Thanks for contributing to `tasty-coverage`. Issues, feature requests and pull requests are always welcome :) # Code style The code must be formatted using the `fourmolu` code formatter. See install instructions on their [website]( The following command should work: ```console > fourmolu --mode inplace $(git ls-files '*.hs') ``` # Keeping a changelog Any nontrivial change must be recorded in the before the pull-request is merged. We follow the []( standard. Before a new version is released on Hackage, the changes are collected in the `Unreleased` section of the changelog. # Releasing to Hackage There is one difficulty which prevents us from releasing the package "as-is" to Hackage. The testsuite requires the `tasty-coverage-example` to be compiled with the `-fhpc` option, since we test that during execution the correct .tix files are generated. But hard-coding the `-fhpc` flag in the cabal file is an error according to `cabal check` and Hackage won't let us upload the package. Therefore, the `` script removes the testsuite section from the cabal file before `cabal sdist` is invoked. # Release checklist - Bump the version in the cabal file. - Create a [git tag]( for the new version and push it. Use `git tag -a x.x.x.x -m "Version x.x.x.x"` and then `git push origin x.x.x.x` - Replace the `Unreleased` part of the `` with the current date and the new version. - Create a candidate on Hackage and check that everything is correct before releasing.