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault)) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Text.Text, b ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'hash" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'kind = y__})) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (CommitId'Hash x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap CommitId'Hash y__)) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "hash" f CommitId CommitId a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _CommitId'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_CommitId'kind = y__})) ((Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (CommitId'Hash x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap CommitId'Hash y__)) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault)) instance Data.Default.Class.Default CommitId where def = CommitId{_CommitId'snapshot = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CommitId'pendingChangelist = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _CommitId'kind = Prelude.Nothing} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message CommitId where descriptor = let snapshot__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "snapshot" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional snapshot) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CommitId pendingChangelist__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "pending_changelist" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional pendingChangelist) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CommitId changelist__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "changelist" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'changelist) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CommitId hash__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "hash" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'hash) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor CommitId in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.CommitId") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, snapshot__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, pendingChangelist__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, changelist__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, hash__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("snapshot", snapshot__field_descriptor), ("pending_changelist", pendingChangelist__field_descriptor), ("changelist", changelist__field_descriptor), ("hash", hash__field_descriptor)]) data EntryValue = EntryValue{_EntryValue'kind :: !(Prelude.Maybe EntryValue'Kind)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) data EntryValue'Kind = EntryValue'DoubleValue !Prelude.Double | EntryValue'StringValue !Data.Text.Text deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe EntryValue'Kind, b ~ Prelude.Maybe EntryValue'Kind, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'kind" f EntryValue EntryValue a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _EntryValue'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_EntryValue'kind = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'doubleValue" f EntryValue EntryValue a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _EntryValue'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_EntryValue'kind = y__})) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (EntryValue'DoubleValue x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap EntryValue'DoubleValue y__)) instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "doubleValue" f EntryValue EntryValue a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _EntryValue'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_EntryValue'kind = y__})) ((Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (EntryValue'DoubleValue x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap EntryValue'DoubleValue y__)) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault)) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Text.Text, b ~ Prelude.Maybe Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'stringValue" f EntryValue EntryValue a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _EntryValue'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_EntryValue'kind = y__})) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (EntryValue'StringValue x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap EntryValue'StringValue y__)) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "stringValue" f EntryValue EntryValue a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _EntryValue'kind (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_EntryValue'kind = y__})) ((Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens (\ x__ -> case x__ of Prelude.Just (EntryValue'StringValue x__val) -> Prelude.Just x__val _otherwise -> Prelude.Nothing) (\ _ y__ -> Prelude.fmap EntryValue'StringValue y__)) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault)) instance Data.Default.Class.Default EntryValue where def = EntryValue{_EntryValue'kind = Prelude.Nothing} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message EntryValue where descriptor = let doubleValue__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "double_value" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'doubleValue) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor EntryValue stringValue__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "string_value" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'stringValue) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor EntryValue in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.EntryValue") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, doubleValue__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, stringValue__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("double_value", doubleValue__field_descriptor), ("string_value", stringValue__field_descriptor)]) data GPUInfo = GPUInfo{_GPUInfo'model :: !Data.Text.Text, _GPUInfo'uuid :: !Data.Text.Text, _GPUInfo'busId :: !Data.Text.Text} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "model" f GPUInfo GPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _GPUInfo'model (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_GPUInfo'model = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "uuid" f GPUInfo GPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _GPUInfo'uuid (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_GPUInfo'uuid = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "busId" f GPUInfo GPUInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _GPUInfo'busId (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_GPUInfo'busId = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default GPUInfo where def = GPUInfo{_GPUInfo'model = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _GPUInfo'uuid = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _GPUInfo'busId = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message GPUInfo where descriptor = let model__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "model" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional model) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor GPUInfo uuid__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "uuid" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional uuid) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor GPUInfo busId__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "bus_id" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional busId) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor GPUInfo in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.GPUInfo") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, model__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, uuid__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, busId__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("model", model__field_descriptor), ("uuid", uuid__field_descriptor), ("bus_id", busId__field_descriptor)]) data MachineConfiguration = MachineConfiguration{_MachineConfiguration'hostname :: !Data.Text.Text, _MachineConfiguration'serialIdentifier :: !Data.Text.Text, _MachineConfiguration'platformInfo :: !(Prelude.Maybe PlatformInfo), _MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo :: !(Prelude.Maybe CPUInfo), _MachineConfiguration'deviceInfo :: ![Proto.Google.Protobuf.Any.Any], _MachineConfiguration'availableDeviceInfo :: ![AvailableDeviceInfo], _MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo :: !(Prelude.Maybe MemoryInfo)} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "hostname" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'hostname (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'hostname = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "serialIdentifier" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'serialIdentifier (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'serialIdentifier = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ PlatformInfo, b ~ PlatformInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "platformInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'platformInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'platformInfo = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe PlatformInfo, b ~ Prelude.Maybe PlatformInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'platformInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'platformInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'platformInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ CPUInfo, b ~ CPUInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe CPUInfo, b ~ Prelude.Maybe CPUInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'cpuInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ [Proto.Google.Protobuf.Any.Any], b ~ [Proto.Google.Protobuf.Any.Any], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "deviceInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'deviceInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'deviceInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ [AvailableDeviceInfo], b ~ [AvailableDeviceInfo], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "availableDeviceInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'availableDeviceInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'availableDeviceInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ MemoryInfo, b ~ MemoryInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "memoryInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe MemoryInfo, b ~ Prelude.Maybe MemoryInfo, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'memoryInfo" f MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default MachineConfiguration where def = MachineConfiguration{_MachineConfiguration'hostname = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _MachineConfiguration'serialIdentifier = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _MachineConfiguration'platformInfo = Prelude.Nothing, _MachineConfiguration'cpuInfo = Prelude.Nothing, _MachineConfiguration'deviceInfo = [], _MachineConfiguration'availableDeviceInfo = [], _MachineConfiguration'memoryInfo = Prelude.Nothing} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message MachineConfiguration where descriptor = let hostname__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "hostname" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional hostname) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration serialIdentifier__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "serial_identifier" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional serialIdentifier) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration platformInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "platform_info" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor PlatformInfo) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'platformInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration cpuInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "cpu_info" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor CPUInfo) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'cpuInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration deviceInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "device_info" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Proto.Google.Protobuf.Any.Any) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked deviceInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration availableDeviceInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "available_device_info" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor AvailableDeviceInfo) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked availableDeviceInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration memoryInfo__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "memory_info" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor MemoryInfo) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'memoryInfo) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MachineConfiguration in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.MachineConfiguration") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, hostname__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 7, serialIdentifier__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, platformInfo__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, cpuInfo__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, deviceInfo__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 5, availableDeviceInfo__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 6, memoryInfo__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("hostname", hostname__field_descriptor), ("serial_identifier", serialIdentifier__field_descriptor), ("platform_info", platformInfo__field_descriptor), ("cpu_info", cpuInfo__field_descriptor), ("device_info", deviceInfo__field_descriptor), ("available_device_info", availableDeviceInfo__field_descriptor), ("memory_info", memoryInfo__field_descriptor)]) data MemoryInfo = MemoryInfo{_MemoryInfo'total :: !Data.Int.Int64, _MemoryInfo'available :: !Data.Int.Int64} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "total" f MemoryInfo MemoryInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MemoryInfo'total (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MemoryInfo'total = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "available" f MemoryInfo MemoryInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _MemoryInfo'available (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_MemoryInfo'available = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default MemoryInfo where def = MemoryInfo{_MemoryInfo'total = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _MemoryInfo'available = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message MemoryInfo where descriptor = let total__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "total" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional total) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MemoryInfo available__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "available" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional available) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor MemoryInfo in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.MemoryInfo") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, total__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, available__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("total", total__field_descriptor), ("available", available__field_descriptor)]) data PlatformInfo = PlatformInfo{_PlatformInfo'bits :: !Data.Text.Text, _PlatformInfo'linkage :: !Data.Text.Text, _PlatformInfo'machine :: !Data.Text.Text, _PlatformInfo'release :: !Data.Text.Text, _PlatformInfo'system :: !Data.Text.Text, _PlatformInfo'version :: !Data.Text.Text} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "bits" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'bits (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'bits = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "linkage" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'linkage (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'linkage = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "machine" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'machine (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'machine = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "release" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'release (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'release = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "system" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'system (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'system = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "version" f PlatformInfo PlatformInfo a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _PlatformInfo'version (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_PlatformInfo'version = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default PlatformInfo where def = PlatformInfo{_PlatformInfo'bits = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _PlatformInfo'linkage = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _PlatformInfo'machine = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _PlatformInfo'release = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _PlatformInfo'system = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _PlatformInfo'version = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message PlatformInfo where descriptor = let bits__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "bits" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional bits) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo linkage__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "linkage" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional linkage) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo machine__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "machine" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional machine) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo release__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "release" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional release) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo system__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "system" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional system) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo version__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "version" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional version) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor PlatformInfo in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.PlatformInfo") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, bits__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, linkage__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, machine__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, release__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 5, system__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 6, version__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("bits", bits__field_descriptor), ("linkage", linkage__field_descriptor), ("machine", machine__field_descriptor), ("release", release__field_descriptor), ("system", system__field_descriptor), ("version", version__field_descriptor)]) data RunConfiguration = RunConfiguration{_RunConfiguration'argument :: ![Data.Text.Text]} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ [Data.Text.Text], b ~ [Data.Text.Text], Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "argument" f RunConfiguration RunConfiguration a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _RunConfiguration'argument (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_RunConfiguration'argument = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default RunConfiguration where def = RunConfiguration{_RunConfiguration'argument = []} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message RunConfiguration where descriptor = let argument__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "argument" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.RepeatedField Data.ProtoLens.Unpacked argument) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor RunConfiguration in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.RunConfiguration") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, argument__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("argument", argument__field_descriptor)]) data TestResults = TestResults{_TestResults'target :: !Data.Text.Text, _TestResults'entries :: !(Prelude.Maybe BenchmarkEntries), _TestResults'buildConfiguration :: !(Prelude.Maybe BuildConfiguration), _TestResults'commitId :: !(Prelude.Maybe CommitId), _TestResults'startTime :: !Data.Int.Int64, _TestResults'runTime :: !Prelude.Double, _TestResults'machineConfiguration :: !(Prelude.Maybe MachineConfiguration), _TestResults'runConfiguration :: !(Prelude.Maybe RunConfiguration), _TestResults'name :: !Data.Text.Text, _TestResults'benchmarkType :: !TestResults'BenchmarkType, _TestResults'runMode :: !Data.Text.Text} deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "target" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'target (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'target = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ BenchmarkEntries, b ~ BenchmarkEntries, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "entries" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'entries (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'entries = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe BenchmarkEntries, b ~ Prelude.Maybe BenchmarkEntries, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'entries" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'entries (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'entries = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ BuildConfiguration, b ~ BuildConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "buildConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'buildConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'buildConfiguration = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe BuildConfiguration, b ~ Prelude.Maybe BuildConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'buildConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'buildConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'buildConfiguration = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ CommitId, b ~ CommitId, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "commitId" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'commitId (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'commitId = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe CommitId, b ~ Prelude.Maybe CommitId, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'commitId" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'commitId (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'commitId = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Int.Int64, b ~ Data.Int.Int64, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "startTime" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'startTime (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'startTime = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Prelude.Double, b ~ Prelude.Double, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "runTime" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'runTime (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'runTime = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ MachineConfiguration, b ~ MachineConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "machineConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'machineConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'machineConfiguration = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe MachineConfiguration, b ~ Prelude.Maybe MachineConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'machineConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'machineConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'machineConfiguration = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ RunConfiguration, b ~ RunConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "runConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'runConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'runConfiguration = y__})) (Data.ProtoLens.maybeLens Data.Default.Class.def) instance (a ~ Prelude.Maybe RunConfiguration, b ~ Prelude.Maybe RunConfiguration, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'runConfiguration" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'runConfiguration (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'runConfiguration = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "name" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'name (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'name = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ TestResults'BenchmarkType, b ~ TestResults'BenchmarkType, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "benchmarkType" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'benchmarkType (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'benchmarkType = y__})) Prelude.id instance (a ~ Data.Text.Text, b ~ Data.Text.Text, Prelude.Functor f) => Lens.Labels.HasLens "runMode" f TestResults TestResults a b where lensOf _ = (Prelude..) (Lens.Family2.Unchecked.lens _TestResults'runMode (\ x__ y__ -> x__{_TestResults'runMode = y__})) Prelude.id instance Data.Default.Class.Default TestResults where def = TestResults{_TestResults'target = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _TestResults'entries = Prelude.Nothing, _TestResults'buildConfiguration = Prelude.Nothing, _TestResults'commitId = Prelude.Nothing, _TestResults'startTime = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _TestResults'runTime = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _TestResults'machineConfiguration = Prelude.Nothing, _TestResults'runConfiguration = Prelude.Nothing, _TestResults'name = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault, _TestResults'benchmarkType = Data.Default.Class.def, _TestResults'runMode = Data.ProtoLens.fieldDefault} instance Data.ProtoLens.Message TestResults where descriptor = let target__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "target" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional target) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults entries__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "entries" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor BenchmarkEntries) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'entries) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults buildConfiguration__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "build_configuration" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor BuildConfiguration) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'buildConfiguration) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults commitId__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "commit_id" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor CommitId) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'commitId) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults startTime__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "start_time" (Data.ProtoLens.Int64Field :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Int.Int64) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional startTime) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults runTime__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "run_time" (Data.ProtoLens.DoubleField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Prelude.Double) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional runTime) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults machineConfiguration__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "machine_configuration" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor MachineConfiguration) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'machineConfiguration) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults runConfiguration__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "run_configuration" (Data.ProtoLens.MessageField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor RunConfiguration) (Data.ProtoLens.OptionalField maybe'runConfiguration) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults name__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "name" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional name) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults benchmarkType__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "benchmark_type" (Data.ProtoLens.EnumField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor TestResults'BenchmarkType) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional benchmarkType) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults runMode__field_descriptor = Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor "run_mode" (Data.ProtoLens.StringField :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldTypeDescriptor Data.Text.Text) (Data.ProtoLens.PlainField Data.ProtoLens.Optional runMode) :: Data.ProtoLens.FieldDescriptor TestResults in Data.ProtoLens.MessageDescriptor (Data.Text.pack "tensorflow.TestResults") (Data.Map.fromList [(Data.ProtoLens.Tag 1, target__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 2, entries__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 3, buildConfiguration__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 4, commitId__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 5, startTime__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 6, runTime__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 7, machineConfiguration__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 8, runConfiguration__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 9, name__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 10, benchmarkType__field_descriptor), (Data.ProtoLens.Tag 11, runMode__field_descriptor)]) (Data.Map.fromList [("target", target__field_descriptor), ("entries", entries__field_descriptor), ("build_configuration", buildConfiguration__field_descriptor), ("commit_id", commitId__field_descriptor), ("start_time", startTime__field_descriptor), ("run_time", runTime__field_descriptor), ("machine_configuration", machineConfiguration__field_descriptor), ("run_configuration", runConfiguration__field_descriptor), ("name", name__field_descriptor), ("benchmark_type", benchmarkType__field_descriptor), ("run_mode", runMode__field_descriptor)]) data TestResults'BenchmarkType = TestResults'UNKNOWN | TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK | TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK | TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK deriving (Prelude.Show, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord) instance Data.Default.Class.Default TestResults'BenchmarkType where def = TestResults'UNKNOWN instance Data.ProtoLens.FieldDefault TestResults'BenchmarkType where fieldDefault = TestResults'UNKNOWN instance Data.ProtoLens.MessageEnum TestResults'BenchmarkType where maybeToEnum 0 = Prelude.Just TestResults'UNKNOWN maybeToEnum 1 = Prelude.Just TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK maybeToEnum 2 = Prelude.Just TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK maybeToEnum 3 = Prelude.Just TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK maybeToEnum _ = Prelude.Nothing showEnum TestResults'UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN" showEnum TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK = "CPP_MICROBENCHMARK" showEnum TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK = "PYTHON_BENCHMARK" showEnum TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK = "ANDROID_BENCHMARK" readEnum "UNKNOWN" = Prelude.Just TestResults'UNKNOWN readEnum "CPP_MICROBENCHMARK" = Prelude.Just TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK readEnum "PYTHON_BENCHMARK" = Prelude.Just TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK readEnum "ANDROID_BENCHMARK" = Prelude.Just TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK readEnum _ = Prelude.Nothing instance Prelude.Enum TestResults'BenchmarkType where toEnum k__ = Prelude.maybe (Prelude.error ((Prelude.++) "toEnum: unknown value for enum BenchmarkType: " (Prelude.show k__))) Prelude.id (Data.ProtoLens.maybeToEnum k__) fromEnum TestResults'UNKNOWN = 0 fromEnum TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK = 1 fromEnum TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK = 2 fromEnum TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK = 3 succ TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK = Prelude.error "TestResults'BenchmarkType.succ: bad argument TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK. This value would be out of bounds." succ TestResults'UNKNOWN = TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK succ TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK = TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK succ TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK = TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK pred TestResults'UNKNOWN = Prelude.error "TestResults'BenchmarkType.pred: bad argument TestResults'UNKNOWN. This value would be out of bounds." pred TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK = TestResults'UNKNOWN pred TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK = TestResults'CPP_MICROBENCHMARK pred TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK = TestResults'PYTHON_BENCHMARK enumFrom = Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum.messageEnumFrom enumFromTo = Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum.messageEnumFromTo enumFromThen = Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum.messageEnumFromThen enumFromThenTo = Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum.messageEnumFromThenTo instance Prelude.Bounded TestResults'BenchmarkType where minBound = TestResults'UNKNOWN maxBound = TestResults'ANDROID_BENCHMARK argument :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "argument" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b argument = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "argument") available :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "available" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b available = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "available") availableDeviceInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "availableDeviceInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b availableDeviceInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "availableDeviceInfo") benchmarkType :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "benchmarkType" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b benchmarkType = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "benchmarkType") bits :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "bits" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b bits = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "bits") buildConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "buildConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b buildConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "buildConfiguration") busId :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "busId" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b busId = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "busId") cacheSize :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "cacheSize" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b cacheSize = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "cacheSize") ccFlags :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "ccFlags" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b ccFlags = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "ccFlags") changelist :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "changelist" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b changelist = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "changelist") commitId :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "commitId" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b commitId = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "commitId") cpuGovernor :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuGovernor" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b cpuGovernor = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "cpuGovernor") cpuInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b cpuInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "cpuInfo") cpuTime :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "cpuTime" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b cpuTime = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "cpuTime") deviceInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "deviceInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b deviceInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "deviceInfo") doubleValue :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "doubleValue" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b doubleValue = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "doubleValue") entries :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "entries" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b entries = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "entries") entry :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "entry" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b entry = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "entry") extras :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "extras" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b extras = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "extras") hash :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "hash" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b hash = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "hash") hostname :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "hostname" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b hostname = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "hostname") iters :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "iters" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b iters = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "iters") key :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "key" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b key = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "key") linkage :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "linkage" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b linkage = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "linkage") machine :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "machine" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b machine = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "machine") machineConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "machineConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b machineConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "machineConfiguration") maybe'buildConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'buildConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'buildConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'buildConfiguration") maybe'changelist :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'changelist" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'changelist = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'changelist") maybe'commitId :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'commitId" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'commitId = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'commitId") maybe'cpuInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'cpuInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'cpuInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'cpuInfo") maybe'doubleValue :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'doubleValue" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'doubleValue = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'doubleValue") maybe'entries :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'entries" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'entries = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'entries") maybe'hash :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'hash" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'hash = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'hash") maybe'kind :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'kind" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'kind = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'kind") maybe'machineConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'machineConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'machineConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'machineConfiguration") maybe'memoryInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'memoryInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'memoryInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'memoryInfo") maybe'platformInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'platformInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'platformInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'platformInfo") maybe'runConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'runConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'runConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'runConfiguration") maybe'stringValue :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'stringValue" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'stringValue = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'stringValue") maybe'value :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "maybe'value" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b maybe'value = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "maybe'value") memoryInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "memoryInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b memoryInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "memoryInfo") memoryLimit :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "memoryLimit" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b memoryLimit = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "memoryLimit") mhzPerCpu :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "mhzPerCpu" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b mhzPerCpu = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "mhzPerCpu") mode :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "mode" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b mode = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "mode") model :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "model" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b model = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "model") name :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "name" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b name = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "name") numCores :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "numCores" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b numCores = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "numCores") numCoresAllowed :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "numCoresAllowed" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b numCoresAllowed = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "numCoresAllowed") opts :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "opts" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b opts = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "opts") pendingChangelist :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "pendingChangelist" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b pendingChangelist = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "pendingChangelist") physicalDescription :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "physicalDescription" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b physicalDescription = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "physicalDescription") platformInfo :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "platformInfo" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b platformInfo = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "platformInfo") release :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "release" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b release = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "release") runConfiguration :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "runConfiguration" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b runConfiguration = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "runConfiguration") runMode :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "runMode" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b runMode = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "runMode") runTime :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "runTime" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b runTime = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "runTime") serialIdentifier :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "serialIdentifier" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b serialIdentifier = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "serialIdentifier") snapshot :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "snapshot" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b snapshot = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "snapshot") startTime :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "startTime" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b startTime = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "startTime") stringValue :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "stringValue" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b stringValue = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "stringValue") system :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "system" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b system = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "system") target :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "target" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b target = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "target") throughput :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "throughput" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b throughput = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "throughput") total :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "total" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b total = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "total") type' :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "type'" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b type' = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "type'") uuid :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "uuid" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b uuid = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "uuid") value :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "value" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b value = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "value") version :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "version" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b version = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "version") wallTime :: forall f s t a b . (Lens.Labels.HasLens "wallTime" f s t a b) => Lens.Family2.LensLike f s t a b wallTime = Lens.Labels.lensOf ((Lens.Labels.proxy#) :: (Lens.Labels.Proxy#) "wallTime")