name: syntax-example version: synopsis: Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions. description: Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions. . /The code./ . > import Control.Applicative > import Control.Lens.Cons > import Control.Lens.SemiIso > import Control.Lens.TH > import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AP > import Data.Char > import Data.Scientific (Scientific) > import Data.SemiIsoFunctor > import Data.Syntax (Syntax) > import qualified Data.Syntax as S > import qualified Data.Syntax.Attoparsec.Text as S > import Data.Syntax.Char (SyntaxChar) > import qualified Data.Syntax.Char as S > import qualified Data.Syntax.Combinator as S > import qualified Data.Syntax.Pretty as S > import Data.Text (Text) > import qualified Data.Text.IO as T > import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as P > > -- A simple lambda calculus. > > data Literal = LitStr Text > | LitNum Scientific > deriving (Show) > > $(makePrisms ''Literal) > > data AST = Var Text > | Lit Literal > | App AST AST > | Abs Text AST > | Let Text AST AST > deriving (Show) > > $(makePrisms ''AST) > > -- | A variable name. > name :: Syntax syn Text => syn Text > name = _Cons /$/ S.satisfy isAlpha /*/ S.takeWhile isAlphaNum > > -- | A quoted string. > quoted :: SyntaxChar syn seq => syn seq > quoted = S.char '"' */ S.takeTill (=='"') /* S.char '"' > > -- | Encloses a symbol in parentheses. > parens :: SyntaxChar syn seq => syn a - > syn a > parens m = S.char '(' */ S.spaces_ */ m /* S.spaces_ /* S.char ')' > > -- | A literal. > literal :: SyntaxChar syn Text => syn Literal > literal = _LitNum /$/ S.scientific > /|/ _LitStr /$/ quoted > > -- | An atom is a variable, literal or an expression in parentheses. > atom :: SyntaxChar syn Text => syn AST > atom = _Lit /$/ literal > /|/ _Var /$/ name > /|/ parens expr > > -- | Parses a list of atoms and folds them with the _App prism. > apps :: SyntaxChar syn Text => syn AST > apps = bifoldl1 _App /$/ S.sepBy1 atom S.spaces1 > > -- | An expression of our lambda calculus. > -- > -- Thanks to 'tuple-morph' we don't have to worry about /* and */ here. > -- Tuples are reassociated and units are removed by the 'morphed' > -- isomorphism (applied in /$~ operator). > expr :: SyntaxChar syn Text => syn AST > expr = _Abs /$~ S.char '\\' /*/ S.spaces_ > /*/ name /*/ S.spaces > /*/ S.string "->" /*/ S.spaces > /*/ expr > > /|/ _Let /$~ S.string "let" /*/ S.spaces1 > /*/ name /*/ S.spaces > /*/ S.char '=' /*/ S.spaces > /*/ expr /*/ S.spaces1 > /*/ S.string "in" /*/ S.spaces1 > /*/ expr > > /|/ apps > > main :: IO () > main = do > -- Load the standard input. > t <- T.getContents > > -- Try to parse it. > case AP.parseOnly (S.getParser expr <* AP.skipSpace <* AP.endOfInput) t of > Left err -> putStrLn err > Right ast -> do > -- If parsing succeeded print the AST. > print ast > > -- Try to pretty print it. > -- (Printing cannot really fail in this example) > case S.runPrinter expr ast of > Left err -> putStrLn err > Right doc -> putStrLn (P.render doc) > > return () . license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Paweł Nowak maintainer: Paweł Nowak copyright: Paweł Nowak 2014 category: Data build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 source-repository head type: git location: executable syntax-example main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, lens, semi-iso >= 0.4, syntax >= 0.2, syntax-attoparsec >= 0.2, syntax-pretty >= 0.2, attoparsec, pretty, text, scientific >= 0.3 default-language: Haskell2010