version: 1 name: Structure placement (flip, rotation, masking) description: | Define a structure and place it in the map. robots: - name: base loc: [11, 0] dir: [1, 0] known: [flower, bit (0), bit (1)] world: palette: '.': [grass] '*': [stone, flower] '┌': [stone, upper left corner] '┐': [stone, upper right corner] '└': [stone, lower left corner] '┘': [stone, lower right corner] '─': [stone, horizontal wall] '│': [stone, vertical wall] upperleft: [-1, 1] structures: - name: tetromino structure: mask: '.' palette: '0': [stone, bit (0)] '1': [stone, bit (1)] map: | 10.. 10.. 10.. 10.. 1000 1111 placements: - src: tetromino offset: [3, -2] - src: tetromino offset: [9, -2] orient: up: east - src: tetromino offset: [17, -2] orient: up: south - src: tetromino offset: [23, -2] orient: up: west - src: tetromino offset: [3, -9] orient: up: north flip: true - src: tetromino offset: [9, -9] orient: up: east flip: true - src: tetromino offset: [17, -9] orient: up: south flip: true - src: tetromino offset: [23, -9] orient: up: west flip: true map: | ┌──────────────────────────────┐ │*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..│ │.*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.│ │..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*│ │*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..│ │.*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.│ │..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*│ │*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..│ │.*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.│ │..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*│ │*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..│ │.*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.│ │..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*│ │*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..│ │.*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.│ │..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*│ └──────────────────────────────┘