{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- A random collection of small, useful functions that are (or could -- be) used throughout the code base. module Swarm.Util ( -- * Miscellaneous utilities (?), sortPair, maxOn, maximum0, cycleEnum, listEnums, indexWrapNonEmpty, uniq, binTuples, histogram, findDup, both, allEqual, surfaceEmpty, applyWhen, -- * Directory utilities readFileMay, readFileMayT, acquireAllWithExt, -- * Text utilities isIdentChar, replaceLast, failT, showT, showLowT, -- * English language utilities reflow, quote, squote, bquote, parens, brackets, commaList, indefinite, indefiniteQ, singularSubjectVerb, plural, number, -- * Validation utilities holdsOr, isJustOr, isRightOr, isSuccessOr, -- * Template Haskell utilities liftText, -- * Lens utilities (%%=), (<%=), (<+=), (<<.=), (<>=), _NonEmpty, -- * Set utilities removeSupersets, smallHittingSet, ) where import Control.Applicative (Alternative) import Control.Carrier.Throw.Either import Control.Effect.State (State, modify, state) import Control.Lens (ASetter', Lens', LensLike, LensLike', Over, lens, (<&>), (<>~)) import Control.Monad (filterM, guard, unless) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap), first) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, toLower) import Data.Either.Validation import Data.List (foldl', maximumBy, partition) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text (Text, toUpper) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.IO qualified as T import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Yaml import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift) import NLP.Minimorph.English qualified as MM import NLP.Minimorph.Util ((<+>)) import System.Clock (TimeSpec) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, listDirectory) import System.FilePath (takeExtension, ()) import System.IO.Error (catchIOError) import Witch (from) infixr 1 ? infix 4 %%=, <+=, <%=, <<.=, <>= -- | A convenient infix flipped version of 'fromMaybe': @Just a ? b = -- a@, and @Nothing ? b = b@. It can also be chained, as in @x ? y ? -- z ? def@, which takes the value inside the first @Just@, -- defaulting to @def@ as a last resort. (?) :: Maybe a -> a -> a (?) = flip fromMaybe -- | Ensure the smaller value in a pair is the first element. sortPair :: Ord b => (b, b) -> (b, b) sortPair (x, y) = if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x) -- | Find the maximum of two values, comparing them according to a -- custom projection function. maxOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a maxOn f x y | f x > f y = x | otherwise = y -- | Find the maximum of a list of numbers, defaulting to 0 if the -- list is empty. maximum0 :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a maximum0 [] = 0 maximum0 xs = maximum xs -- | Take the successor of an 'Enum' type, wrapping around when it -- reaches the end. cycleEnum :: (Eq e, Enum e, Bounded e) => e -> e cycleEnum e | e == maxBound = minBound | otherwise = succ e listEnums :: (Enum e, Bounded e) => [e] listEnums = [minBound .. maxBound] -- | Guaranteed to yield an element of the list indexWrapNonEmpty :: Integral b => NonEmpty a -> b -> a indexWrapNonEmpty list idx = NE.toList list !! fromIntegral wrappedIdx where wrappedIdx = idx `mod` fromIntegral (NE.length list) -- | Drop repeated elements that are adjacent to each other. -- -- >>> uniq [] -- [] -- >>> uniq [1..5] -- [1,2,3,4,5] -- >>> uniq (replicate 10 'a') -- "a" -- >>> uniq "abbbccd" -- "abcd" uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] uniq = \case [] -> [] (x : xs) -> x : uniq (dropWhile (== x) xs) -- | Place the second element of the tuples into bins by -- the value of the first element. binTuples :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t (a, b) -> Map a (NE.NonEmpty b) binTuples = foldr f mempty where f = uncurry (M.insertWith (<>)) . fmap pure -- | Count occurrences of a value histogram :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Map a Int histogram = foldl' (\m k -> M.insertWith (+) k 1 m) M.empty -- | Find a duplicate element within the list, if any exists. findDup :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a findDup = go S.empty where go _ [] = Nothing go seen (a : as) | a `S.member` seen = Just a | otherwise = go (S.insert a seen) as both :: Bifunctor p => (a -> d) -> p a a -> p d d both f = bimap f f allEqual :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool allEqual [] = True allEqual (x : xs) = all (== x) xs surfaceEmpty :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a surfaceEmpty isEmpty t = t <$ guard (not (isEmpty t)) -- Note, once we upgrade to an LTS version that includes -- base-compat-0.13, we should switch to using 'applyWhen' from there. applyWhen :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a applyWhen True f x = f x applyWhen False _ x = x ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Directory stuff -- | Safely attempt to read a file. readFileMay :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String) readFileMay = catchIO . readFile -- | Safely attempt to (efficiently) read a file. readFileMayT :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Text) readFileMayT = catchIO . T.readFile -- | Recursively acquire all files in the given directory with the -- given extension, and their contents. acquireAllWithExt :: FilePath -> String -> IO [(FilePath, String)] acquireAllWithExt dir ext = do paths <- listDirectory dir <&> map (dir ) filePaths <- filterM (\path -> doesFileExist path <&> (&&) (hasExt path)) paths children <- mapM (\path -> (,) path <$> readFile path) filePaths -- recurse sub <- filterM doesDirectoryExist paths transChildren <- concat <$> mapM (`acquireAllWithExt` ext) sub return $ children <> transChildren where hasExt path = takeExtension path == ("." ++ ext) -- | Turns any IO error into Nothing. catchIO :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a) catchIO act = (Just <$> act) `catchIOError` (\_ -> return Nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some Text-y stuff -- | Predicate to test for characters which can be part of a valid -- identifier: alphanumeric, underscore, or single quote. -- -- >>> isIdentChar 'A' && isIdentChar 'b' && isIdentChar '9' -- True -- >>> isIdentChar '_' && isIdentChar '\'' -- True -- >>> isIdentChar '$' || isIdentChar '.' || isIdentChar ' ' -- False isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool isIdentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\'' -- | @replaceLast r t@ replaces the last word of @t@ with @r@. -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> replaceLast "foo" "bar baz quux" -- "bar baz foo" -- >>> replaceLast "move" "(make" -- "(move" replaceLast :: Text -> Text -> Text replaceLast r t = T.append (T.dropWhileEnd isIdentChar t) r -- | Fail with a Text-based message, made out of phrases to be joined -- by spaces. failT :: MonadFail m => [Text] -> m a failT = fail . from @Text . T.unwords -- | Show a value, but as Text. showT :: Show a => a -> Text showT = from @String . show -- | Show a value in all lowercase, but as Text. showLowT :: Show a => a -> Text showLowT = from @String . map toLower . show ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some language-y stuff -- | Reflow text by removing newlines and condensing whitespace. reflow :: Text -> Text reflow = T.unwords . T.words -- | Prepend a noun with the proper indefinite article (\"a\" or \"an\"). indefinite :: Text -> Text indefinite w = MM.indefiniteDet w <+> w -- | Prepend a noun with the proper indefinite article, and surround -- the noun in single quotes. indefiniteQ :: Text -> Text indefiniteQ w = MM.indefiniteDet w <+> squote w -- | Combine the subject word with the simple present tense of the verb. -- -- Only some irregular verbs are handled, but it should be enough -- to scrap some error message boilerplate and have fun! -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> singularSubjectVerb "I" "be" -- "I am" -- >>> singularSubjectVerb "he" "can" -- "he can" -- >>> singularSubjectVerb "The target robot" "do" -- "The target robot does" singularSubjectVerb :: Text -> Text -> Text singularSubjectVerb sub verb | verb == "be" = case toUpper sub of "I" -> "I am" "YOU" -> sub <+> "are" _ -> sub <+> "is" | otherwise = sub <+> (if is3rdPerson then verb3rd else verb) where is3rdPerson = toUpper sub `notElem` ["I", "YOU"] verb3rd | verb == "have" = "has" | verb == "can" = "can" | otherwise = fst $ MM.defaultVerbStuff verb -- | Pluralize a noun. plural :: Text -> Text plural = MM.defaultNounPlural -- For now, it is just MM.defaultNounPlural, which only uses heuristics; -- in the future, if we discover specific nouns that it gets wrong, -- we can add a lookup table. -- | Either pluralize a noun or not, depending on the value of the -- number. number :: Int -> Text -> Text number 1 = id number _ = plural -- | Surround some text in single quotes. squote :: Text -> Text squote t = T.concat ["'", t, "'"] -- | Surround some text in double quotes. quote :: Text -> Text quote t = T.concat ["\"", t, "\""] -- | Surround some text in backticks. bquote :: Text -> Text bquote t = T.concat ["`", t, "`"] -- | Surround some text in parentheses. parens :: Text -> Text parens t = T.concat ["(", t, ")"] -- | Surround some text in square brackets. brackets :: Text -> Text brackets t = T.concat ["[", t, "]"] -- | Make a list of things with commas and the word "and". commaList :: [Text] -> Text commaList [] = "" commaList [t] = t commaList [s, t] = T.unwords [s, "and", t] commaList ts = T.unwords $ map (`T.append` ",") (init ts) ++ ["and", last ts] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some orphan instances deriving instance FromJSON TimeSpec deriving instance ToJSON TimeSpec ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Validation utilities -- | Require that a Boolean value is @True@, or throw an exception. holdsOr :: Has (Throw e) sig m => Bool -> e -> m () holdsOr b e = unless b $ throwError e -- | Require that a 'Maybe' value is 'Just', or throw an exception. isJustOr :: Has (Throw e) sig m => Maybe a -> e -> m a Just a `isJustOr` _ = return a Nothing `isJustOr` e = throwError e -- | Require that an 'Either' value is 'Right', or throw an exception -- based on the value in the 'Left'. isRightOr :: Has (Throw e) sig m => Either b a -> (b -> e) -> m a Right a `isRightOr` _ = return a Left b `isRightOr` f = throwError (f b) -- | Require that a 'Validation' value is 'Success', or throw an exception -- based on the value in the 'Failure'. isSuccessOr :: Has (Throw e) sig m => Validation b a -> (b -> e) -> m a Success a `isSuccessOr` _ = return a Failure b `isSuccessOr` f = throwError (f b) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Template Haskell utilities -- See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38143464/cant-find-inerface-file-declaration-for-variable liftText :: T.Text -> Q Exp liftText txt = AppE (VarE 'T.pack) <$> lift (T.unpack txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Fused-Effects Lens utilities (<+=) :: (Has (State s) sig m, Num a) => LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> a -> m a l <+= a = l <%= (+ a) {-# INLINE (<+=) #-} (<%=) :: (Has (State s) sig m) => LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> (a -> a) -> m a l <%= f = l %%= (\b -> (b, b)) . f {-# INLINE (<%=) #-} (%%=) :: (Has (State s) sig m) => Over p ((,) r) s s a b -> p a (r, b) -> m r l %%= f = state (swap . l f) {-# INLINE (%%=) #-} (<<.=) :: (Has (State s) sig m) => LensLike ((,) a) s s a b -> b -> m a l <<.= b = l %%= (,b) {-# INLINE (<<.=) #-} (<>=) :: (Has (State s) sig m, Semigroup a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () l <>= a = modify (l <>~ a) {-# INLINE (<>=) #-} ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Other lens utilities _NonEmpty :: Lens' (NonEmpty a) (a, [a]) _NonEmpty = lens (\(x :| xs) -> (x, xs)) (const (uncurry (:|))) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some set utilities -- | Remove any sets which are supersets of other sets. In other words, -- (1) no two sets in the output are in a subset relationship -- (2) every element in the input is a superset of some element in the output. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Set as S -- >>> rss = map S.toList . S.toList . removeSupersets . S.fromList . map S.fromList -- -- >>> rss [[1,2,3], [1]] -- [[1]] -- -- >>> rss [[1,2,3], [2,4], [2,3]] -- [[2,3],[2,4]] -- -- >>> rss [[], [1], [2,3]] -- [[]] -- -- >>> rss [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]] -- [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]] removeSupersets :: Ord a => Set (Set a) -> Set (Set a) removeSupersets ss = S.filter (not . isSuperset) ss where isSuperset s = any (`S.isSubsetOf` s) (S.delete s ss) -- | Given a list of /nonempty/ sets, find a hitting set, that is, a -- set which has at least one element in common with each set in the -- list. It is not guaranteed to be the /smallest possible/ such -- set, because that is NP-hard. Instead, we use a greedy algorithm -- that will give us a reasonably small hitting set: first, choose -- all elements in singleton sets, since those must necessarily be -- chosen. Now take any sets which are still not hit, and find an -- element which occurs in the largest possible number of remaining -- sets. Add this element to the set of chosen elements, and filter -- out all the sets it hits. Repeat, choosing a new element to hit -- the largest number of unhit sets at each step, until all sets are -- hit. This algorithm produces a hitting set which might be larger -- than optimal by a factor of lg(m), where m is the number of sets -- in the input. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Set as S -- >>> shs = smallHittingSet . map S.fromList -- -- >>> shs ["a"] -- fromList "a" -- -- >>> shs ["ab", "b"] -- fromList "b" -- -- >>> shs ["ab", "bc"] -- fromList "b" -- -- >>> shs ["acd", "c", "aef", "a"] -- fromList "ac" -- -- >>> shs ["abc", "abd", "acd", "bcd"] -- fromList "cd" -- -- Here is an example of an input for which @smallHittingSet@ does -- /not/ produce a minimal hitting set. "bc" is also a hitting set and -- is smaller. b, c, and d all occur in exactly two sets, but d is -- unluckily chosen first, leaving "be" and "ac" unhit and -- necessitating choosing one more element from each. -- -- >>> shs ["bd", "be", "ac", "cd"] -- fromList "cde" smallHittingSet :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a smallHittingSet ss = go fixed (filter (S.null . S.intersection fixed) choices) where (fixed, choices) = first S.unions . partition ((== 1) . S.size) . filter (not . S.null) $ ss go !soFar [] = soFar go !soFar cs = go (S.insert best soFar) (filter (not . (best `S.member`)) cs) where best = mostCommon cs -- Given a nonempty collection of sets, find an element which is shared among -- as many of them as possible. mostCommon :: Ord a => [Set a] -> a mostCommon = fst . maximumBy (comparing snd) . M.assocs . M.fromListWith (+) . map (,1 :: Int) . concatMap S.toList