{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

--  See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
--  Module      :  VarBinding
--  Copyright   :  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 
--                 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 Douglas Burke
--  License     :  GPL V2
--  Maintainer  :  Douglas Burke
--  Stability   :  experimental
--  Portability :  CPP, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances
--  This module defines functions for representing and manipulating query
--  binding variable sets.  This is the key data that mediates between
--  query and back substitution when performing inferences.  A framework
--  of query variable modifiers is provided that can be used to
--  implement richer inferences, such as filtering of  query results,
--  or replacing values based on known relationships.

module Swish.VarBinding
    ( VarBinding(..), nullVarBinding
    , boundVars, subBinding, makeVarBinding
    , applyVarBinding, joinVarBindings, addVarBinding
    , VarBindingModify(..), OpenVarBindingModify
    , openVbmName
    , vbmCompatibility, vbmCompose
    , composeSequence, findCompositions, findComposition
    , VarBindingFilter(..)
    , makeVarFilterModify
    , makeVarTestFilter, makeVarCompareFilter
    , varBindingId, nullVarBindingModify
    , varFilterDisjunction, varFilterConjunction
    , varFilterEQ, varFilterNE

import Swish.Namespace (ScopedName, getScopeLocal)
import Swish.QName (newLName, getLName)

import Swish.RDF.Vocabulary (swishName)

import Swish.Utils.ListHelpers (flist)

#if (!defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)) || (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), mconcat)

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0))
import Data.Semigroup

import Control.Monad (mplus)

import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, intersect, union, (\\), foldl', permutations)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- import Prelude

--  Query variable bindings

-- |VarBinding is the type of an arbitrary variable bindings
--  value, where the type of the bound values is not specified.
data VarBinding a b = VarBinding
    { vbMap  :: a -> Maybe b
    , vbEnum :: S.Set (a,b)
    , vbNull :: Bool

-- | The Eq instance is defined as the set equivalence of the
--   pairs of variables in the binding.
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Eq (VarBinding a b) where
    (==) = (==) `on` vbEnum

-- | The Ord instance is defined only on the pairs of
--   variables in the binding.
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (VarBinding a b) where
    compare = comparing vbEnum

-- | When combining instances, if there is an overlapping binding then
--   the  value from the first instance is used.
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Semigroup (VarBinding a b) where
    (<>) = joinVarBindings
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Monoid (VarBinding a b) where
    mempty = nullVarBinding
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0))
    mappend = (<>)

-- | The Show instance only displays the pairs of variables
--    in the binding.
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (VarBinding a b) where
    show = show . S.toList . vbEnum

-- | The null, or empty, binding maps no query variables.
--   This is the 'mempty' instance of the Monoid.
nullVarBinding :: VarBinding a b
nullVarBinding = VarBinding
    { vbMap  = const Nothing
    , vbEnum = S.empty
    , vbNull = True

-- |Return a list of the variables bound by a supplied variable binding
boundVars :: (Ord a, Ord b) => VarBinding a b -> S.Set a
boundVars = S.map fst . vbEnum  -- Ord b is needed got GHC 7.6

-- |VarBinding subset function, tests to see if one query binding
--  is a subset of another;  i.e. every query variable mapping defined
--  by one is also defined by the other.
subBinding :: (Ord a, Ord b) => VarBinding a b -> VarBinding a b -> Bool
subBinding = S.isSubsetOf `on` vbEnum

-- |Function to make a variable binding from a list of
--  pairs of variable and corresponding assigned value.
makeVarBinding :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a,b)] -> VarBinding a b
makeVarBinding [] = nullVarBinding
makeVarBinding vrbs =
    { vbMap  = flip M.lookup (M.fromList vrbs)
    , vbEnum = S.fromList vrbs
    , vbNull = False

-- |Apply query binding to a supplied value, returning the value
--  unchanged if no binding is defined
applyVarBinding :: VarBinding a a -> a -> a
applyVarBinding vbind v = fromMaybe v (vbMap vbind v)

-- |Join a pair of query bindings, returning a new binding that
--  maps all variables recognized by either of the input bindings.
--  If the bindings should overlap, such overlap is not detected and
--  the value from the first binding provided is used.
joinVarBindings :: (Ord a, Ord b) => VarBinding a b -> VarBinding a b -> VarBinding a b
joinVarBindings vb1 vb2
    | vbNull vb1 = vb2
    | vbNull vb2 = vb1
    | otherwise  = VarBinding
        { vbMap  = mv12
        , vbEnum = S.map (\v -> (v,fromJust (mv12 v))) bv12
        , vbNull = False
        mv12 n = vbMap vb1 n `mplus` vbMap vb2 n
        bv12 = boundVars vb1 `S.union` boundVars vb2

-- |Add a single new value to a variable binding and return the resulting
--  new variable binding.
addVarBinding :: 
    (Ord a, Ord b) 
    => a 
    -> b 
    -> VarBinding a b
    -> VarBinding a b
addVarBinding lb val vbind = joinVarBindings vbind $ makeVarBinding [(lb,val)]

--  Datatypes for variable binding modifiers

-- |Define the type of a function to modify variable bindings in
--  forward chaining based on rule antecedent matches.  This
--  function is used to implement the \"allocated to\" logic described
--  in Appendix B of the RDF semantics document, in which a specific
--  blank node is associated with all matches of some specific value
--  by applications of the rule on a given graph.
--  Use 'id' if no modification of the variable bindings is required.
--  This datatype consists of the modifier function itself, which
--  operates on a list of variable bindings rather than a single
--  variable binding (because some modifications share context across
--  a set of bindings), and some additional descriptive information
--  that allows possible usage patterns to be analyzed.
--  Some usage patterns (see 'vbmUsage' for more details):
--  [filter]  all variables are input variables, and the effect
--      of the modifier function is to drop variable bindings that
--      don't satisfy some criterion.
--      Identifiable by an empty element in @vbmUsage@.
--  [source]  all variables are output variables:  a raw query
--      could be viewed as a source of variable bindings.
--      Identifiable by an element of @vbmUsage@ equal to @vbmVocab@.
--  [modifier]  for each supplied variable binding, one or more
--      new variable bindings may be created that contain the
--      input variables bound as supplied plus some additional variables.
--      Identifiable by an element of @vbmUsage@ some subset of @vbmVocab@.
--  A variety of variable usage patterns may be supported by a given
--  modifier:  a modifier may be used to define new variable bindings
--  from existing bindings in a number of ways, or simply to check that
--  some required relationship between bindings is satisfied.
--  (Example, for @a + b = c@, any one variable can be deduced from the
--  other two, or all three may be supplied to check that the relationship
--  does indeed hold.)
data VarBindingModify a b = VarBindingModify
    { vbmName   :: ScopedName
                            -- ^Name used to identify this variable binding
                            --  modifier when building inference rules.
    , vbmApply  :: [VarBinding a b] -> [VarBinding a b]
                            -- ^Apply variable binding modifier to a
                            --  list of variable bindings, returning a
                            --  new list.  The result list is not
                            --  necessarily the same length as the
                            --  supplied list.
    , vbmVocab  :: [a]      -- ^List of variables used by this modifier.
                            --  All results of applying this modifier contain
                            --  bindings for these variables.
    , vbmUsage  :: [[a]]    -- ^List of binding modifier usage patterns
                            --  supported.  Each pattern is characterized as
                            --  a list of variables for which new bindings
                            --  may be created by some application of this
                            --  modifier, assuming that bindings for all other
                            --  variables in @vbmVocab@ are supplied.

-- |Type for variable binding modifier that has yet to be instantiated
--  with respect to the variables that it operates upon.
type OpenVarBindingModify lb vn = [lb] -> VarBindingModify lb vn

-- |Extract variable binding name from @OpenVarBindingModify@ value
--  (Because only the name is required, the application to an undefined
--  list of variable labels should never be evaluated, as long as the
--  name is not dependent on the variable names in any way.)
--  NOT QUITE... some of the functions that create @OpenVarBindingModify@
--  instances also pattern-match the number of labels provided, forcing
--  evaluation of the labels parameter, even though it's not used.
openVbmName :: OpenVarBindingModify lb vn -> ScopedName
openVbmName ovbm = vbmName (ovbm (error "Undefined labels in variable binding"))

-- | Displays the name of the modifier.
instance Show (OpenVarBindingModify a b)
        show = show . openVbmName

-- |Variable binding modifier compatibility test.
--  Given a list of bound variables and a variable binding modifier, return
--  a list of new variables that may be bound, or @Nothing@.
--  Note:  if the usage pattern component is well-formed (i.e. all
--  elements different) then at most one element can be compatible with
--  a given input variable set.
vbmCompatibility :: (Eq a) => VarBindingModify a b -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
vbmCompatibility vbm vars = find compat (vbmUsage vbm)
        compat = vbmCompatibleVars vars (vbmVocab vbm)

-- |Variable binding usage compatibility test.
--  Returns @True@ if the supplied variable bindings can be compatibly
--  processed by a variable binding usage with supplied vocabulary and
--  usage pattern.
vbmCompatibleVars ::
  (Eq a) 
  => [a] -- ^ variables supplied with bindings
  -> [a] -- ^ variables returned with bindings by a modifier
  -> [a] -- ^ variables assigned new bindings by a modifier
  -> Bool
vbmCompatibleVars bvars vocab ovars =
    null (ivars `intersect` ovars) &&       -- ivars and ovars don't overlap
    null ((vocab \\ ovars) \\ ivars)        -- ovars and ivars cover vocab
        ivars = bvars `intersect` vocab

-- |Compose variable binding modifiers.
--  Returns @Just a@ new variable binding modifier that corresponds to
--  applying the first supplied modifier and then applying the second
--  one, or @Nothing@ if the two modifiers cannot be compatibly composed.
--  NOTE:  this function does not, in general, commute.
--  NOTE:  if there are different ways to achieve the same usage, that
--  usage is currently repeated in the result returned.
vbmCompose :: (Eq a) => VarBindingModify a b -> VarBindingModify a b
    -> Maybe (VarBindingModify a b)
    (VarBindingModify nam1 app1 voc1 use1)
    (VarBindingModify nam2 app2 voc2 use2)
    | not (null use12) = Just VarBindingModify
        { vbmName  = name
        , vbmApply = app2 . app1
        , vbmVocab = voc1 `union` voc2
        , vbmUsage = use12
    | otherwise = Nothing
        use12 = compatibleUsage voc1 use1 use2
        getName = getLName . getScopeLocal
        -- since _ is a valid LName component then we know the mconcat output
        -- is a valid LName and so can use fromJust
        name = swishName $ fromJust $ newLName $ mconcat ["_", getName nam1, "_", getName nam2, "_"]

-- |Determine compatible ways in which variable binding modifiers may
--  be combined.
--  The total vocabulary of a modifier is the complete set of variables
--  that are used or bound by the modifier.  After the modifier has been
--  applied, bindings must exist for all of these variables.
--  A usage pattern of a modifier is a set of variables for which new
--  bindings may be generated by the modifier.
--  The only way in which two variable binding modifiers can be incompatible
--  with each other is when they both attempt to create a new binding for
--  the same variable.  (Note that this does not mean the composition will
--  be compatible with all inputs:  see @vbmCompatibleVars@.)
--  NOTE:  if there are different ways to achieve the same usage, that
--  usage is currently repeated in the result returned.
compatibleUsage ::
  (Eq a)
  => [a]   -- ^ the total vocabulary of the first modifier to be applied
  -> [[a]] -- ^ usage patterns for the first modifier
  -> [[a]] -- ^ usage patterns for the second modifier
  -> [[a]] -- ^ a list of possible usage patterns for the composition of
           --  the first modifier with the second modifier, or an empty list if
           --  the modifiers are incompatible.
compatibleUsage voc1 use1 use2 =
    [ u1++u2 | u2 <- use2, null (voc1 `intersect` u2), u1 <- use1 ]

-- |Find all compatible compositions of a list of variable binding
--  modifiers for a given set of supplied bound variables.
findCompositions :: 
    (Eq a) => [VarBindingModify a b] 
    -> [a]
    -> [VarBindingModify a b]
findCompositions vbms vars =
    mapMaybe (composeCheckSequence vars) (permutations vbms)

-- |Compose sequence of variable binding modifiers, and check
--  that the result can be used compatibly with a supplied list
--  of bound variables, returning @Just (composed modifier)@,
--  or @Nothing@.
composeCheckSequence :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [VarBindingModify a b]
    -> Maybe (VarBindingModify a b)
composeCheckSequence vars vbms = useWith vars $ composeSequence vbms
        --  Check that a Maybe modifier is compatible for use with an
        --  indicated set of bound variables, and return (Just modifier)
        --  or Nothing.
        useWith _    Nothing    = Nothing
        useWith vs v@(Just vbm)
            | isJust $ vbmCompatibility vbm vs = v
            | otherwise                        = Nothing

-- |Compose sequence of variable binding modifiers.
composeSequence :: (Eq a) => [VarBindingModify a b]
    -> Maybe (VarBindingModify a b)
composeSequence [] = Just varBindingId
composeSequence (vbm:vbms) = foldl' composePair (Just vbm) vbms

-- |Compose a pair of variable binding modifiers, returning
--  @Just (composed modifier)@, or @Nothing@.
composePair :: (Eq a) => Maybe (VarBindingModify a b) -> VarBindingModify a b
    -> Maybe (VarBindingModify a b)
composePair Nothing     _    = Nothing
composePair (Just vbm1) vbm2 = vbmCompose vbm1 vbm2

-- |Return @Just a@ compatible composition of variable binding modifiers
--  for a given set of supplied bound variables, or @Nothing@ if there
--  is no compatible composition
findComposition :: (Eq a) => [VarBindingModify a b] -> [a]
    -> Maybe (VarBindingModify a b)
findComposition = listToMaybe `c2` findCompositions
        c2 = (.) . (.)  -- compose with function of two arguments

-- |Variable binding modifier that returns exactly those
--  variable bindings presented.
varBindingId :: VarBindingModify a b
varBindingId = VarBindingModify
    { vbmName   = swishName "varBindingId"
    , vbmApply  = id
    , vbmVocab  = []
    , vbmUsage  = [[]]

-- |Null variable binding modifier
--  This is like 'varBindingId' except parameterized by some labels.
--  I think this is redundant, and should be eliminated.
nullVarBindingModify :: OpenVarBindingModify a b
nullVarBindingModify lbs = VarBindingModify
    { vbmName   = swishName "nullVarBindingModify"
    , vbmApply  = id
    , vbmVocab  = lbs
    , vbmUsage  = [[]]

--  Query binding filters

-- |VarBindingFilter is a function type that tests to see if
--  a query binding satisfies some criterion.
--  Queries often want to apply some kind of filter or condition
--  to the variable bindings that are processed.  In inference rules,
--  it sometimes seems desirable to stipulate additional conditions on
--  the things that are matched.
--  This function type is used to perform such tests.
--  A number of simple implementations are included below.
data VarBindingFilter a b = VarBindingFilter
    { vbfName   :: ScopedName
    , vbfVocab  :: [a]
    , vbfTest   :: VarBinding a b -> Bool

-- |Make a variable binding modifier from a variable binding filter value.
makeVarFilterModify :: VarBindingFilter a b -> VarBindingModify a b
makeVarFilterModify vbf = VarBindingModify
    { vbmName   = vbfName vbf
    , vbmApply  = filter (vbfTest vbf)
    , vbmVocab  = vbfVocab vbf
    , vbmUsage  = [[]]

-- |Make a variable test filter for a named variable using a
--  supplied value testing function.
makeVarTestFilter ::
    ScopedName -> (b -> Bool) -> a -> VarBindingFilter a b
makeVarTestFilter nam vtest var = VarBindingFilter
    { vbfName   = nam
    , vbfVocab  = [var]
    , vbfTest   = \vb -> maybe False vtest (vbMap vb var)

-- |Make a variable comparison filter for named variables using
--  a supplied value comparison function.
makeVarCompareFilter ::
    ScopedName -> (b -> b -> Bool) -> a -> a -> VarBindingFilter a b
makeVarCompareFilter nam vcomp v1 v2 = VarBindingFilter
    { vbfName   = nam
    , vbfVocab  = [v1,v2]
    , vbfTest   = \vb -> fromMaybe False (vcomp <$> vbMap vb v1 <*> vbMap vb v2)

--  Declare some generally useful query binding filters

-- |This function generates a query binding filter that ensures that
--  two indicated query variables are mapped to the same value.
varFilterEQ :: (Eq b) => a -> a -> VarBindingFilter a b
varFilterEQ =
    makeVarCompareFilter (swishName "varFilterEQ") (==) 

-- |This function generates a query binding filter that ensures that
--  two indicated query variables are mapped to different values.
varFilterNE :: (Eq b) => a -> a -> VarBindingFilter a b
varFilterNE =
    makeVarCompareFilter (swishName "varFilterNE") (/=) 

-- |This function composes a number of query binding filters
--  into a composite filter that accepts any query binding that
--  satisfies at least one of the component values.
varFilterDisjunction :: (Eq a) => [VarBindingFilter a b]
    -> VarBindingFilter a b
varFilterDisjunction vbfs = VarBindingFilter
    { vbfName   = swishName "varFilterDisjunction"
    , vbfVocab  = foldl1 union (map vbfVocab vbfs)
    , vbfTest   = or . flist (map vbfTest vbfs)

-- |This function composes a number of query binding filters
--  into a composite filter that accepts any query binding that
--  satisfies all of the component values.
--  The same function could be achieved by composing the component
--  filter-based modifiers, but this function is more convenient
--  as it avoids the need to check for modifier compatibility.
varFilterConjunction :: (Eq a) => [VarBindingFilter a b]
    -> VarBindingFilter a b
varFilterConjunction vbfs = VarBindingFilter
    { vbfName   = swishName "varFilterConjunction"
    , vbfVocab  = foldl1 union (map vbfVocab vbfs)
    , vbfTest   = and . flist (map vbfTest vbfs)

--  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin,
--    2011, 2012 Douglas Burke
--  All rights reserved.
--  This file is part of Swish.
--  Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Swish; if not, write to:
--    The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
--    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA