{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module MainSpec (spec) where import Control.Monad import Web.Telegram.API.Bot import Test.Hspec import Data.Either (isRight, isLeft) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Servant.Client import Servant.API import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import System.Environment import System.FilePath import Paths_telegram_api -- to print out remote response if response success not match success, nosuccess :: (Show a, Show b) =>Either a b ->Expectation success e = e `shouldSatisfy` isRight nosuccess e = e `shouldSatisfy` isLeft spec :: Token -> Text -> Text -> Spec spec token chatId botName = do describe "/getMe" $ do it "responds with correct bot's name" $ do Right GetMeResponse { user_result = u } <- getMe token (user_first_name u) `shouldBe` botName -- "TelegramAPIBot" describe "/sendMessage" $ do it "should send message" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest chatId "test message" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "test message") it "should return error message" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest "" "test message" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) nosuccess res let Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } = res msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should send message markdown" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest chatId "text *bold* _italic_ [github](github.com/klappvisor/telegram-api)" (Just Markdown) Nothing Nothing Nothing) success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "text bold italic github") it "should set keyboard" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest chatId "set keyboard" Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just (ReplyKeyboardMarkup [["A", "B"], ["C"]] Nothing Nothing Nothing))) success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "set keyboard") it "should remove keyboard" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest chatId "remove keyboard" Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just (ReplyKeyboardHide True Nothing))) success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "remove keyboard") it "should force reply" $ do res <-sendMessage token (SendMessageRequest chatId "force reply" Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just (ForceReply True Nothing))) success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "force reply") describe "/forwardMessage" $ do it "should forward message" $ do res <-forwardMessage token (ForwardMessageRequest chatId chatId 123) nosuccess res let Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } = res msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" describe "/sendPhoto" $ do it "should return error message" $ do Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- sendPhotoById token (SendPhotoRequest "" "photo_id" (Just "photo caption") Nothing Nothing) msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should send photo with file_id" $ do Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { caption = Just cpt } } <- sendPhotoById token (SendPhotoRequest chatId "AgADBAADv6cxGybVMgABtZ_EOpBSdxYD5xwZAAS0kQ9gsy1eDh2FAAIC" (Just "photo caption") Nothing Nothing) cpt `shouldBe` "photo caption" it "should send uploaded photo" $ do dataDir <- getDataDir let fileUpload = FileUpload "image/jpeg" (FileUploadFile (dataDir "test-data/klappvisor.jpg")) Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { caption = Just cpt } } <- sendPhoto token (SendPhotoRequest chatId fileUpload (Just "photo caption 2") Nothing Nothing) cpt `shouldBe` "photo caption 2" describe "/sendAudio" $ do it "should return error message" $ do Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- sendAudio token (SendAudioRequest "" "audio_id" Nothing (Just "performer") (Just "title") Nothing Nothing) msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should send audio" $ do Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { audio = Just Audio { audio_title = Just title } } } <- sendAudio token (SendAudioRequest chatId "BQADBAADAQQAAiBOnQHThzc4cz1-IwI" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) title `shouldBe` "The Nutcracker Suite - Act II, No.12. Pas de Deux variations" describe "/sendSticker" $ do it "should send sticker" $ do Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { sticker = Just sticker } } <- sendSticker token (SendStickerRequest chatId "BQADAgADGgADkWgMAAGXlYGBiM_d2wI" Nothing Nothing) (sticker_file_id sticker) `shouldBe` "BQADAgADGgADkWgMAAGXlYGBiM_d2wI" describe "/sendLocation" $ do it "should send location" $ do Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { location = Just loc } } <- sendLocation token (SendLocationRequest chatId 52.38 4.9 Nothing Nothing) (latitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 52) (< 52.4)) (longitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 4.89) (< 5)) describe "/sendChatAction" $ do it "should set typing action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId Typing) res `shouldBe` True it "should set find location action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId FindLocation) res `shouldBe` True it "should set upload photo action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId UploadPhoto) res `shouldBe` True describe "/getUpdates" $ do it "should get all messages" $ do Right UpdatesResponse { update_result = updates} <- getUpdates token Nothing Nothing Nothing (length updates) `shouldSatisfy` (>= 0) describe "/getFile" $ do it "should get file" $ do Right FileResponse { file_result = file } <- getFile token "AAQEABMXDZEwAARC0Kj3twkzNcMkAAIC" (fmap (T.take 10) (file_path file)) `shouldBe` (Just "thumb/file") it "should return error" $ do Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- getFile token "AAQEABMXDZEwAARC0Kj3twkzNcMkAmm" msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" describe "/getUserProfilePhotos" $ do it "should get user profile photos" $ do Right UserProfilePhotosResponse { photos_result = photos } <- getUserProfilePhotos token (read (T.unpack chatId)) Nothing Nothing (total_count photos) `shouldSatisfy` (> 0) describe "/setWebhook" $ do it "should set webhook" $ do Right SetWebhookResponse { webhook_result = res } <- setWebhook token (Just "https://example.com/secret_token") res `shouldBe` True it "should remove webhook" $ do Right SetWebhookResponse { webhook_result = res } <- setWebhook token Nothing res `shouldBe` True