{- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Test.Tasty.AutoCollect.ConfigTest ( -- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST.export ) where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, ()) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) import Test.Predicates import Test.Predicates.HUnit import Test.Predicates.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.AutoCollect.Config import TestUtils.QuickCheck {----- Configuration syntax -----} test = testCase "parseConfig ignores comments" $ parseConfig "# this is a comment" @?~ right anything test = testCase "parseConfig ignores empty lines" $ parseConfig "\n\n\n" @?~ right anything test_prop "parseConfig errors on ill-formed lines" = forAll (invalidLine `suchThat` (not . isIgnored)) $ \line -> parseConfig line `satisfies` left (startsWith "Invalid configuration line:") where isIgnored line = Text.all isSpace line || ("#" `Text.isPrefixOf` line) linePart = do ConfigPiece s <- arbitrary spaces <- arbitrary pure $ wrapSpaces spaces s invalidLine = oneof [ -- no '=' at all linePart , -- '... =' (<> "=") <$> linePart , -- '= ...' ("=" <>) <$> linePart , -- multiple '=' signs do Positive n <- arbitrary Text.intercalate "=" <$> vectorOf (2 + n) linePart ] test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> Spaces -> Spaces -> Property test_prop "parseConfig strips whitespace" (ConfigPiece v) kspaces vspaces = let k' = wrapSpaces kspaces k v' = wrapSpaces vspaces v in parseConfig (k' <> "=" <> v') === parseConfig (k <> "=" <> v) where k = "suite_name" {----- Configuration options -----} test = testCase "parseConfig parses import" $ parseConfig "import = foo.conf, ../bar/baz.conf" @?~ right (cfgImports `with` just (eq ["foo.conf", "../bar/baz.conf"])) test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> Property test_prop "parseConfig parses suite_name" (ConfigPiece v) = parseConfig ("suite_name = " <> v) `satisfies` right (cfgSuiteName `with` just (just (eq v))) test_prop :: Property test_prop "parseConfig parses group_type" = forAll (elements groupTypeOptions) $ \(groupTypeName, groupType) -> parseConfig ("group_type = " <> groupTypeName) `satisfies` right (cfgGroupType `with` just (eq groupType)) test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> Property test_prop "parseConfig errors on invalid group_type" (ConfigPiece v) = v `notElem` map fst groupTypeOptions ==> parseConfig ("group_type = " <> v) `satisfies` left (startsWith "Invalid group_type:") groupTypeOptions :: [(Text, AutoCollectGroupType)] groupTypeOptions = [ ("flat", AutoCollectGroupFlat) , ("modules", AutoCollectGroupModules) , ("tree", AutoCollectGroupTree) ] test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> Property test_prop "parseConfig parses strip_suffix" (ConfigPiece v) = parseConfig ("strip_suffix = " <> v) `satisfies` right (cfgStripSuffix `with` just (eq v)) test_prop :: NonEmptyList HsIdentifier -> Property test_prop "parseConfig parses ingredients" (NonEmpty (map getHsIdentifier -> ingredients)) = parseConfig ("ingredients = " <> Text.intercalate "," ingredients) `satisfies` right (cfgIngredients `with` just (eq ingredients)) test_prop :: NonEmptyList (HsIdentifier, Spaces) -> Property test_prop "parseConfig strips whitespace when parsing ingredients" (NonEmpty (map (first getHsIdentifier) -> identifiers)) = let ingredientsVal = Text.intercalate "," . map (\(s, spaces) -> wrapSpaces spaces s) $ identifiers ingredients = map fst identifiers in parseConfig ("ingredients = " <> ingredientsVal) `satisfies` right (cfgIngredients `with` just (eq ingredients)) test_prop :: BoolOption -> Property test_prop "parseConfig parses ingredients_override (case insensitive)" option = parseConfig ("ingredients_override = " <> getText option) `satisfies` right (cfgIngredientsOverride `with` just (eq (getBool option))) test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> Property test_prop "parseConfig errors on invalid ingredients_override" (ConfigPiece v) = Text.toLower v `notElem` ["true", "false"] ==> parseConfig ("ingredients_override = " <> v) `satisfies` left (startsWith "Invalid bool:") test_prop :: ConfigPiece -> ConfigPiece -> Property test_prop "parseConfig errors on unknown keys" (ConfigPiece k) (ConfigPiece v) = (k `notElem` validKeys) && not ("#" `Text.isPrefixOf` k) ==> parseConfig (k <> " = " <> v) `satisfies` left (startsWith "Invalid configuration key:") where validKeys = [ "suite_name" , "group_type" , "ingredients" , "ingredients_override" , "strip_suffix" ] {----- Configuration resolution -----} test = testCase "resolveConfig imports config recursively" $ withSystemTempDirectory "tasty-autocollect-resolveConfig" $ \tmpdir -> do forM_ files $ \(fpRel, fileLines) -> do let fp = tmpdir fpRel createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory fp) Text.writeFile fp (Text.unlines fileLines) cfg <- resolveConfig (tmpdir "Main.hs") config cfgSuiteName cfg @?= Just "foo" cfgIngredients cfg @?= ["baseIngredients"] where files = [ ( "foo/autocollect.conf" , [ "import = ../base/autocollect.conf" , "suite_name = foo" ] ) , ( "base/autocollect.conf" , [ "suite_name = base" , "ingredients = baseIngredients" ] ) ] config = (mempty :: AutoCollectConfigPartial) { cfgImports = Just ["foo/autocollect.conf"] } {----- Helpers -----} -- | A Text suitable for use as a key or value in the configuration. -- -- Specifically, will be a non-empty string that does not contain '=', -- newlines, or trailing/leading spaces. newtype ConfigPiece = ConfigPiece {getConfigPiece :: Text} deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary ConfigPiece where arbitrary = fmap ConfigPiece $ (`suchThat` not . Text.null) $ Text.strip . Text.filter (`notElem` ['=', '\n']) . getPrintableText <$> arbitrary data Spaces = Spaces {before :: Int, after :: Int} deriving (Show) wrapSpaces :: Spaces -> Text -> Text wrapSpaces Spaces{..} s = Text.replicate before " " <> s <> Text.replicate after " " instance Arbitrary Spaces where arbitrary = do Positive before <- arbitraryNumSpaces Positive after <- arbitraryNumSpaces pure $ Spaces before after where arbitraryNumSpaces = frequency [ (10, pure $ Positive 0) , (1, arbitrary) ] -- | An arbitrary Haskell identifier newtype HsIdentifier = HsIdentifier {getHsIdentifier :: Text} deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary HsIdentifier where arbitrary = do modules <- frequency [ (5, pure []) , (1, listOf (identStartingWith large)) ] ident <- identStartingWith small pure $ HsIdentifier $ Text.intercalate "." $ modules ++ [ident] where small = ['a' .. 'z'] large = ['A' .. 'Z'] digit = ['0' .. '9'] identStartingWith start = do c <- elements start cs <- listOf $ elements (small ++ large ++ digit) pure $ Text.pack (c : cs) data BoolOption = BoolOption {getBool :: Bool, getText :: Text} deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary BoolOption where arbitrary = do b <- arbitrary s <- genMixedCase (Text.pack $ show b) pure $ BoolOption b s