module Synthesizer.MIDI.EventList where
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Class.Check as Check
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel as ChannelMsg
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Mode as Mode
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as EventList
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.MixedBody as EventListMB
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyBody as EventListBB
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
(State, state, evalState, gets, put, )
import Data.Traversable (traverse, )
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNegW
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Chunky as NonNegChunky
import Data.Array (Array, listArray, (!), bounds, inRange, )
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, mapFst, mapSnd, )
import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe, )
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing, )
import Control.Monad.HT ((<=<), )
import Control.Monad (guard, msum, )
import NumericPrelude.Numeric
import NumericPrelude.Base
type StrictTime = NonNegW.Integer
type LazyTime = NonNegChunky.T NonNegW.Integer
type Filter event = State (EventList.T StrictTime [event])
getSlice ::
(event -> Maybe a) ->
Filter event (EventList.T StrictTime [a])
getSlice f =
state $
EventList.unzip .
fmap (ListHT.partitionMaybe f)
type Channel = ChannelMsg.Channel
type Controller = ChannelMsg.Controller
type Pitch = ChannelMsg.Pitch
type Velocity = ChannelMsg.Velocity
type Program = ChannelMsg.Program
getControllerEvents ::
(Check.C event) =>
Channel -> Controller ->
Filter event (EventList.T StrictTime [Int])
getControllerEvents chan ctrl =
getSlice (Check.controller chan ctrl)
data NoteBoundary a =
NoteBoundary Pitch Velocity a
| AllNotesOff
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Note = Note Program Pitch Velocity LazyTime
deriving (Eq, Show)
case_ :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
case_ = flip fmap
getNoteEvents ::
(Check.C event) =>
Channel ->
Filter event (EventList.T StrictTime [Either Program (NoteBoundary Bool)])
getNoteEvents chan =
getSlice $ checkNoteEvent chan
checkNoteEvent ::
(Check.C event) =>
Channel -> event ->
Maybe (Either Program (NoteBoundary Bool))
checkNoteEvent chan e = msum $
case_ (Check.noteExplicitOff chan e) (\(velocity, pitch, press) ->
Right $ NoteBoundary pitch velocity press) :
case_ (Check.program chan e) Left :
(Check.mode chan e >>= \mode -> do
guard (mode == Mode.AllNotesOff)
return (Right AllNotesOff)) :
embedPrograms ::
Program ->
EventList.T StrictTime [Either Program (NoteBoundary Bool)] ->
EventList.T StrictTime [NoteBoundary (Maybe Program)]
embedPrograms initPgm =
fmap catMaybes .
flip evalState initPgm .
traverse (traverse embedProgramState)
embedProgramState ::
Either Program (NoteBoundary Bool) ->
State Program (Maybe (NoteBoundary (Maybe Program)))
embedProgramState =
(\n -> state (\s -> (seq s n, s)))
(\pgm -> put pgm >> return Nothing)
(\bnd ->
gets (Just .
case bnd of
AllNotesOff -> const AllNotesOff
NoteBoundary p v press ->
NoteBoundary p v . toMaybe press))
matchNoteEvents ::
EventList.T StrictTime [NoteBoundary (Maybe Program)] ->
EventList.T StrictTime [Note]
matchNoteEvents =
matchNoteEventsCore $ \bndOn -> case bndOn of
AllNotesOff -> Nothing
NoteBoundary pitchOn velOn pressOn ->
flip fmap pressOn $ \pgm ->
(\bndOff ->
case bndOff of
AllNotesOff -> True
NoteBoundary pitchOff _velOff pressOff ->
pitchOn == pitchOff && isNothing pressOff,
Note pgm pitchOn velOn)
matchNoteEventsCore ::
(noteBnd ->
Maybe (noteBnd -> Bool, LazyTime -> Note)) ->
EventList.T StrictTime [noteBnd] ->
EventList.T StrictTime [Note]
matchNoteEventsCore methods =
let recourseEvents =
EventListMB.switchBodyL $ \evs0 xs0 -> case evs0 of
[] -> ([], xs0)
ev:evs ->
case methods ev of
Nothing ->
recourseEvents (EventListMB.consBody evs xs0)
Just (check, cons) ->
case durationRemove check (EventListMB.consBody evs xs0) of
(dur, xs1) ->
(cons dur :)
(recourseEvents xs1)
recourse =
EventList.switchL EventList.empty $ \(t,evs0) xs0 ->
let (evs1,xs1) = recourseEvents (EventListMB.consBody evs0 xs0)
in EventList.cons t evs1 $ recourse xs1
in recourse
durationRemove ::
(NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> Bool) ->
EventListBB.T time [body] ->
(NonNegChunky.T time, EventListBB.T time [body])
durationRemove p =
let errorEndOfList =
(error "no matching body element found",
error "list ended before matching element found")
recourse =
EventListMB.switchBodyL $ \evs xs0 ->
let (prefix, suffix0) = break p evs
(suffix1, rest) =
case suffix0 of
[] -> ([],
flip (EventListMB.switchTimeL errorEndOfList) xs0 $ \t xs1 ->
(NonNegChunky.fromChunks . (t:) .
EventListMB.consTime t) $
recourse xs1)
_:ys -> (ys, (, xs0))
in mapSnd
(EventListMB.consBody (prefix++suffix1))
in recourse
durationRemoveTB ::
(NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> Bool) ->
EventList.T time [body] ->
(NonNegChunky.T time, EventList.T time [body])
durationRemoveTB p =
let errorEndOfList =
(error "no matching body element found",
error "list ended before matching element found")
recourse =
EventList.switchL errorEndOfList $ \(t,evs) xs ->
let (prefix, suffix0) = break p evs
(suffix1, rest) =
case suffix0 of
[] -> ([], recourse xs)
_:ys -> (ys, (, xs))
in mapPair
(NonNegChunky.fromChunks . (t:) .
EventList.cons t (prefix++suffix1))
in recourse
makeInstrumentArray :: [instr] -> Array Program instr
makeInstrumentArray instrs =
(ChannelMsg.toProgram 0, ChannelMsg.toProgram (length instrs 1))
getInstrumentFromArray :: Array Program instr -> Program -> Program -> instr
getInstrumentFromArray bank defltPgm pgm =
bank !
if inRange (bounds bank) pgm
then pgm else defltPgm