module Taskell.Data.TaskTest ( test_task ) where import ClassyPrelude import Control.Lens ((.~)) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorianValid) import Taskell.Data.Date (Due (DueDate)) import qualified Taskell.Data.Subtask as ST (name, new) import Taskell.Data.Task desc :: Maybe Text desc = Just "A very boring description" testTask :: Task testTask = Task { _name = "Test" , _description = desc , _subtasks = fromList [ "One" True, "Two" False, "Three" False] , _due = Nothing } -- tests test_task :: TestTree test_task = testGroup "Data.Taskell.Task" [ testCase "blank" (assertEqual "Returns empty task" (Task "" Nothing empty Nothing) blank) , testCase "new" (assertEqual "Returns a new task" (Task "Hello" Nothing empty Nothing) (new "Hello")) , testGroup "getSubtask" [ testCase "exists" (assertEqual "Returns a the sub-task" (Just ( "Two" False)) (getSubtask 1 testTask)) , testCase "doesn't exist" (assertEqual "Returns Nothing" Nothing (getSubtask 10 testTask)) ] , testGroup "setDescription" [ testCase "empty sub-tasks" (assertEqual "Updates description" (Task "Test" (Just "Description") empty Nothing) (setDescription "Description" (new "Test"))) , testCase "empty" (assertEqual "Keeps description as Nothing" (new "Test") (setDescription "" (new "Test"))) , testCase "blank" (assertEqual "Keeps description as Nothing" (new "Test") (setDescription " " (new "Test"))) ] , testGroup "addSubtask" [ testCase "existing" (assertEqual "Returns the task with added subtask" (Task "Test" desc (fromList [ "One" True , "Two" False , "Three" False , "Four" True ]) Nothing) (addSubtask ( "Four" True) testTask)) , testCase "empty sub-tasks" (assertEqual "Returns the task with added subtask" (Task "Test" Nothing (fromList [ "One" False]) Nothing) (addSubtask ( "One" False) (new "Test"))) ] , testGroup "hasSubtasks" [ testCase "existing" (assertEqual "Returns True" True (hasSubtasks testTask)) , testCase "empty sub-tasks" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (hasSubtasks (new "Test"))) ] , testGroup "updateSubtask" [ testCase "exists" (assertEqual "Returns updated task" (Task "Test" desc (fromList [ "One" True, "Cow" False, "Three" False]) Nothing) (updateSubtask 1 ( .~ "Cow") testTask)) , testCase "doesn't exist" (assertEqual "Returns task" (Task "Test" desc (fromList [ "One" True, "Two" False, "Three" False]) Nothing) (updateSubtask 10 ( .~ "Cow") testTask)) ] , testGroup "removeSubtask" [ testCase "exists" (assertEqual "Returns updated task" (Task "Test" desc (fromList [ "One" True, "Three" False]) Nothing) (removeSubtask 1 testTask)) , testCase "doesn't exist" (assertEqual "Returns task" (Task "Test" desc (fromList [ "One" True, "Two" False, "Three" False]) Nothing) (removeSubtask 10 testTask)) ] , testCase "countSubtasks" (assertEqual "Returns 3" 3 (countSubtasks testTask)) , testCase "countCompleteSubtasks" (assertEqual "Returns 1" 1 (countCompleteSubtasks testTask)) , testGroup "contains" [ testCase "in task" (assertEqual "Finds in task" True (contains "Test" testTask)) , testCase "in sub-task" (assertEqual "Find sub-task" True (contains "One" testTask)) , testCase "case-insensitive" (assertEqual "Find sub-task" True (contains "ONE" testTask)) , testCase "case-insensitive" (assertEqual "Find sub-task" True (contains "two" testTask)) , testCase "missing" (assertEqual "Find sub-task" False (contains "Fish" testTask)) , testCase "description" (assertEqual "Finds in description" True (contains "boring" testTask)) , testCase "not in description" (assertEqual "Doesn't find" False (contains "escapades" testTask)) ] , testGroup "isBlank" [ testCase "blank" (assertEqual "Return True" True (isBlank (Task "" Nothing empty Nothing))) , testCase "name not blank" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (isBlank testTask)) , testCase "description not blank" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (isBlank (Task "" (Just "Blah") empty Nothing))) , testCase "subtasks not blank" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (isBlank (Task "" Nothing (fromList [ "One" True]) Nothing))) , testCase "due date not blank" (assertEqual "Returns False" False (isBlank (Task "" Nothing empty (DueDate <$> (fromGregorianValid 2018 05 18))))) ] ]