# general quit = q undo = u redo = r search = / help = ? due = ! # navigation previous = k next = j left = h right = l bottom = G top = g # new tasks new = a newAbove = O newBelow = o duplicate = + # editing tasks edit = e, A, i clear = C delete = D detail = dueDate = @ clearDate = # moving tasks moveUp = K moveDown = J # move to top of previous list moveLeftTop = ˙ # move to top of next list moveRightTop = ¬ # move to bottom of previous list moveLeftBottom = H # move to bottom of next list moveRightBottom = L # move to bottom of last list complete = # move to top of last list compeleteToTop = T # select a list to move to moveMenu = m # lists listNew = N listEdit = E listDelete = X listRight = > listLeft = <