module MiscSpec ( spec, ) where import Prelude hiding ( toInteger, ) import Text.Printf ( printf, ) import Test.Hspec ( Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldSatisfy, ) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary (arbitrary), Gen, forAll, property, vectorOf, ) import TahoeLAFS.Storage.API ( toInteger, ) -- We also get the Arbitrary ShareNumber instance from here. import Lib ( b32decode, b32encode, genStorageIndex, ) import TahoeLAFS.Storage.Backend.Filesystem ( incomingPathOf, partitionM, pathOfShare, storageStartSegment, ) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "partitionM" $ it "handles empty lists" $ partitionM (\e -> return True) ([] :: [(Integer, Integer)]) `shouldBe` (Just ([], [])) describe "partitionM" $ it "puts matching elements in the first list and non-matching in the second" $ partitionM (\e -> return $ (e `mod` 2) == 0) [5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8] `shouldBe` (Just ([6, 8, 8], [5, 5, 7])) describe "storageStartSegment" $ it "returns a string of length 2" $ property $ forAll genStorageIndex (\storageIndex -> length (storageStartSegment storageIndex) `shouldBe` 2) describe "pathOfShare" $ it "returns a path reflecting the storage index and share number" $ property $ forAll genStorageIndex ( \storageIndex shareNumber -> pathOfShare "/foo" storageIndex shareNumber `shouldBe` (printf "/foo/shares/%s/%s/%d" (take 2 storageIndex) storageIndex (toInteger shareNumber)) ) describe "incomingPathOf" $ it "returns a path reflecting the storage index and share number" $ property $ forAll genStorageIndex ( \storageIndex shareNumber -> incomingPathOf "/foo" storageIndex shareNumber `shouldBe` (printf "/foo/shares/incoming/%s/%s/%d" (take 2 storageIndex) storageIndex (toInteger shareNumber)) ) describe "incomingPathOf vs pathOfShare" $ it "returns different paths" $ property $ forAll genStorageIndex ( \storageIndex shareNumber -> let path = pathOfShare "/foo" storageIndex shareNumber incoming = incomingPathOf "/foo" storageIndex shareNumber in path `shouldNotBe` incoming ) describe "base32 round-trip" $ it "b32encode and b32decode are inverses" $ property $ \bs -> (b32decode . b32encode) bs `shouldBe` bs describe "base32 alphabet" $ it "encodes using only the base32 alphabet" $ property $ \bs -> b32encode bs `shouldSatisfy` (onlyContains "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567") describe "size ratio" $ it "encodes to a string no more than twice the length" $ property $ \bs -> b32encode bs `shouldSatisfy` (\base32 -> length base32 <= 2 * BS.length bs) -- Does the second list contain only elements of the first list? onlyContains :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool onlyContains xs [] = True onlyContains xs (y : ys) = y `elem` xs && onlyContains xs ys