{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

--  See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
--  Module      :  Namespace
--  Copyright   :  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011, 2012 Douglas Burke
--  License     :  GPL V2
--  Maintainer  :  Douglas Burke
--  Stability   :  experimental
--  Portability :  FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances
--  This module defines algebraic datatypes for namespaces and scoped names.
--  For these purposes, a namespace is a prefix and URI used to identify
--  a namespace (cf. XML namespaces), and a scoped name is a name that
--  is scoped by a specified namespace.

module Swish.Namespace
    ( Namespace
    , makeNamespace, makeNamespaceQName
      , getNamespacePrefix, getNamespaceURI, getNamespaceTuple
    -- , nullNamespace
    , ScopedName
    , getScopeNamespace, getScopeLocal
    , getScopePrefix, getScopeURI
    , getQName, getScopedNameURI
    , matchName
    , makeScopedName
    , makeQNameScopedName
    , makeURIScopedName
    , makeNSScopedName
    , nullScopedName
    , namespaceToBuilder

import Swish.QName (QName, LName, newQName, getLName, emptyLName, getQNameURI, getNamespace, getLocalName)

import Data.LookupMap (LookupEntryClass(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.String (IsString(..))

import Network.URI (URI(..), parseURIReference, nullURI)

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B

--  Namespace, having a prefix and a URI

-- |A NameSpace value consists of an optional prefix and a corresponding URI.

data Namespace = Namespace (Maybe T.Text) URI
-- data Namespace = Namespace (Maybe T.Text) !URI
-- TODO: look at interning the URI
-- | Returns the prefix stored in the name space.                 
getNamespacePrefix :: Namespace -> Maybe T.Text
getNamespacePrefix (Namespace p _) = p

-- | Returns the URI stored in the name space.
getNamespaceURI :: Namespace -> URI
getNamespaceURI (Namespace _ u) = u

-- | Convert the name space to a (prefix, URI) tuple.
getNamespaceTuple :: Namespace -> (Maybe T.Text, URI)
getNamespaceTuple (Namespace p u) = (p, u)

-- | Equality is defined by the URI, not by the prefix
-- (so the same URI with different prefixes will be
-- considered to be equal).
instance Eq Namespace where
  (Namespace _ u1) == (Namespace _ u2) = u1 == u2

instance Show Namespace where
    show (Namespace (Just p) u) = show p ++ ":<" ++ show u ++ ">"
    show (Namespace _ u)        = "<" ++ show u ++ ">"

instance LookupEntryClass Namespace (Maybe T.Text) URI where
    keyVal   (Namespace pre uri) = (pre,uri)
    newEntry (pre,uri)           = Namespace pre uri

-- | Create a name space from a URI and an optional prefix label.
makeNamespace :: 
    Maybe T.Text  -- ^ optional prefix.
    -> URI        -- ^ URI.
    -> Namespace
makeNamespace = Namespace

-- | Create a qualified name by combining the URI from
-- the name space with a local component.
makeNamespaceQName :: 
    Namespace   -- ^ The name space URI is used in the qualified name
    -> LName    -- ^ local component of the qualified name (can be 'emptyLName')
    -> QName
makeNamespaceQName (Namespace _ uri) = newQName uri

nullNamespace :: Namespace
nullNamespace = Namespace Nothing ""

-- | Utility routine to create a \@prefix line (matching N3/Turtle)
--   grammar for this namespace.
namespaceToBuilder :: Namespace -> B.Builder
namespaceToBuilder (Namespace pre uri) =
  mconcat $ map B.fromText 
  [ "@prefix ", fromMaybe "" pre, ": <", T.pack (show uri), "> .\n"]

--  ScopedName, made from a namespace and a local name

-- | A full ScopedName value has a QName prefix, namespace URI
--  and a local part.  ScopedName values may omit the prefix
--  (see 'Namespace') or the local part.
--  Some applications may handle null namespace URIs as meaning
--  the local part is relative to some base URI.
data ScopedName = ScopedName !QName Namespace LName

-- | Returns the local part.
getScopeLocal :: ScopedName -> LName
getScopeLocal (ScopedName _ _ l) = l

-- | Returns the namespace.
getScopeNamespace :: ScopedName -> Namespace
getScopeNamespace (ScopedName _ ns _) = ns

-- | Returns the prefix of the namespace, if set.
getScopePrefix :: ScopedName -> Maybe T.Text
getScopePrefix = getNamespacePrefix . getScopeNamespace

-- | Returns the URI of the namespace.
getScopeURI :: ScopedName -> URI
getScopeURI = getNamespaceURI . getScopeNamespace

-- | This is not total since it will fail if the input string is not a valid URI.
instance IsString ScopedName where
  fromString s =
    maybe (error ("Unable to convert " ++ s ++ " into a ScopedName"))
          makeURIScopedName (parseURIReference s)
-- | Scoped names are equal if their corresponding QNames are equal
instance Eq ScopedName where
  (ScopedName qn1 _ _) == (ScopedName qn2 _ _) = qn1 == qn2

-- | Scoped names are ordered by their QNames
instance Ord ScopedName where
  (ScopedName qn1 _ _) <= (ScopedName qn2 _ _) = qn1 <= qn2

-- | If there is a namespace associated then the Show instance
-- uses @prefix:local@, otherwise @<url>@.
instance Show ScopedName where
    show (ScopedName qn n l) = case getNamespacePrefix n of
      Just pre -> T.unpack $ mconcat [pre, ":", getLName l]
      _        -> show qn -- "<" ++ show (getNamespaceURI n) ++ T.unpack l ++ ">"

-- |Get the QName corresponding to a scoped name.
getQName :: ScopedName -> QName
getQName (ScopedName qn _ _) = qn

-- |Get URI corresponding to a scoped name (using RDF conventions).
getScopedNameURI :: ScopedName -> URI
getScopedNameURI = getQNameURI . getQName

-- |Test if supplied string matches the display form of a
--  scoped name.
matchName :: String -> ScopedName -> Bool
matchName str nam = str == show nam

-- |Construct a ScopedName.
makeScopedName :: 
    Maybe T.Text  -- ^ prefix for the namespace
    -> URI        -- ^ namespace
    -> LName      -- ^ local name
    -> ScopedName
makeScopedName pre nsuri local = 
    ScopedName (newQName nsuri local)
               (Namespace pre nsuri)

-- |Construct a ScopedName from a QName.
makeQNameScopedName :: 
    Maybe T.Text   -- ^ prefix
    -> QName 
    -> ScopedName
makeQNameScopedName pre qn = ScopedName qn (Namespace pre (getNamespace qn)) (getLocalName qn)

-- could use qnameFromURI to find a local name if there is one.

-- | Construct a ScopedName for a bare URI (the label is set to \"\").
makeURIScopedName :: URI -> ScopedName
makeURIScopedName uri = makeScopedName Nothing uri emptyLName

-- | Construct a ScopedName.
makeNSScopedName :: 
    Namespace     -- ^ namespace
    -> LName      -- ^ local component
    -> ScopedName
makeNSScopedName ns local = 
    ScopedName (newQName (getNamespaceURI ns) local) ns local

-- | This should never appear as a valid name
nullScopedName :: ScopedName
nullScopedName = makeURIScopedName nullURI

--  Copyright (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin,
--    2011, 2012 Douglas Burke
--  All rights reserved.
--  This file is part of Swish.
--  Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Swish; if not, write to:
--    The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
--    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA