module Codec.Archive.Tar.Create ( -- * Creating TAR archives from files createTarArchive, createTarEntry, recurseDirectories, -- * Creating TAR archives from scratch mkTarHeader) where import Codec.Archive.Tar.Types import Codec.Archive.Tar.Util import System.PosixCompat.Extensions import System.PosixCompat.Files import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.List import System.Directory import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) -- | Creates a TAR archive containing a number of files -- and directories taken from the file system. In the list -- of paths, any directory -- should come before any files in that directory. -- Only files and directories mentioned in the list are included, -- this function does not recurse into the directories. createTarArchive :: [FilePath] -- ^ Files and directories to include in the archive. -> IO TarArchive createTarArchive = liftM TarArchive . mapM createTarEntry -- | Creates a TAR archive entry for a file or directory. -- The meta-data and file contents are taken from the given file. createTarEntry :: FilePath -> IO TarEntry createTarEntry path = do stat <- getSymbolicLinkStatus path let t = fileType stat path' <- sanitizePath t path target <- case t of TarSymbolicLink -> readSymbolicLink path _ -> return "" let (major,minor) = if t == TarCharacterDevice || t == TarBlockDevice then let dev = deviceID stat in (deviceMajor dev, deviceMinor dev) else (0,0) -- FIXME: don't work on OS X -- FIXME: if it fails, return nil owner <- return "" --liftM userName $ getUserEntryForID $ fileOwner stat grp <- return "" --liftM groupName $ getGroupEntryForID $ fileGroup stat let hdr = TarHeader { tarFileName = path', tarFileMode = fileMode stat, tarOwnerID = fileOwner stat, tarGroupID = fileGroup stat, tarFileSize = fromIntegral $ fileSize stat, tarModTime = modificationTime stat, tarFileType = t, tarLinkTarget = target, tarOwnerName = owner, tarGroupName = grp, tarDeviceMajor = major, tarDeviceMinor = minor } cnt <- case t of TarNormalFile -> L.readFile path -- FIXME: warn if size has changed? _ -> return L.empty return $ TarEntry hdr cnt fileType :: FileStatus -> TarFileType fileType stat | isRegularFile stat = TarNormalFile | isSymbolicLink stat = TarSymbolicLink | isCharacterDevice stat = TarCharacterDevice | isBlockDevice stat = TarBlockDevice | isDirectory stat = TarDirectory | isNamedPipe stat = TarFIFO | otherwise = error "Unknown file type." -- | Creates a TAR header for a normal file with the given path. -- Does not consult the file system. -- All meta-data is set to default values. mkTarHeader :: FilePath -> TarHeader mkTarHeader path = TarHeader { tarFileName = path, tarFileMode = stdFileMode, tarOwnerID = 0, tarGroupID = 0, tarFileSize = 0, tarModTime = 0, tarFileType = TarNormalFile, tarLinkTarget = "", tarOwnerName = "", tarGroupName = "", tarDeviceMajor = 0, tarDeviceMinor = 0 } -- * Path and file stuff -- FIXME: normalize paths? sanitizePath :: TarFileType -> FilePath -> IO FilePath sanitizePath t path = do path' <- liftM (removeDuplSep . addTrailingSep) $ forceRelativePath path when (null path' || length path' > 255) $ fail $ "Path too long: " ++ show path' -- FIXME: warn instead? return path' where addTrailingSep = if t == TarDirectory then (++[pathSep]) else id removeDuplSep = concat . map (\g -> if all (==pathSep) g then [pathSep] else g) . group -- | Recurses through a list of files and directories -- in depth-first order. -- Each of the given paths are returned, and each path which -- refers to a directory is followed by its descendants. -- The output is suitable for feeding to the -- TAR archive creation functions. recurseDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] recurseDirectories = liftM concat . mapM (\p -> liftM (p:) $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ descendants p) where descendants path = do d <- doesDirectoryExist path if d then do cs <- getDirectoryContents path let cs' = [path++[pathSep]++c | c <- cs, includeDir c] ds <- recurseDirectories cs' return ds else return [] where includeDir "." = False includeDir ".." = False includeDir _ = True