{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

  -- MIN_VERSION_GLASGOW_HASKELL was introduced in GHC 7.10

{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
#define TYPEABLE Typeable1
#define TYPEABLE Typeable

-- | Basics for implementing functional EDSLs

module Language.Syntactic.Functional
    ( -- * Syntactic constructs
      Name (..)
    , Literal (..)
    , Construct (..)
    , Binding (..)
    , maxLam
    , lam_template
    , lam
    , fromDeBruijn
    , BindingT (..)
    , maxLamT
    , lamT_template
    , lamT
    , lamTyped
    , BindingDomain (..)
    , Let (..)
    , MONAD (..)
    , Remon (..)
    , desugarMonad
    , desugarMonadTyped
      -- * Free and bound variables
    , freeVars
    , allVars
    , renameUnique'
    , renameUnique
      -- * Alpha-equivalence
    , AlphaEnv
    , alphaEq'
    , alphaEq
      -- * Evaluation
    , Denotation
    , Eval (..)
    , evalDen
    , DenotationM
    , liftDenotationM
    , RunEnv
    , EvalEnv (..)
    , compileSymDefault
    , evalOpen
    , evalClosed
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List (genericIndex)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tree

import Data.Hash (hashInt)

import Language.Syntactic

-- * Syntactic constructs

-- | Literal
data Literal sig
    Literal :: Show a => a -> Literal (Full a)

instance Symbol Literal
    symSig (Literal _) = signature

instance Render Literal
    renderSym (Literal a) = show a

instance Equality Literal
instance StringTree Literal

-- | Generic N-ary syntactic construct
-- 'Construct' gives a quick way to introduce a syntactic construct by giving its name and semantic
-- function.
data Construct sig
    Construct :: Signature sig => String -> Denotation sig -> Construct sig
  -- There is no `NFData1` instance for `Construct` because that would give rise
  -- to a constraint `NFData (Denotation sig)`, which easily spreads to other
  -- functions.

instance Symbol Construct
    symSig (Construct _ _) = signature

instance Render Construct
    renderSym (Construct name _) = name
    renderArgs = renderArgsSmart

instance Equality Construct
    equal = equalDefault
    hash  = hashDefault

instance StringTree Construct

-- | Variable name
newtype Name = Name Integer
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Real, Integral, NFData)

instance Show Name
    show (Name n) = show n

-- | Variables and binders
data Binding sig
    Var :: Name -> Binding (Full a)
    Lam :: Name -> Binding (b :-> Full (a -> b))

instance Symbol Binding
    symSig (Var _) = signature
    symSig (Lam _) = signature

instance NFData1 Binding
    liftRnf _ (Var v) = rnf v
    liftRnf _ (Lam v) = rnf v

-- | 'equal' does strict identifier comparison; i.e. no alpha equivalence.
-- 'hash' assigns the same hash to all variables and binders. This is a valid over-approximation
-- that enables the following property:
-- @`alphaEq` a b ==> `hash` a == `hash` b@
instance Equality Binding
    equal (Var v1) (Var v2) = v1==v2
    equal (Lam v1) (Lam v2) = v1==v2
    equal _ _ = False

    hash (Var _) = hashInt 0
    hash (Lam _) = hashInt 0

instance Render Binding
    renderSym (Var v) = 'v' : show v
    renderSym (Lam v) = "Lam v" ++ show v
    renderArgs []     (Var v) = 'v' : show v
    renderArgs [body] (Lam v) = "(\\" ++ ('v':show v) ++ " -> " ++ body ++ ")"

instance StringTree Binding
    stringTreeSym []     (Var v) = Node ('v' : show v) []
    stringTreeSym [body] (Lam v) = Node ("Lam " ++ 'v' : show v) [body]

-- | Get the highest name bound by the first 'Lam' binders at every path from the root. If the term
-- has /ordered binders/ \[1\], 'maxLam' returns the highest name introduced in the whole term.
-- \[1\] Ordered binders means that the names of 'Lam' nodes are decreasing along every path from
-- the root.
maxLam :: (Project Binding s) => AST s a -> Name
maxLam (Sym lam :$ _) | Just (Lam v) <- prj lam = v
maxLam (s :$ a) = maxLam s `Prelude.max` maxLam a
maxLam _ = 0

-- | Higher-order interface for variable binding for domains based on 'Binding'
-- Assumptions:
--   * The body @f@ does not inspect its argument.
--   * Applying @f@ to a term with ordered binders results in a term with /ordered binders/ \[1\].
-- \[1\] Ordered binders means that the names of 'Lam' nodes are decreasing along every path from
-- the root.
-- See \"Using Circular Programs for Higher-Order Syntax\"
-- (ICFP 2013, <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~emax/documents/axelsson2013using.pdf>).
lam_template :: (Project Binding sym)
    => (Name -> sym (Full a))
         -- ^ Variable symbol constructor
    -> (Name -> ASTF sym b -> ASTF sym (a -> b))
         -- ^ Lambda constructor
    -> (ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b) -> ASTF sym (a -> b)
lam_template mkVar mkLam f = mkLam v body
    body = f $ Sym $ mkVar v
    v    = succ $ maxLam body

-- | Higher-order interface for variable binding
-- This function is 'lamT_template' specialized to domains @sym@ satisfying
-- @(`Binding` `:<:` sym)@.
lam :: (Binding :<: sym) => (ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b) -> ASTF sym (a -> b)
lam = lam_template (inj . Var) (\v a -> Sym (inj (Lam v)) :$ a)

-- | Convert from a term with De Bruijn indexes to one with explicit names
-- In the argument term, variable 'Name's are treated as De Bruijn indexes, and lambda 'Name's are
-- ignored. (Ideally, one should use a different type for De Bruijn terms.)
fromDeBruijn :: (Binding :<: sym) => ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym a
fromDeBruijn = go []
    go :: (Binding :<: sym) => [Name] -> ASTF sym a -> (ASTF sym a)
    go vs var           | Just (Var i) <- prj var = inj $ Var $ genericIndex vs i
    go vs (lam :$ body) | Just (Lam _) <- prj lam = inj (Lam v) :$ body'
        body' = go (v:vs) body
        v     = succ $ maxLam body'
          -- Same trick as in `lam`
    go vs a = gmapT (go vs) a

-- | Typed variables and binders
data BindingT sig
    VarT :: Typeable a => Name -> BindingT (Full a)
    LamT :: Typeable a => Name -> BindingT (b :-> Full (a -> b))

instance Symbol BindingT
    symSig (VarT _) = signature
    symSig (LamT _) = signature

instance NFData1 BindingT
    liftRnf _ (VarT v) = rnf v
    liftRnf _ (LamT v) = rnf v

-- | 'equal' does strict identifier comparison; i.e. no alpha equivalence.
-- 'hash' assigns the same hash to all variables and binders. This is a valid over-approximation
-- that enables the following property:
-- @`alphaEq` a b ==> `hash` a == `hash` b@
instance Equality BindingT
    equal (VarT v1) (VarT v2) = v1==v2
    equal (LamT v1) (LamT v2) = v1==v2
    equal _ _ = False

    hash (VarT _) = hashInt 0
    hash (LamT _) = hashInt 0

instance Render BindingT
    renderSym (VarT v) = renderSym (Var v)
    renderSym (LamT v) = renderSym (Lam v)
    renderArgs args (VarT v) = renderArgs args (Var v)
    renderArgs args (LamT v) = renderArgs args (Lam v)

instance StringTree BindingT
    stringTreeSym args (VarT v) = stringTreeSym args (Var v)
    stringTreeSym args (LamT v) = stringTreeSym args (Lam v)

-- | Get the highest name bound by the first 'LamT' binders at every path from the root. If the term
-- has /ordered binders/ \[1\], 'maxLamT' returns the highest name introduced in the whole term.
-- \[1\] Ordered binders means that the names of 'LamT' nodes are decreasing along every path from
-- the root.
maxLamT :: Project BindingT sym => AST sym a -> Name
maxLamT (Sym lam :$ _) | Just (LamT n :: BindingT (b :-> a)) <- prj lam = n
maxLamT (s :$ a) = maxLamT s `Prelude.max` maxLamT a
maxLamT _ = 0

-- | Higher-order interface for variable binding
-- Assumptions:
--   * The body @f@ does not inspect its argument.
--   * Applying @f@ to a term with ordered binders results in a term with /ordered binders/ \[1\].
-- \[1\] Ordered binders means that the names of 'LamT' nodes are decreasing along every path from
-- the root.
-- See \"Using Circular Programs for Higher-Order Syntax\"
-- (ICFP 2013, <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~emax/documents/axelsson2013using.pdf>).
lamT_template :: Project BindingT sym
    => (Name -> sym (Full a))
         -- ^ Variable symbol constructor
    -> (Name -> ASTF sym b -> ASTF sym (a -> b))
         -- ^ Lambda constructor
    -> (ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b) -> ASTF sym (a -> b)
lamT_template mkVar mkLam f = mkLam v body
    body = f $ Sym $ mkVar v
    v    = succ $ maxLamT body

-- | Higher-order interface for variable binding
-- This function is 'lamT_template' specialized to domains @sym@ satisfying
-- @(`BindingT` `:<:` sym)@.
lamT :: (BindingT :<: sym, Typeable a) =>
    (ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b) -> ASTF sym (a -> b)
lamT = lamT_template (inj . VarT) (\v a -> Sym (inj (LamT v)) :$ a)

-- | Higher-order interface for variable binding
-- This function is 'lamT_template' specialized to domains @sym@ satisfying
-- @(sym ~ `Typed` s, `BindingT` `:<:` s)@.
lamTyped :: (sym ~ Typed s, BindingT :<: s, Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
    (ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b) -> ASTF sym (a -> b)
lamTyped = lamT_template
    (Typed . inj . VarT)
    (\v a -> Sym (Typed (inj (LamT v))) :$ a)

-- | Domains that \"might\" include variables and binders
class BindingDomain sym
    prVar :: sym sig -> Maybe Name
    prLam :: sym sig -> Maybe Name

    -- | Rename a variable or a lambda (no effect for other symbols)
    renameBind :: (Name -> Name) -> sym sig -> sym sig

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
         (BindingDomain sym1, BindingDomain sym2) => BindingDomain (sym1 :+: sym2)
    prVar (InjL s) = prVar s
    prVar (InjR s) = prVar s
    prLam (InjL s) = prLam s
    prLam (InjR s) = prLam s
    renameBind re (InjL s) = InjL $ renameBind re s
    renameBind re (InjR s) = InjR $ renameBind re s

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain sym => BindingDomain (Typed sym)
    prVar (Typed s) = prVar s
    prLam (Typed s) = prLam s
    renameBind re (Typed s) = Typed $ renameBind re s

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain sym => BindingDomain (sym :&: i)
    prVar = prVar . decorExpr
    prLam = prLam . decorExpr
    renameBind re (s :&: d) = renameBind re s :&: d

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain sym => BindingDomain (AST sym)
    prVar (Sym s) = prVar s
    prVar _       = Nothing
    prLam (Sym s) = prLam s
    prLam _       = Nothing
    renameBind re (Sym s) = Sym $ renameBind re s

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain Binding
    prVar (Var v) = Just v
    prLam (Lam v) = Just v
    renameBind re (Var v) = Var $ re v
    renameBind re (Lam v) = Lam $ re v

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain BindingT
    prVar (VarT v) = Just v
    prLam (LamT v) = Just v
    renameBind re (VarT v) = VarT $ re v
    renameBind re (LamT v) = LamT $ re v

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} BindingDomain sym
    prVar _ = Nothing
    prLam _ = Nothing
    renameBind _ a = a

-- | A symbol for let bindings
-- This symbol is just an application operator. The actual binding has to be
-- done by a lambda that constructs the second argument.
-- The provided string is just a tag and has nothing to do with the name of the
-- variable of the second argument (if that argument happens to be a lambda).
-- However, a back end may use the tag to give a sensible name to the generated
-- variable.
-- The string tag may be empty.
data Let sig
    Let :: String -> Let (a :-> (a -> b) :-> Full b)

instance Symbol Let where symSig (Let _) = signature

instance Render Let
    renderSym (Let "") = "Let"
    renderSym (Let nm) = "Let " ++ nm

instance Equality Let
    equal = equalDefault
    hash  = hashDefault

instance StringTree Let
    stringTreeSym [a, Node lam [body]] letSym
        | ("Lam",v) <- splitAt 3 lam = Node (renderSym letSym ++ v) [a,body]
    stringTreeSym [a,f] letSym = Node (renderSym letSym) [a,f]

-- | Monadic constructs
-- See \"Generic Monadic Constructs for Embedded Languages\" (Persson et al., IFL 2011
-- <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~emax/documents/persson2011generic.pdf>).
data MONAD m sig
    Return :: MONAD m (a :-> Full (m a))
    Bind   :: MONAD m (m a :-> (a -> m b) :-> Full (m b))

instance Symbol (MONAD m)
    symSig Return = signature
    symSig Bind   = signature

instance Render (MONAD m)
    renderSym Return = "return"
    renderSym Bind   = "(>>=)"
    renderArgs = renderArgsSmart

instance Equality (MONAD m)
    equal = equalDefault
    hash  = hashDefault

instance StringTree (MONAD m)

-- | Reifiable monad
-- See \"Generic Monadic Constructs for Embedded Languages\" (Persson et al.,
-- IFL 2011 <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~emax/documents/persson2011generic.pdf>).
-- It is advised to convert to/from 'Remon' using the 'Syntactic' instance
-- provided in the modules "Language.Syntactic.Sugar.Monad" or
-- "Language.Syntactic.Sugar.MonadT".
newtype Remon sym m a
        :: { unRemon :: forall r . Typeable r => Cont (ASTF sym (m r)) a }
        -> Remon sym m a
  deriving (Functor)
  -- The `Typeable` constraint is a bit unfortunate. It's only needed when using
  -- a `Typed` domain. Since this is probably the most common case I decided to
  -- bake in `Typeable` here. A more flexible solution would be to parameterize
  -- `Remon` on the constraint.

  -- Note that `Remon` can be seen as a variant of the codensity monad:
  -- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kan-extensions/docs/Control-Monad-Codensity.html>

instance Applicative (Remon sym m)
    pure a  = Remon $ pure a
    f <*> a = Remon $ unRemon f <*> unRemon a

instance Monad (Remon dom m)
    return a = Remon $ return a
    ma >>= f = Remon $ unRemon ma >>= unRemon . f

-- | One-layer desugaring of monadic actions
    :: ( MONAD m :<: sym
       , Typeable a
       , TYPEABLE m
    => Remon sym m (ASTF sym a) -> ASTF sym (m a)
desugarMonad = flip runCont (sugarSym Return) . unRemon

-- | One-layer desugaring of monadic actions
    :: ( MONAD m :<: s
       , sym ~ Typed s
       , Typeable a
       , TYPEABLE m
    => Remon sym m (ASTF sym a) -> ASTF sym (m a)
desugarMonadTyped = flip runCont (sugarSymTyped Return) . unRemon

-- * Free and bound variables

-- | Get the set of free variables in an expression
freeVars :: BindingDomain sym => AST sym sig -> Set Name
freeVars var
    | Just v <- prVar var = Set.singleton v
freeVars (lam :$ body)
    | Just v <- prLam lam = Set.delete v (freeVars body)
freeVars (s :$ a) = Set.union (freeVars s) (freeVars a)
freeVars _ = Set.empty

-- | Get the set of variables (free, bound and introduced by lambdas) in an
-- expression
allVars :: BindingDomain sym => AST sym sig -> Set Name
allVars var
    | Just v <- prVar var = Set.singleton v
allVars (lam :$ body)
    | Just v <- prLam lam = Set.insert v (allVars body)
allVars (s :$ a) = Set.union (allVars s) (allVars a)
allVars _ = Set.empty

-- | Generate an infinite list of fresh names given a list of allocated names
-- The argument is assumed to be sorted and not contain an infinite number of adjacent names.
freshVars :: [Name] -> [Name]
freshVars as = go 0 as
    go c [] = [c..]
    go c (v:as)
      | c < v     = c : go (c+1) (v:as)
      | c == v    = go (c+1) as
      | otherwise = go c as

freshVar :: MonadState [Name] m => m Name
freshVar = do
    v:vs <- get
    put vs
    return v

-- | Rename the bound variables in a term
-- The free variables are left untouched. The bound variables are given unique
-- names using as small names as possible. The first argument is a list of
-- reserved names. Reserved names and names of free variables are not used when
-- renaming bound variables.
renameUnique' :: forall sym a . BindingDomain sym =>
    [Name] -> ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym a
renameUnique' vs a = flip evalState fs $ go Map.empty a
    fs = freshVars $ Set.toAscList (freeVars a `Set.union` Set.fromList vs)

    go :: Map Name Name -> AST sym sig -> State [Name] (AST sym sig)
    go env var
      | Just v <- prVar var = case Map.lookup v env of
          Just w -> return $ renameBind (\_ -> w) var
          _ -> return var  -- Free variable
    go env (lam :$ body)
      | Just v <- prLam lam = do
          w     <- freshVar
          body' <- go (Map.insert v w env) body
          return $ renameBind (\_ -> w) lam :$ body'
    go env (s :$ a) = liftM2 (:$) (go env s) (go env a)
    go env s = return s

-- | Rename the bound variables in a term
-- The free variables are left untouched. The bound variables are given unique
-- names using as small names as possible. Names of free variables are not used
-- when renaming bound variables.
renameUnique :: BindingDomain sym => ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym a
renameUnique = renameUnique' []

-- * Alpha-equivalence

-- | Environment used by 'alphaEq''
type AlphaEnv = [(Name,Name)]

alphaEq' :: (Equality sym, BindingDomain sym) => AlphaEnv -> ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b -> Bool
alphaEq' env var1 var2
    | Just v1 <- prVar var1
    , Just v2 <- prVar var2
    = case (lookup v1 env, lookup v2 env') of
        (Nothing, Nothing)   -> v1==v2  -- Free variables
        (Just v2', Just v1') -> v1==v1' && v2==v2'
        _                    -> False
    env' = [(v2,v1) | (v1,v2) <- env]
alphaEq' env (lam1 :$ body1) (lam2 :$ body2)
    | Just v1 <- prLam lam1
    , Just v2 <- prLam lam2
    = alphaEq' ((v1,v2):env) body1 body2
alphaEq' env a b = simpleMatch (alphaEq'' env b) a

alphaEq'' :: (Equality sym, BindingDomain sym) =>
    AlphaEnv -> ASTF sym b -> sym a -> Args (AST sym) a -> Bool
alphaEq'' env b a aArgs = simpleMatch (alphaEq''' env a aArgs) b

alphaEq''' :: (Equality sym, BindingDomain sym) =>
    AlphaEnv -> sym a -> Args (AST sym) a -> sym b -> Args (AST sym) b -> Bool
alphaEq''' env a aArgs b bArgs
    | equal a b = alphaEqChildren env a' b'
    | otherwise = False
    a' = appArgs (Sym undefined) aArgs
    b' = appArgs (Sym undefined) bArgs

alphaEqChildren :: (Equality sym, BindingDomain sym) => AlphaEnv -> AST sym a -> AST sym b -> Bool
alphaEqChildren _ (Sym _) (Sym _) = True
alphaEqChildren env (s :$ a) (t :$ b) = alphaEqChildren env s t && alphaEq' env a b
alphaEqChildren _ _ _ = False

-- | Alpha-equivalence
alphaEq :: (Equality sym, BindingDomain sym) => ASTF sym a -> ASTF sym b -> Bool
alphaEq = alphaEq' []

-- * Evaluation

-- | Semantic function type of the given symbol signature
type family   Denotation sig
type instance Denotation (Full a)    = a
type instance Denotation (a :-> sig) = a -> Denotation sig

class Eval s
    evalSym :: s sig -> Denotation sig

instance (Eval s, Eval t) => Eval (s :+: t)
    evalSym (InjL s) = evalSym s
    evalSym (InjR s) = evalSym s

instance Eval Empty
    evalSym = error "evalSym: Empty"

instance Eval sym => Eval (sym :&: info)
    evalSym = evalSym . decorExpr

instance Eval Literal
    evalSym (Literal a) = a

instance Eval Construct
    evalSym (Construct _ d) = d

instance Eval Let
    evalSym (Let _) = flip ($)

instance Monad m => Eval (MONAD m)
    evalSym Return = return
    evalSym Bind   = (>>=)

-- | Evaluation
evalDen :: Eval s => AST s sig -> Denotation sig
evalDen = go
    go :: Eval s => AST s sig -> Denotation sig
    go (Sym s)  = evalSym s
    go (s :$ a) = go s $ go a

-- | Monadic denotation; mapping from a symbol signature
-- > a :-> b :-> Full c
-- to
-- > m a -> m b -> m c
type family   DenotationM (m :: * -> *) sig
type instance DenotationM m (Full a)    = m a
type instance DenotationM m (a :-> sig) = m a -> DenotationM m sig

-- | Lift a 'Denotation' to 'DenotationM'
liftDenotationM :: forall m sig proxy1 proxy2 . Monad m =>
    SigRep sig -> proxy1 m -> proxy2 sig -> Denotation sig -> DenotationM m sig
liftDenotationM sig _ _ = help2 sig . help1 sig
    help1 :: Monad m =>
        SigRep sig' -> Denotation sig' -> Args (WrapFull m) sig' -> m (DenResult sig')
    help1 SigFull f _ = return f
    help1 (SigMore sig) f (WrapFull ma :* as) = do
        a <- ma
        help1 sig (f a) as

    help2 :: SigRep sig' -> (Args (WrapFull m) sig' -> m (DenResult sig')) -> DenotationM m sig'
    help2 SigFull f = f Nil
    help2 (SigMore sig) f = \a -> help2 sig (\as -> f (WrapFull a :* as))

-- | Runtime environment
type RunEnv = [(Name, Dynamic)]
  -- TODO Use a more efficient data structure?

-- | Evaluation
class EvalEnv sym env
    compileSym :: proxy env -> sym sig -> DenotationM (Reader env) sig

    default compileSym :: (Symbol sym, Eval sym) =>
        proxy env -> sym sig -> DenotationM (Reader env) sig
    compileSym p s = compileSymDefault (symSig s) p s

-- | Simple implementation of `compileSym` from a 'Denotation'
compileSymDefault :: forall proxy env sym sig . Eval sym =>
    SigRep sig -> proxy env -> sym sig -> DenotationM (Reader env) sig
compileSymDefault sig p s = liftDenotationM sig (Proxy :: Proxy (Reader env)) s (evalSym s)

instance (EvalEnv sym1 env, EvalEnv sym2 env) => EvalEnv (sym1 :+: sym2) env
    compileSym p (InjL s) = compileSym p s
    compileSym p (InjR s) = compileSym p s

instance EvalEnv Empty env
    compileSym = error "compileSym: Empty"

instance EvalEnv sym env => EvalEnv (Typed sym) env
    compileSym p (Typed s) = compileSym p s

instance EvalEnv sym env => EvalEnv (sym :&: info) env
    compileSym p = compileSym p . decorExpr

instance EvalEnv Literal env

instance EvalEnv Construct env

instance EvalEnv Let env

instance Monad m => EvalEnv (MONAD m) env

instance EvalEnv BindingT RunEnv
    compileSym _ (VarT v) = reader $ \env ->
        case lookup v env of
          Nothing -> error $ "compileSym: Variable " ++ show v ++ " not in scope"
          Just d  -> case fromDynamic d of
            Nothing -> error "compileSym: type error"  -- TODO Print types
            Just a -> a
    compileSym _ (LamT v) = \body -> reader $ \env a -> runReader body ((v, toDyn a) : env)

-- | \"Compile\" a term to a Haskell function
compile :: EvalEnv sym env => proxy env -> AST sym sig -> DenotationM (Reader env) sig
compile p (Sym s)  = compileSym p s
compile p (s :$ a) = compile p s $ compile p a
  -- This use of the term \"compile\" comes from \"Typing Dynamic Typing\" (Baars and Swierstra,
  -- ICFP 2002, <http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/581478.581494>)

-- | Evaluation of open terms
evalOpen :: EvalEnv sym env => env -> ASTF sym a -> a
evalOpen env a = runReader (compile Proxy a) env

-- | Evaluation of closed terms where 'RunEnv' is used as the internal environment
-- (Note that there is no guarantee that the term is actually closed.)
evalClosed :: EvalEnv sym RunEnv => ASTF sym a -> a
evalClosed a = runReader (compile (Proxy :: Proxy RunEnv) a) []