{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Text.HTML.TagStream.Text where

import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (unless, when, liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)

import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Conduit
#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1, 0, 0)
import Data.Conduit.Internal (unConduitM)
import Data.Conduit.Internal (pipeL)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as C

import qualified Text.HTML.TagStream.ByteString as S
import Text.HTML.TagStream.Types
import Text.HTML.TagStream.Utils (splitAccum)

type Token = Token' Text
type Attr = Attr' Text

 - match quoted string, can fail.
quoted :: Char -> Parser Text
quoted q = T.append <$> takeTill (in2 ('\\',q))
                    <*> ( char q *> pure ""
                      <|> char '\\' *> atLeast 1 (quoted q) )

quotedOr :: Parser Text -> Parser Text
quotedOr p = maybeP (satisfy (in2 ('"','\''))) >>=
             maybe p quoted

 - attribute value, can't fail.
attrValue :: Parser Text
attrValue = quotedOr $ takeTill ((=='>') ||. isSpace)

 - attribute name, at least one char, can fail when meet tag end.
 - might match self-close tag end "/>" , make sure match `tagEnd' first.
attrName :: Parser Text
attrName = quotedOr $
             T.cons <$> satisfy (/='>')
                    <*> takeTill (in3 ('/','>','=') ||. isSpace)

 - tag end, return self-close or not, can fail.
tagEnd :: Parser Bool
tagEnd = char '>' *> pure False
     <|> string "/>" *> pure True

 - attribute pair or tag end, can fail if tag end met.
attr :: Parser Attr
attr = (,) <$> attrName <* skipSpace
           <*> ( boolP (char '=') >>=
                 cond (skipSpace *> attrValue)
                      (pure "")

 - all attributes before tag end. can't fail.
attrs :: Parser ([Attr], Bool)
attrs = loop []
    loop acc = skipSpace *> (Left <$> tagEnd <|> Right <$> attr) >>=
                 (return . (reverse acc,))
                 (loop . (:acc))

 - comment tag without prefix.
comment :: Parser Token
comment = Comment <$> comment'
  where comment' = T.append <$> takeTill (=='-')
                            <*> ( string "-->" *> return ""
                              <|> atLeast 1 comment' )

 - tags begine with <! , e.g. <!DOCTYPE ...>
special :: Parser Token
special = Special
          <$> ( T.cons <$> satisfy (not . ((=='-') ||. isSpace))
                       <*> takeTill ((=='>') ||. isSpace)
                       <* skipSpace )
          <*> takeTill (=='>') <* char '>'

 - parse a tag, can fail.
tag :: Parser Token
tag = do
    t <-     string "/" *> return TagTypeClose
         <|> string "!" *> return TagTypeSpecial
         <|> return TagTypeNormal
    case t of
        TagTypeClose ->
            TagClose <$> takeTill (=='>')
            <* char '>'
        TagTypeSpecial -> boolP (string "--") >>=
                          cond comment special
        TagTypeNormal -> do
            name <- takeTill (in3 ('<','>','/') ||. isSpace)
            (as, close) <- attrs
            return $ TagOpen name as close

 - record incomplete tag for streamline processing.
incomplete :: Parser Token
incomplete = Incomplete . T.cons '<' <$> takeText

 - parse text node. consume at least one char, to make sure progress.
text :: Parser Token
text = Text <$> atLeast 1 (takeTill (=='<'))

token :: Parser Token
token = char '<' *> (tag <|> incomplete)
    <|> text

 - treat script tag specially, can't fail.
tillScriptEnd :: Token -> Parser [Token]
tillScriptEnd t = reverse <$> loop [t]
              <|> (:[]) . Incomplete . T.append script <$> takeText
    script = L.toStrict . B.toLazyText $ showToken id t
    loop acc = (:acc) <$> scriptEnd
           <|> (text >>= loop . (:acc))
    scriptEnd = string "</script>" *> return (TagClose "script")

html :: Parser [Token]
html = tokens <|> pure []
    tokens :: Parser [Token]
    tokens = do
        t <- token
        case t of
            (TagOpen name _ close)
              | not close && name=="script"
                -> (++) <$> tillScriptEnd t <*> html
            _ -> (t:) <$> html

decode :: Text -> Either String [Token]
decode = parseOnly html

 - Utils {{{

atLeast :: Int -> Parser Text -> Parser Text
atLeast 0 p = p
atLeast n p = T.cons <$> anyChar <*> atLeast (n-1) p

cond :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
cond a1 a2 b = if b then a1 else a2

(||.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool
(||.) = liftA2 (||)

in2 :: Eq a => (a,a) -> a -> Bool
in2 (a1,a2) a = a==a1 || a==a2

in3 :: Eq a => (a,a,a) -> a -> Bool
in3 (a1,a2,a3) a = a==a1 || a==a2 || a==a3

boolP :: Parser a -> Parser Bool
boolP p = p *> pure True <|> pure False

maybeP :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
maybeP p = Just <$> p <|> return Nothing
-- }}}

-- {{{ encode tokens
cc :: [Text] -> B.Builder
cc = mconcat . map B.fromText

showToken :: (Text -> Text) -> Token -> B.Builder
showToken hl (TagOpen name as close) =
    cc $ [hl "<", name]
      ++ map showAttr as
      ++ [hl (if close then "/>" else ">")]
    showAttr :: Attr -> Text
    showAttr (key, value) = T.concat $ [" ", key, hl "=\""] ++ map escape (T.unpack value) ++ [hl "\""]
    escape '"' = "\\\""
    escape '\\' = "\\\\"
    escape c = T.singleton c
showToken hl (TagClose name) = cc [hl "</", name, hl ">"]
showToken _ (Text s) = B.fromText s
showToken hl (Comment s) = cc [hl "<!--", s, hl "-->"]
showToken hl (Special name s) = cc [hl "<!", name, " ", s, hl ">"]
showToken _ (Incomplete s) = B.fromText s
-- }}}

-- {{{ Stream
tokenStream :: Monad m
#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1, 0, 0)
            => Conduit Text m Token
            => GInfConduit Text m Token
tokenStream =
    loop T.empty
#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1, 0, 0)
    loop accum = await >>= maybe (close accum ()) (push accum)
    loop accum = awaitE >>= either (close accum) (push accum)

    push accum input =
        case parseOnly html (accum `T.append` input) of
            Right (splitAccum -> (accum', tokens)) -> mapM_ yield tokens >> loop accum'
            Left err -> fail err

    close s r = do
        unless (T.null s) $ yield $ Text s
        return r

-- | like `tokenStream', but it process `ByteString' input, decode it according to xml version tag.
-- Only support utf-8 and iso8859 for now.
tokenStreamBS :: MonadThrow m
#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1, 0, 0)
              => Conduit ByteString m Token
              => GLInfConduit ByteString m Token
tokenStreamBS = do
    -- try to peek the first tag to find the xml encoding.
    tk <- C.sinkParser (skipBOM *> S.skipSpace *> S.char '<' *> S.tag)

    let (mencoding, yieldToken) =
          case tk of
            (TagOpen "?xml" as _) ->
                (lookup "encoding" as, False)
            _ -> (Nothing, True)

    let codec = fromMaybe C.utf8 (mencoding >>= getCodec . CI.mk)

    when yieldToken $ lift (mapM (decodeBS codec) tk) >>= yield

#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1, 0, 0)
    C.decode codec =$= tokenStream
    C.decode codec `pipeL` tokenStream
    skipBOM :: S.Parser ()
    skipBOM =
        ( S.string "\xff\xfe"
          <|> S.string "\xef\xbb\xbf"
        ) *> return ()
        <|> return ()

    getCodec :: CI.CI ByteString -> Maybe C.Codec
    getCodec c =
        case c of
            "utf-8"   -> Just C.utf8
            "utf8"    -> Just C.utf8
            "iso8859" -> Just C.iso8859_1
            _         -> Nothing

    --decodeBS :: C.Codec -> ByteString -> m Text
    decodeBS codec bs = liftM T.concat $ yield bs $= C.decode codec $$ C.consume
-- }}}