{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {- | Implement the correct HTTPS client configuration for using Great Black Swamp. This is necessary and correct for authenticating Great Black Swamp's self-authenticating URLs. -} module TahoeLAFS.Internal.Client where import qualified "base64-bytestring" Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import Crypto.Hash (Digest, hash) import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256) import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (DER)) import Data.ASN1.Encoding (encodeASN1') import Data.ASN1.Types (ASN1Object (toASN1)) import Data.ByteArray (convert) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Default.Class (Default (def)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.X509 ( Certificate (certPubKey), CertificateChain (CertificateChain), PubKey, Signed (signedObject), SignedExact (getSigned), ) import Data.X509.CertificateStore (CertificateStore) import Data.X509.Validation ( FailedReason (AuthorityTooDeep, EmptyChain, InvalidSignature), ServiceID, SignatureFailure (SignaturePubkeyMismatch), SignatureVerification (SignatureFailed, SignaturePass), verifySignedSignature, ) import Network.Connection (TLSSettings (..)) import Network.HTTP.Client (ManagerSettings, Request (requestHeaders), managerModifyRequest) import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (mkManagerSettings) import Network.HTTP.Types (Header) import Network.TLS ( ClientHooks (onServerCertificate), ClientParams (..), Supported (..), ValidationCache, ) import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher (ciphersuite_default) newtype SPKIHash = SPKIHash B.ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show SPKIHash where show (SPKIHash bs) = "SPKIHash " <> T.unpack (T.decodeLatin1 (Base64.encode bs)) {- | Create a ManagerSettings suitable for use with Great Black Swamp client requests. -} mkGBSManagerSettings :: -- | The SPKI hash of the certificate of the storage service to access. SPKIHash -> -- | The secret capability identifying the storage service to access. T.Text -> -- | The settings. ManagerSettings mkGBSManagerSettings requiredHash swissnum = (mkManagerSettings (gbsTLSSettings requiredHash) sockSettings) { managerModifyRequest = addAuthorization swissnum } where sockSettings = Nothing {- | The TLSSettings suitable for use with Great Black Swamp client requests. These ensure we can authenticate the server before using it. -} gbsTLSSettings :: SPKIHash -> TLSSettings gbsTLSSettings requiredHash = TLSSettings ( ClientParams { clientUseMaxFragmentLength = Nothing , clientServerIdentification = ("", "") , clientUseServerNameIndication = True , clientWantSessionResume = Nothing , clientShared = def , clientHooks = def { onServerCertificate = validateGBSCertificate requiredHash } , clientSupported = def{supportedCiphers = ciphersuite_default} , clientDebug = def , clientEarlyData = Nothing } ) {- | Determine the validity of an x509 certificate presented during a TLS handshake for a GBS connection. The certificate is considered valid if its signature can be validated and the sha256 hash of its SPKI fields match the expected value. If not exactly one certificate is presented then validation fails. -} validateGBSCertificate :: SPKIHash -> CertificateStore -> ValidationCache -> ServiceID -> CertificateChain -> IO [FailedReason] validateGBSCertificate _ _ _ _ (CertificateChain []) = pure [EmptyChain] validateGBSCertificate requiredSPKIFingerprint _ _ _ (CertificateChain [signedExactCert]) = -- Nothing is valid unless the signature on the certificate is valid -- so do that first. case verifySignedSignature signedExactCert pubKey of SignatureFailed failure -> pure [InvalidSignature failure] SignaturePass -> do -- The certificates SubjectPublicKeyInfo must match the hash we -- expect, too. if spkiFingerprint cert == requiredSPKIFingerprint then pure [] else do pure [InvalidSignature SignaturePubkeyMismatch] where pubKey = certPubKey cert cert = signedObject . getSigned $ signedExactCert validateGBSCertificate _ _ _ _ _ = pure [AuthorityTooDeep] sha256 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString sha256 = convert . (hash :: B.ByteString -> Digest SHA256) {- | Extract the SubjectPublicKeyInfo from a Certificate. The PubKey type contains all of the values related to the SubjectPublicKeyInfo and serializes correctly for this type so we just extract that. -} spki :: Certificate -> PubKey spki = certPubKey {- | Construct the bytes which can be hashed to produce the SPKI Fingerprint for the given Certificate. -} spkiBytes :: Certificate -> B.ByteString spkiBytes = encodeASN1' DER . flip toASN1 [] . spki -- | Compute the SPKI Fingerprint (RFC 7469) for the given Certificate. spkiFingerprint :: Certificate -> SPKIHash spkiFingerprint = SPKIHash . sha256 . spkiBytes -- Add the necessary authorization header. Since this is used with -- `managerModifyRequest`, it may be called more than once per request so it -- needs to take care not to double up headers. -- https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/350 addAuthorization :: Applicative f => T.Text -> Request -> f Request addAuthorization swissnum req = pure req { requestHeaders = addHeader authz . requestHeaders $ req } where enc = Base64.encode . T.encodeUtf8 authz = ("Authorization", "Tahoe-LAFS " <> enc swissnum) addHeader :: Header -> [Header] -> [Header] addHeader (name, value) [] = [(name, value)] addHeader (name, value) (o@(name', value') : xs) | name == name' = o : xs | otherwise = o : addHeader (name, value) xs addAuthorizationPrint :: T.Text -> Request -> IO Request addAuthorizationPrint swissnum req = do print "Before" print req print "--------" r <- addAuthorization swissnum req print "After" print r print "--------" pure r