{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-| Module : Main Copyright : © 2019-2023 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Tests for the @tasty@ Lua module. -} import Control.Monad (void) import HsLua.Core (Lua) import Lua.Arbitrary () import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory) import System.FilePath (()) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase) import Test.Tasty.Lua (pushModule, registerArbitrary, testLuaFile, translateResultsFromFile) import qualified HsLua.Core as Lua import qualified HsLua.Marshalling as Lua main :: IO () main = do luaTest <- withCurrentDirectory "test" . Lua.run @Lua.Exception $ do registerCustom translateResultsFromFile "test-tasty.lua" defaultMain $ testGroup "tasty-hslua" [luaTest, tests] -- | HSpec tests for the Lua 'system' module tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "HsLua tasty module" [ testCase "can be pushed to the stack" . Lua.run $ do Lua.openlibs void pushModule :: Lua () , testCase "can be added to the preloader" . Lua.run $ do Lua.openlibs Lua.preloadhs "tasty" pushModule assertEqual' "function not added to preloader" Lua.TypeFunction =<< do Lua.loadstring "return package.preload.tasty" *> Lua.call 0 1 Lua.ltype (-1) , testCase "can be loaded as tasty" . Lua.run $ do Lua.openlibs Lua.requirehs "tasty" (const $ void pushModule) assertEqual' "loading the module fails " Lua.OK =<< Lua.dostring "require 'tasty'" , testGroup "testFileWith" [ testLuaFile (\x -> Lua.run @Lua.Exception $ do registerCustom x) "test-tasty.lua" ("test" "test-tasty.lua") ] ] assertEqual' :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> Lua () assertEqual' msg expected = Lua.liftIO . assertEqual msg expected registerCustom :: Lua () registerCustom = do registerArbitrary "custom" pushCustom nopeek registerArbitrary @[Integer] "integer_list" (Lua.pushList Lua.pushIntegral) (Lua.peekList Lua.peekIntegral) -- | Custom type used for to check property testing. newtype Custom = Custom Lua.Integer instance Arbitrary Custom where arbitrary = Custom <$> arbitrary pushCustom :: Lua.LuaError e => Lua.Pusher e Custom pushCustom (Custom i) = do Lua.newtable Lua.pushName "int" Lua.pushinteger i Lua.rawset (Lua.nth 3) nopeek :: Lua.Peeker e a nopeek = const $ Lua.failPeek "nope" -- do not allow peeking