{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Data.Taskell.ListsTest ( test_lists ) where import ClassyPrelude hiding (delete) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Lens ((.~)) import Data.Taskell.Date (textToTime) import qualified Data.Taskell.List as L import Data.Taskell.Lists.Internal import qualified Data.Taskell.Task as T import Types (ListIndex (ListIndex), TaskIndex (TaskIndex)) -- test data list1, list2, list3 :: L.List list1 = foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 1") [T.new "One", (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-08-14") (T.new "Two"), T.new "Three"] list2 = foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 2") [T.new "1", T.new "2", (T.due .~ textToTime "2018-12-03") (T.new "3")] list3 = foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 3") [(T.due .~ textToTime "2019-04-05") (T.new "01"), T.new "10", T.new "11"] testLists :: Lists testLists = fromList [list1, list2, list3] -- tests test_lists :: TestTree test_lists = testGroup "Data.Taskell.Lists" [ testCase "initial" (assertEqual "Returns To Do and Done lists" (fromList [L.empty "To Do", L.empty "Done"]) initial) , testCase "updateLists" (assertEqual "Replaces the middle list" (fromList [list1, list1, list3]) (updateLists 1 list1 testLists)) , testGroup "count" [ testCase "list exists" (assertEqual "Returns length of middle list" 3 (count 1 testLists)) , testCase "list does not exist" (assertEqual "Returns 0" 0 (count 10 testLists)) ] , testGroup "get" [ testCase "list exists" (assertEqual "Returns the list" (Just list2) (get testLists 1)) , testCase "list does not exist" (assertEqual "Nothing" Nothing (get testLists 10)) ] , testGroup "changeList" [ testCase "right" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (Just (fromList [ list1 , foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 2") [T.new "1", (T.due .~ textToTime "2018-12-03") (T.new "3")] , foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 3") [ (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-04-05") (T.new "01") , T.new "10" , T.new "11" , T.new "2" ] ])) (changeList (ListIndex 1, TaskIndex 1) testLists 1)) , testCase "left" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (Just (fromList [ foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 1") [ T.new "One" , (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-08-14") (T.new "Two") , T.new "Three" , T.new "2" ] , foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 2") [T.new "1", (T.due .~ textToTime "2018-12-03") (T.new "3")] , list3 ])) (changeList (ListIndex 1, TaskIndex 1) testLists (-1))) , testCase "out of bounds list" (assertEqual "Nothing" Nothing (changeList (ListIndex 5, TaskIndex 1) testLists 1)) , testCase "out of bounds task" (assertEqual "Nothing" Nothing (changeList (ListIndex 1, TaskIndex 10) testLists 1)) ] , testCase "newList" (assertEqual "Returns lists with new list" (fromList [list1, list2, list3, L.empty "Hello"]) (newList "Hello" testLists)) , testCase "delete" (assertEqual "Returns lists with middle list removed" (fromList [list1, list3]) (delete 1 testLists)) , testGroup "exists" [ testCase "list exists" (assertEqual "Returns True" True (exists 1 testLists)) , testCase "list does not exist" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (exists 10 testLists)) ] , testGroup "shiftBy" [ testCase "right" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (Just (fromList [list1, list3, list2])) (shiftBy 1 1 testLists)) , testCase "left" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (Just (fromList [list2, list1, list3])) (shiftBy 1 (-1) testLists)) , testCase "out of bounds list" (assertEqual "Nothing" Nothing (shiftBy 5 1 testLists)) , testCase "out of bounds shift" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (Just (fromList [list2, list1, list3])) (shiftBy 1 (-10) testLists)) ] , testGroup "search" [ testCase "term exists" (assertEqual "Returns filtered lists" (fromList [ foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 1") [T.new "One"] , L.empty "List 2" , L.empty "List 3" ]) (search "One" testLists)) , testCase "term doesn't exist" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (fromList [L.empty "List 1", L.empty "List 2", L.empty "List 3"]) (search "Fish" testLists)) ] , testGroup "appendToLast" [ testCase "previous list exists" (assertEqual "Returns updated lists" (fromList [ list1 , list2 , foldl' (flip L.append) (L.empty "List 3") [ (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-04-05") (T.new "01") , T.new "10" , T.new "11" , T.new "Blah" ] ]) (appendToLast (T.new "Blah") testLists)) , testCase "previous list doesn't exist" (assertEqual "Returns original list" empty (appendToLast (T.new "Blah") empty)) ] , testCase "analyse" (assertEqual "Returns an analysis" "test.md\nLists: 3\nTasks: 9" (analyse "test.md" testLists)) , testCase "due" (assertEqual "returns just due list" (fromList [ ( (ListIndex 1, TaskIndex 2) , (T.due .~ textToTime "2018-12-03") (T.new "3")) , ( (ListIndex 2, TaskIndex 0) , (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-04-05") (T.new "01")) , ( (ListIndex 0, TaskIndex 1) , (T.due .~ textToTime "2019-08-14") (T.new "Two")) ]) (due testLists)) ]